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Did you find the HIG more essential as you progressed in Singapore Math?


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I was thinking, as we approach level 3, that I would purchase the HIG. I haven't bought them for level 1 or 2.


I use the Standards Edition. Looking at the Singapore Math website, it says HIGs are only available through 3A. 3B will be released in March.


At what level did you start to rely more on the HIG, if any?

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We started Singapore at level 3a. I barely used the HIG for 3 or b. For 4a I didn't even order, for 4b I opened it two or three times. However, my son easily understands math concepts so it only took one or two explanation, usually from the text, for him to catch onto a concept.

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We're using the US Edition, so I don't know how useful my response will be. We started SM in 2A, and I consulted the HIG a few times in 3A/3B. I've used it a lot in 4A/4B, but I've noticed that after we do a lesson that I teach from the HIG, there really isn't much point to going over the textbook. I do think the HIG sometimes goes into more depth than the text.

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We're at 3B. I look at it occasionally, but if I hadn't been given a set, I probably wouldn't have needed them. I think it may be nice when ds is more independent and then I can use the HIG for the answers. We use the ones made by Sonlight. I think the Singapore math site has different ones?


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When we did 6A/6B I was sure I'd need it. Didn't turn out that way. I used it once in a while as a solutions manual for a tricky problem. (I had the answer keys, but needed helpt to get started on the solution for a handful of problems.) Other than that, it sat around not doing much.



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My dd has gone from EB1 - 6B (currently) and I always buy the HIG. I rarely use them for teaching help, though. Presenting the lessons from the text is our routine. I've used the HIG schedules and Mental Math in the past, but I mostly just use them for grading (so basically every day). I like that it includes bars, if required, in case I have any question on how they would draw them.

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I started buying them when we reached SM 4. I have 4 dc close in age and not enough time in the day. I have my two older ones check their own work using the HIG. If they get any wrong, they have to figure out why. Then all I do is go over the ones they marked wrong and they have to explain to me what happened and why they got it wrong.


They are in 5B and 6B right now. It was rough when we first started this method of checking but it's working very well now. I haven't had any problems with them cheating or just copying the answers.

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Dh and I are very mathy people, and I teach high school math. I use the HIG every day. We started SM with 2A and have always used it. It is important to me that dd not just know how to use the algorithm, but really get it. DD is good enough at math that I could just hand over the book and say go for it, but I want to be careful about how she does the math and understands what is really going on and the HIG helps with that. We also take advantage of the mental math sections at the back everyday. It is also nice to have the answers when I am in a hurry! Clearly, I am in the minority on this, but oh well, it works for us!

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I've always gotten the HIG's. I think I used them the most (1) when ds was stuck at a plateau on a topic like long division, and (2) when he was using bar diagrams for harder word problems in 5A/B.


We're in 6B right now, and not using the HIG too often. However, I would always want an answer key with problems worked out. Not sure if that's available outside of the HIG?



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We're at 3B. I look at it occasionally, but if I hadn't been given a set, I probably wouldn't have needed them. I think it may be nice when ds is more independent and then I can use the HIG for the answers. We use the ones made by Sonlight. I think the Singapore math site has different ones?




Does anyone know if the SingaporeMath.com and Sonlight ones are different? If so, how and which did you prefer. I am NOT strong in math concepts...I can figure out the problems, but I know it's not going to be long before I'm over my head in the teaching area, so I was planning to get the singaporemath.com Home Instructor Guides, but if the Sonlight ones are more thorough or better somehow I'm not adverse to getting it instead.....they both appear to sell the same text/workbooks based on the cover designs (we use US Edition).



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Dh and I are very mathy people, and I teach high school math. I use the HIG every day. We started SM with 2A and have always used it. It is important to me that dd not just know how to use the algorithm, but really get it. DD is good enough at math that I could just hand over the book and say go for it, but I want to be careful about how she does the math and understands what is really going on and the HIG helps with that. We also take advantage of the mental math sections at the back everyday. It is also nice to have the answers when I am in a hurry! Clearly, I am in the minority on this, but oh well, it works for us!


I understand what you're saying here.


I always ellicit the whys from dd as well as the hows. She's strong in math, and left to her own, would zip out the answers and keep movin'. I ask her why she chose a certain operation and why she chose a certain method.



She might explain a word problem this way:


They asked, "If Billy gaines 15lbs., how much would he weigh?"


They gave me Tom and Jane's weight, and the total weight of all three kids. So first, I need to figure out Billy's weight.


I''ll take the total, subtract out Tom and Jane, and that will give me Billy's weight. Then I'll add 15lbs. to that.



(Since she's reviewing the four operations, I make sure she expains why she chose subtraction and then addition.)



My teachers used to make me explain everything, too.:001_smile:

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Does anyone know if the SingaporeMath.com and Sonlight ones are different?


All of the ones called "Home Instructor Guides" are the same. They are published by Sonlight, but sold by others as well. The author wrote them for Sonlight, but she also works for Singapore Math, which is just the company that sells the books in the US. She monitors their web forums.

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All of the ones called "Home Instructor Guides" are the same. They are published by Sonlight, but sold by others as well. The author wrote them for Sonlight, but she also works for Singapore Math, which is just the company that sells the books in the US. She monitors their web forums.



Thank you!

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All of the ones called "Home Instructor Guides" are the same. They are published by Sonlight, but sold by others as well. The author wrote them for Sonlight, but she also works for Singapore Math, which is just the company that sells the books in the US. She monitors their web forums.


Yes, Thank you for the explanation. I was confused about that.

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