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Primary Language Lessons (PLL) in public domain?


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I think I like it better, too! I read the first 20 lessons, and then I read a few random lessons later in the book (there are 115 lessons!) and I think this will be perfect for me to use with my daughter next year in second grade.


THANK YOU to Crystal for providing this link!!



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In doing some looking, I have discovered that if you search Google Books for "language lessons," the first page has at least five hits that appear to be along the same general vein as Serl's and Sheldon's books. It appears to me that these books are representative of a style of grammar books from the early 20th century (or slightly earlier) and that there are several choices of specific texts available. The Sewell books cover early elementary through high school in three volumes.



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Kinko's said it would be $15 to print and $4 for a comb binding and $5 for a spiral binding. That's more expensive than buying the Hillside version of Serl's PLL, so I think I am just going to print off a few pages at a time and put them in a three-ring binder. Since it's in the public domain, there's no problem with them printing it.


I have been so geeked out about the Sheldon PLL! I have wondered for a long time what grammar I would use with the kids. I liked the idea of the Serl PLL but wasn't excited about the few samples I had been able to see. But since I found the Sheldon PLL yesterday, and got to read so much of it, I have been giddy about it! My dh can't understand why I am so excited about a century-old grammar book.


I guess this just confirms my long-held suspicion that I am really a nerd at heart.



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Based on my preview of the PLL, I think it would work for kids from 1st-4thish (although I think it would be very challenging for a first grader). I haven't looked as in-depth at the second one, but it's longer and more focused on using grammar for good writing. I think it would work for 4th-8thish, depending on the child's knowledge of grammar and writing abilities. It is billed as "the next book," so my assumption is that it's meant to follow directly on the heels of PLL. I also think that these books are more challenging than your average "language arts" books of today.


(Yeah, I spent two hours last night perusing the books. :blush: )



Edited by TaraTheLiberator
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  • 3 months later...

Bumping this thread to see how you all still like it.


I am wondering what age this would fit, and how it might compare to the CW Primers and WWE/FLL. I know ds6 isn't ready yet, but I'm looking forward to the next year....gleaning all I can.:D

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Guest 4boys

Am I missing something? I would like to download this book to look at and when I click on the link I can't find where I am supposed to do that. Help please?

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Am I missing something? I would like to download this book to look at and when I click on the link I can't find where I am supposed to do that. Help please?



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In the blue bar that goes across the top of the page just under the title of the book is a place that says "page." If you click on the arrows pointing to the right you will be able to go through the book. On the top right just beneath that bar is the place to click to download.


pertaining to this link.

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Am I missing something? I would like to download this book to look at and when I click on the link I can't find where I am supposed to do that. Help please?

Next to the top right corner of the book "pages" there is a "download as PDF" option, and I think there is a text option under that.



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I saw that one of you is in Canada. You can't download from Google Books if you are outside the US. There was another thread about this reently and someone else said they found the PLL available for download at another site, butI don't remember which one. Try searching TWTM for Sheldon PLL and see what you can find.



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Here's the post I found about how to get it from the internet archive.


Thanks to all of you!!


I did manage to get the pdf of Sheldon's Advanced Language Lessons (which is the one I wanted) from the other link by searching at http://www.archive.org. I had to click on the "All Files: HTTP" link which gave me direct access to the PDF file (clicking on the "PDF on Google.com" link just gave me the same info page as going directly into Google Books.)


I was also able to get the Serl Intermediate Language Lessons in the same way.


So thanks again to all of you for your help :-)



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Thanks for that second link to the Advanced Language Lessons.


Does anyone know, can you bring the file to be printed and binded without any hassle?


Yes, I printed Sheldon's PLL in booklet form. Now all I have left to do is cut the pages in half and bind it. We used a jig and Gorilla glue on our last book.

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Bumping this thread to see how you all still like it.


I am wondering what age this would fit, and how it might compare to the CW Primers and WWE/FLL. I know ds6 isn't ready yet, but I'm looking forward to the next year....gleaning all I can.:D


I plan on starting PLL very slowly in 1st. We'll go as far as dd's understanding will go and then wait until 2nd to finish it.

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One last try to see if someone could help out your northern neighbours:D


Yeah, I've emailed it to two people already. PM me your addresses and I'l email it to you and the other Canuck looking for it. :)


How does one print a pdf in booklet form?



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  • 2 weeks later...
On my Acrobat Reader, booklet is one of the settings you can choose under Page Scaling.


Oh, that. is. so. COOL!


Please help me, HiddenJewel, as I'm spatially challenged: If I print this in booklet form, are all the pages going to come out right side up? And double-sided? So then I...do what, exactly?


Thank you! :001_smile:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have downloaded Sheldon's PLL as well as the samples of Serl's PLL and compared the two. Also compared them to Mary Hyde's books (on which EFTTC is based). I think they are all quite similar and all seem equally good (to me), although free is always better. You could also create your own LA-grammar worksheets using pictures, stories and poems that you and your child read together. What you have to aim to cover is punctuation, capitalization, parts of speech, picture study, comprehension and composition. These books just make it easier by compiling good prose extracts, poems and pictures into one book.

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  • 1 month later...

My dd (2nd grade) is on lesson 80, and we love it. She regularly says that grammar is her favorite subject. We do much of it orally, and I skip the composition exercises, but she is learning a lot and, most importantly, is able to use it in her own writing and reading. I would have to say that it's a smashing success!


In fact, I am so inspired by it that I just might move on to ALL after we complete FLL 3 (and possibly 4). The later lessons in ALL look daunting, but I'm so impressed by it that I just might tackle it!



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