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Does anyone use Critical Thinking materials?

Holly in FL

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I am considering buying some workbooks from the Critical Thinking company...but, I would like some feedback from those of you who use or have used them before I make a purchase.


Are you happy or disappointed with the materials?


Any opinions on what is worth the money and what is not?


Any that are "must-haves?"


I am not planning on using these for any "hard-core" curriculum...just as "time-fillers" when the children need something to fill 10 or 15 minutes while waiting for my help. BTW...my children are ages 10, 8, and 6.




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I thought they looked great and that my daughter who is eight would like the workbooks becuase she loves puzzles and problem solving. She does not like the workbooks and will not use them. Her twin brother had NO interest. I'm going to hold on to them until the next set of yahoos reaches the age of interest to see if I can get them to use the workbooks...


If they won't it looks like it will just be me using them:-)


I think it is a kid by kid kinda thing.... Just my two cents

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I bought a few for next year, so we haven't actually used them yet. But in looking over them, Science Detectives looks pretty good. I think that is the one she'll like the best and learn the most from. Think-A-Minutes and Creative Thinking Puzzles look fun, but definitely just extras not core curriculum kind of stuff. Red Herring is the one I had heard the most about, but it only looks so-so. A friend of mine ordered Math Detectives and when I saw her copy I wished I had ordered it too. It looks great.

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We have several. Our favs are Mindbenders and Science detective. I think they are a little pricey, but the material is good. If I had to to it over, I would order them on cd instead of the workbooks. Oh, and what I wouldn't buy again, is the Red Herrings. hth

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I have practically everything they put out... :blushing:


I have really liked everything we've used with a few exceptions... here's a run-down:



Editor in Chief

Math Detective

Science Detective

Word Roots

Doo Riddles/Spelling Doo Riddles



GOOD - some comments, though


Mind Benders - would be great, but after the first level there are only 15 puzzles per book, so we switched to Grid Perplexors by Mindware, which has 50+ of the same kind of puzzle per book.


Creative Thinking Puzzlers, Think-a-Minutes - samples of various books, if you want to see what different books have, but because of this seemed a bit random to me.


Cranium Crackers - I love them - they're written by the same person who writes the Critical Thinking books (logic) for middle/high schoolers, and although they're "math" books they're really logic. My kids are less enthused than I am, though. :tongue_smilie:


Punctuation Puzzlers - okay, but a bit random again. I'm glad we did them for a year, but we'll be doing something else next year.





Building Thinking Skills - I've only bought books from CT, as I like to limit screen time, and the books are generally easy to do by giving them a page a week. But this thing is a doorstop - you'd have to do a page a day to get through it, and neither my kids nor I found it fun. We slogged through a while and gave up. However, I borrowed the software from a friend and they liked it much better. If you get this, I'd recommend the software. For everything else, I personally prefer books.


Mathematical Reasoning - another doorstop. At least we didn't write in this one - I'll be reselling it.


I've never tried Red Herrings, as I can't make heads or tails of it.


We also use a bunch of other books by Mindware that don't overlap with the offerings from CT.

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We liked *some* of the Critical Thinking Press books -- usually ones with more variety to them -- as many seem like very expensive "one trick ponies" to us (such as Mindbenders). Of the Critical Thinking Press, we liked:

- Dr. Funster's Think-A-Minutes (gr. 3-6)

- Dr. Funster's Creative Thinking Puzzlers (gr. 3-6)

- Think-A-Grams (gr. 7-12)

The Red Herring books were okay -- though some of the solutions seemed lame to us, and we often (at least to us!) came up with more clever or more plausible answers.



Other critical thinking and logic resources we've really enjoyed over the years:



grade K-3



- Critical Thinking Activities in Pattern, Image, Logic (gr. 1-3) -- by Seymour

- Logic Safari (book 1 = gr. 2-3; book 2 = gr. 3-4)

- Lollipop Logic (gr. K-2)

- Primarily Logic (gr. 2-4)

- Connections series (by grade level)


puzzle books:

- Gifted and Talented series (K-4 gr.) -- by Amerikander, or others

- Puzzlemania series (gr. 1-5) -- best of Highlights magazine variety of puzzles

- Hidden Picture Puzzle books -- collection of hidden picture puzzles from Highlights



- Logic Journey of the Zoombinis (by grade level)

- Revenge of the Logic Spiders (by grade level)

- Crazy Machines series (gr. 3+)

- The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions (gr. 3+)

- Operation: Neptune (gr. 3-6)

- Mission: T.H.I.N.K. (gr. 2-6)



- Set

- Duo

- Secret Door

- Blokus

- Scan (old Parker Brothers game, usually available on ebay)

- Clue


solo logic activities:

- Logix

- Scramble Squares

- Tangrams

- Rush Hour Junior


simple puzzle pages:

- mazes

- word searches

- Where's Waldo

- search and find type of books




gr. 4-6 (prep for logic)


logic books:

- Dandylion Logic series:

1. Logic Countdown = gr. 3-4

2. Logic Liftoff = gr. 4-5

3. Orbiting with Logic = gr. 5-7

- Logic Safari series (book 2 = gr. 3-4; book 3 = gr. 5-6)

- Connections series (by grade level)



- Mindbenders

- Perplexors (like Mendbenders)

- Puzzlemania series (gr. 1-5)

- Dr. Funster Think-A-Minutes (gr. 3-6)

- Dr. Funster's Creative Thinking Puzzlers (gr. 3-6)

- Critical Thinking Activities in Pattern, Image, Logic (gr. 4-6) -- by Seymour



- Logic Journey of the Zoombinis (by grade level)

- Revenge of the Logic Spiders (by grade level)

- Crazy Contraptions series (gr. 3+)

- Operation: Neptune (gr. 3-6)

- Mission: T.H.I.N.K. (gr. 2-6)



- Mastermind

- Amazing Labrynth

- 221 B. Baker Street

- Checkers

- Chess

- Boggle

- Scrabble

- Quarto


puzzle pages:

- mazes

- crosswords, word jumbles, anagrams

- codes, cryptograms

- sudoku puzzles


books (solving "whodunnits"):

- Encyclopedia Brown series (Sobol)

- Roman Mysteries series (Lawrence)

- 17th century Japanese boy and samurai mysteries by Dorothy Hoobler

- Nancy Drew series (Keene)

- Hardy Boys series (Dixon)

- minute mystery books by Conrad, Sobol, Weber, and others



gr. 7-8 (intro to logic)


critical thinking books:

- Mindbenders

- Perplexors (like Mindbenders)

- Word Winks; More Word Winks (like Think-A-Grams) -- pub. by Mindware

- Plexors, More Plexers (like Think-A-Grams) -- by Seymour

- Critical Thinking Activities in Pattern, Image, Logic (gr. 7-12) -- by Seymour

- 10-Minute Critical-Thinking Activities for Englishy (gr. 5-12) -- by Eaton; Walch Pub.

- 10-Minute Critical-Thinking Activities for Algebra (gr. 9-12) -- by Martin; Walch Pub.


logic books:

- Art of Argument (Larson/Hodge)

- Fallacy Detective; Thinking Toolbox (Bluedorn)



- Checkers

- Chess

- Boggle

- Scrabble

- Quarto

- Tetrus

- Risk

- other strategy computer/board games


puzzle pages:

- crosswords, word jumbles, anagrams

- codes, cryptograms

- sudoku puzzles


solving "whodunnits"

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I love Critical Thinking's materials. However, I feel that they are quite expensive.


I was thinking of not doing Building Thinking Skills next year. He did level 1 and 2. So, I know that it repeats so why do level 3. Well, my older son is saving up his money to purchase it on his own. He told me that he wanted this program and I was being unfair in not allowing him to continue in level 3. I have resigned to the fact that he is continuing Building Thinking Skills and Mindbenders. I personally like Perplexors, but Mindbenders has the boys hook.


I also did Math Detective. Once again, my son loved it. It is a nice way for the children to learn how to solve problems without it appearing too textbooky. They are fun.


I would say try one Mindbenders book and see how your child likes it. I would not get too many of their products if your child does not like it because it is expensive!


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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My oldest has been working on Building Thinking Skills 2 over a 2 year period. I started it after I read the recommendation by the Bluedorns of Trivium Pursuit. He is pursuing an engineering path, so the logic skills are helpful.


Recently he's been working through Language Mechanic, which is a fun way to cover grammar.


My youngest is working on Building Thinking Skills 1.

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We've used and enjoyed Mind Benders.




I personally love the Dell Logic Puzzle books, so I have my boys do some of these (Mind Benders) because they are similar. I also have some other worksheets I had torn out of teachers' magazines that are similar, and I have found a few on free websites.


I love these things!


But, I agree -- they are way too expensive, in my opinion. I wish Dell would come out with one for children!

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