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How much time do you devote to you own personal education?

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I find my day quite busy with normal housekeeping chores and teaching the children. I try to visit here while working with the children and late at night. The reasons for this are that I can post in little snippets between helping children but cannot concetrate on deep thinking at that time and late at night I am too tired for deep thinking. I watch practically no TV nor do I have any other activities and yet I am finding it difficult to carve out as much time as I would like for furthering my own education. I am plugging along in latin, some history and science and of course reading non-fiction books but there is so much more I want to learn and not enough time to do it. How much time do you allot and or get for this activity?

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I am doing some studies and working on writing. I devote at least an hour a day, more on the weekends. I've been plugging along with Latin and trying to get to math. :glare: I created some self-ed goals for myself for 2009.


My dh works on Saturdays and ds plays with his friends, so that is when a lot of my studying gets done. I do try to do short lessons while ds is studying, but it is hard then so I work before school and in the evening after dh gets home.

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I've been plugging along in Latin. Although I may go 2 or 3 weeks without cracking the books if life gets too busy around here. I also try to read more literature. It continually amazes me to discover that those great books and classics are actually fun to read (well, not all of them ;)).

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I was having a hard time finding time to do any unless it was at like 1 am, so I made a point of scheduling it in, so now I get 30 minutes once I get the littles down for nap/quiet time. It doesn't seem like much but when I stick with it 7 days a week it means I get 3.5 hours a week of self education time, plus I do about 30-45 minutes of online research/board discussions per day. This has been new just this week, as part of my goal to rediscover myself, so I have that scheduled as well as things like my sewing/scrapbooking etc. I made my time to do my hobbies to be immediately after my self education time so that if I am really getting into something I can extend it without it interferring in other things i have to get done. Of course to have even found and chiselled out this small amount of time per day I had to make my wake up time 4 hours earlier in the day to get started.

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I'm currently trying to finish my bachelor's degree and going through Excelsior. You can complete all courses online. I generally spend one to two hours, 3 to 4 days a week on class stuff. Art class just started this week, so i'm gearing back up, trying to figure out my schedule. Will have to back down on internet time for a while.

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Since my education is primarily what I learn here, I'd say I get and hour or two a day in :tongue_smilie:



What will Latin, math or science do for me now? Not a lot....


But to know of the best wheat for homemade bread, the horrors of waxing, whether to buy stainless, cast iron or non-stick cookware, if I can use plastic safely, if I should buy items from China, what Miss Manners says about xxx... all of that is a true education for a mom!




In all seriousness... I work in pharmacy so most of my continuing education is based on my industry and not personal goals. I am always learning something every day at work. :0)



PS Considering how many words I misspelled while typing this, including 'education' I should probably work a little on either my spelling or my typing!!! Thank God for Spellcheck! ROFLOL

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I find my day quite busy with normal housekeeping chores and teaching the children. I try to visit here while working with the children and late at night. The reasons for this are that I can post in little snippets between helping children but cannot concetrate on deep thinking at that time and late at night I am too tired for deep thinking. I watch practically no TV nor do I have any other activities and yet I am finding it difficult to carve out as much time as I would like for furthering my own education. I am plugging along in latin, some history and science and of course reading non-fiction books but there is so much more I want to learn and not enough time to do it. How much time do you allot and or get for this activity?


Sounds like my world. I'm ending the first year of a three-year herbalist program and trying to schedule my own educational stuff is becoming a nightmare. (She types, obviously having enough time to spend with the greatest time suck on the planet, The Internet)


I used to get up at 5:30 and get some reading / writing in then. For reasons unknown (possibly holiday related stress) I have been sleeping through my alarm and not getting up until 6:30 or so, which means I have a little boy hot on my trail. And then the other one is not far behind. And that leads to boisterous playing... Argh!


Anyway, it works better for me if I get up early. I then generally get to read in quiet until 7 or so before the circus starts. By the time the kids go to bed, I'm fried. It's this or sit and stare at the TV.


But thanks for lighting a fire under me. I'm off to bed with my oat straw and rose infusion and Nutritional Herbology. ("Gone in 60 Seconds"... not just a bad movie anymore)

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I thought that's what this board was: my self-education.:glare:


Seriously- it is starting to really get to me, the lack of personal time. I've just given up completely on staying ahead of DD in math. (Yes, she really is only that old, and yes, my math skills really are *that* bad!) I am trying to stay up on Latin, and brush up (aka re-learn because I forgot it all in 10 years it seems) my Korean in preparation to move there in the spring. But I have no.darn.time.


Starting next week, Dh will be gone M-F, and I plan to get some studying done weeknights. So hopefulyl I will not be on here as much- if you see me, kick me off and tell me to go study my Korean!

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