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If you are an avid reader, how do you avoid…

Grace Hopper

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…developing a text neck/dowager’s hump/ pain in the neck?

My schedule has allowed me to spend more time reading lately and I’ve noticed this becoming an issue. Do any of you use something to prop up your books, or have a reading chair with good ergonomics to alleviate this issue?

I’d love to hear if anyone has ideas for avoiding becoming a hunchback while still being able to read a lot.  I’m sure my dh could come up with a book holding contraption, should I challenge him to come up with something, but hoping I don’t have to resort to that!

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1 minute ago, Grace Hopper said:

Do you practice daily? I do a restorative class about 3 times a week, but probably need to add a short routine morning and evening. 

Things are crazy busy at present but normally I start the day with sun salutations.  Even just standing with my palms facing slightly forwards helps to reset my posture.

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My physical therapist said I need to really watch my posture when sitting. I ended up with a bulging disc in my neck that caused nerve pain.  It's mostly resolved now, but I am much more aware of when I am slumped over, because it tends to aggravate it.  His advice was to get up often and walk around. I try to put a pillow or something behind my back/neck sometimes to keep my neck straight, and that means I need to lift the book higher as if I was trying to walk and read at the same time. It's not ideal, so I am all ears as to how people avoid this.  😃 

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40 minutes ago, cintinative said:

My physical therapist said I need to really watch my posture when sitting. I ended up with a bulging disc in my neck that caused nerve pain.  It's mostly resolved now, but I am much more aware of when I am slumped over, because it tends to aggravate it.  His advice was to get up often and walk around. I try to put a pillow or something behind my back/neck sometimes to keep my neck straight, and that means I need to lift the book higher as if I was trying to walk and read at the same time. It's not ideal, so I am all ears as to how people avoid this.  😃 

Sorry about your neck! Sounds painful!

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My restorative yoga guru tells us that everybody, but particularly women > 40, really benefit from ensuring that our legs are higher than our backs & neck for at least 10 minutes a day. Like, in class we scoot our butts right up next to a wall and just lie there on our backs with our legs propped up the wall.

TBH I feel too ridiculous to incorporate this into a daily at home routine (...) but there's no reason one couldn't read in that position.  Beware the kindle breaking your nose, however...

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20 minutes ago, Pam in CT said:

My restorative yoga guru tells us that everybody, but particularly women > 40, really benefit from ensuring that our legs are higher than our backs & neck for at least 10 minutes a day. Like, in class we scoot our butts right up next to a wall and just lie there on our backs with our legs propped up the wall.

TBH I feel too ridiculous to incorporate this into a daily at home routine (...) but there's no reason one couldn't read in that position.  Beware the kindle breaking your nose, however...

My instructor is the same about getting those legs up, and we do the same scootch to the wall; she’ll come around and drape a blanket over my (our) feet while in this pose. I could seriously take a nap like that. But not sure I could read that way.

Our studio has a bar on one wall for barre classes, and she once had us loop a strap around the bar and then put our feet in the strap (feet in the air, head against the wall, body in an L), which provided a little stretch for the lower back while those feet were up. My imagination has gone interesting places trying to figure out how to best recreate this at home. Belts, mats, newel and bedposts… 😂

Edited by Grace Hopper
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I don't do yoga, but I prop my feet up on the dashboard of the car whenever I'm waiting for dh or ds.  Put the seat all the way back and a travel pillow under my head and both feet on the dash and play with my phone or listen to the radio.  It really does seem to make me feel more 'straight' posture-wise.  Not to mention it's great for circulation.  🙂

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I got an audible subscription and now I listen to some of my books. I also use the library whenever possible.  I still read print books, mostly on my iPad, but I consume more books with less sitting by adding audio books. Anything read by the author is a great candidate for this. Also, books with lots of foreign names or unfamiliar words are great for audio because you don’t get slowed down looking up pronunciations. You can also listen while driving. 

At my age, converting a sedentary activity to an active one can only help. 

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