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My Thyroid Results

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I got my thyroid results back to today. Then endocrinologist is short on words and explanation so I feel a little lost (hopeless).


My TSH was 1.490 (normal range 0.400-4.000) so was normal.


My free T4 was 1.0 (normal range 0.8-1.8) so was also normal.


My total T3 was 238.0 (normal range 82.0-179.0) so was flagged as high.


My thyroid antibodies were also within the normal range. I also have a goiter.


So, his assessment boiled down to this:


My results are a little odd but fine. I have a goiter so something is not right with my thyroid but it's something he can't measure. (Perhaps because tests are limited when pregnant?) He believes my miscarriages (4 of them) are abnormal and probably related to this unknown thyroid problem.


So, his treatment plan? Recheck thyroid blood tests in 6 weeks and hopefully nothing bad will happen before then. In 7 weeks, we're safe because they baby can survive then if my body choose not to continue the pregnancy.


ETA: My pulse was noted as high today (112) and the last time I saw him (109). My blood pressure today was 106/64 which was the lowest I've ever seen it.

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I got my thyroid results back to today. Then endocrinologist is short on words and explanation so I feel a little lost (hopeless).


My TSH was 1.490 (normal range 0.400-4.000) so was normal.


My free T4 was 1.0 (normal range 0.8-1.8) so was also normal.


My total T3 was 238.0 (normal range 82.0-179.0) so was flagged as high.


My thyroid antibodies were also within the normal range. I also have a goiter.


So, his assessment boiled down to this:


My results are a little odd but fine. I have a goiter so something is not right with my thyroid but it's something he can't measure. (Perhaps because tests are limited when pregnant?) He believes my miscarriages (4 of them) are abnormal and probably related to this unknown thyroid problem.


So, his treatment plan? Recheck thyroid blood tests in 6 weeks and hopefully nothing bad will happen before then. In 7 weeks, we're safe because they baby can survive then if my body choose not to continue the pregnancy.


ETA: My pulse was noted as high today (112) and the last time I saw him (109). My blood pressure today was 106/64 which was the lowest I've ever seen it.


I don't understand what that means. Your thyroid is overactive? BUT if it helps you any...I had an overactive thyroid when I was pregnant. My levels were 8 times the normal. I was given tapazole to slow down thryroid and heart medication to keep my pulse from going bonkers.


Ds survived.

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My results were almost exactly like yours, I also have a goiter but no doctor has been the least bit concerned about it. Please, would you let me know if you get more info about this? I've lost 8 babies and if it is thyroid related and something I can get treated I need to know! Miscarriages hurt so much. :(

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My results were almost exactly like yours, I also have a goiter but no doctor has been the least bit concerned about it. Please, would you let me know if you get more info about this? I've lost 8 babies and if it is thyroid related and something I can get treated I need to know! Miscarriages hurt so much. :(



I'll definitely let you know if I find out anything. I'm not thrilled with this doctor as he is so short on explanations. I like to know and complete understand what a doctor is seeing, thinking, expecting, etc. and I'm having a hard time getting that out of him.


I would suggest seeing someone about the miscarriages, especially if you want more children. My miscarriages seem to be the only reason he's really continuing to see me. It's what he's most concerned about. Perhaps an infertility specialist would be the best place to start since there are so many cause of miscarriage. Having that many would suggest there's something going on; it's not normal. I hope you find answers.

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What is he going to do about the goiter??



At this point, the only thing he is planning on doing is monitoring it. It's only slightly enlarged at this time.


I'm actually disappointed because I was looking for a cause (and relief from) chronic depression, fatigue, muscle tenderness, weakness, and very heavy menstrual cycles.

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I just finished reading this book: http://www.amazon.com/Hypothyroidism-Type-Epidemic-Mark-Starr/dp/0975262408/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1237496547&sr=8-1 on the advice of a friend. She had been struggling with hypothyroid symptoms most of her life (as have I) but has always had "normal" blood tests (as have I). She went (on the advice of another friend) to an MD who also has training in Naturopathy. He diagnosed her with type 2 hypothyroidism (which is not known or accepted in the mainstream medical community) and is treating her with thyroid meds (Armour). She is doing so much better now.


The book initially struck me as somewhat sensationalistic. It also seems to blame just about every health issue out there on the thyroid. HOWEVER, the author makes some very convincing points. His main message is hypothyroidism used to be diagnosed by symptoms and a trial of thyroid hormone. Now that doctors rely solely upon blood tests, many people who have thyroid problems (esp. problems with thyroid hormone utilization rather than production) never get the help they need. I highly recommend you read it. (BTW, the author has a website, too, here: http://www.type2hypothyroidism.com/)


Thanks to my friend's encouragement, I have sought out a naturopath near my home. Even though she's not familiar with the above book, she does recognize that thyroid blood tests are not the end-all. She hasn't set out a treatment plan for me yet (I just saw her last week and am still waiting for some test results) but she at least listened and is willing to help me.


Wishing you the best,

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Look up Wilson's Syndrome(not disease) and see if you find any connecting issues.

Hope you figure things out.

I have a badly fluctuating thyroid issue and it is horrible.



Are you saying my temperature is suppose to be 98.6? The only time my temperature reaches 98.anything is when I'm sick or pregnant. Normal for me is 97.5.


So I'll definitely look into this some more.


I'll have to consider seeing a naturopath as well. Need to find out insurance for it, though, because we just can't pay out of pocket for anything right now.

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Are you saying my temperature is suppose to be 98.6? The only time my temperature reaches 98.anything is when I'm sick or pregnant. Normal for me is 97.5.


So I'll definitely look into this some more.


I'll have to consider seeing a naturopath as well. Need to find out insurance for it, though, because we just can't pay out of pocket for anything right now.


One of the signs of Wilson's Sydrome is a lower body temp. The slightly difficult part with Wilson's is that it can vary in the body, so times of stress can cause "outbreaks" that need treatment and other times where you will be fine.

I felt so much better after taking T3meds, compounded as a ointment.

Good luck.

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Hi JoAnn


I am sorry that you are dealing with this...thyroid issues can sometimes be such tricky business. We've dealt with quite a few thyroid 'malfunctions' in our family, in fact my ds had his removed when he was 11 because it started developing tumors and some other different things.


Anyway, ds' is completely unrelated to your situation, but I wanted to recommend (if he isn't already your doctor), and/or if you needed a second opinion, Dr. Graf. He's on 19th, a couple of blocks down from Allenmore...Cedar, maybe? He doesn't score any high points on bedside manner, but he is very good at what he does and he has seen my family through some difficult endocrine situations.


I hope that you are able to find the answers you need.

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Were you really, really sick during the first trimester by any chance. I have had thyroid "issues" as well and pregnancy losses. My thyroid would always "shift gears" about 2 weeks postpartum too which would cause temporary problems with milk production.


The reason I ask about the sickness..... I suffered terribly with it and not long ago, my old mfm emailed me and said he finally thought he knew the cause of the problem - thyroid.


I too had a goiter for a time- but ALL my levels were fine. ALL my levels were ALWAYS within normal range - yet something was just not working right. I think the docs have a lot left to learn about the thyroid.


So, not advice, just sympathy and empathy.

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Were you really, really sick during the first trimester by any chance. I have had thyroid "issues" as well and pregnancy losses. My thyroid would always "shift gears" about 2 weeks postpartum too which would cause temporary problems with milk production.


Yes. I suffer hyperemesis gravidarum with every pregnancy. I start taking anti-nausea at 7 weeks. Without it, I'd vomit throughout the day until about 24ish weeks. Even though I technically don't need it after that point, I take the medicine until I deliver because I continue to feel miserable for the entire pregnancy and it helps me feel better and function. The only milk production I have postpartum is an oversupply that causes me to get plugged ducks and drowns the baby so I have to use various flow control techniques for a couple of months.


I wouldn't be surprised if there is a thyroid problem. I just have to find a doctor to agree with me. I have blood tests in hand now, so that will help.

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I am horrified that he will retire one day.


That's how I feel about our pediatrician. He's always way behind schedule but we put up with the wait because he's so wonderful in so many ways.


I felt that way about my midwife, too. I wish I could still use her.

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Are you saying my temperature is suppose to be 98.6? The only time my temperature reaches 98.anything is when I'm sick or pregnant. Normal for me is 97.5.


So I'll definitely look into this some more.


I'll have to consider seeing a naturopath as well. Need to find out insurance for it, though, because we just can't pay out of pocket for anything right now.


A more reliable way to check your temperature is to keep track of your basal temps. To find out your basal temperature, take it first thing in the morning, before getting up & with as little movement as possible. (I keep my thermometer in my pillow case for this purpose.) There are special basal thermometers you can buy; they have a narrower temp range than fever thermometers. This approach is supposed to be more accurate (than checking your temp during the day) because of temperature fluctuations.


According to Dr. Starr, your basal temperature should be between 97.8-98.2. If it's consistently lower, he says you're hypothyroid. For women, our temperatures fluctuate with our cycles. After ovulation, the body temperature elevates, and then falls again at the onset of menstruation. If you become pregnant, your body temperature remains elevated throughout the pregnancy. It's the PRE-ovulatory part of your cycle that should be in that 97.8-98.2 range. If your during-the-day temps are as low as 97.5 then something is definitely not right. :glare:

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Here's where I found mine:



Click on your state, and see if you can find anyone in your city or nearby. This site doesn't list only NDs;I think it's just a compilation of doctors that have helped others with tricky thyroid issues. I hope you can find someone who will actually listen & help.


(BTW, I suffered from terrible morning sickness, too. Now I wonder if it, too, was thyroid related.)

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