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Baby crib and newborn question for non-cosleepers

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Has anyone forgone the bassinet stage and placed the baby in the crib right from the start?


How did it work out? Did the baby sleep comfortably or did it seem to miss the security of the smaller bassinet? Any regrets?


The crib in this situation would be in the parents' bedroom close to their bed.



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For my oldest we didn't have anything other than the crib upstairs. When she was in there, we laid her the short way in the crib, close to the end, so she didn't feel so lost in it. There was plenty of room on the whole other side of the crib to lay a pad for a changing area.

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I didn't have a bassinet with my first son - we used the crib right away. He didn't have any problems with it but we did swaddle him and we used this side sleeper foam wedge (this was almost 9 years ago). He really liked the security of being in both until he was about 8 weeks old.

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All three of my babies went right into the crib without a problem. We had a cradle downstairs I put them in for daytime napping, but at night they were in the crib. We swaddled them while they were still very little.


All 3 of mine were and have remained good sleepers.


My only regret is that they all grew up too fast!

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The one thing I did though was make it appear "smaller". They slept sidewise (short way) instead of lengthwise for a long time. And then (getting ready to duck and run!) I put a regular blanket on the end they weren't sleeping in to take up space and make it seem smaller to baby. Ducking and running cause I'm sure that's against what is safe for babies.

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Ya well, I put my baby on her tummy (gasp) because that was the only way she would SLEEP. (and the angels sang and the Mama slept and there was peace in the land...):D


I have a very good friend who did this as well. Only I think she said they slept better. Oh well. Her kids are teens now and healthy!

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My 2 slept in a crib from the beginning. The first one liked to be swaddled, and we had those foam wedges, too (dh calls them "baby bookends). Second one hated swaddling but we rested her little head in the corner of the crib, against the padding (can't remember the name of that thing that goes around the crib) because she liked having her head "secure."

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Since you're thinking "crib" I wanted to comment that my wool crib mattress has been my MOST worth it purchase for my children.(totally takes care of the possible problems of fumes from the mattress) I purchased it with my daughter, and then used it for years with her and now years with my son. You can get a wool cover for it...or make a wool cover and it keeps it from getting wet...

And, yes, I co-slept...but...I did have my children sleep in their cribs for naps. They also both went through periods that they would sleep part/all of their night in the crib. Also, for just in the back of your mind thoughts...if for some reason you need to move it closer to your bed..no need to buy a small porta crib....you can sidecar the crib right up to your bed. (more than one way to do this)

Also, you can set a Moses bed in the crib, if you want a smaller area.

& my children always slept on a lambie. You can take it with you...Even at 5 1/2 my son's lambie is in one of his sleeping spots. My daughter really loved it when she was little. They are really durable...and worth every penny. Of course, you're suppose to have "short shorn" but we had some long...some short. You can certainly still breath if you smoosh your face into it.


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Guest Katia
Ya well, I put my baby on her tummy (gasp) because that was the only way she would SLEEP. (and the angels sang and the Mama slept and there was peace in the land...):D We had her on a monitor that sensed movement and was alarmed but it still freaked out the Ped. so I just nodded and smiled and went on my way.


I had to laugh at this one. My dc were born back-in-the-day when sleeping positions of babies were not monitored by anyone but the mommy and daddy....mine all slept on their tummies. Even as newborns if I laid them on their backs, they would fuss and squirm until they were on their tummies. And they are all still alive, kickin' and really good sleepers. (too good sometimes,lol)


As for the crib issue...honestly, I didn't even know you could put a baby in anything else. I never heard of a bassinet until my youngest was born. I lined a laundry basket with a quilt and set it on my dresser beside my bed (she was my only 'nursling'), but that only lasted six weeks or so. I just can't sleep with the baby in the room with me, so out to the crib she went.


And....if confession is good for the soul......my baby crib is 50 years old. It was well over 35 years old when I used it for my first dc. I'm sure the slats or whatever are not the right measurements, and the headboard curves and I had to stuff a blanket between the headboard and the mattress so the baby wouldn't fall into that hole......


But, that's what we had, so that's what we used. Including my dc, over 15 babies in my extended family have now slept in that crib, and they are all normal, healthy adults. I hope my grandchildren, if God blesses me with such, can sleep in that good old crib as well.

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My kids slept in the crib for naps from the first day home, and in their crib at nights as soon as they got to 6-8 hours. They did great. The only reason for a cradle/bassinet in my room the first 2 months or so (I'm pretty sure that was the longest it went), was to make it easier for me to feed them in the middle of the night, until they outgrew that stage.

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Has anyone forgone the bassinet stage and placed the baby in the crib right from the start?


How did it work out? Did the baby sleep comfortably or did it seem to miss the security of the smaller bassinet? Any regrets?


The crib in this situation would be in the parents' bedroom close to their bed.




All ours went straight into a full size crib in a separate bedroom. On their stomachs. No problems.

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For my oldest we didn't have anything other than the crib upstairs. When she was in there, we laid her the short way in the crib, close to the end, so she didn't feel so lost in it. There was plenty of room on the whole other side of the crib to lay a pad for a changing area.


We did this too. For a while we actually put a large cardboard box in the middle of the crib to make another wall for ds. My mother had a basket she'd made for her first instead of a bassinet. It was just a large wicker laundry basket that she made a flannel lining for, and she bought a foam pad and cut it to the shape of the bottom and put a cover on it. All seven of her babies used that instead of a bassinet, and I'm sure it was a lot less expensive. Plus it had nifty handles on it.

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slept in their cribs almost exclusively once at home. I have a sweet cradle made by my grandpa, but we only used it here and there (though it's permamnent furniture in our bedroom). I swaddled and would lay them on their side at night, but during the day I would lay them on their tummies. I wanted to let one of mine sleep with me, but we never could quite get comfortable. I think the Lord knew that I had to get solid sleep, even if it was only a few hours at a time!

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All three of my babies went right into the crib without a problem. We had a cradle downstairs I put them in for daytime napping, but at night they were in the crib. We swaddled them while they were still very little.


All 3 of mine were and have remained good sleepers.


My only regret is that they all grew up too fast!



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My young lad has slept in his cot, for the most part, from the beginning. He does end up in our bed if he's cold or really won't settle and I'm too tired to do anything else about it. My daughter used to wake herself up by startling and hitting the side of the bassinet so we didn't bother this time. Neither of them liked to be swaddled either.




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My son actively disliked a bassinet, and I'm still not sure why people ever use them. I think he would have disliked a crib, but we put a black and white geometric mobile above him in that one, and he'd stare at that when he woke and sometimes go back to sleep.


We did co-sleep the first couple of weeks because he wouldn't put up with the bassinet.

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