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Dinner conversation: What was yours tonight?

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Was really counting my blessings tonight as the children spoke with great animation and excitement about the following:


King Herod and why he wanted to kill all the boy babies in Bethlehem (Bible)


Breat Big Elephants Hide Near City Parks (Central American Countries-Geography)


How well Grandma reads bedtime stories.


Prince Caspian (the book) We have a family rule that we cannot talk about movies at the dinner table. Anyone with typical 7 and 8 yr old boys probably understands this. We're currently reading Prince Caspian as a read-aloud. We've seen the movie approximately 80 million times. :tongue_smilie:


So, I'm just curious.... What did you talk about at the dinner table tonight?

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It went something like this.


me: "Kids, Dinner time"

ds9: "Hey mom, when's dad coming home"

me: "Sometime around the 28th I think"

ds9: "Oh, he couldn't tell us again"

dd7: "He never can, it's a Navy secret"

ds3: "I gotta pee" (he's potty training)


me: "Ok, then go to the potty, yeah those Navy secrets keep daddy safe"

ds9: "Ok, do I get to do spelling power tomorrow instead of all about spelling"

me: "Yes, that's what you wanted right?"

ds9: "Yeah"

dd6: "Are we doing science tomorrow"

me: "Yes, we're going to start learning about cells"

ds9 and dd6: "Cool"

ds3: "I got cells"


and this went on for a while.


This is typical for us. I'm always amazed at what the little guy picks up.

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Kiddo put on Berlioz to eat to. He really loves Berlioz.


First my son asked me why Brahms had destroyed some of his music (he heard this on Vox Music Masters). Next he asked me what a turning point is, and we discussed that at length. To my delight, he, after a little change of subject, pointed to the drawing of a bird he did yesterday and "casually" mentioned he was going to destroy it because he had reached a turning point in "his art". We had a good grin over that ruse.


Because I eat so much faster, I then read him Aliki's Gods and Goddesses of Olympus and we discussed that. As an after dinner treat for all of Saturday and Sunday's school time (we do all subjects both days of the weekend) crammed into Sunday, he's watching Clash of the Titans, and telling me who is who.


My mother once told me the only regret she had in dying was not seeing this grandchild grow up (all the others pretty much have). This weekend I have felt the reverse of this: my only regret in her dying is that she cannot see him now.

Edited by kalanamak
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Lots of things like books, movies, computer games, life in general -- we had a pizza dinner at friend's house w/ her family.


The funniest part is that our friend has a 3yo dd. The 3yo likes to call my dh Bert (his name is Bart) & he always calls her Ernie in return. Ernie wanted to make sure Bert wasn't sleeping during dinner, so she had to keep getting up to tickle him, just to be sure....


It's quite fun to eat with Bert & Ernie. :D

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All our holiday family/guests left yesterday and this afternoon, so only my 16yo dd and I are left here at home for dinner/supper.


We ate no-bake cookies on the couch and watched two episodes of The Avengers.


Not much conversation. It is entirely too quiet here now.

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