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So would you want YOU as a juror on your trial?

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So I was pretty well into the jury duty thread before I realized it was an 8 month old thread! LOL! But it got me thinking. I've never served jury duty before. Got two notices, but both were in the first batches of forward mail we recieved once we got to our new state. (Go figure?) But if you were on trial for something, would you want YOU as a juror? Do you think you'd be a good juror? Or would you worry about having you as a juror?


Me? I won't want me on my juror. My mind tends to wander. I'd be worried about my son, how it was affecting my schedule, and constantly making mental lists of stuff that would pop into my head. Plus it sounds like they tend to be pretty dull during the prep stages. I get a little ADDish when I'm bored. Figety and thinking about other things. And I watch all those CSI shows, and I'd probably end up thinking more about stuff like that as it came up. Yup, I'd be worried if I had me as a juror!


So, what about you?

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I wouldn't worry about me being in the jury. But no attorney would ever keep me in. They'd see me as a problem.


I tend to dislike the inefficiency inherent in group decisions. That would be the jury itself and government in general.

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If I was innocent-yes


If I was guilty-please please please - No!!!!




ETA: I try to be fair and balanced and not judge too quickly. I am also not afraid to punish wrongs. I think I would make a decent jury member (though when the opportunity arises I always seem to find a way to wiggle out of it...)

Edited by beansprouts
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I am not sympathetic and wouldn't tend to be fair with anyone presumably guilty of a crime (and I don't think I could do the whole innocent-until-proven-guilty thing). I would probably have the this-sucker's-guilty-unless-you-convince-me-otherwise mentality in many cases. In something civil, I'd probably be more fair, but criminal, nah - I just don't think I could be fair and impartial. I'm too emotional.


Not trying to start a flame war, just being honest (and admitting the reason why I'll probably NEVER have to worry about getting picked for a jury).

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
If I was innocent-yes


If I was guilty-please please please - No!!!!


This was almost verbatim the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw your question.



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It would depend on the type of trial. Anything having to do with child abuse or a case involving drugs and alcohol, I would be upfront during voir dire and tell the attorneys I would not be open minded.


Everything else, I would be a good juror.


I was a court reporter for 11 years and have sat through hundreds of jury trials. I wouldn't have a problem paying attention. I would probably sit there and wonder what evidence had been excluded, how many priors a criminal defendant had, etc.


I remember after one jury trial, the judge, staff and I were discussing the case while we waited for the verdict. The case was a woman had gone to a bar and partied hard. Someone stole her purse. The next morning, a newspaper delivery person found her purse and turned it in to the police. The police inventoried the purse and found a vial containing a white, powdery substance. After examination, it was found to be cocaine.


The owner of the purse was arrested for possession and we went to trial. I am the only one that predicted the outcome of that case correctly. While I knew darned well that the vial belonged to her (well, I assumed), there was no way I would convict her because that purse was out of her possession for more than 12 hours. It could have easily been planted. That could happen to anyone, and I couldn't vote her guilty. Everyone was stunned but me when the jury found her not guilty.


That all said, I don't want to be a juror and pray I never get called. It is a huge responsibility. While it's a burden to the juror serving, it is carried forever to the parties of the case.

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I wouldn't want me. I too would be too worried about my kids and how this was altering their schedule.


My personal beliefs are very conservative compared to the norm and I don't think I could fairly judge a situation without thinking about the right/wrong vs my own faith beliefs.


I was called last summer but was excused being a homeschooler. But no, I don't think i would be a good juror. I could totally see me being the one lone person keeping a verdict from happening, lol

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I was on a jury that heard a civil commitment case, though, and I nearly threw up after we read the verdict. I went to the bathroom and cried instead. It was awful.


I will say that when I first read your question, I thought, gosh, there are women on this board whom I definitely would not want on my jury! :D And I say that in the nicest way and am not referring to any particular person who has posted in this thread. We are a very opinionated bunch.

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I will say that when I first read your question, I thought, gosh, there are women on this board whom I definitely would not want on my jury! :D And I say that in the nicest way and am not referring to any particular person who has posted in this thread. We are a very opinionated bunch.


:iagree: and include myself in this group which is why I wonder about the whole "jury of your peers" system. Who are my peers? Who are your peers? If I am on trial my group of peers would be middle-class, educated, working mothers who also homeschool and are conservative evangelicals. A pretty specific group, ya know?

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If I was innocent, I would want someone like me as a juror. I think I'm pretty fair-minded and really do try to give others the benefit of the doubt, weigh evidence, etc. I quickly realize when I am reacting or responding with prejudice and try to correct it by looking at things with an open mind and with honesty. These things are very important to me. Justice is very important to me. I wouldn't want someone like me serving as a juror if I were guilty, but then, I wouldn't be guilty.;)


I am a little distractable, but when something is important, I can lock in on it. I would be scribbling away writing notes and working very hard to banish all thoughts that did not pertain to the trial from my mind.

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