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How old were you when you had your last baby?

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I was 30 when I had my youngest. All of my pregnancies were medically complicated and resulted in pre-mature deliveries via emergency section. I did tire more and took a bit longer to recover from my last, but nursing and care of an infant were much easier this time.

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I was 31 when I had my oldest and 40 when I had my youngest. I had infertility issues hence it took a while to get pregnant. (married at 25-started trying right away). To say I'm much more relaxed w/the youngest is an understatement...but I feel for the lady at church that just had her eigth at age 48! They looked more like the child's grandparents! but you take them when God gives them to you.

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I was 26 with my first and 33 (one month from 34) with my youngest. I had chronic illnesses that didn't become evident until I was between my first and second. I developed a form of arthritis but I felt great during my pregnancies. I also developed adult onset asthma with my second. With my third, I had a few more risk factors so I ws more closely monitored but I never had bed rest or anything like that. The deliveries were fairly normal but long (the first two had to have the placenta removed by the doctor). My children were all light weight which was probably due to my underlying condition and my asthma. (They were 6,8; 6,11, and 6,4 and they were all full-term).

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27, 29, 31, and 33. The one at age 31 caused vein trouble that was really felt with the one at age 33. After #4, my legs were in such trouble I wouldn't have another for that reason. I think it was all the carrying babies on hips and nursing and being pregnant in such a close span. I'm glad I had them, they are a lot of work now being 3 boys and 1 girl, but I wouldn't go backwards.

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I was 32 when I had my last baby. I felt very "old" as in achy and large and it was a little harder than the others as it was the fifth pregnancy in eight years. I didn't have any of the issues you are talking about.


I will say though, that all things were very normal and that nothing out of the ordinary happened. I was late with her, she was a full two weeks post term date when she was born and I induced with (so fun!) castor oil. I had her at home and while it was not much fun, things went fine.


So congratulations if you are! 29 is still plenty young for a baby! :)

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I had kids at 36 and 38, then several miscarriages. No known cause found, but we suspect a uterine infection I had right after birth #2. Everything else looked good! Had no health concerns (other than gestational diabetes which was diet-controlled). I'm not a worrier, so I didn't worry. What happens, happens. Thank goodness, those miscarriages led us to adopt our son and daughter from Ethiopia. Best thing ever!!!!!! Life's turns are just what they're supposed to be.

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I had #1 at 25, # 2 at 26 and #3 at 34.


I haven't ruled out having anymore- not trying, and not "not" trying...lol!


I felt good with all the pregnancies,and had no health issues with my pregnancies or deliveries.


The kids were great babies, and with #3, Im so relaxed and enjoying parenthood so much more than I did in my 20's.


Im more confident in my parenting skills and just more comfortable with who I am.

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I started at 36 and ended at 40 with child number 3. I was in good health for all three pregnancies though we discovered that I was gluten and dairy intolerant during the third pregnancy. Digestive issues have affected me since the last pregnancy but they are finally being figured out. Because of the digestive issues and a highly allergic third child it took me longer to get up to speed.

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I was 36 when Schmooey was born. It was much harder than with the girls - I was heavier, for one thing, and 6.5 years older! I was certainly not at optimum health, with my weight, and had gestational diabetes (as I'd had with both of my previous pregnancies) to boot.


We had not made a permanent decision *not* to have any more children, but after several years of no BC and no babies, we thought God said we were done. I nearly fainted when I found out I was pregnant, but what a blessing this baby has been. I was quite resentful for most of my pregnancy, because I didn't feel very well and wondered what on EARTH I would do with a boy when I had an attic full of pink clothes! :lol: Now, I wonder what I would do without my little guy.


:grouphug: It will be wonderful, I promise. That little person will make your family even better. ETA: I have been able to really enjoy this baby, and wish I could have had several more if they could have all been this much fun.

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31 with my last child. I went into the pregnancy as "high risk" due to thyroid and other complications. Pregnancy was tough (as was my first one) and I was delivered early. It wasn't particularly worrisome to me, because I had a great o.b., and I'm not a worrier to begin with. Everything turned out fine in the end, and I have a beautiful one-year old now. (The O.B. would really have preferred me not to have more children, but he did a beautiful job...and so did I.)

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THank you all so much for your input and for sharing your stories and well wishes. I will let you all know how the tests come out here soon. I should be able to test on the 30th.


I have two children. Both of them, I tried literally 1 time. Not for one month, one actual time. If my body is true to form, then I am definitely pregnant. We made tea without the teabag last Wed around 2am, I had egg white yuckies (TMI, sorry) Wed, Thurs, and Fri and supposedly ovulated Saturday. I am now 6 days past ovulation and my bbs are so sore, they can't be touched. I also have a lot of bloatedness and I am soooo very tired.


Having another child is not my or dh's desire, persay, so we will be elated if I am NOT pregnant. However, if I am, I know God will take care of me and that this is His will and of course dh and I will love baby more than anything as we do the other 2 sons.

I haven't read far enough to know if there is an update, but I just wanted to offer you :grouphug:.
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My bladder issues are definitely not terrible (I have a grade 1 everything prolapse)...and not something I stuggle with on a daily basis or anything. I just thought having another baby would further exacerbate the issue...especially a vaginal birth and both of my others were vaginal.
It might...having a second birth exacerbated mine. However, I had surgery to correct some of the problem after my first, and it is still not as bad as it was then, so I'm pretty happy with the results. Eventually I'll probably have another surgery for more correction.
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Thanks you for all the responses. It looks like God has said "no more." I tested this morning (still 4 days from AF but 13 DPO) and it was negative. I accept the decision that I feel God has made...even though, as I went through this experience, it really made me almost wish for another. I remembered all of the wonderful things about having babies and for a moment, I felt really sad to see that negative test. :(

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Thanks you for all the responses. It looks like God has said "no more." I tested this morning (still 4 days from AF but 13 DPO) and it was negative. I accept the decision that I feel God has made...even though, as I went through this experience, it really made me almost wish for another. I remembered all of the wonderful things about having babies and for a moment, I felt really sad to see that negative test. :(


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: (((Rebecca))) I've been waiting for an update from you. :grouphug: I am sorry to read that you are disappointed. I hope that you will find peace of heart with these results, as hard as they may be to accept right now.

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