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When do you teach dc to dial 911?

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At what age do you teach your kids how and when to dial 911?


I had a bad spell a couple of days ago when I thought I was going to pass out (not sure what caused it). It got me thinking, what if I did pass out? Or what if I fell and injured myself badly? Here I am alone all day with 2 little ones....


My oldest could learn how to dial 911, but I'm not sure she would have the good judgment to remember not to do it inappropriately. In fact, I'm pretty sure she doesn't have that kind of judgment!

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By 3, if child was verbal.


IMO, it is safer for her to know how, when, why to do it than the risk she'll, like many young children each year, do it inappropriately.


ETA: strike the "if verbal" part. It would depend somewhat on maturity. But generally, sometime when kid is 2 or 3 would work for the great majority of kids.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I taught my older son early, when he was about 3, because I had a nasty fall down some steps while his baby brother was in my arms. He (older) was very scared, so we talked about what to do if Mama fell and couldn't get up. He was barely verbal, btw.


The younger son learned when he was (I think 4) not to call 911 in a non emergency situation when he dialed 911 and hung up. A very nice officer came to the house and explained to him what 911 was for, what an emergency is, and why not to dial 911 for fun. I was only slightly embarassed (since I was in my pj's).


DD learned about calling 911 at age 2, when dh called 911 because I had an episode where I passed out and was taken to the hospital via ambulance. She was verbal at the time, and, along with all the other things that episode caused us to talk about, we talked about calling 911 and how nice it was that the EMT's arrived so quickly when Mama needed help. Of course this was review for her older brothers.


I guess I never went out of my way to teach about calling 911, it just came up naturally, so to speak!:D

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I think I taught DD when she was 3. DH travelled on business all the time then and we didn't have any family nearby, so I wanted her to know what to do if something happened to mommy. She has always been very responsible, so I knew she wouldn't call unless she had to.


Our niece and nephew, however, called a number of times one day when they were about 2 and 3 because they had seen Rescue 911 on TV and wanted all the firetrucks and ambulances to come to their house. :001_huh:



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I found a great book which I used to teach my oldest when she was 3 or 4. I figured it was a good thing to teach them when I was teaching them their address and phone number. I am now using it to teach my now 4yo, although the sound isn't quite the same quality... and my 3yo is picking up on it a bit - but really she's just enjoying pushing the buttons on the book!!!

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I taught ds when he was 4. He'd had an anaphylactic reaction to nuts, and ended up in the hospital, so we role-played calling 911 (and discussed when he might need to do that), telling people he was having an allergic reaction, demonstrating that he couldn't breathe if he couldn't talk, and other things like that. I don't *remember* teaching my daughter (who is now almost 7), but I know it has come up in conversation, and she has indicated that she knows how and when it would be appropriate.


I was sort of glad I had a catalyst that reminded me to cover some information like that. Otherwise, I'm not sure I would have.

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Well, I never taught dd 5, she figured it out on her own. One day while I was doing laundry in my room, she came in with an old cell phone ( I don't know where she found it) and said, "here, she wants to talk you". It was 911. I was so embarrassed. Dd told the woman that I was sleeping...I said um, no I'm doing laundry in my room. Boy, was I embarrassed!

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Like you, a few weeks ago I had been feeling "funny". Kinda lightheaded and stuff like that. My oldes is 4 years old (will be 5 in April) so I went ahead and taught it to her. I try to remember to go over it every so often with her so that she will remember. But she is sooooo shy that I hope she will actually pick up the phone and dial it and talk to the operator if ever needed.

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