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Best way to teach K student numbers 1-100?


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I am wondering what you've found to be the best way to teach a kindergartner the numbers 1-100?


He knows 1-10 from his Rod and Staff preschool books but I know in TWTM she says to try to have your K student learn up to 100 before starting 1st grade. Are there particular activities or books that help make this easy and/or fun?




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My dc learned 1-100 very easy with Saxon math. All we did is count on the 100 number chart everyday, then we filled in the number line. It is a line that has blocks for the child to fill in the next number each day. Having the practice the number. You can use flash cards too. Get the child to tell you what the number is, and then lay them down on the table and let them put them in order, use 5-10 cards at a time. And you can get macaroni/toys/candy/etc to put out and count the objects that go with the number so the child understands what the number represents.



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JMHO, but I think that a lot of kinders are not developmentally ready to learn numbers up to 100. I presume that by learning you don't just mean counting by rote, but you include understanding that some numbers are smaller, some are larger, etc.


I would make sure that kids count using one to one correspondence, using whatever manipulatives you have. One basic math resource I love for early years is Peggy Kaye's Games for Math. It's in a lot of libraries. The Family Math series is also good and there is a volume for younger kids. Really, I would do a lot of math games before trying to count to 100.


But for learning numbers up to 100, a hundred board is great! Learning Resources publishes a book with hundred board activities, as do some other publishers. You can make a hundred board yourself or buy one. We used one that had a raised grid and tiles that fit into the spaces.




For $9.99, you get the plastic gridded board, which has one side with numbers and one blank side, number tiles 1-100, and 50 transparent colored tiles in 2 colors. We have used this endlessly -- a great value.

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I wouldn't just teach them to count to 100. It would just be memorizing a string of random words. I would work with tangible things like building up groups of tens into bundles - straws or craft sticks and learning the names of sets of those and working of to ten groups is a hundred. At the same time working with a hundred chart and playing something like chutes & ladders which is just a nice hundred chart.


Honestly, I don't think I've ever tried to teach the numbers 1-100. They just seemed to happen.

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Kumon counting workbooks from the bookstore- My Book of Numbers 1-30 and My Book of Numbers 1-120.


I also print numerous 100 charts of of the computer. One would have the even numbers highlighted; one would have multiples of 5 highlighted; one would have multiples of ten highlighted; one would have nothing highlighted; etc.


However, I do agree with Alessandra. I work in the junior Kumon room two day/ week. Although many of the 5yo's can count to 30 or 100 or even higher, for many of them it is just a song- like being able to sing the ABC song but not knowing letter sounds.


As well as working with the number board, Kumon has the children working with dot patterns, counting backwards, filling in columns of numbers instead of just rows, filling in blank spaces on a number line, filling in blank spaces in a number grid, stating the next number up and down without counting, etc.




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My ds6 didn't know 1-100 before 1st grade. He barely knew how to write #s 1-10. We started with Saxon math 1 this year and within 2 mos. he could count to 100, recognize any number randomly and read it, and can now write all the #s without a problem. Don't stress. Just do it everyday and its comes naturally. (I used the hundred chart at first to keep track of counting each number and this also helps him to recognize the numbers). Now he counts from memory and doesn't want to use the hundred chart.


Of course, count everything in the household too!

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Kumon counting workbooks from the bookstore- My Book of Numbers 1-30 and My Book of Numbers 1-120.


This was suggested to me at WTM last year and it worked great. I'd suggest it to others as well since workbooks were well done and my DD liked the dot to dots. They are also affordable and you can get them at many bookstores.

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We bought a box of 100 straws from the dollar store, and took a staw and put it in a cup every day. When we had 10 straws, we tied them together with a rubber band. We also had a "100 chart" - a chart with 100 squares. Every day when we put the next straw in the cup, we wrote the next number on the chart. (These are both suggestions in the MFW K curriculum, although I have seen them used elsewhere)


It is very abstract for K, but it's a start and a foundation. Don't expect the numbers 1-100 to be mastered until 1st grade.

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I attribute my ds4 counting to 100 to Saxon Math K... just by doing the meeting book before every lesson and then periodically seeing how far he can count without using the meeting book. I'm actually surprised at how fast and easy he learned to do it. I have two hundreds charts (0-99 and 1-100) which I really have yet to use, but I'm sure I will get to using that/those too.

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With respect, I'd suggest the question should be how do we get our young children to understand the concept of "base-10". Because if they understand how our number system "works" it is easy to count to a hundred.


But just memorizing a number-count (while not a "bad" thing) is really a very limited way of learning math.



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With respect, I'd suggest the question should be how do we get our young children to understand the concept of "base-10". Because if they understand how our number system "works" it is easy to count to a hundred.


But just memorizing a number-count (while not a "bad" thing) is really a very limited way of learning math.




While that is true, the vast majority of kids know the ABC song before they know their letter sounds and learn their letter sounds before learning to read.


It makes sense to sing-song count and then count beans (make a connection between the words and what they represent) before teaching the concept of base ten.



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We work on counting when we're in the car. You're trapped in there, and it's a nice easy activity to do when they're at that age. She would count with me, then count on her own. Now she's teaching her brother to count in the same manner. He's learning way faster than her, she has more tolerance for repetition than I do. (He may also be more mathematically inclined.)

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After my ds had all ready been counting for quite a while, I wanted to teach him place value and used a place value chart like this one. If you did this from the beginning, your child would all ready understand place value while learning to count those numbers.




We would put straws in the right pocket and count then put the number up above. When we got to 10, well, both numbers don't fit in the pocket. I put a rubber band around them, moved them to the 10's place and said groups of ten must live in the ten's pocket. There were 0 straws in the one's pocket so it made put the 1 and 0 make sense. He got it right away and moved on to understanding hundred's place value that day.

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I've seen base 10 referenced in both Singapore and MUS (I think)... and while I'm not sure if this is what you mean, I will say that I made sure that my ds new that 0-9 are the primary numbers and everything beyond 9 is built upon those primary numbers.


Pattern Example (basically a hundred chart 0-99):


0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9








If that makes sense to anyone... LOL!

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While that is true, the vast majority of kids know the ABC song before they know their letter sounds and learn their letter sounds before learning to read.


It makes sense to sing-song count and then count beans (make a connection between the words and what they represent) before teaching the concept of base ten.




With the ABCs one is learning the component units of the alphabet. In English we have 26 characters to learn.


With base-10 math there are only ten "characters" to learn (0-9) plus these characters roles in "place value". When a child understands 42 is four-tens and 2, then they understand math. That is the learning that is fundamental.


There is nothing inherently wrong with a child being able to "count" to one hundred in the same fashion they could sing any song, it is a fine thing to learn and teach. But I'm suggesting (in a way that is hard to get across on internet posts) that it is not the essential skill that needs to me taught, and is emblematic of how many math programs entirely miss the boat.



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With the ABCs one is learning the component units of the alphabet. In English we have 26 characters to learn.


With base-10 math there are only ten "characters" to learn (0-9) plus these characters roles in "place value". When a child understands 42 is four-tens and 2, then they understand math. That is the learning that is fundamental.


There is nothing inherently wrong with a child being able to "count" to one hundred in the same fashion they could sing any song, it is a fine thing to learn and teach. But I'm suggesting (in a way that is hard to get across on internet posts) that it is not the essential skill that needs to me taught, and is emblematic of how many math programs entirely miss the boat.




Hmm... that makes me curious. Ok, I have a question for Bill.


Ok Bill, sorry to put you on the spot, but in your experience what/which math program(s) do and/or don't entirely miss the boat?




I truly am curious because although I do love Saxon for my ds so far and plan on keeping it as our primary math program throughout our journey, I've recently decided to supplement w/Singapore as well.

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Hmm... that makes me curious. Ok, I have a question for Bill.


Ok Bill, sorry to put you on the spot, but in your experience what/which math program(s) do and/or don't entirely miss the boat?




I truly am curious because although I do love Saxon for my ds so far and plan on keeping it as our primary math program throughout our journey, I've recently decided to supplement w/Singapore as well.


From the programs I've been able to review (and I don't want to put myself up as some sort of "ultimate authority", I'm just a caring parent) the two best programs I've seen for teaching the concept of "base-10" are Right Start and MUS. Both have some "peculiar" aspects, but on teaching this *particular* concept both these programs seem rock-solid (to me).


That said, I'm using neither with my young son (4.5). And am instead using an eclectic mix of Miquon, Singapore, Japanese Math, and MEP (a British version of Hungarian Math) in addition to Cuisenaire Rod work of by own creation.


And I'd rather dodge the question of math programs I don't like :D


I will say that reading Liping Ma's book Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics some years back made a great impression on me, and solidified my feeling about how math should and should not be taught. While the book is not a "how-to" it did clearly elucidate many of the failings in the traditional American method of math education. And it has prodded me to explore math education materials that are strong in teaching "concepts" and then hitting them from a variety of angles.


Learning to "count" out loud does qualify as one angle of learning. I don't want to sound like I'm against counting. It's just not (to my mind) the crucial learning skill to understanding 0-100. KWIM?


I wish I had a copy of Liping Ma's book I copy I could put out there on a read-it-and pass-it-along basis. It's not a book I feel I need to "own" but boy did reading it motivate me not to teach math to my child the way the public schools taught math to me.





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After reading this thread, I pulled out the Saxon 100's chart that CMama was referring to. My son is 3.5 and this was our first attempt. He was able to do it no problem. I think it is something that they pick up pretty easy. I will not really push the 100's counting b/c I would also like to encourage him to understand the concept, not just the memorization.

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After reading this thread, I pulled out the Saxon 100's chart that CMama was referring to. My son is 3.5 and this was our first attempt. He was able to do it no problem. I think it is something that they pick up pretty easy. I will not really push the 100's counting b/c I would also like to encourage him to understand the concept, not just the memorization.


Out of curiosity, does the Saxon chart start with zero or one?



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We have used a number chart begining with 0-100. I would also use flash cards and break up numbers into groups of 20 to arrange in order. Also we looked at numbers in groups of tens and ones along with counting by ones, tens, fives, twos. Kids need to be able to tell the difference between the value of 34 verses 43 etc. which is more or less and why? Getting the kids really familiar and comfortable with numbers was our goal.

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Few ideas -


My dd filled in a 100s chart over a few days. We counted by 2s, 5s and 10s with it, using pennies to cover the numbers.


Use popsicle sticks - each day have your child put one in a cup and then count how many are in the cup. When there are ten, bundle them together and put in a ziploc bag and start over. Count the bundles of ten and keep adding sticks to the cup until you get to 100. Great way to introduce place value.

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I use Saxon Math and have from the beginning. Saxon's 100's chart might begin with 1, however they are quick to teach counting by 2's, 10's etc. by starting with 0.


I actually don't know much about Saxon math (other than what I've heard second-hand), so it's wrong of me to appear critical of this program.



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I wrote the numbers on individual index cards and had my ds tape them to the wall. We started with 1-20, and once he could read those, I added in the rest, ten by ten. Ds had a lot of fun showing off his number skills to his dad and grampa. He was also interested in the ages of the grownups and we would tell him how old we were and ask him to point out our ages on the Wall of Numbers. :)

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We just count things all the time. I never thought of using a curriculum to do it.


ETA: I'm doing Rightstart with my 4yo and it's a nice gentle way to learn, but she was already counting up to 100 with just a little assistance; she just loves to count things and we've encouraged it.

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I actually don't know much about Saxon math (other than what I've heard second-hand), so it's wrong of me to appear critical of this program.




Not necessarily. It sounds like the philosophy behind Saxon vs. some other programs is VERY different and I would venture to say that you haven't used Saxon b/c you didn't agree with their philosophy of teaching it. No harm, no foul, imo.


You know that I am trying to sort all this "math" stuff out. We do happen to be using Saxon K this year, and I thought it was interesting that although their 100 chart starts with 1, when my son had to put # cards in order, they made sure you knew that 0 came first. We haven't progressed much past that, for now. :)


I think we're going to do Singapore Earlybird next year and then *I* will get a better feel for what each program represents and then decide which route to pursue.

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So last night, I was trying to get William (4.5) to sleep after the bed-time story, but he wanted to continue the discussion of how Oedipus poked his eyes out. The book showed him holding a sword, but the text says he used his mother's broach. He wasn't getting past it.


So. Lying next to him in the darkness of night, I asked him:


William, what number do you have if you've got nine (tens) and eight (units).


He though a moment, and answered: ninety eight!


And so on with 75, 82, 64.


There was hesitation with 8 (tens) and 0 (units). but once he was past the first of these, the pattern was set.


After doing this awhile 5 (tens) and 2 (units) provoked the answer: five-tee two. Understandable (and the way some programs teach the concept) we discussed the "English". Same with 27, and 12.


I tried any number of times to end this "lesson", but I kept getting demands for more numbers and we must have gone on for 35 minutes "making" numbers in the dark before he finally drifted off to sleep.


Bill (who hopes he hasn't put you to sleep as well :D)

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So last night, I was trying to get William (4.5) to sleep after the bed-time story, but he wanted to continue the discussion of how Oedipus poked his eyes out. The book showed him holding a sword, but the text says he used his mother's broach. He wasn't getting past it.


So. Lying next to him in the darkness of night, I asked him:


William, what number do you have if you've got nine (tens) and eight (units).


He though a moment, and answered: ninety eight!


And so on with 75, 82, 64.


There was hesitation with 8 (tens) and 0 (units). but once he was past the first of these, the pattern was set.


After doing this awhile 5 (tens) and 2 (units) provoked the answer: five-tee two. Understandable (and the way some programs teach the concept) we discussed the "English". Same with 27, and 12.


I tried any number of times to end this "lesson", but I kept getting demands for more numbers and we must have gone on for 35 minutes "making" numbers in the dark before he finally drifted off to sleep.


Bill (who hopes he hasn't put you to sleep as well :D)


Quite the contrary, Bill. Perfect timing... thanks for sharing this!


I've been thinking about that very thing. I did an impromptu lesson w/my ds just within the past hour... trying to explain the base 10 concept in more depth... and then booted up the computer to look into it a bit more. I'm so glad you posted!

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Quite the contrary, Bill. Perfect timing... thanks for sharing this!


I've been thinking about that very thing. I did an impromptu lesson w/my ds just within the past hour... trying to explain the base 10 concept in more depth... and then booted up the computer to look into it a bit more. I'm so glad you posted!


We've been doing similar things with Cuisenaire Rods. I might take seven orange rods (each with a "value" of ten) and a yellow rod (five) and ask him to write the numerals. Seven tens and five units. Seventy five.


Then maybe we switch it up, and I write the numerals while he pulls out the equivalent rods.


We're not beating place value to death. It's only one of a myriad of skills to be assimilated, but it is an example of potentially engaging ways to teach the concept without reducing the subject to drilling math facts.


This kind of approach excites me, and I know it excites my son.



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We've been doing similar things with Cuisenaire Rods. I might take seven orange rods (each with a "value" of ten) and a yellow rod (five) and ask him to write the numerals. Seven tens and five units. Seventy five.




Oh, I thought your story was adorable, too.


I was looking at this set of Cuisenaire Rods at CBD, where I have to place an order. Is it acceptable? Is there another set that is better?

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Oh, I thought your story was adorable, too.


I was looking at this set of Cuisenaire Rods at CBD, where I have to place an order. Is it acceptable? Is there another set that is better?


That is the same brand and type that I have (and am quite happy with).


I was actually looking for a "wood" set (aging-hippy mentality) but the plastic ones were available locally, and in retrospect I think they are better than the wood ones.


I would, however, strongly urge you to get the 155 piece set as the additional pieces are useful.



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That is the same brand and type that I have (and am quite happy with).


I was actually looking for a "wood" set (aging-hippy mentality) but the plastic ones were available locally, and in retrospect I think they are better than the wood ones.


I would, however, strongly urge you to get the 155 piece set as the additional pieces are useful.




Okay, so I'm going to make a mountain out of a mole hill here.


My ds sounds a bit like yours and I know I'll be thankful for having more in the long run, so I don't mind purchasing the larger kit. I like wood, too. Come to find out, the wood is only a few bucks more. So, my next question: notches or no notches? And, are there any wood sets that have notches or just plastic?


Thanks, Bill and anyone else with input!

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Okay, so I'm going to make a mountain out of a mole hill here.


My ds sounds a bit like yours and I know I'll be thankful for having more in the long run, so I don't mind purchasing the larger kit. I like wood, too. Come to find out, the wood is only a few bucks more. So, my next question: notches or no notches? And, are there any wood sets that have notches or just plastic?


Thanks, Bill and anyone else with input!


No notches (for sure!). With notches they may count. You want the association to be "mental" (and it will suprise you how fast they master this).


The "values" may also change as you move on to "fractions" (and what not).


So an orange rod (ordinarily a "ten" value) could be "one" unit, and therefore yellow (ordinarily a "five") would be worth one-half. With me?


I've now seen the wood ones first-hand. I really like the plastic ones better (and I can't believe I'm saying this on a public forum). They are washable, they are more regular, they feel better to the touch, they hold their color, and they almost seem more "wood-like".


There are some than are "interlocking" (don't get these either).


If some of what I'm saying is appealing to you. Get Miquon (with the three teacher oriented books and read them). It's weird, it's different, it's fun. But if your son is like mine it will open "math" up as an exciting part of his world and you'll delight in seeing the lights turn on.



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Okay, I've updated my choice to the 155 pc., plastic, no notch set! ;)


Which Miquon book are you using right now with your son?

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Okay, I've updated my choice to the 155 pc., plastic, no notch set! ;)


Which Miquon book are you using right now with your son?


We are mainly using Orange, but I've begun pulling things in from Red as well.


Our usage is "non-linear" (in the spirit of Miquon) in the sense that I jump around rather than working straight though from lesson 1 to the end in order. If I think something should be skipped, I skip it. Or come back to it later. But we've now done a fair portion of Orange.


I also make up a great number of my own sheets and/or games based either on the workbooks or on the ideas in the teacher books (Lab Annotations, First Year Diary, and Notes to Teachers). I enjoy the flexibility of this program especially in this time of "discovery".


There is no pressure, learning is fun, many "advanced" concepts are introduced "early". It's creative, enjoyable, and I see how his mind is expanding, and it pleases me.



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Thanks for all your help! Math is our favorite subject right now, so I'm really looking forward to next year, trying the Miquon and Singapore.


I think I've hijacked this thread enough, so :auto:

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