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How long have you been on twm forums?

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Wow! How wonderful to see some of the same names and faces around! I just rejoined since I have long since lost access to my old email address. I joined around 2006. We now have four adult children (three step-children) and four younger ones (age 7 and younger). I joke that I have 18 years down and 18 to go (our youngest is 1 and my eldest is 19 now)!


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20 years. So many of us here that remember when flipping the board was fun! I started reading and asking questions when my oldest was 3, and started homeschooling her at 4 in Spanish with the intention of putting her in school the following year. That didn't happen. I didn't join THIS board until about a year after it switched over. I oldest is turning 25 and my youngest is 13. I'm still determining what to do with her this upcoming year...

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16 hours ago, ezrabean2.0 said:

Wow! How wonderful to see some of the same names and faces around! I just rejoined since I have long since lost access to my old email address. I joined around 2006. We now have four adult children (three step-children) and four younger ones (age 7 and younger). I joke that I have 18 years down and 18 to go (our youngest is 1 and my eldest is 19 now)!


I love that! It's amazing how many original people are still here, I love it!

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Since I was pregnant with my almost 13yo.


Most of my free time now goes to volunteering for a non-profit that supports parents who have been through preeclampsia, especially those who have experienced infant loss, so I don't get over here very often, but the Hive has always been helpful to me, and I will forever be grateful for the support and love y'all showed me when I was dealing with complications, the NICU, and the loss of our baby.


(Also, remember the picture of my then-Mr. Five and "his" brand-new rainbow baby? They are now ten and five and count each other as best friends.)

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I joined when my oldest was about 3, so around 9 years ago. I think people have been pretty brusque and no-nonsense the whole time as well as in older posts I see, but I think that can be much more helpful than "rah-rah" encouragement. "You've got this, Mama" is nice to hear, but it doesn't help us improve much. Thanks to this forum, if someone asks what curriculum/method to use to homeschool, I first ask a ton of questions before giving any advice. I see and hear other people just answer the name of a curriculum or distance learning provider with no further info except maybe "it's the best."

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On 7/18/2024 at 7:22 AM, Xahm said:

I joined when my oldest was about 3, so around 9 years ago. I think people have been pretty brusque and no-nonsense the whole time as well as in older posts I see, but I think that can be much more helpful than "rah-rah" encouragement. "You've got this, Mama" is nice to hear, but it doesn't help us improve much. Thanks to this forum, if someone asks what curriculum/method to use to homeschool, I first ask a ton of questions before giving any advice. I see and hear other people just answer the name of a curriculum or distance learning provider with no further info except maybe "it's the best."

I appreciate the honesty in this group I don't get on social media. I remember asking about a popular unit study here and the experienced mama's could tell me things I hadn't seen and I realized it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, at least for us. 

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1 hour ago, seemesew said:

I appreciate the honesty in this group I don't get on social media. I remember asking about a popular unit study here and the experienced mama's could tell me things I hadn't seen and I realized it wasn't all it was cracked up to be, at least for us. 

I mean, I do think we need to be careful to be a little gentle with newbies. When they first come here after sunshine and roses groups, plain honesty can easily feel like brutal honesty. When there's a bit of condescension and impatience mixed in, it's a lot to take in. 

On the other hand, I realize that those who are very experienced get burned out answering the same questions over and over and over again, especially when they are met with defensiveness, arrogance, or, my favorite, disappearance after getting complex answers.

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I had a new friend over the other day. She is an older mom with younger kids who has only been homeschooling for 3 yrs. She texted me that she cried when she got home. Why? Bc the people she had been listening to gave her such poor advice. Her oldest is gifted and has been done a huge disservice.  Thankfully he is only going into 9th grade so she has time to regroup and make course corrections.

I was talking to dh about what had happened. He asked me why she had listened to those people and why the advice was so poor. I had to explain to him that all of the homeschoolers she has been around have the local CC or directional U as their goal. I told him I had been blessed with mentors whose kids went to MIT, Stanford, and other top schools. They knew what it took to get into competitive schools and were frank about differences. 

THAT is what is missing in every single homeschool scenario I am now in. Not that elite schools should be the objective, but that academic excellence and competitive scenarios require thoughtful, well-researched decisions and coursework.  The understanding that not all curricula are equal and outcomes are different and that equal outcomes is a fallacy. 

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