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WTM families who are jobless/struggling - what can *we* do to help?

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I've had this question come to mind more than once in recent weeks - what can those of us here on the boards who are not faced with joblessness and who are in a position to do something *do* to help those who are? I have it in my heart to help coordinate efforts, if need be, but just don't know where to begin. Any ideas?

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I think that would be wonderful for anyone who would want to be put on it. I know I participate on the homes for sale thread, and it has been a blessing.

I know I was grateful for the prayers of others while my DH was out of work. Because I knew we were supported in prayer, it made it easier for me to be my dh's cheerleader -- for if *I* believed in his abilities, it was easier for him to interview with confidence. I was not against working myself, either, as I am capable of doing so, but at the same time the thought terrified me, since I feared it would be the end of homeschooling.

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Praying is all that I'm comfortable doing when it comes to the internet, I'm afraid. There have been too many suspicious posters (and "friends" of suspicious posters who testify to the authenticity of the suspicious poster) over the past (nearly) 10 years for anything more.


My dh lost his job the day after Christmas last year. No warning. No advance notice. He was out of work for nearly 5 months while he searched for a job. I asked for advice on these forums (cheap meal websites, online employment search-type websites, etc.), but never *help*. It never occurred to me to ask for financial help from the folks here. When that was a need we approached the elders of our church.


I know I probably sound callous, but when I know people IRL, I can take them meals, offer to watch children, send them gift cards to WalMart or Hy-Vee, etc. I can help in more tangible ways then.


But not on the internet.


I will pray for people here, though. Absolutely.

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There is a network of WTMers in our state - we even have our own social group! When people have have problems and have been overwhelmed etc. people have been very generous to help because many of us have seen each other face to face at WTM get togethers. Needleroozer even came over today and gave me a free haircut- very appreciated!


If people in other states were willing to start social groups (and isn't there a networking board too?) and to do some networking or to reach out to someone they know lives in their area - I think that's the way to offer more practical help. The help doesn't have to be money (and often is better if it is not) - perhaps some produce once gardens start producing, an offer to babysit while the parents go to a job interview, the offer to proofread a resume, or to pass on job opportunities.


But often people don't post their location - so if you need help you might want to make sure at least your general area is listed so that we can reach out to you if we can.

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I would suggest you just be careful. There are scammers out there that use any tragedy and will use this economic crisis to scam good people out of money and goods. Just thought I would throw that out there.


I totally hear what you and Hillary are saying thus my loss of ideas. I've been on the boards a long time now and definitely remember "scammers". Yet, a difference between now and then is our economic climate. Without a doubt, we have WTM families *suffering* and it is hard to hear the pain and realize that I have, for example, outgrown kids' clothes in my attic that could most likely bless someone in need if but for an avenue to channel them.


It is because I am fully aware of the pitfalls in all of this that I posted the way that I did - unsure of how or what to do but with a definite desire to help in times of legitimate need. I also very much appreciate the value of the local churches, etc. I think my desire to post stems from the real perception of "community" that exists here on the boards despite the fact that it is cyberspace and a desire to make a difference in the lives of this "family".


Ah, well. If it's meant to be someone will share a brilliant idea to that end....

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Definitely prayer is number one. But I just wanted to mention something. If God lays it on your heart to help someone, don't be afraid to do it. Sure most of us don't know each other IRL, but God knows us. If you have prayed, and you feel led to give someone something, go for it. God will use that for something good. And you can bet it's the Holy Spirit prompting you to give. The devil sure wouldn't!


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I think that would be wonderful for anyone who would want to be put on it. I know I participate on the homes for sale thread, and it has been a blessing.

I know I was grateful for the prayers of others while my DH was out of work. Because I knew we were supported in prayer, it made it easier for me to be my dh's cheerleader -- for if *I* believed in his abilities, it was easier for him to interview with confidence. I was not against working myself, either, as I am capable of doing so, but at the same time the thought terrified me, since I feared it would be the end of homeschooling.


Thanks for posting. I've started a prayer thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82273

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Praying is all that I'm comfortable doing when it comes to the internet, I'm afraid. There have been too many suspicious posters (and "friends" of suspicious posters who testify to the authenticity of the suspicious poster) over the past (nearly) 10 years for anything more.



:iagree: Too true! I remember a few of those, too! And what an disaster those were for several people emotionally. A lot of people here believed the con artist and tried to help.


Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me. So, whenever I read "suspiciously dramatic" posts, I make a mental note to avoid reading posts by that person anymore.


Don't get me wrong though... I'll go out of my way to light a candle and send positive energy to someone I *know* whether online or IRL, if we've connected somehow.

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I totally hear what you and Hillary are saying thus my loss of ideas. I've been on the boards a long time now and definitely remember "scammers". Yet, a difference between now and then is our economic climate. Without a doubt, we have WTM families *suffering* and it is hard to hear the pain and realize that I have, for example, outgrown kids' clothes in my attic that could most likely bless someone in need if but for an avenue to channel them.


It is because I am fully aware of the pitfalls in all of this that I posted the way that I did - unsure of how or what to do but with a definite desire to help in times of legitimate need. I also very much appreciate the value of the local churches, etc. I think my desire to post stems from the real perception of "community" that exists here on the boards despite the fact that it is cyberspace and a desire to make a difference in the lives of this "family".


Ah, well. If it's meant to be someone will share a brilliant idea to that end....



Well another thing you can do is perhaps start a social group and then start collecting links to helpful sites that may be useful to people having hardships.


Financial links

Low-cost food




This way, your social group becomes a one-stop shop for resources.

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Would it be possible to establish some way to donate homeschool books for families in need?? I too am not very comfortable seeking "real" help via the internet. As others have said, too many security risks. But, I wonder if there might be some way to pass on books or do a swap.


Guess I better head on over to the sale/swap section :001_smile:

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Would it be possible to establish some way to donate homeschool books for families in need?? I too am not very comfortable seeking "real" help via the internet. As others have said, too many security risks. But, I wonder if there might be some way to pass on books or do a swap.


Guess I better head on over to the sale/swap section :001_smile:


Book Samritan is an option for this. I'm hesitant to do it on my own. In the past, there have been people (no longer on these boards) who have taken the donated books and then sold them on E-Bay.

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I totally hear what you and Hillary are saying thus my loss of ideas. I've been on the boards a long time now and definitely remember "scammers". Yet, a difference between now and then is our economic climate. Without a doubt, we have WTM families *suffering* and it is hard to hear the pain and realize that I have, for example, outgrown kids' clothes in my attic that could most likely bless someone in need if but for an avenue to channel them.


It is because I am fully aware of the pitfalls in all of this that I posted the way that I did - unsure of how or what to do but with a definite desire to help in times of legitimate need. I also very much appreciate the value of the local churches, etc. I think my desire to post stems from the real perception of "community" that exists here on the boards despite the fact that it is cyberspace and a desire to make a difference in the lives of this "family".


Ah, well. If it's meant to be someone will share a brilliant idea to that end....

If someone knows specifically of a member in need, just pm the member specifically and ask if you can help.


Say Member So-and-So has been coming here regularly for the last few years, has never asked for anything but advice and all of a sudden has a crisis, I think it would be safe to send a PM asking if you can loan item X, give Giftcard Y or item Z to her/him.


That way it is done privately. Member So-and-So will feel more comfortable accepting or denying in private. And those who don't have anything to spare won't feel pressured (as in a public thread) into generosity they can't afford.

Edited by Parrothead
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I think this is a good idea but what about connecting with local people to help them?


Like yesterday we had 2 families come and cut down trees and haul away wood. By the time they are done, with the size and number of trees, each family is going to get almost 1 years worth of home heating for free---other than the labor of cutting it down, hauling it, etc. We likely could have sold the wood but both of these familes have dads that are layed off right now.


Donate the clothes to a local family that has kids that size or to a local charity that screens the people that come in (or a thrift store where your donations stay in your area and are sold for very little--we have a 99 cent store here). Ask at your church if there is anyone local you could help.


You might be able to barter services---like a free haircut in exchange for the hand me down clothes. I ended up with hand me down waterproof boots for my 13dd yesterday from one of the families that came to get wood.

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Well, as one of the struggling (and will be struggling more when dh's plant closes) people.....


I agree with what others say. Most physical help would be nice, but how would you know the person is for real? And there are so many people you could meet in real life (or because of your religion or some other social group) that have a similar need.


I think that a social group would be a GREAT help . I LOVE the threads about saving money on bills, groceries, selling things, living more simply, decluttering, etc. And then if people know of jobs certain others are looking for, clothing that needs a new home, etc, they could do that kind of thing. If you're going to give away curriculum, no reason to not offer it to a needy family on the social group. Also, others can share their present and past accounts of things that helped/worked...things like grants, what social agencies may be able to help, etc. And of course, a place where people could have a shoulder to cry on as well as a place to rejoice.


And if you REALLY trust someone and their situation, you can always PM them as someone else mentioned.

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I was thinking of starting a prayer group for employment like the "house selling group" but I don't know how to start a group. Perhaps someone who is more familiar with all the options on this board can take the lead.


Thanks, Liz. I happen to be the one who initiated the Homes For Sale Prayer thread and am happy to do one for this as well. I've actually already started it: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forum...ad.php?t=82273


If you have a heart to pray or would like to post as one with a need, be sure to sign onto that thread so that you can get the updates, OK?

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I've had this question come to mind more than once in recent weeks - what can those of us here on the boards who are not faced with joblessness and who are in a position to do something *do* to help those who are? I have it in my heart to help coordinate efforts, if need be, but just don't know where to begin. Any ideas?


OK. Well, in any case, just know that my heart goes out to my cyberfriends here on the boards and I will be praying for you!

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along w/ Audrey's [and Ottakee's] suggestions, i would encourage you to donate to local charities that serve people in rough times. Donate to the local food pantry, clothing shelter, church outreach funds, or book samaritan. They usually do the screening for people applying for help so you don't have to.


Then start researching allll the local options in your area and make them known to the homeschoolers. Many churches offer petty cash help to everyone regardless of religion, and a lot of non-religious homeschoolers aren't aware of those as possible resources.


Think globally, act locally, pray fervently. :D

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along w/ Audrey's [and Ottakee's] suggestions, i would encourage you to donate to local charities that serve people in rough times. Donate to the local food pantry, clothing shelter, church outreach funds, or book samaritan. They usually do the screening for people applying for help so you don't have to.


Then start researching allll the local options in your area and make them known to the homeschoolers. Many churches offer petty cash help to everyone regardless of religion, and a lot of non-religious homeschoolers aren't aware of those as possible resources.


Think globally, act locally, pray fervently. :D


See, here's the thing - I don't find myself in a position of trying to identify ways to help or make a difference, in general. We are very active in our church and already minister locally as we feel led of the Lord. I posted what I did because I felt specifically burdened for my WTM friends. :001_smile:

Edited by Sharon in SC
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See, here's the thing - I don't find myself in a position of trying to identify ways to help or make a difference. We are very active in our church and already minister locally as we feel led of the Lord. I posted what I did because I felt burdened for my WTM friends, plain and simple. :001_smile:


well in that case, I'll send you an address for the check.... ;)



just kidding!


I do think PMs, a social group or yahoogroup is likely the best avenue. But don't PM me --we aren't that bad yet :)

Have you seen how many members are on this board? I'll bet there's at least one that is quietly/rightly taking advantage of the services in your area.


doing something like this WILL require that you give regardless whether you find out you were scammed or not. It's almost impossible to know who's scamming [they are gooooood] and who's serious. Kinda like giving food to the homeless guy even if it ends up giving him enough energy to assault and rob the lady around the corner.:(



good luck in your endeavor :grouphug:

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See, here's the thing - I don't find myself in a position of trying to identify ways to help or make a difference, in general. We are very active in our church and already minister locally as we feel led of the Lord. I posted what I did because I felt specifically burdened for my WTM friends. :001_smile:



ok, how about this:

ask everyone to send you a message "voting" on someone to help. Kinda like recommending someone for a scholarship ;) There are several people here who know each other. Then you can sift through those replies and decide on a course of action. Maybe a WTM'er of the week that people can donate to via a paypal system or something you set up, or something like that...... You can keep the specific poster being helped anonymous if you wanted to.

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