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Moving is hard


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I’m so tired.

I’m sitting here playing on my phone while a crew of four guys packs up my house so it obviously could be worse. But I am so tired.

We have been planning a move for a long time. Yes, interest rates stink but our quality of life requires a move at this time. We listed our house a month ago and didn’t really look besides browsing online because we weren’t going to put an offer in on anything before we had a solid offer on ours.

So we only had a few showings in the month it was listed. Always good feedback but some reason for no offer. Was getting ready to drop price when we had a showing schedule mixup and a family came when we thought they had canceled. We weren’t ready for them…i was cooking and had laundry going and spread out all over but we let them in and took the dog for a walk. That night they came in with $1000 over asking price but needed us out in 13 days. 

So then was the scramble to find somewhere to go. Eventually settled on an extended stay hotel and putting our stuff in storage. Even sorting out what needed to stay with us at the hotel vs what could go to storage was such a chore. Plus trying to keep 15 yo dd focused and steady through this. Homecoming is next weekend so that will be the year she got ready in a hotel 😂 just so many details to keep up with.

We have looked at so many houses. So so many. Found one we loved. Yay. Offer verbally accepted but sellers and their realtor are overseas and somehow this is preventing them logistically from signing the documents. So still not official. Newest deadline is 8:00 pm tonight. I am nervous. Don’t have a good plan B option today. 

But good news is it should be another quick close if they do sign. Lender says we can close Sep 22. Would be remarkable to go through all this on such a short timeline. All good news.

But I am so dang tired. There are some things that hit different at almost 50 than they did at 30. Put moving on that list. 

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You have so much going on in a short period of time.  It's exhausting mentally and physically.

And you're right that things hit differently when you're older.  I look back at when we moved two times in one year (from house to rental to house) with three kids 5 and under and don't know how I did it all.  There's no way I could do that now.  

Fingers crossed the offer will get signed tonight!  Hang in there.  It will all be worth it when you're done but it is a lot of work to get there!

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8 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

I’m so tired.

I’m sitting here playing on my phone while a crew of four guys packs up my house so it obviously could be worse. But I am so tired.

We have been planning a move for a long time. Yes, interest rates stink but our quality of life requires a move at this time. We listed our house a month ago and didn’t really look besides browsing online because we weren’t going to put an offer in on anything before we had a solid offer on ours.

So we only had a few showings in the month it was listed. Always good feedback but some reason for no offer. Was getting ready to drop price when we had a showing schedule mixup and a family came when we thought they had canceled. We weren’t ready for them…i was cooking and had laundry going and spread out all over but we let them in and took the dog for a walk. That night they came in with $1000 over asking price but needed us out in 13 days. 

So then was the scramble to find somewhere to go. Eventually settled on an extended stay hotel and putting our stuff in storage. Even sorting out what needed to stay with us at the hotel vs what could go to storage was such a chore. Plus trying to keep 15 yo dd focused and steady through this. Homecoming is next weekend so that will be the year she got ready in a hotel 😂 just so many details to keep up with.

We have looked at so many houses. So so many. Found one we loved. Yay. Offer verbally accepted but sellers and their realtor are overseas and somehow this is preventing them logistically from signing the documents. So still not official. Newest deadline is 8:00 pm tonight. I am nervous. Don’t have a good plan B option today. 

But good news is it should be another quick close if they do sign. Lender says we can close Sep 22. Would be remarkable to go through all this on such a short timeline. All good news.

But I am so dang tired. There are some things that hit different at almost 50 than they did at 30. Put moving on that list. 

I feel ya.  I am so amazed and impressed you are doing this on such a short time frame.

Dh and I have been thinking we will eventually have to do something different if we have to do more care for my parents.  They are 78 and 85 and do fine for now but as we all know that can change instantly. 

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It really is hard.  I'm so glad you have someone else packing for you at least, but it's still so much work to sort through the stuff on top of everything else you have to do.  I hope you close quickly on the new house and can get this over with as soon as possible.  

Ds spent the first three months of high school in an extended stay hotel.  Once we got settled, it was kind of a break from the stuff, at least, because everything was in storage or being shipped.  I hope that things ease up a bit when you've gotten everything into storage.  Good luck.

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I understand! We moved in less than 2 weeks when our house sold the first day. We moved to another state, and we had wonderful movers to pack up the house. We did live in extended stay for 3 months, 3 kids and a dog,  while we house hunted. DH was working out of town, so it was up to me to figure all the logistics of what to pack to go with us and what to mo e to storage. We knew the movers weren’t bringing our stuff fir about a month, so I had some fast decisions to make! There also was the “use up the pantry, Empty the fridge and freezer stuff. It was crazy! But I was a lot younger and it all went well. Once we got settled in the hotel, we had lots of time to explore our new state. 

DH new boss called one night in the middle of this insanity. He didn’t realize DH was working out of town, so he got me. He wanted  to know how I was doing…I replied, “ I have 2  weeks to shut my life down here and pack, how do you think I’m doing? “ Fortunately he had a great sense of humor. 

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We moved 6 weeks ago and this is the first week I don’t feel completely exhausted. Moving hits every area. It’s physical and emotional and mental—so many decisions all day long! Go easy on yourself. You will make it through!  That’s awesome news that you found a new place. Fingers crossed it works out smoothly. 

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You’ve got this!  

Movers at the house is about the most tiring thing.  It doesn’t seem like it would be — but it is.


If they disassemble anything, maybe take pictures if it might be hard to reassemble.  Make sure you see where they put the hardware.


Mostly it’s fine but we had a nightmare bunk bed! 

Edit:  and they will know when they are disassembling if it’s not going to be obvious how to put it back together 😉

Edited by Lecka
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I'm sorry you are so tired! Moving is challenging for sure.

2021 was the big move year for us, and we had no professional movers for any of the following except my MIL's furniture. 

We put our house on the market in May, had 22 showings in 48 house and 10 offers, and we closed in June. 

As soon as we had our offer, we put in an offer on a house in the new town (2.5 hour drive away). We couldn't get appraisals and inspections done quickly. Everything was put in storage after we closed. Since we were going to be homeless so long, we took a 45 day road trip. It was amazing!

We closed in August and moved everything out of storage. 

A week after that we moved our ds into the dorm for his first year of college. 

In September, we helped our dd, who lives in another city, move from one apartment to another. 

In October, we helped pack up my MIL's house, which was two states away. 

In November, we helped MIL move and unpack at her new house, which was still two states away. 

So, so many cardboard boxes!!! 


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  • 5 months later...

I'm sorry you had to go through this, but I'm glad you bought a house and I hope you are doing well. 
We moved inside NY several months ago and our biggest issue was moving the furniture. Some items didn't fit our new apartment and we didn't know what to do with them. Fortunately, I came across an interesting article and found out that we could drop off our unwanted furniture to local charities. It was a great solution as I didn't want just to dispose of all items. And yes, hiring a moving company was a wise idea. It saved us a lot of time and effort.

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Update since someone bumped this: it all worked out and we did close quickly on Sept 22. It all went so fast but worked out. We are happy in our new home. We moved closer to my dd’s school and while dh and I are happy, it is her quality of life that has really improved. 

We have run into a few more problems/repairs needed on the house than would have been ideal but I’ve come to anticipate that sort of thing so while annoying it has been ok. 

Dh also got a very unexpected promotion and raise at work around the first of the year so that was a nice help to the whole new expense of our new home 😊

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