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Christmas Eve at my moms


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Here we are again at my moms. So far, 

I said we’d bring little ceasers. Turns out little ceasers in her town closed down, but she didn’t tell me. When I asked her if it had closed down, why didn’t she tell me, she said “you didn’t ask!” I said well it didn’t occur to me to ask if it was still open when I suggested it and you agreed!

I was bringing the drinks back we brought home from our get together blast weekend because we hadn’t drank them. She has three 12 packs of pop she can’t drink sitting here, so we brought an unopened 12 pack and she bought 3 more. There are 8 of us and her.

I brought her favorite, pineapple upside down cake. She has sitting out on the counter two boxes of snack cakes. We had talked on the phone yesterday and agreed on the food. Now there will be people having to choose between my homemade cake or boxed cakes 🙄I’ve been here 5 minutes

Edited by saraha
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The other half of us just walked in the door and before they can get their shoes and jackets off she is handing out paper plates and trying to tell people to get in line. I finally said, too loudly and forcefully probably, “mom, if you are hungry, make a plate, let everyone fill their plates when they are ready!” 
Luckily since we already did presents this visit can be shorter

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Everyone has given up and are sitting here watching a hallmark movie. We tried to play a game but she just kept saying come in here and watch this movie. So we’re all sitting here and 20 minutes in she grabs the remote and changed the channel saying, I dont want to watch this one. 🙄

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Some had my cake, some ate snack cakes, ds13 ate both, crisis averted.

Dd16 s laying on the floor with her head on my leg. Mom looked over “there is a throw pillow over there” “hey, there is a throw pillow over there” dd16 “I’m happy grandma” “just get a throw pillow” “I’m comfortable”. “no, you need a throw pillow” “I’m fine” “you are driving me crazy” and she got up, went over and got a throw pillow and dropped it on her face.

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Just now, saraha said:

Some had my cake, some ate snack cakes, ds13 ate both, crisis averted.

Dd16 s laying on the floor with her head on my leg. Mom looked over “there is a throw pillow over there” “hey, there is a throw pillow over there” dd16 “I’m happy grandma” “just get a throw pillow” “I’m comfortable”. “no, you need a throw pillow” “I’m fine” “you are driving me crazy” and she got up, went over and got a throw pillow and dropped it on her face.

Do you have a square on the Bingo card for that?

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1 minute ago, freesia said:

Do you have a square on the Bingo card for that?

No, and it is always this kid! Last time she told dd16 she was driving her nuts because she felt like dd16 didn’t have enough light to be looking at the comic books she was looking at and wanted her to turn on a lamp. 🙄 dd16 is quietly passive aggressive with my mom the last couple of years

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Oh for heavens sake, I just got snapped at because I leaned back against the door. There is only room for four people to sit on furniture in her living room so I’m sitting on the floor and I leaned back against the front door because I’m 46 and don’t really sit on the floor anymore. I told her my back was starting to ache so I’m either going to lean against the door or she can trade me spots. She turned and told dd21 get up and let your mom sit there. I told dd21 I was fine (she had offered her seat to me earlier and I declined) and just kept leaning against the door. It is not a screen door or a glass door or anything, it’s the solid front door 🙄 This movie is over at 8…

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We’re home now, as soon as the movie was over we started packing up and were gone in 15. Her last shot before we left was telling dd20 there were black garbage bags in the closet for the pizza boxes, so she puts them in the bag and sets it next to the door to the garage. Dh grabs the bag and starts gathering up plates and cups etc and tossing in the bag. Mom grabs his arm and says no, that trash bag is for the pizza boxes. He asks if the pizza boxes are going out to the trash, and she says yes. Then confused he says, but I can’t put any other trash in there? And she says no, it’s only for pizza boxes and takes the bag away from him and takes it and puts it in the garbage can in the garage😆 so over all, one of our more painless visits

Edited by saraha
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2 hours ago, saraha said:

No, and it is always this kid! Last time she told dd16 she was driving her nuts because she felt like dd16 didn’t have enough light to be looking at the comic books she was looking at and wanted her to turn on a lamp. 🙄 dd16 is quietly passive aggressive with my mom the last couple of years

Yes, I was remembering that 😂 

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27 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Do you care if I steal your mother as a character in a future novel? 

Help yourself! Can I have a free copy?

22 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

No guitar drama? I wanted the guitar. 

Nope, after one of the kids brought an actual guitar we owned (unbeknownst to me at the time) we never heard about the toy guitar again!

15 minutes ago, freesia said:

Yeah? She didn’t try to give you the guitar? Or ice cream? Wow! Lame visit! 😂 

She did have little cups of ice cream in the freezer that she brought out. She got ready to hand them to me, I shook my head and she put them back in the freezer, so… improvement !

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47 minutes ago, saraha said:


She did have little cups of ice cream in the freezer that she brought out. She got ready to hand them to me, I shook my head and she put them back in the freezer, so… improvement !

Oh my goodness! You buried the lede! There is some progress amongst all the crazy! The Hive needs to celebrate! 🥳

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4 hours ago, saraha said:

Some had my cake, some ate snack cakes, ds13 ate both, crisis averted.

Dd16 s laying on the floor with her head on my leg. Mom looked over “there is a throw pillow over there” “hey, there is a throw pillow over there” dd16 “I’m happy grandma” “just get a throw pillow” “I’m comfortable”. “no, you need a throw pillow” “I’m fine” “you are driving me crazy” and she got up, went over and got a throw pillow and dropped it on her face.

When you said, "What else can she do?" She was already thinking, "Hold my beer!"

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So I’m talking to dh and wondered if maybe mom forgot little ceasers closed and was embarrassed so she blamed me and dh tells me he said to my mom, “so your little ceasers closed huh?” And she says “yeah, a long time ago. I thought if she saw it was closed she’d pick something else.”

Yesterday on the phone it was all whatever you want, pizza is fine with me, and then she tells dh she would have rather had something else. 🤦‍♀️We could have gladly gotten something else. We used to get little ceasers quite often at her house so I suggested it. Guess she played a stupid game and won pizza anyway?

Acting like we had a choice when we really didn’t and she was going to do what she wanted anyway was one of her specialties growing up

my next visit is not til Easter! 💃🏼🕺

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