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Waving hello....and wondering if I need to change my board handle :-)

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I have not posted on the boards in a long time. Life has been interesting. Our family made the move from MN to IN in September 08 (dh had been here since June). The move was exhausting but went well. No mishaps with the moving company especially considering our terrible experience with a prior move.


About a week after our move dh's new job took a challenging turn and it has been relentless since then. He works 12-14 hours 6 days/week and has been traveling a lot. I unpacked about 95% of our stuff. Between Oct and last week, I had 3 bouts of a nasty sinus infection. I think my body is getting used to the new bugs in the area :) It has been a rough adjustment for ds who misses his dad being around and his friends in MN.


I recently told a fellow boardie that I was planning to post again and she kindly informed me that my board name may cause a stir....so do I need to petition for a new name or can you all assume that I mean a different kind of Tea :tongue_smilie:


Hope I don't mess up this post and it shows up in the right spot.


Hello again to those who may still remember me.


Take care.

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I changed my name by just adding a new account. But when I tried to sign on it said I was locked out for having a duplicate account. I had to send an email and they were about to change my old posts to be under my new name, and they deleted the old name.


Just FYI. I'm not sure the proper way to change names, but adding a duplicate account is NOT the way to go! :)

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Thanks for the welcome back, ladies and for letting me keep my board name:001_smile:



I recently told a fellow boardie that I was planning to post again and she kindly informed me that my board name may cause a stir....so do I need to petition for a new name or can you all assume that I mean a different kind of Tea :tongue_smilie:


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Welcome back! I've wondered how your move went. Have you found a violin teacher for ds yet? Has your IN winter been milder than MN?


Glad to see you again!




Hi Beth,

Yes, we did find a violin teacher pretty soon. I didn't spend too much time looking around because it was Sept and I wanted to find somebody before their schedule filled up. We drive about 25 mins north of Indy but at least it is not an hour each way which is what we had been used to in MN. So far so good. I think ds still misses Suzuki - actually I think what he liked about Suzuki was getting the trophies for passing each level :)


Hope I get to hear your dds sometime.


Take care.

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Hi! I was just thinking about you the other night, trying to remember your board name, and thinking that I'd somehow forgotten it, and had been missing your posts. But, as soon as I saw it, I remembered it, and came "in" to see how you're doing.


Don't worry about changing your name. Since you don't spell it in all CAPS, it won't be a problem (though it might cause a grin). :)


I'm glad to see you. Can you remind me where you moved to?


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Hope I get to hear your dds sometime.



I think my 16 yo violinist is going to have a website soon for her string quartet--once it's up, I'll link you. Before that happens, though, I'll have a link for her "garage band", the Gutter Press. She's teamed up with three friends, and they're having a lot of fun. Dd plays the lead guitar part on her electric violin. This is her hip self. :)



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When I read your subject line, I thought you were going to say that you started drinking and the name no longer applied! Keep it, it took me a while to figure out why you think it might be necessary (but I can be slow with those kinds of things). Welcome back and I hope your dh's schedule settles down soon.

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When I read your subject line, I thought you were going to say that you started drinking and the name no longer applied! Keep it, it took me a while to figure out why you think it might be necessary (but I can be slow with those kinds of things). Welcome back and I hope your dh's schedule settles down soon.


I just logged on to the boards and saw this...too funny :D

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I take it your physical health has been okay, apart fromthe sinus stuff? If so, I'm very glad for you! Have you found a new violin instructor?


Yes, my rash subsided by early summer of last year. Now I just wait with dread for the next round in about 6 yrs from the start of the last cycle. I have lots of friends praying that I don't HAVE another cycle of this nasty stuff. My ds still asks if I or he will get it. I just tell him that I don't know for sure but I am praying like crazy that it doesn't happen.


We did find another violin teacher...I posted a little bit more in my reply to Beth in OH.


Take care,

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Hi! I was just thinking about you the other night, trying to remember your board name, and thinking that I'd somehow forgotten it, and had been missing your posts. But, as soon as I saw it, I remembered it, and came "in" to see how you're doing.


Don't worry about changing your name. Since you don't spell it in all CAPS, it won't be a problem (though it might cause a grin). :)


I'm glad to see you. Can you remind me where you moved to?



Hey Suzanne,

Thanks for thinking about me. We moved to IN. How's your little one doing?


Take care.

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I think my 16 yo violinist is going to have a website soon for her string quartet--once it's up, I'll link you. Before that happens, though, I'll have a link for her "garage band", the Gutter Press. She's teamed up with three friends, and they're having a lot of fun. Dd plays the lead guitar part on her electric violin. This is her hip self. :)




Please do send me the link.

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