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Worrywart mom needs car seat help.

Guest Alte Veste Academy

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

This can't become a debate about whether or not kids need car seats. I'm way too nuts about this issue to be open to any "in my day" comments. I'm a worrywart and I will not be changed. Also, my husband worked for 5 years in an ER and saw too many ugly things related to kids to be my usual anti-worrywart on this issue. My two older kids are currently in Britax Regents and my youngest is in a Britax Marathon. They are like one with the seats in my minivan, where the kids do all their traveling.


I just bought my husband a new car for our January Christmas that we're going to have when he gets home from this horrendous 15 month deployment. It's his dream car but it's a car, which means that there is no way those car seats are going to fit three across his backseat...not that I want to take them out and reinstall them anyway. I need the kids to all be able to fit into Dad's car as our second vehicle for when the van is in the shop or for whatever other reason may come up.


So, as much as I love the five point harness (and I do jokingly say they'll be in it until it's socially embarrassing!), I think I might have to do boosters for the older two if I can't find a very narrow 5 point option for them.


No mockery please...just non-judgmental help! Can anyone suggest some options or the web sites for the safest car seats? Either narrow five point restraint options (a definite necessity for my youngest) or the safest booster money can buy?


DS (6 in Feb) 48" tall, 48 lbs., very responsible

DD (4) 42.5" tall, 36 lbs., sometimes thinks dangerous things are funny so I'm worried she'll think it's a hoot to take her seatbelt on and off if in a booster--although DS6 would rat her out in less than a second

DS (2.5) 37.5" tall, 35 lbs and wild, wild, wild - I would NOT put him in a booster, no way!


Thanks for any help!




(and remember, no making fun of me!) :)

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There is a wonderful (but expensive) narrow steel-framed 5 point harnessed car seat called a Radian 80 that's made by Sunshine Kids that should fit 3 across.


We have one, and when my wife and young son were in an accident (both unhurt) I was so grateful he wasn't in a booster. This seat gets a 5 star rating from this father.





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Um, I think you're going to have to keep the 4 year old in a 5-point. Not sure what the law is in TX, but most places it's 4 years AND 40 lbs. And then they should be in a high-backed, belt positioning booster until they're 6? Then they move on to the "phone book" (to quote a NHTSA guy) until they fit properly in the seatbelt... and *I* don't even fit properly in the seatbelt.


I would suggest something like we've worked out. My husband and I don't have cars. There is the "kids car" and the "no kids car". I mostly drive the minivan, but if my husband takes it for something, then I plan to go nowhere. He can take up to 2 kids in the no kid car (Volvo wagon) but the three will not fit across safely. (It used to be the kid car when we only had 2, but when we suddenly had 4 and three were in carseats...) Or, keep the younger two in full seats and get the oldest the slimmest "phone book" one you can find. That may fit. Ours does fit in the little removable middle row seat in the van, between the two Britax seats in the captain's chairs, and it's not the slimmest one out there.


(And remember: the best carseat is the one that fits properly in your car.)

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Never for a second would I choose a booster. Car seats are actually safer to buckle and unbuckle in my opinion. Here's the one that I might upgrade to, if I need a change...Right now I have the two largest Britax. I've watched the booster video on YouTube about the 4 year old that died because his booster let him slip out!

Here's the address for the carseat that I thing might work for you...and a bonus..it folds right up when you need to move it. Phone # 800.974.7798

Safeguardgo.com It's advertised in the magazine "Wondertime" and it's as narrow as a booster.



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We had to move our 4yo into a booster but it is a cross between a booster and a carseat - it has a 5 point harness. It is the Eddie Bauer brand. I think my husband got it at Toys R Us.


And no I don't think you are worrying too much. I am the same way and I am old enough to remember when cars didn't even have seat belts let alone car seats for children.


As a matter of fact I've told my husband that I myself probably need a booster seat since I'm fairly small, at least I feel that way when I drive our SUV.:tongue_smilie:



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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Thanks everyone! I think the Radian 80 will be perfect, as it is specifically marketed for its narrow width in addition to being super safe. They actually show it installed three across in a car. (My husband's car is pretty wide so hopefully it will be a good fit. If they're not a good fit, I guess it's back to the drawing board.) Also, it goes to 80 pounds while the others have to switch to booster or stop use at 40 and 65. Apparently it's my goal for the kids to go straight from their car seats to driving. :lol:


Because I don't see me driving my husband's car much at all, I just feel so much more comfortable with him having the car seats at the ready in case of an emergency when I'm out. And after 15 months alone with a five year old, a four year old and a two year old, I plan to be out a lot!


Thanks again!



Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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Sounds like you found a perfect solution. My 9 year old is still in a booster in my car because the seatbelt does not come across him properly due to the way the seat slants. In my dh's SUV, he fits fine and does go booster-less. Oh, and he is totally embarrassed that he has to sit in one at all!


My 5 year old is in a highback booster which I am constantly watching him in the rearview mirror in and telling him to sit a certain way because I am totally paranoid. :(

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Um, I think you're going to have to keep the 4 year old in a 5-point. Not sure what the law is in TX, but most places it's 4 years AND 40 lbs. And then they should be in a high-backed, belt positioning booster until they're 6? Then they move on to the "phone book" (to quote a NHTSA guy) until they fit properly in the seatbelt... and *I* don't even fit properly in the seatbelt.


Want to read something sad?




Because of the changes in the wording of the law (HB183), the following legal interpretation should be applied:


  • Once the child reaches five years old, they are not legally required to be in a child safety seat system.

  • If they are 36 inches or taller, again, they are not legally required to be in a child safety seat system.

  • However, if the child is both less than five years old and less than 36 inches in height, they are legally required to be in a car seat or booster seat.

Very uncool... Basically the state of Texas seems to be OK with my two year old and my wisp of a four year old in a regular ol' seatbelt. Shame...


I would suggest something like we've worked out. My husband and I don't have cars. There is the "kids car" and the "no kids car".


(And remember: the best carseat is the one that fits properly in your car.)


Unfortunately, due to the fact that my husband's car is a manual hot rod with more engine than I feel comfortable handling, I just don't don't see me driving it except in an emergency. I feel 100% comfortable with him driving it because he's exceptionally responsible and he's not going to be drag racing with our three little in the back...or without them, for that matter! I just don't see me taking it to Target while he stays home with the kids and the minivan. However, I do see the kids wanting to take Daddy's car all the time on the weekends because, frankly, it's way cooler than the minivan. :lol:


And I hear you on the proper fit. Wish me luck!



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And after 15 months alone with a five year old, a four year old and a two year old, I plan to be out a lot!




My husband's deployments have been only 4 month ones so far and we only have two children, but I can really relate to that! My Mom and my MIL are good about visiting when he's away, so that helps. Sometimes the Grandpas come, too, sometimes they don't, but Grandmas don't need much persuading to come see the grandkids. They kids cry when the grandparents leave and I feel like it, too.

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Want to read something sad?




Because of the changes in the wording of the law (HB183), the following legal interpretation should be applied:


  • Once the child reaches five years old, they are not legally required to be in a child safety seat system.

  • If they are 36 inches or taller, again, they are not legally required to be in a child safety seat system.

  • However, if the child is both less than five years old and less than 36 inches in height, they are legally required to be in a car seat or booster seat.


Very uncool... Basically the state of Texas seems to be OK with my two year old and my wisp of a four year old in a regular ol' seatbelt. Shame...




Let us all take a moment and hyperventilate together, shall we?

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Let us all take a moment and hyperventilate together, shall we?


My kids are off-the-charts big, and they sat in their huge Britax seats until they absolutely outgrew them. My oldest probably won't sit in the front seat until he's taller than me if I have my way :glare:.

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I had one. Thought I was going to love it. I ordered it online to get a cheaper price. Turns out, it does NOT install properly in my '01 Toyota Sienna. I fought with that thing left and right, and could not get a good install. Additionally, the thing is so heavy, that sending it back was going to be very COSTLY. Urgh....


So my warning is, if you want to TRY one, get it somewhere where you can take it back. I think Target actually used to sell them (online only). In that case, you might not get rock bottom price, but you can easily bring it back in-store if it doesn't work in your car.


Also, these ladies on this message board have loads of experience and information about car seats. I used to frequent this one often, but haven't been back in a year or two. They should be able to offer some really SPECIFIC info:



I think that is the right board - they've changed the format since I've been around. You might have to log in (or create a password...blah, blah, blah) to get on, but it will be worth it.


Good luck! - Stacey in MA

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I had one. Thought I was going to love it. I ordered it online to get a cheaper price. Turns out, it does NOT install properly in my '01 Toyota Sienna. I fought with that thing left and right, and could not get a good install. Additionally, the thing is so heavy, that sending it back was going to be very COSTLY. Urgh....


So my warning is, if you want to TRY one, get it somewhere where you can take it back. I think Target actually used to sell them (online only). In that case, you might not get rock bottom price, but you can easily bring it back in-store if it doesn't work in your car.


Also, these ladies on this message board have loads of experience and information about car seats. I used to frequent this one often, but haven't been back in a year or two. They should be able to offer some really SPECIFIC info:



I think that is the right board - they've changed the format since I've been around. You might have to log in (or create a password...blah, blah, blah) to get on, but it will be worth it.


Good luck! - Stacey in MA


Thanks so much for this. I'll check it out.


Also, I'm hoping they will install but it's good advice to get them from a store that has a brick and mortar in my area. I feel pretty sure I am nowhere near a store that sells them so would have to order online. Amazon has them for $219 though and Target is $279 so a giant difference, especially with me ordering three. If they do fit, I'll have saved $180 and if they don't fit, I might be right at the point of shipping prices where the returns would even out to Target's price anyway. I'll shop around though and see what I can find, keeping a potential return in mind.


Thanks everyone for the supportive words and hyperventilating with me. I find that law so pathetic, really. There is no excuse for it in this day and age. We've got electronic stability control and side curtain airbags, yet the state is willing to let little kids sit in seatbelts alone before they're properly able to fit in one. Sad...



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Hey Kristina,


i hope the Radian 80 works out well for you. Stacey is quite correct about these being "heavy". The seats are steel framed (not plastic like Britax) the upside is they are stronger and less bulky, the downsides include shipping costs.


It might be worth a trip to a near-by city (even it's a bit of a haul). If you punch in your zip on the linked page you'll get the closest retailer.




Good luck!



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My oldest was in a booster until he couldn't buckle the seat belt because his legs are too big (he's 9.5, but 90th percentile for height/weight).


I think my dh and I will be discussing the Radian for our mini-van. Although, not sure we can replace 3 seats at the moment (as much as I'd like to).

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What kind of car are you hoping to fit these Radians in? Maybe I can track down someone with some experience with it.


I can vouch for the Radian as an awesome seat though. I have 2, one rear facing for the 7 month old, the other forward facing for my 5 yr old. I can install them both directions in all but one position of my Expedition. Not to say they were all a breeze...some took a little man-handling ;) But, I have solid installs..that I *could* do again..though hope I don't have to frequently :D


I've had Britax up til this point...the Radian is quite comparable, imo. They have their differences, yes, but I really like the Radian. The lower profile has been ideal for our situation! (as well as the narrowness...one sits between 2 boosters in the 3rd row)


As the others mentioned..if you can find a place to try it out, please do so! If not, Target is a good place to buy online as you can simply return to a store if it's a no-go.

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I absolutely agree with these and love my Radian. It takes up little space, keeps my daughter in 5pt harness much longer, and is strong as steel.

The belts don't twist and the cover is easy to clean for me.


Installation was very hard, but I got it tight as a drum. My dd is over 40lbs, so this was a seatbelt installation. Latch is of course much easier for kids under 40lbs.

It doesn't seem to install easily with many Toyotas. You must try it first IMO.


It is very straight with minimal recline, if that matters. Despite the installation issues, I cannot recoomend anything else more.(If it fits your car, which is most important)

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Just a note on the Radian . . .


I haven't owned one, although I likely will if we have another dc, but have read a lot about them. The Radian 65 and Radian 80 are the same shell and have the same harness slot heights. So, if you have children that are on the lighter side, you would probably be fine with the Radian 65, which is less expensive. From what I have read, most kids outgrow the Radians by height before they do by weight. Now I did just read here that the R80 is approved to use above the top slots up to a certain weight limit, as long as the ears are below the top of the seat back.


Anyway, just thought that might help with $$$ since you need to buy three. :)

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We are happy with our Radian. We currently have it latched in to our Toyota Sienna. The car seat tech said it could also be buckled in by twisting the seat belt stalk 1 or 2 times. He had a cheat sheet of how many times different brands of cars could safely have the seatbelt stalk twisted. I'll have to double check that advice when dd is 40 pounds. FWIW, dd finds the Radian more comfortable than the three Britaxes we have or have had.

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No laughs here. Shame on anyone who would! We use Graco booster seats in our van. My 8.5yo is very tall and weighs 75 lbs. He uses only the bottom portion of the seat now. My ds6 is also tall and weighs 55 lbs and uses the entire back as well.

I would suggest using the 5 point harnesses for both the little ones with a booster in the center seat. It might just fit better that way.

Good luck and congrats on your honey coming home! And tell him thanks for me!

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
What kind of car are you hoping to fit these Radians in? Maybe I can track down someone with some experience with it.


Oy! It's a Dodge Challenger SRT8 and after going to pick it up today, I have serious doubts as to whether I could even do three Radians, slim though they may be. As it is, I think that my husband and I will just make a trip to Austin with both cars when he gets home to avoid a shipping problem if they don't fit. If it were a bit wider and if the middle wasn't raised, I wouldn't be worried. As is, I'm thinking I might be back to square one. We'll see.


Thanks everyone for you advice and support!



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