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How do make yourself get up and is 7 hours enough sleep?

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Hi all,


I am wondering how you make yourself get up in the mornings? I have such a hard time getting up. I just hate the feeling I have when I get up in the mornings, but I also want to be up before the children because I don't like that behind feeling of getting up at the same time as them.


Also, I have been trying to run on a 7 hour sleep schedule. That is with 5 children, one of them still nursing through the night. How much sleep do you all get? I sure would like to hear some encouragement in this area.



Edited by MommyInTraining
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I get between 7 & 8 hours of sleep a night. I take a 20-30 minute nap at lunchtime.


I get up early (5) because the hour between 5 and 6 is the only hour where I have the house to myself (dh gets up around 6, and the boys between 7:30 & 8:30 or so). That's a good incentive, and I love my morning cup of coffee.

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Wow, I could not do the 5am thing!:eek: My problem is that I really need at least 8hours sleep, but I tend to stay up waaaay too late, because that's my alone time. I seriously think I might have sleep apnea or something though, because even when I do get 8 or a little more, I'm wiped. I may check into it.


As far as encouragement, I think the biggest thing is to eat healthy, get some exercise, and they say at least 7 hours.

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:lol: I'm a zombie by 9pm because of the 5am thing. Dh (and sometimes the boys) tend to stay up late, so 5am has become my quiet time.



Wow, I could not do the 5am thing!:eek: My problem is that I really need at least 8hours sleep, but I tend to stay up waaaay too late, because that's my alone time. I seriously think I might have sleep apnea or something though, because even when I do get 8 or a little more, I'm wiped. I may check into it.


As far as encouragement, I think the biggest thing is to eat healthy, get some exercise, and they say at least 7 hours.

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Nighttime is also my quiet time, I am not a morning person. Unfortunately, this means I am running on a huge sleep deficit - I would kill for a regular 7 hours (of course, that's totally within my power, I just have to get to bed by midnight). I usually get between 4-6 hours, which is not enough. I have an ongoing resolution to fix this, but habits are hard to break...


Oh, and 7 regular hours of sleep is not equivalent to 7 hours in bed with a nursing baby - the constant sleep interruptions are going to make you feel much more tired than if you slept through.

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Hi all,


I am wondering how you make yourself get up in the mornings? I have such a hard time getting up. I just hate the feeling I have when I get up in the mornings, but I also want to be up before the children because I don't like that behind feeling of getting up at the same time as them.


Also, I have been trying to run on a 7 hour sleep schedule. That is with 5 children, one of them still nursing through the night. How much sleep do you all get? I should would like to hear some encouragement in this area.




Enough sleep is relative. Everyone has different needs. My family (both of origin and my offspring) need a lot of sleep. We are not the 6 hours a night types. Even my grandparents still get 8 hours or so and they're in their 80's. My husband needs less than I do, but not by much. My ideal is about 9 hours but I can survive on 8. A consistent 7 would make me feel sleep deprived and mean.


I alwaysneed more sleep when I'm nursing baby. Not as much as when I'm pg, but more than when I get a full night of unbroken sleep. I think it's partly the extra energy expenditure, partly the hormones, and partly the interrupted REM cycles. Right now I'm going to sleep around 10:30 pm, waking around 6:30am (with at least 2 nursing sessions thrown in) and sneaking an hour nap in most days. If I don't get my nap, I crash around 10 or try to doze until 7:30am or so. So I'm averaging around 8-9 hours of broken sleep in 24.


The right amount of sleep is what you need to function and feel cheerful.



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Oh, and 7 regular hours of sleep is not equivalent to 7 hours in bed with a nursing baby - the constant sleep interruptions are going to make you feel much more tired than if you slept through.


Well, 7 hours is enough for me, but the above is SO true. As for the getting up part, I haven't quiiite figured that out myself. When I was away on a business trip recently, I found I had no problem hopping out of bed at 6:30 a.m. because I HAD to; I had to be in a meeting by 8:15. When I got home, though, I started having trouble with it again. What's helped me is to slowly back up my wake-up time in smaller increments (so instead of expecting to automatically get up at 6:30, I start with 7:45 on day, then 7:30 the next, etc.), and FORCE myself into bed at a reasonable hour (very hard for me because I'm a night owl!). When I go to sleep, too, I sort of chant to myself in my head, "MUST get up at 6:30, MUST get up at 6:30." I used to do that in high school and it worked then. It also helps me fall asleep because my thoughts aren't all over the place.


ITA with you, though, that if you get up at the same time as the kids, you feel behind all day long. Took me a long time to figure that out. Good luck with all of it!

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Hi all,


I am wondering how you make yourself get up in the mornings? I have such a hard time getting up. I just hate the feeling I have when I get up in the mornings, but I also want to be up before the children because I don't like that behind feeling of getting up at the same time as them.


Also, I have been trying to run on a 7 hour sleep schedule. That is with 5 children, one of them still nursing through the night. How much sleep do you all get? I should would like to hear some encouragement in this area.




I still grab a power "rest" when I need to and I don't have a nursing baby anymore...I think resting when you're tired helps with all the rest of your life.


We wouldn't snack on chocolate in the afternoon or have that sip of coffee to keep us going through making dinner. Just 15 minutes of quiet is sometimes all it takes for me to feel refreshed.

Giordani News

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When I can sleep right through without interuption 7 hours is enough for me. I am also trying to do the 5:30am thing. My problem though is the baby still wakes up2-3 times per night, both boys wake up in the night and end up crawling in with me. In fact I have been sleep deprived for 10 years come to think of it. I think once baby is weaned and the boys stop climbing in with me(if one leaves their room the other it hot on their heels)I can get a good 7 hours no problem and feel great. Right now I get around 9 with all the interruptions, which likely works out to close to 7.

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I'm not a morning person at all. I could sleep and sleep. So I just made myself do it. After agonizing my way through it for about a month, it's now quite easy. I couldn't go back to bed after dh leaves for work if I wanted to. Tough it out and it'll become a habit. Of course, get to bed at a reasonable hour. We try to be in bed by 10:30 weekdays.

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Boy oh boy do I need my sleep.:tongue_smilie:


I really wish I was someone who could operate on less sleep and I totally admire people those who can. When I do not have enough sleep I am so miserable, moody, and sluggish.


I typically get about 9 hours. But of course this is not uninterrupted. My dd is still waking up in the night to nurse a little. The other mega issue is that she sleeps in our bed. So needless to say I am not getting good sleep.


I usually read until 10 pm and then up when the kids wake me around 7:30 am.

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As far as how much sleep is enough, that's relative. I need very little, and 7 hours would be too much for me. I'm on one end of the spectrum, though.


I remember when you last asked about how to get motivated in the mornings ( there were some good suggestions. Maybe revisit those replies and see if that's helpful.:)

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I am wondering how you make yourself get up in the mornings? I have such a hard time getting up. I just hate the feeling I have when I get up in the mornings, but I also want to be up before the children because I don't like that behind feeling of getting up at the same time as them.


Also, I have been trying to run on a 7 hour sleep schedule. That is with 5 children, one of them still nursing through the night. How much sleep do you all get? I should would like to hear some encouragement in this area.




I will echo what others have said - it depends on the person. But clearly, 7 hours of interrupted sleep are not enough for you. It's not enough for me, either, particularly if it is for months or years on end, though now that the boys have been weaned for nearly a year, and I have spent that time remediating the previous 4 years of sleep deprivation, I'm usually good with 6 hours or so.

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