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Do you want to see a few wedding photos? Come on in.


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So first off. You will notice a DAFT piece of chiffon hanging dumbly from the arbor.

I.did.not.put.it.there. While I was wrangling the all male bridal party of clearly joyous friends so happy to be there, but also goofing off, some friend of the family showed up with that, and hung it up. I did not know it was there until AFTER I turned around from lining them all up to walk in. Too late to go cut it down. And frankly, not a scene I wanted to make either. So it is what it is. Sigh!

Second. My phone takes epically awful pictures. 

Mark did the greetings, and had a little dad speech that was very sweet. I forgot to put a box of Kleenex up front. Every single member of that bridal party needed a tissue at some point in the ceremony. Even our, P, who normally rides himself on being unemotional. The pure joy of the occasion was profoundly evident.

The male in the red shirt while everyone else is in white, is my middle son, the bride's best buddy and Man of Honor. Hilariously, he and Z, the other bridesman switched places halfway through the ceremony because Z somehow ended up with the rings instead of P, and didn't think "Oh, I could just hand them to P who can hand them to the bride". This is not a crowd of post college grads who have spent time at formal weddings. I got to get to know all of them through this, and elopement is pretty common in their families due to lack of funds for putting on any kind of wedding. I teased them and asked, " Well, don't you pay attention to weddings in movies?" There were quizzical looks and D said, "I don't remember a wedding in Lord of the Rings!" This sparked a debate about whether or not the actual wedding ceremony of Sam and Eleanor in the Shire was shown, and of course it wasn't, just briefly them exiting the pub after marrying. 😂😂😂 So funny! Also, no weddings in Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, Dune, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, no weddings in their D&D campaigns....you see where this is going. 😆

The young man in the blue shirt and vest is our youngest, our other bachelor who shares an apartment with his older brother. He ran sound for the event which was great. Mark's portable tech was awesome, and though A had never done it before, he did a wonderful job.

The young gal in the pink took all of the formal photos, and the video. There were two adorable flower girls who dropped petals, T's nieces. Those little ladies were so cute, and fun. We made friends instantly. But, I didn't post a photo of them or of Mama J since I didn't have permission to do so. The adult bridal party told me they did not care. When I get better photos, I will try to remember to post one or two. 

I may also have inherited a job. The photographer is engaged to the young man you see sitting in the background of the photo of our youngest son. He is another member of this inner circle of buddies, most of whom met each other in college and formed a family. His parents are very bad people.  He has gone no contact with them for very food legal reasons. Her family lives in Mexico and will not be able to travel for a wedding. Those two took to us like puppies in search of their mother. Oh boy! She has no one to help them pull of their small, very similar, affair this fall. We seem to keep collecting orphan adults! Someone should just give us a mansion because I am not sure even the Alabama house can manage family Christmas in the future. 😱  Oh well, the more the merrier.

It was a simple, laid back affair with about 20 guests. You can't see from the photo, but there were 15 garden benches around the immediate area which seat 3-4 people a piece so the bridal men brought some of them and created two rows of seating facing the arbor, and then moved them back when we were done. Easy peasy. Tear down took about 20 mintues.

Everyone was invited to Logan's Steakhouse, dutch treat because A and T could barely pay for themselves. So we opted to surprise them, and pick up the tab for the whole thing. Our play money for quite a while is gone, and a small draw on the emergency savings as well. That's fine. It was worth every penny, and now we have a marvelous new son who is DA BOMB, and we will love him forever!






Edited by Faith-manor
Time to take the photos down.
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Just now, Grace Hopper said:

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Everyone looks so happy. Ditto on the veil, love the unique look. 

Well done, Faith! Hope you had time to relax and enjoy being with everyone once the ceremony was under way. 

Thanks! I had a wonderful time. No stress at all. Well, maybe until that moment when I realized that neither of my bachelor sons keep dress socks in the house, and their dress shoes were too tight for their thick, black sports socks which necessitated a run to Kohls, thankfully only two miles away from their apartment, for socks while the youngest, just home from work early to get ready, was showering. But that was it. Otherwise, easy peasy, and lots of happiness and laughter.

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55 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

Love it!   Thanks for sharing!

how are they doing, btw?    

They are doing well. Better than I would be. But the hospital has professional grief therapists for the Maternity, NICU, and pediatric wards departments. It is free because a wealthy person in the community who lost a child is currently paying for it. No idea how long this person will do that. But it is a lovely thing. I am just amazed at how much that counseling is helping them. We had a special thing at the ceremony to represent baby A, but we kept it low key because it was important to focus on the joy and moving forward.

Definitely there is pain, but they are moving through it better than I thought they would. I am very proud of my kids!

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2 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Otherwise, easy peasy, and lots of happiness and laughter.

This is everything!

You did a fabulous job on everything. I think it’s beautiful that you keep “adopting” more of these adult kids. 

She is beautiful and obviously very happy. 

Honestly, your crew and my nerdy crew would probably get along really well. My newlywed dd keeps texting our family group text asking us to make a family Minecraft server. 😉

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15 minutes ago, popmom said:

This is everything!

You did a fabulous job on everything. I think it’s beautiful that you keep “adopting” more of these adult kids. 

She is beautiful and obviously very happy. 

Honestly, your crew and my nerdy crew would probably get along really well. My newlywed dd keeps texting our family group text asking us to make a family Minecraft server. 😉

Oh my gosh!!! That is so like my geek fest family! 😁😅

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12 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Oh my gosh!!! That is so like my geek fest family! 😁😅


2 of mine are currently discussing our need for another Steam account because one can’t play Civ 5 while the other is playing Red Dead Redemption. Nerd probs. 😂

Edited by popmom
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7 minutes ago, popmom said:


2 of mine are currently discussing our need for another Steam account because one can’t play Civ 5 while the other is playing Red Dead Redemption. Nerd probs. 😂

You are my sister! These conversations, we have had them before! 😂😂😂😂😂

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The bride is in blue?  She is beautiful.   Which is the groom? 

I am so  confused.  The bride is your daughter? Or groom is your son?  This is the couple who recently lost a baby? I thought that couple was already married.  


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16 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

The bride is in blue?  She is beautiful.   Which is the groom? 

I am so  confused.  The bride is your daughter? Or groom is your son?  This is the couple who recently lost a baby? I thought that couple was already married.  


That couple was not legally married. It is a complicated story. They called each other hubby and wife, very committed, but didn't have a filed marriage license so were technically fiance's. Sometimex when I was typing fast, I probably used husband/wife or fiance interchangeably without thinking about that being confusing for the hive.

This is our honorary daughter.

Our son, in red, is honorary daughter's best friend, and was the man of honor since she did not have female friends for bridesmaids. The groom is in the informal shot, just the two of them in front of the arbor. Many of my pics of the two of them had one or both of his nieces in them, and I would never publish a picture of a child without parental permission. 

Yes, the bride is in teal blue, and appears in the photo with my husband, tall guy white shirt black tie.

Yes, they lost their baby in April.

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