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Marathon success!

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Some of you know I was training for a marathon. I ran yesterday. I was successful is my endeavor. Not only did I finish (a feat in and of itself!), I ran under my goal time! The first marathon was easy that way - it didn't matter what my time was, it was a personal record. This one was different. I had a time to beat. My first marathon time was 5:33:24. (It's on a plaque right behind me.) My goal time was 5 hours. My official time was 4:54:10!!!


I've got all the stats:

Overall Place 1947 / 2555

Gender Place 664 / 982

Division Place 112 / 168

7 Mile 1:04:59

Half Split 2:10:22


Somehow it missed my 18.1 mile split.


I hurt. Lactic acid is a not a fun thing to have built up in your legs! I also have several blisters on my feet - one took me to the med tent after the race. I was sure it had popped and was a bloody mess. Nope, it's very much intact but it's on the bottom of my toe and covers just about the whole pad. Between the acid in my legs and blisters on my feet, I walk pretty funny!


But the good stuff - I ran way too fast the beginning of the race, but I felt great! I mean really great!


We ran through 2 military posts. The first one had soldiers (sailors? It's an amphib base but they had desert cami's on) out cheering for us. I'm sure the soldiers thought of it themselves. And they were happy and cheering and telling *me* what a wonderful job I was doing. Me. When they are fighting for our country, risking their lives, making sure my freedoms stay intact. All I did was run a stupid race. You have to be able to breathe to run. You can't breathe when you are crying. I almost had to stop just to breathe! There were 4 groups of them within maybe 1/2 mile.


There was nothing good about the second 1/2 of the race. It was just "get me through the next mile". I told myself no walking until after the 1/2 marathon split. Then no walking until 18 miles. (I'd run 18 in training and I didn't walk during training so I shouldn't need to walk in the race.) I got to 18, I'll run to 19, run to 20, run to 21. All the while figuring out what time I had to average per mile to come in under 5 hours. At 21 miles, I had to average 14:10 miles. I figured I could walk. I walked until 22. Then I decided it hurt less to run than to walk. Blisters were already there, cramping was going on in the legs. It was fewer steps if I ran. Run to 23, run to 24, run to 25. At this point I could walk and finish under 5 hours.


I did walk through every water stop. After 18 miles, it got harder to start running again. I'm sure people were looking at me as I talked myself into running again. :tongue_smilie:


All in all, a good race. But I am not going to do that ever again!

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Some of you know I was training for a marathon. I ran yesterday. I was successful is my endeavor. Not only did I finish (a feat in and of itself!), I ran under my goal time! The first marathon was easy that way - it didn't matter what my time was, it was a personal record. This one was different. I had a time to beat. My first marathon time was 5:33:24. (It's on a plaque right behind me.) My goal time was 5 hours. My official time was 4:54:10!!!


I've got all the stats:

Overall Place 1947 / 2555

Gender Place 664 / 982

Division Place 112 / 168

7 Mile 1:04:59

Half Split 2:10:22


Somehow it missed my 18.1 mile split.


I hurt. Lactic acid is a not a fun thing to have built up in your legs! I also have several blisters on my feet - one took me to the med tent after the race. I was sure it had popped and was a bloody mess. Nope, it's very much intact but it's on the bottom of my toe and covers just about the whole pad. Between the acid in my legs and blisters on my feet, I walk pretty funny!


But the good stuff - I ran way too fast the beginning of the race, but I felt great! I mean really great!


We ran through 2 military posts. The first one had soldiers (sailors? It's an amphib base but they had desert cami's on) out cheering for us. I'm sure the soldiers thought of it themselves. And they were happy and cheering and telling *me* what a wonderful job I was doing. Me. When they are fighting for our country, risking their lives, making sure my freedoms stay intact. All I did was run a stupid race. You have to be able to breathe to run. You can't breathe when you are crying. I almost had to stop just to breathe! There were 4 groups of them within maybe 1/2 mile.


There was nothing good about the second 1/2 of the race. It was just "get me through the next mile". I told myself no walking until after the 1/2 marathon split. Then no walking until 18 miles. (I'd run 18 in training and I didn't walk during training so I shouldn't need to walk in the race.) I got to 18, I'll run to 19, run to 20, run to 21. All the while figuring out what time I had to average per mile to come in under 5 hours. At 21 miles, I had to average 14:10 miles. I figured I could walk. I walked until 22. Then I decided it hurt less to run than to walk. Blisters were already there, cramping was going on in the legs. It was fewer steps if I ran. Run to 23, run to 24, run to 25. At this point I could walk and finish under 5 hours.


I did walk through every water stop. After 18 miles, it got harder to start running again. I'm sure people were looking at me as I talked myself into running again. :tongue_smilie:


All in all, a good race. But I am not going to do that ever again!


I am so impressed. :grouphug:

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Way to go, Cheryl! I thought about you several times yesterday. How cool that you not only bested your previous marathon time, but came in below your goal. You definitely did run that first seven mile split faster than normal for you! Wow! Now you can look toward the tri (in May, right?), but I hope you keep checking in here since you tend to be more diligent about that than the rest of us.


Btw, your success if a good reminder to me that I really was overdoing it in my training. I do prefer to put in more long runs than were included in your training program, but my fast training pace + too many miles overall = overkill.


Congratulations again!!!!

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WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am SOOOO impressed! Your 1/2 marathon time for the full is my goal time for the 1/2 next January!


You brought tears to my eyes with the service men/women cheering for you. Two of my brothers are stationed near there and both are back from Iraq for good (hopefully!). What a powerful run!


How did your husband do? What did you end up wearing?


I am just SO excited for you! Are you on a high this morning?!


ETA - what was your family's reaction? That has to be my favorite part of a race - seeing my family at the end and having them cheer for me!!

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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Way to go, Cheryl! I thought about you several times yesterday. How cool that you not only bested your previous marathon time, but came in below your goal. You definitely did run that first seven mile split faster than normal for you! Wow! Now you can look toward the tri (in May, right?), but I hope you keep checking in here since you tend to be more diligent about that than the rest of us.


Btw, your success if a good reminder to me that I really was overdoing it in my training. I do prefer to put in more long runs than were included in your training program, but my fast training pace + too many miles overall = overkill.


Congratulations again!!!!


Look forward to the tri - yeah :smilielol5: I'm looking forward to the tri. :glare: Once these legs stop aching and the blisters dn't hurt, I will start working towards the tri. Bad thing is dh doesn't think he can do the 1/2 ironman anymore after the 1/2 marathon yesterday. Maybe getting him to run the 1/2 yesterday wasn't such a good idea.


I will keep checking in. It was just so disheartening at one point cause my legs weren't reacting the way I expected them to - I couldn't speed up when I wanted. But that's gone now. :001_smile:


Keep training! I want to see how you do as well!

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WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am SOOOO impressed! Your 1/2 marathon time for the full is my goal time for the 1/2 next January!


You brought tears to my eyes with the service men/women cheering for you. Two of my brothers are stationed near there and both are back from Iraq for good (hopefully!). What a powerful run!


How did your husband do? What did you end up wearing?


I am just SO excited for you! Are you on a high this morning?!


ETA - what was your family's reaction? That has to be my favorite part of a race - seeing my family at the end and having them cheer for me!!


Dh ran slower for his 1/2 than I did at the split. He sent me mail this morning that says I rock. What can I say, when I feel good, I run good. :D


On a high - no. I didn't sleep well for the past 3 nights and I just ache. I knew I would. I fully expected it but still, I ache. I can't sit or stand or go up and down stairs. Walking is ok, sitting is ok, standing is ok. It's the process of moving to those positions. And I already know it will be like this most of the week!


The family, well dh was the only one at the finish line. (The IL watched the kids and by the time we got to their house I was proactive in telling everyone "don't touch me!") But dh did jump out at me before I expected him to. I hadn't even walked all the way down the "here's your free stuff" line. He grabbed my banana, my "cooler" and my water for me. The cooler was their way of bagging up your snacks and being green.


OH, if your brothers are at Camp Pendleton, I may have seen them. I also ran through part of Ft Story. There was a group of fleet anti-terror guys lined up in front of me. I saw their shirts and was just in awe of their day jobs. There was also a group from Penn State ROTC that I wasn't so impressed with because of their t-shirts - "trample the weak, hurdle the dead."

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Yep,your my hero:D. I appreciate all the encouragement your offer and enjoy reading daily accomplishments of all. I keep telling myself to just sign up for the 10K and do it!


Yes, you should. If you sign up, you'll have something to shot for. And in these economic times especially, you won't wimp out cause you already spent the money.

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