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Anyone ditched WWE yet?


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I haven't actually started it and have had it for months! I just have the text and I soon realized that I needed the workbooks or it would never get done! I will be getting level 1 soon and I hope it is everything we need for writing. I'm tired of trying to come up with copywork & narration myself. I never seem to find the time.

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My dd and I both loved working from the workbook at first, but then we started to get a bit bored with it. We moved ahead to later in the book ad added in more dictation and more of her writing her own narrations which she got really good at. I loved that it finally helped me to guide her using many specific examples of good narration and good guiding questions so that we were actually doing narration and summary instead of her retelling every detail.


Not exactly a negative review. If I remembered where I put the WWE book, I would move up to a higher level. As it is, we moved on to IEW which I have done with my older ds. I loved WWE with the workbook, but my dd quickly outgrew the requirements for the level she started in. I will probably start my younger one in the WWE 1 workook and then work through the rest of WWE2 with her before moving her into IEW also.


I didn't like the pages that were in there for the copywork - the font was too big so I made my own with Startwrite. I loved the reading assignments and the questions that helped to guide the narrations.

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We are using workbooks 1 and 2 with 2 dd. At first it was the most disliked subject, then I realized three things:

1. I hadn't given it enough time to really try it out

2. My eldest was bored (I tried to have them both doing WWE 1) and

3. I was spreading the lessons so far apart the kids weren't seeing the glue sticking them together.


Now things are much better. Eldest dd is in level 2 and enjoying the challenge and we are trying to do 3 or all 4 weekly lessons in a week, so they are enjoying the continuation of the same literature. We have also been reading some of the books, which has made it more interesting.

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Yup, for the most part. I'm still planning on buying the next two texts when they come out. I like the philosophy and reasoning behind the program, but it isn't for us. If dd was younger and could use it from 1st grade and work up as the books and workbooks become available we would probably stick with it.


However dd is about ready to enter 5th grade, the next book isn't out yet and the workbooks are a year or two behind also. I'm having a hard time coming up with passages to analyze. I know it should be a simple process. It isn't for me though.


So we are moving away from WWE and heading to CW since CW is several years ahead of dd. We should be able to use it all the way through.

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I've been using it with my younger ds who has had some issues causing us to delay some subjects. We did the first workbook (using our regular paper not the wkbk pages) the 1st semester of this year and are working on WWE2 now and will finish it by the end of our school year. It is just the think he needs to help him walk through the process of coming up with the narrations (he has processing issues as well as dysgraphia). I don't always have him do the copywork or dictation because we do some of that in his spelling program too and the writing it difficult for him, so I do it maybe once per week since we do it in spelling every other day. I plan on continuing through WWE3 and 4 as long as the workbooks are available....

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we use just the workbook and I really see a difference in her narrations and dictation work. I think I am seeing the results that I am seeing because we consistently do the workbook each week opposed to before we had the workbook when we would get to narrations and dictations when we would get to them. I have found that anything that is pre-done that keeps me consistent is worth the money to me.


HTH :)

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My dd and I both loved working from the workbook at first, but then we started to get a bit bored with it. We moved ahead to later in the book ad added in more dictation and more of her writing her own narrations which she got really good at. I loved that it finally helped me to guide her using many specific examples of good narration and good guiding questions so that we were actually doing narration and summary instead of her retelling every detail.


Not exactly a negative review. If I remembered where I put the WWE book, I would move up to a higher level. As it is, we moved on to IEW which I have done with my older ds. I loved WWE with the workbook, but my dd quickly outgrew the requirements for the level she started in. I will probably start my younger one in the WWE 1 workook and then work through the rest of WWE2 with her before moving her into IEW also.


I didn't like the pages that were in there for the copywork - the font was too big so I made my own with Startwrite. I loved the reading assignments and the questions that helped to guide the narrations.


:iagree:We are using the workbook, but I am finding that DD seems to be able to move quicker through it than outlined, and we use Startwrite b/c we still need a handwriting program look for our copywork (so I am using Startwrite for the oppposite reason!) I have learned how to implement narration correctly with both reading the WWE tect and the workbook. I am glad to have had both.

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I confess that my girls are having some difficulty with the dictation. Mostly they find it frustrating because they don't know how to spell the words yet they don't want to stop and ask me each time they need to spell something. It seems to interrupt the flow of the dictation. Sometimes they need help spelling quite a few words in the dictation especially my struggling learner. This is starting to make her dislike the writing time.


We haven't dropped it, but we may not continue past the 2nd book.



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We love it! DD is using workbook 2. I do see an improvement in narrations. As far as dictations go, I just tell her to try her best with spelling, but that spelling is not the focus, it is getting the sentence written down on the paper with proper punctuation. We do review the spelling that is wrong, but that is all. Telling her not to worry too much about the spelling has taken the pressure off of dictation.

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