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Fish oil options


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Just now, KungFuPanda said:

Have you tried adding just two fatty fish meals to your week? You could skip the supplements and you get a salmon dinner with the leftovers on a salad the next day. 

I'm in a land locked state. Fish around here just doesn't taste right to me. Plus, I would be cooking it for me only because dh and ds don't like fish. 😞 

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You can also mix flax oil into a smoothie or get flax oil capsules. Or use ground flax or chia seeds. And it can help to freeze the pills. The theory that you need it from fish is not true for most women. Estrogen allows us to convert enough to a usable form. Men can convert enough too but only if they eat super clean with close to no saturated fat and very little omega 6.

You could also eat non-local wild cold water fish twice a week. Salmon, halibut, trout. With the skin. That’s actually shown to be more effective than supplements, but fish are also generally contaminated with micro plastics and forever chemicals in a way that flax or chia seeds are not. 

I will warn you though, if you decide to do ground flax seeds, start with about a quarter of a teaspoon per day and slowly work up to 1/4 cup. I think I started with a heaping tablespoon. Let’s just say my gut wasn’t healthy and I spent weeks spending most of the day on the toilet until I switched to flax oil. It took about a year & some pricey probiotics to handle that much fiber. 

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I used to bribe my youngest with fish oil gelcaps and spoonfuls of cod liver oil.  Legitimately, it was like, "You can have a fish oil capsule for each page of math you do."  She never had any issues with fish burps despite taking a ton of Nova Natural Fish Oil and cod liver oil.  I take it now and have no issues.  

I like to eat salmon a couple times a week but allergies and my youngest who despises fish despite loving fish oil hating it.  I do eat 2 tablespoons of flax seed in my oatmeal each morning.  

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15 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Krill oil doesn’t make me burpy. Regular fish oil, even the high end stuff, does. Krill oil is high in omega3 like fish oil, and has some additional helpful components.

Flax oil supplements are an alternative to fish oil. As far as brands, I take Nordic Naturals capsules and have not had burping problems. Carlson is another good brand. 

Eta specifically, I take Nordic epa extra and have taken the ultimate omega. 

Edited by Grace Hopper
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