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how much of a discount do you expect when you buy used curriculum?


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I've followed some of the links I was given for used curriculum web sites and it seems like people want an awful lot of money for their used curriculum. I've bought from the for sale board here many times and felt like I've gotten a good deal. But on some of the other boards, people are asking more than I would spend on the book new from Rainbow Resource. Other whole curriculum (Sonlight Cores) are less than 20% off. I'm sure that if I pieced the curriculum together from Rainbow and Amazon I could do cheaper than that even if I had to buy the IG new. When you buy used curriculum, what kind of a savings do you expect?

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I expect a 25% discount if the curriculum is used but in excellent condition. 40% if it's used and in good condition. I've gotten 75% discounts for things that are beat-up but still usable.



Edited by TaraTheLiberator
Yes! I can spell "usable!"
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It needs to be cheaper than amazon or rainbow resource - and it needs to be cheaper "enough" to make it worth the risk. If it's not an item available at one of those and I'm comparing it to full price buying from the company - then I'd probably consider used at 50% off.

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People have lots of different ideas of what is "fair" for used curriculum but it all boils down to the "value" is what others will pay.

People can ask whatever they want, as long as they realize they may not get it. I had a friend say her item was "worth" $25 and she was discouraged that nobody was buying it. I told her it was better to sell it for $15 and have the money rather than hold out for an unreasonable/unsellable price and have $0.


I tend to think about half price is fair for most used materials, however, for things that are harder to find or new but not used, then more is appropriate.


Some people will consider a $5 savings significant when you think that you can get it with shipping included, no taxes, and you can use paypal.


Others could care less about saving $5 or even $50 and want the convenience of ordering everything at once like with a SL pkg.

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I honestly don't "expect" any discount. I'm happy buying from another person if the item is at all cheaper including shipping. I figure the person on the other end is trying to get money to buy the next curriculum, and though I do comparison shop, I will buy something for any savings I can get.

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I did want to add that between here, vegsource.com and homeschoolclassifieds.com I usually do find things at about half of retail or even less. I recently got a history book I was looking for for only $7 compared to $18.95 new! I rarely buy for more than half because if I wait just a few weeks I usually find it. I also am not afraid to offer a bit less depending on the condition or edition, I figure the worst answer can be "no" and they almost always say yes :) , especially if I buy more than one thing from them.


I admit I do shop around because I love the thrill of the hunt ;)

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I honestly don't "expect" any discount. I'm happy buying from another person if the item is at all cheaper including shipping. I figure the person on the other end is trying to get money to buy the next curriculum, and though I do comparison shop, I will buy something for any savings I can get.


This is how I feel about it. I've even bought things for almost full price because I prefer to pay with paypal rather than a credit card (from Amazon or direct from the company). I don't ask people to lower their prices. If I can handle the price, I buy and if I can't I keep looking.



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I think a lot depends on what people paid for it. If someone purchased something from a publisher at a higher price and then it became available on Amazon for less, the sellers half price might be higher than the Amazon price.I think this is especially true of a pricey curriculum like RS4K or something like that.



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It all depends on the condition and the "demand" of the current item. I am happy with even a $5 discount off Rainbow's price if it includes shipping on some items, especially if its an item that is popular and sells quickly. I purchased ALL my curriculum for next year used. I think I got some decent deals, no steals, but at least I paid less then if I bought it new. Everyone was nice, shipped quickly and the books were in great condition as represented. I have never had a bad experience buying used.

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Honestly, I don't pay more than half. I don't haggle, so if it is more than that, I just move along to the next thing. I guess I am spoiled, but that is the standard discount on stuff at the local consignment store, so that is what I am used to. I usually pay less than that at used sales. This is probably why I have yet to buy on the boards here though. ;)

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If it was a whole SL core, I think it would be hard to find it for less than 50-75% of the new price. Piecing together I didn't do much better though--sometimes I saved $100-$150 (buying everything I could find used & then filling in with new from discount places). Sonlight stuff does tend to be higher priced, as do a lot of books that are very popular.


Merry :-)

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I look for a 25% discount delivered off the lowest price on the web. You won't believe how many times I see stuff listed as used for more than I can buy it new. I would bet most of those people didn't shop around. Apologia for instance is full price at the Apologia website but it is not difficult to find it at about 25% off on sale. When I buy Apologia used I expect it to be 50% off the price on the Apologia web site.


I usually don't include shipping costs because I can usually find a coupon or buy enough to get free shipping.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest 4theboys

I think it's like sharing the cost. I've seen lots on e-bay get almost to the new price. If I can't get at least 1/3 off, I don't feel like we're sharing:). If you buy new, you have the "buy back" from the company if it doesn't work for you. I'm fine with buying used. I'm splitting the cost with someone else, but they get to use it first!:D

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I think pricing used materials is one of those 'eye of the beholder' things. What is a good deal for you might seem horribly expensive to someone else. Some of the more popular curriculums have a much higher demand and greater resale value. Sometimes you luck into someone whose goal is only to GET IT GONE, and their prices reflect that. Some people have decided they'd rather have something sit on a shelf than give it away, price stuff high, and don't worry if it doesn't sell.


I've fallen all along this spectrum in my time of selling used curriculum. Most of the time, I price my sale stuff on what I'd like to make after expenses. I can usually tell if I've priced high or low depending on how quickly I get responses :). Piecing a program together yourself with used books takes time in addition to money. If you have the time and inclination to do it yourself, go for it. But sometimes I've found it is worth it to pay full price, get what I need, and be done with it.


Like I said, all in the eye of the beholder!




:iagree: It follows the supply and demand idea. Certain currircula are really popular and hold their value so you can get more for them if they are in good shape. Others you can't seem to GIVE away! :D I've sold some used curriculum that was still like new for a small discount and someone snapped it right up. Others I have tried to sell for less than half its retail price and still no one bought it.


In the end the curriculum's value is based on its popularity and a "standard" discount amount doesn't really apply.

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I will not pay more than 70% for used curriculum. This includes an estimate of shipping. Of course, I try to pay less.


It has been my experience that I almost always have to buy something to complete a used curriculum set. This often means that I'm forced to buy the missing item at a premium price, plus shipping. For this reason I'm extremely wary of curriculum sets with a lot of missing pieces.


I can't get over how much people will pay on Ebay. I haven't been able to find much on Ebay this year, because the Ebay prices have been as high or higher than new cost, particularly after I factor in shipping or the cost of replacing missing items.


Used curriculum allows me to afford better curriculum for my kids than I could otherwise afford. It also allows me to pay top dollar for really nice curriculum items I can't find used. I will always pick things up used when I can, but I never forget my "70% or less" rule.


There are often ways to get brand new curriculum at huge discounts. Rainbow Resource is great, and then there are publisher clearance items.


Look at these bargains at MUS:




One of the other ways I save money on curriculum is to reuse the best and most expensive items with the younger child.


I also copy only the needed pages of workbooks, then sell or reuse them better.


All in all, used curriculum is just one money saving strategy among many.

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I agree with Shari, I find myself sitting for hours at night searching and stressing for the best price on curriculum, only in the end to find myself saving a few dollars. It's how much you perceive your time is worth in searching or waiting for the right price.

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I will not pay more than 70% for used curriculum. This includes an estimate of shipping. Of course, I try to pay less.


It has been my experience that I almost always have to buy something to complete a used curriculum set. This often means that I'm forced to buy the missing item at a premium price, plus shipping. For this reason I'm extremely wary of curriculum sets with a lot of missing pieces.


I can't get over how much people will pay on Ebay. I haven't been able to find much on Ebay this year, because the Ebay prices have been as high or higher than new cost, particularly after I factor in shipping or the cost of replacing missing items.


Used curriculum allows me to afford better curriculum for my kids than I could otherwise afford. It also allows me to pay top dollar for really nice curriculum items I can't find used. I will always pick things up used when I can, but I never forget my "70% or less" rule.


There are often ways to get brand new curriculum at huge discounts. Rainbow Resource is great, and then there are publisher clearance items.


Look at these bargains at MUS:




One of the other ways I save money on curriculum is to reuse the best and most expensive items with the younger child.


I also copy only the needed pages of workbooks, then sell or reuse them better.


All in all, used curriculum is just one money saving strategy among many.

Elizabeth, can you clarify what do you mean by "publisher clearance items?" thanks in advance :)

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I generally will pay around 50% of new cost. However, there are certain books that I tend to pay MUCH less. I bought a science book on Amazon for .09 + shipping in like new condition. The book sold new for $20. If the used cost is too close to the new price I'll just purchase new. I would rather spend a few more dollars for new then get burnt buying used.


I have learned my lesson after numerous used items came with writing and seperating from the spine that wasn't mentioned. Sorry but used doesn't mean falling apart.:glare: I don't mind buying certain things in "well loved" condition but I want to know what I'm getting and pay accordingly.

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By publisher clearance items, I mean books and materials the publisher considers to be outdated or overstocked. The publisher may consider it outdated, but I usually do not consider these issues to be as serious as the publisher and public school curriculum committees do.


I am totally underwhelmed by the new classification of Pluto as "no longer a planet". I can download an essay and a you-tube video to explain the issues that cost Pluto its planet status, and the kids will totally get it. (This combines Science with recent History, and that's a good thing.) For this reason, if all that's "wrong" with a Science curriculum is a reference to Pluto as a planet, I don't consider the curriculum hopelessly outdated. I'll buy it off the publisher for pennies on the dollar, and count it a great buy.


MUS has just improved its curriculum, mostly by combining Honors material with their basic material and changing the binding. For me, this makes their old curriculum sets a very good buy. People perceive that they're no longer "as good" as the newest version, but I disagree. To me, the unused and still in shrink wrap curriculum sets on the MUS website clearance page are a great buy.


Older History books are written from a Modern point of view, while some of the latest History books are written from a Postmodern perspective. The Postmodern perspective tends to be somewhat killjoy, and makes the study of History miserable for children. I have no problem using older History texts and explaining Postmodern perspectives to my elder child where I feel it's necessary. There are warehouses full of unused and gently used History curriculum, all of which share only one flaw. The perspective from which they were written is out of style. I can work with that.


I could go on and on. Basically, what I mean is that fads in education change faster than Publishers can ditch their stock of "unfashionable" curriculum. In many cases, that unfashionable curriculum is a good buy for me.

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For most items I won't buy used unless it's in the 50% off range. You can't return used items, it's a hassle to get a price reduction or refund if the item is not as advertised, and for judy a few dollars difference, I will go for the fun and excitement of brand spanking new.


That's also how I price my items. I would much rather have a quick and painless sale and move on with my life!

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For curriculum, 40%-60% is my rule of thumb. There are some items that hold their value very well. For those, I would pay 60% of retail (which is 40% off.) For others, I won't look twice unless it's 50% off or more. I tend to look for items that are 60% off or more (paying 40% of retail.)


I may go over that for an item in person that I can see but never online unless the item is out of print or hard to find.


For reading books (fiction or biographies or whatever), I will only pay less than 40% of retail. (So 60% off or more unless they are hardback, in good condition and hard to find.)


If I am paying more than that, I will almost always buy it new for 2 reasons.


1. There is a risk with a used purchase, and there are sometimes unforeseen problems. If it was really cheap - oh well. If it was almost retail and something was wrong/missing, I would be annoyed. I have had that happen before. And I wound up spending more than if I had just bought it new.


2. I do like to support certain businesses and help them stay in business. If I am only going to save a few buck, I will buy from them. (I buy mostly from a company that price matches, so I price match from the cheaper sources. So I save on shipping too.)

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I like buying used when I can save about 40-50% off of Rainbow Resource's price. I will pay more for a used item if I can hold it in my hands and inspect it first. I like used hardback books especially but I don't mind buying new and paying retail. These materials will be used by at least four kids so even buying new I will get our money's worth out of them, kwim?

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I bought a science book on Amazon for .09 + shipping in like new condition. The book sold new for $20.
Yes, and I bought a book there for 1 cent plus shipping! I don't know how they do that, but I was willing to fork over that amount! :001_smile:


However, when people are saying they expect 50% off of Amazon prices then, ummmm, how can plain, little old homeschoolers beat those prices?! :001_huh: I go with what a couple of other posters said---I don't expect any certain discount. If I find something for a price that saves me something, expecially if it's another homeschooler, I pay that price, and help support a fellow homeschooler!

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Thanks Elizabeth,


that makes sense to me now. I just watched the MUS video of them explaining their new updates and they even said that the material is still the same and are compatible with the old material. it is a good deal on the old material.


now, I just have to remind myself to look for older edition options before I purchase the current ones:)

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If I helped, I'm glad. I find the clearance page at MUS very tempting.


The only problem I have with bargains is the temptation to buy and stockpile. Really and truly, it isn't good for our family budget for me to buy the next 2 or 3 MUS levels the kids will need and rathole them for later. The money's better saved or spent in other ways. The space is certainly put to better use if I don't "rathole" curriculum!


With the investment of time and perseverance, there's always a way to save money.

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