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Christmas gifts-What were your big winners/losers?

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My favorite gift was a perfume set from my dh and some Bath & Body works shower gel that my middle daughter gave me. Is my family hinting that I need to smell better? Also, my oldest bought me a man-made opal necklace, which I know she had to save up for. I bought dh a bathrobe, as his other bathrobe was getting pretty old and ratty looking.


All in all, it was a very nice Christmas! :)

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I can't believe it is over already!


The big hit for our DD1 1/2 was one of the fold-out mini sleeping beauty coaches with an mini sleeping bag. She got right in it and was laying around in it all morning. So cute!


Our DS8 loved his civil war Playmobil's, a Steinbach nutcracker that was Stonewall Jackson. Amazing because he got Guitar Hero World Tour and a couple Wii games and he still picked other gifts as his favorite.


I was really thrilled with something small the in-laws gave us- a Netflix subscription.


My DH got a new Fender electric guitar. The look on his face was priceless, he never even suspected he would get another one, after selling his old one two years ago.


Overall, it was a beautiful day! My DS was more excited than he has been in years on Christmas morning. I really think it is because he didn't ask for anything specific, so everything was such a surprise. I felt so proud of him, when he came down and saw all the presents under the tree and before he would open a single thing he insisted my DH and I open our gifts from him. Could he already understand the meaning of giving instead of receiving :lol:


Sorry, so long, just a wonderful Christmas for us!

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we had an awesome christmas!

almost everything was a hit!

a huge thomas the tank train table with train set

Wii Dance Revoltion and some games

DS with games


some action figures and baby dolls

a princess castle tent

a castle and knights set

a couple bikes

batman race track

and some other stuff I can't remember right now


the only things that weren't hits - weren't with us parents, not the kids

a teradactle dinosaur thingy - makes a horrid screetching noise - can't wait for the batteries to run out on that thing

easy bake oven - dumbest concept ever as far as I can tell when I've got a stocked kitchen and it's also a gift that keeps on costing. I'm not going to keep buying those kit things or hunting recipes on basicly how to make 1 muffin with a light bulb. so when she's done with what it came with, it'll probably never be used again.

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We had a lovely quiet low-key Christmas. Winners: *snuggling in bed with all the kids in the morning *Dh made eggs benedict for breakfast * the lack of present-opening, paper-tearing orgy. the kids were very good about taking turns and they did NOT rush us through getting up, breakfast, singing carols and reading the christmas story in order to get to the presents *watching the kids play with their gifts. my son's expression when he saw his * play armor. my d's face as she scribbled on her new chalkboard/whiteboard. the baby munching in his new Taggie. * lovely low-stress low-prep dinner of honey-baked ham, ceasar salad with homemade dressing, yummy rolls, fruit and awesome desert * having a friend over to share the dinner with * Getting the Planet Earth series on DVD Losers: *Having to work with the world's stickiest dough for the rolls. But the rolls were awesome so it balanced out. * Both older kids having accidents! O.o * the kids' overtiredness in the evening from too much excitement, which manifested itself in screaming, running laps, being unreasonable, and (baby) refusing to be put down. Overall, it was a great christmas. happy day-after-christmas to you all. :)

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For DD10 it was the Lego Chess Set that grandma bought her.


For DS8---an airsoft gun. He was totally surprised. He has been begging me for one for months and I was always adament that he not get one. So he didn't even ask for one for Christmas. I hid it behind the curtain and after he had opened everything else, I said---"hey, I think there is something behind the curtain..." (a take on A Christmas Story)---he was so thrilled!


DD4---hmm, I can't think of one present of hers that she has been playing with.

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The Stampin Up stuff I asked for, craft store gift cards and a journal Nathan made me that I am supposed to fill in.



Paintball gun Aaron bought him



hiking backpack, history documentary DVDs, World War II figurines to paint for his layout



stereo microscope, bug vacuum, Nature Journal and easel



Pirate Legos, Quercetti marble run, Prince Caspian DVD




Shop tools not having compatible batteries



toys relatives/neighbors give just b/c they feel like they should give something and now I have to find room for it.

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Favorite gifts this year:


Me -- Harry Potter knitting book, and Inkle loom (though I don't have it yet, we're going up to a great weaving store to choose one I want)


Dh -- Dr. Who writing book (nonfiction about the show's creator), Little Big Planet video game


Older ds -- Ipod Nano


Younger ds -- Room planetarium, batman toy figures


We got tons of games for the family (and each other) including a Beowulf boardgame, The Hobbit boardgame, Munchkin Quest boardgame, Cosmic Encounter, and Talisman-- two old favorites now back in print in wonderful new additions. Plus some assorted video games, books, etc.


I'm coming to the end of my "year without new books", so I got a couple of gift cards to spend after January 1st.

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My favorite gift this year was American Ruins from oldest ds. I love it when I get a gift, no matter how large or small that shows the person giving it really knows me and put some thought into what would bless me. Ds must know me very well. I love old buildings that are falling down. I'm fascinated by them and the mystery and history which they contain. And I love photography. Perfect gift! I am SO excited about this.


Dh finished making and hanging the doors for our basement. I told him this is all I wanted for Christmas. They are rustic and perfectly imperfect. I know that's a hard thing for him to do. He is a professional and he tends towards perfectionism in his work. It takes a great deal of effort for him to make things imperfect on purpose. He also has so many other demands on his time, but he got them done. Then, he got me a stocking with a huge Hershey's Dark chocolate bar, a huge Symphony bar, Ghiardelli dark chocolate squares with caramel, chocolate dipped chocolate biscotti, a mint Three Musketeers, Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason, and the first X-Files movie. I usually don't get a stocking except for the few edible treats I include for myself and dh when I get the kids' stocking stuffers. He obviously took a lot of time picking these things out and thinking about what I would like, too. I was so blessed by his thoughtfulness. Yup, he's a keeper;)


I was thrilled to see 16yodd reading the copy of To Kill a Mockingbird that I got for her. She loved the set of Twilight books oldest ds bought her, too, but she's read those recently and decided to read the new book she hadn't yet read. Both the boys really liked the books I got for them: The Martian Chronicles for 14yods and The Education of a Wandering Man (Louis Lamour) and Walk Across America for 18yods. 12yodd was not immediately thrilled with The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. (however the rest of it goes), nor would she have been with just about any book, but I am hoping she'll get into it once she actually starts reading it.


The girls were very happy with their new comforter sets and promise to pick out curtains. They went to work on redecorating their rooms right away. 14yods was thrilled with the squat rack from us and dh's folks. 18yods was very excited about the laptop from us and my mom. He'll be able to keep in touch with us and his friends through email and MySpace as he travels to different schools (combat school for 3 weeks next and then possibly to Ft. Leonard Wood for his MOS) and assignments in the Marine Corps.


My mom really loved her reversible retro style apron and headwrap that I made her. She's excited about the promise of monthly housecleaning from me and help with six larger projects throughout the year. Dh's mom loves the fancy headstall we got her as a combo Christmas/b-day (in February) present, but then she picked it out:D


The Financial Peace Revisited book and workbook set that I got for one of the family gift exchanges (dirty Santa style) was a dud. I thought it would be a welcome and useful gift especially in these times--moreso than, say, another candle or bath set. I would have loved to have kept it for myself and I know it would have been helpful for all but a very few of the people present. The Financial Peace wallet/envelope system with $5 tucked into it was received (same exchange) with slight bewilderment. Oh well.

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Favorite gifts this year:


Me -- Harry Potter knitting book, and Inkle loom (though I don't have it yet, we're going up to a great weaving store to choose one I want)


Dh -- Dr. Who writing book (nonfiction about the show's creator), Little Big Planet video game


Older ds -- Ipod Nano


Younger ds -- Room planetarium, batman toy figures


We got tons of games for the family (and each other) including a Beowulf boardgame, The Hobbit boardgame, Munchkin Quest boardgame, Cosmic Encounter, and Talisman-- two old favorites now back in print in wonderful new additions. Plus some assorted video games, books, etc.


I'm coming to the end of my "year without new books", so I got a couple of gift cards to spend after January 1st.


My inkle advice to you is to get a really, really sturdy loom with fat pegs that will not bend at all under pressure. I have a Schacht, and I'm very happy with it.


I have that Harry Potter knitting book--it's a great one! I read it for fun. I'm not sure that I'll ever actually make anything from it, but it's a lovely book. If you ever try the wand cover in Tilly Thomas silk, post pictures! That pattern really intrigues me. Unfortunately, I don't have any costume wearers to knit for in my family.

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Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls...again! This has become a tradition.


DS 13--Crosman Airsoft Pistol (CO2 powered)


DS 11--Ipod Nano


DS 9 -- Mosaic Stepping Stone kit


DS 8 -- Starry Night puzzle


DS 2 --Radio Flyer scooter, Melissa and Doug latches puzzle


DH --Nikon binoculars




Absolute fave for my husband, parents and mil, silhouette pictures of all five of my kids in a 5-opening frame. They loved it, loved it, loved it. Found instructions linked from this board here. Family members want me to do it for them, too!



Losers: Awkward moments with my mil, her fiance, and my hubby's side of the family. Mil is getting married New Years Eve, and half the family doesn't feel good about it (waving hand here) and the other half does. As if the holidays aren't stressful enough with family!

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I don't weave yet... But I have a friend who does card weaving, and I've wanted an inkle loom since I saw them earlier this year. I'm working on a 11th century viking costume for myself, and I have a lot of SCA friends who would appreciate nice woven bands. I was thinking about the Schact... we are going up to a weaving/spinning store in Solvang so I can get my hands on them and pick my favorite.


I'm hoping to make some Harry Potter knits before the next movie comes out. I'm just a beginning knitter (coming up on 2 months), but I'm hoping to some day do that Mrs. Weasley sweater. I'm SO Mrs. Weasley!

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For my husband, I made a "man room." I totally cleared out our old office room, hung up some cool posters, got him a foosball table, beer, and a "Do Not Enter" sign for the door. It was a winner :)


My dh has one of these rooms. He wasn't expecting to get that when we moved here. He thought it was going to be the kids' playroom. You should have seen his face when I told him that was "his room". Pure joy!

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we are going up to a weaving/spinning store in Solvang so I can get my hands on them and pick my favorite.


I'm SO Mrs. Weasley!


They have the best collection of children's books with fiber themes that I have ever seen anywhere, bar none. Also magnificent hand-dyed multi colored yarn for weaving. And they used to have kits for needlepointing on very fine canvas with embroidery floss, ending up with work so fine it can be used for bookmarks. And the lady that invented California Rags, where you weave wildly patterned fabric into rag cloths for use in heavy-ish clothing used to sell some of her original creations there.


I'm Mrs. Weasley, too, the part where she expects a great deal of her family but loves them to death, but switches from elaborating on those expectations and being utterly charming to a guest and back again in 10 seconds or less. And the part where she likes to cook and knit.

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Everything was a winner. The kids only get to ask for 1 thing each. I was surprised by their reactions, considering that they got exactly what they asked for. Squealing, jumping up and down, ect.


DD11- cell phone. Not in a million years did I think we would give her one this early, but it makes sense both financially and convenience wise. I feel silly admitting it out loud though.


Ds6- Webkinz


Dd4- a barbie


Surprise hits were rain boots for the 2 youngers. They went on and on about how much they loved them.


DH- I got him a super plush robe, which I wasn't sure about, but he loves. It feels heavenly and I was a little jealous when we walked out into our living room and it was under 50 degrees this morning.


Me- A nano (my 1st gen ipod pooped out on me recently), with a fm transmitter.


We all LOVE our new Wii.


Only miss was my asked for house slippers which were too small, because I'm vain and when dh asked my size, I told him 9 instead of 10, which would have been a safer choice.


This year, instead of buying a bunch of stuff for Ds8, we made a donation to Harvest of Hope and provided therapy for kids in other countries. Each year I struggle to figure out what to do with him. We make the other kids wait on things till Christmas, but if he needs something, we get it. There is no waiting for that child. So when Christmas rolls around, there is literally nothing he needs. I feel like we found a great solution this year.

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Let's see -


Emma - LOVED her "Keep Safe Diary" and her Alexa Barbie. Also the inlaws gave her a really nice doctor kit that she really wanted and she's been playing with that a lot.


Abbie - also LOVED her "Keep Safe Diary." Inlaws gave her a science experiment kit and she's already been experimenting.


Both girls loved their Webkinz. I think they each got 3 - one from Grammy, one from my sister and one from us.


Inlaws gave us Clue as a family gift and they've been playing that a ton! It's so funny. I haven't played yet, but have been quite content to let the girls play with their grandparents. Frelle gave ME the Harry Potter Clue game and I'm excited to try that.


The Snort loved everything. :D We gave him a big wooden activity cube with a bead maze on top and he loves it. ILs gave him a little police car toy & great-aunt gave him a Thomas pull-along train; he was most put out that we had to get them out of the packaging and told us off quite loudly when we didn't give them back to him quickly enough. Inlaws also gave him the Little People airport and he thinks that's a whole lot of fun too. Anything with cars makes him quite happy. Who knew that little boys came with built-in car noises?


My favorites were my Harry Potter sock yarn from my inlaws, and the books they gave me. Also dh gave me a Webkinz gecko, which was VERY sweet - nephew took my first one and the Snort lost my little one at Target.

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