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California peeps- Best conventions?

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California has so many conventions/conferences, I'm not sure which to go to. I was spoiled in Florida, because FPEA had a HUGE convention in our city. I like workshops, but what I really want is a very large and diverse curriculum hall. I do not care if it's a Christian association or not. I'm in NorCal, but could easily attend a conference in SoCal, as I have family to shack up with down there.


So what's your fav?

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California Homeschool Network holds their big convention in Ontario (Riverside area, NOT Ontario, Canada!) each year. It's July 30-Aug 1 this year, or right around those dates.


It's held in the Marriott hotel, which is pretty much entirely filled with homeschoolers for the weekend. There are loads of activities for all ages of kids, littles on through teens. My DS had a great time last year, and is looking forward to going this year. Since it's reasonably close to Raging Waters in San Dimas, DH and DS went there for a few hours on Saturday. It's a secular conference, which is important to me. A couple of the seminars are somewhat religious, but not most.


There is also the Link conference, usually held in Woodland Hills, but I heard a rumor last year that they were going to not hold it anymore. No idea if that's true or not. It's also a basically secular conference.

Michelle T

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You're in Northern California? I'd say either Scope (Sacramento) or the Valley Home Educators conference (Modesto).


The statewide CHEA convention is in Southern California (it was at the Disneyland Hotel for many years but outgrew it; I think it was in Long Beach last year), and there's a Bay area CHEA convention in Santa Clara. However, the Modesto conference is pretty good sized, has many of the same vendors and speakers as the Bay area CHEA convention, and it's CHEAP.

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Another hearty vote for Modesto-a great vendor hall and a really nice variety of speakers. Sometimes I just drive out there for a couple of hours, and it is always worth it (actually more than worth it since it is so cheap!)


If you like the feeling of homeschoolers in vast numbers all in one building, CHEA So CA is fun. I like that one too, but it is more of a commitment for me to actually get there.

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Thanks for the input. I've heard good things about the Valley H E, but it's hard for me to imagine anything huge happening in Modesto! Time to check my calender : )

Well, the Modesto Valley Home Educators convention is my very favorite. They have high-caliber speakers, a respectably sized exhibitor/vendors hall, and it's *cheap* in comparison.


If what you're looking for is more specifically a *huge* amount of vendor booths, you just can't beat the CHEA convention in southern California. It's absolutely ginormous (though entry fees are exhorbitant).

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Well, the Modesto Valley Home Educators convention is my very favorite. They have high-caliber speakers, a respectably sized exhibitor/vendors hall, and it's *cheap* in comparison.


If what you're looking for is more specifically a *huge* amount of vendor booths, you just can't beat the CHEA convention in southern California. It's absolutely ginormous (though entry fees are exhorbitant).



Well the upside of Chea is free room and board. Does anyone know if chea Santa clara is as big as long beach? Modesto sounds great, but the cost of a hotel might negate the cheapness of the convention itself.

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Shannon, Modesto is a doable day trip from your area. I've done it a couple of years for the VHE convention. Drove out both days from Silicon Valley because I didn't want to put money into a hotel. Check mapquest--it's not as far as it seems!


ETA: Check the speaker line-up at all three conventions (CHEA So. CA, CHEA Santa Clara, and VHE) and then decide. C




Edited by yvonne
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Does anyone know if chea Santa clara is as big as long beach?

I've been to both Long Beach and Santa Clara, though it's been a while since I've been to Long Beach. I might be wrong, but according to my memory, Santa Clara is still smaller than Long Beach. As I described to my dh years ago, CHEA Long Beach is the "Super Bowl" of homeschool conventions. Since you mentioned that your priority is vendors, that's the one I'd pick if I were you.


You also still might be able to look up and compare the vendor list for each of those conventions for last year. It would give you a better idea about the size of each one. Either way, you can't go wrong.


Have a good time!

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It is still decidedly smaller. After attending the Santa Clara convention for years, the So. CA CHEA was an "experience!" :) Going to a large convention like that really is invigorating, but if I don't want to travel that far, Modesto is great. It really, really is an easy drive over there for the day.

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Well the upside of Chea is free room and board. Does anyone know if chea Santa clara is as big as long beach? Modesto sounds great, but the cost of a hotel might negate the cheapness of the convention itself.

CHEA's main convention is the Southern California one (it has been in several locations, Long Beach being the most recent). Santa Clara is much smaller. Both conventions are pricey because of their locations; CHEA's expenses are higher than Modesto's, and of course that is passed on to attendees.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The southern Calif convention, which is the *main* CHEA convention, will be pretty pricey if you go for all three days (or 2½ days or whatever it is), but you can go just to the exhibit hall, just for one day, if you just want to buy stuff. I haven't been in many years, and when I went I was working and didn't pay attention to the cost. Prices should be on the Web site pretty soon, though.

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I'm so new to this. How come nobody is recommending the Homeschool Association of California? They hold their conference each August in Sacramento.


I was planning on going to it, but it's concerning me that it's not being mentioned here.


It's Aug. 6 to Aug. 29.


What do you think?



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I'm so new to this. How come nobody is recommending the Homeschool Association of California? They hold their conference each August in Sacramento.


I was planning on going to it, but it's concerning me that it's not being mentioned here.


It's Aug. 6 to Aug. 29.


What do you think?



I spoke there one year :-)


You're right...I never hear people talk about it, yet it's been going on for over 10 years.:confused:

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I'm so new to this. How come nobody is recommending the Homeschool Association of California? They hold their conference each August in Sacramento.


I was planning on going to it, but it's concerning me that it's not being mentioned here.


It's Aug. 6 to Aug. 29.


What do you think?




I'm new to California, so I can't speak to its reputation, but I can tell you why I eliminated it. August is a very odd time for a HS convention. I go to conventions to get my hands on materials and to make decisions. I need to have my next year materials decided on and ordered way before August. We usually start school in August. So for me, the timing would be right at the beginning of my school year, when I'm enjoying my last few days of vacation with the kids and organizing my materials. Now if I was going purely for the pep rally atmosphere, I could see how the timing would be good, but for me it just doesn't work.

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Not to make this even more confusing, but the Modesto conference is July 25 and 25. That doesn't give the planning time you're talking about either.


Also, just from the site it looks like a Christian hs conference.




I should clarify- I'm a Christian. I just didn't want to eliminate secular conferences.


I decided on CHEA Long Beach. I'm gearing up for 7th grade with my oldest, so I want to go to the biggest conference. It's also just less stress for me to set up camp at my mom's house than it would be to drive back and forth to Modesto. It's totally going to work out. My mom is taking a couple of days off and I'm leaving the kids with her. I'm sleeping at my grandma's house, which is only 15-20 min from LB. So it'll be a little getaway for me as well. Dh will actually be out of state doing a wedding (he's a pastor).


In the future, I'll probably hit Modesto or Santa Clara. VHE has been mentioned so many times, I know I'm going to want to make it there at least one time. Frankly, FPEA in Florida has set the bar really high. I've been spoiled to the point that I actually tried to talk DH into letting my fly back for that one. Well, my motivation for that was also to get a visit with friends, but I'm just going to have to wait till the fall for that.


That was way more than you asked, lol.

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Thanks for giving me all the info. I'm so new to this and I'm trying to figure out this year (as I go) and plan for next year.


Please know I'm not anti-Christian at all, but if the focus on the conference is strictly Christian then that would be a draw back for me. I'd like to take a look at everything so to speak.


I'm more lost now than I was before.



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Well the upside of Chea is free room and board. Does anyone know if chea Santa clara is as big as long beach? Modesto sounds great, but the cost of a hotel might negate the cheapness of the convention itself.

Remember that CHEA's main convention is the one in S. Calif, which is, after all, the larger population center in Calif. The one in the Bay Area is never going to be as big as the one in S. Calif.


If I lived in N. Calif and couldn't make it to S. Calif for a convention, I'd choose Modesto over Santa Clara.

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I can give you a vendor take on all this. We live in Raleigh, NC, and we'll be branching out to the west this year. We'll be at WHO in Washington and the fair in Arlington, TX. When deciding on CA, we chose to attend CHEA because, although it's expensive for vendors and attendees, it's the largest convention and has the most exposure for us. If you want to see the largest selection of vendors, I would think CHEA is your best bet.

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I think you can't beat the huge CHEA convention during the summer.

For speakers/seminars, I think it's hard to beat the smaller one in Modesto--It's Valley Home Educators.


:iagree: I've been to and enjoyed both of these.


I don't know which is my favorite, but a plus for VHE is the hotel that is the vending hall is in. The convienice of it being all together compared to staying at relatives, driving, parking, and walking...then doing all that in reverse is a bonus, but both are good in the long run.

Edited by Robin Hood
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Comic Con is the yearly convention for all things cartoon, fantasy, comics, TV show, manga....There is a decidedly weird element, I mean you can walk around and run into Jabba the Hut, or Stormtroopers, or actors from LOST, or just plain strange people. But there is a tremendous amount of information pertaining to these kinds of arts - books, games, merchandise, you can talk to stars, directors....its just a fun convention. Its in San Diego. We loved it.

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I can give you a vendor take on all this. We live in Raleigh, NC, and we'll be branching out to the west this year. We'll be at WHO in Washington and the fair in Arlington, TX. When deciding on CA, we chose to attend CHEA because, although it's expensive for vendors and attendees, it's the largest convention and has the most exposure for us. If you want to see the largest selection of vendors, I would think CHEA is your best bet.

Which CHEA convention: S. California or Bay Area?

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hi, i attended the homeschool association of ca. conference in sac. a couple of years ago. i was not a big fan.

the feel was sort of "unschooly" to me, and the vending hall was not that great.

i am also looking for something grand~

lisa in no. ca


I agree. I went there two years ago before we started homeschooling. Now, we had a lot of fun - kids activities, etc. I enjoyed a couple of the talks, but the main focus is unschooling. So in the vendor hall, there was a RightStart table and a big section from a classical homeschooling store that had lots of stuff (I can't remember the name but it was a great table), but no other real curriculum that I was interested in seeing. Two Usborne vendors, games, toys, other interesting stuff but I wanted to see real curriculum. I went to a couple of unschooling lectures which seemed to advocate the educational benefits of video games and instant messaging. Now I'm not opposed to unschooling per se but it seems that those interested in classical education would not find much there to make it worthwhile.

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When I attended my first convention, I had already been homeschooling for quite a few years. But I can tell you about the two CA conventions that I have attended.


In Fall of 2007 I attended the California Classical Christian Home Educators' convention in Roseville. It was very, very good, but quite small. SWB was the only speaker, and she spoke 5 times. There were three vendors--CCCHE, Peace Hill Press (with related books called for in TWTM, so I could actually look at many of the recommended books, especially for high school history, that are pricey and that you don't just run across in bookstores every day), and a big local homeschooling store called A Brighter Child that had TONS of stuff, again mostly classically friendly and Christian friendly, but also a lot of hands on project kits, games, and CD's. I got to see Omnibus in person for the first time, and probably spent 45 minutes on it.


So, this was the perfect convention for me in that it was for who I am--classically oriented, Christian, but not necessarily totally Providential. I got to fulfill certain objectives--I saw SWB (over and over!) and I was able to slowly and carefully evaluate materials that I was already considering. This was far better for me than a big overwhelming convention with lots of choices, or than a convention like CHEC that has a more specific brand of Christianity as its primary/only option.


The other convention that I attended was the CHEA Santa Clara convention in April of 2008. I did not realize beforehand that this was not their main convention. I attended the entire time, and barely had time to see lecturers because I spent almost the whole time in the vendor hall. Again, this was good because a lot of the vendors had things that I already knew that I wanted--the Rod and Staff materials for next year, the Rod and Staff handbook, the Critical Thinking Press books about American history, the next Writing Strands book, etc. I also got to look at and evaluate a lot of curricula that I had read about but never seen. This wasted a lot of time. For instance, I knew that I was not going to use Konos, but I spent a fair amount of time trying to get my arms around it to make sure, just because it has always intrigued me.


I bought stuff from the CHEA table, including info on homeschooling high school. I think that having that was a good idea for my own evaluation and study.


I specifically went there with the idea in mind that I would compare science curricula for middle school, and buy one. But although they had Exploration Education and Apologia, they did not have Rainbow Science, which I thought was odd. I really wanted to buy Apologia, but kept going back to look at it and finally decided not to--I was uneasy with aspects of it, and decided to use Science Explorer and supplement with Tiner books instead. I sure wish I could have seen Rainbow Science.


I was able to study Beautiful Feet's materials as well as TOG and Sonlight, and it was wonderful to visit those booths and spend a long time there, buying books and figuring out what I really wanted to use. I don't know whether CHEA is going to follow CHEC's lead and ban some of these materials as being 'not Christian enough', but I hope not. David Quine's materials were there but they were mobbed and it was difficult to see anything but the books.


I studied Chalkdust in a great deal of detail, and would have liked to have been able to compare it with Video Text, but they were not present.


IEW was represented.


In addition to those specific firms that I wanted to study, there were quite a few general curricula bookstores of various types, and a sticker/coloring book booth that was actually pretty good.


I was thoroughly exhausted by all of this, and I certainly didn't see everything that I would have liked to. I only went to one or two speaker presentations. My DH got sick, so the free admission for spouses was not useful. (I had been so glad to get him there, as he is so uninterested in homeschooling, but he couldn't stay.)


In summary, the CHEA Santa Clara conference seemed bigger and more poorly focussed than I would have liked. I would not want to go to an even bigger convention unless it was more truly inclusive. I went with objectives that I did not meet, because of some kind of unexpected lacks of vendors present.


This year I will probably only go to the classical convention in Virginia. I'm really psyched for that one! I know that what I see will all pretty much be directly relevant to my homeschooling and my own decision making. And I know that the speakers are engaging :001_smile:.

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