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Card games for teens


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Our family owns many games, so I don’t know why I am feeling stumped on ideas. I’m hoping for 6 smaller gift ideas. One kid will get Phase 10, and I think everyone owns Sushi Go and Exploding kittens and Werewolf.

Any suggestions? 
My kids already own Hanabi, different Fluxx, Fox in Forest and Love Letter. Are those good ideas for other teens who don’t play as many games as mine?

Edited by Acorn
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My son has large sections of Hoyle’s card game rules memorized. It’s always fun to be in middle of game and he pulls out some weird scoring condition. I don’t think our guests share his love. I would love for my nieces to learn euchre, but so far they haven’t.
I do think that everyone has Uno.

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2 minutes ago, Miss Tick said:

The Great Dalmoudi had been enjoyed by teens and grandparents here. Best for groups of at least 6.

Milles Borne

We Didn't Play test This At All

Not a card game, but Pass the Pigs is about the same size.

Seconding We Didn't Playtest This At All.  A very silly, fun card game.


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Another vote for We Didn't Playtest This At All. At least, assuming they're not "serious" about games. We were all obsessed with that game but after playing it with my father years ago, he turned to me and said, "Farrar, games are serious business. This is not all right." 😂

I think Love Letter is a good choice.

I'll also toss in Coup as another great option for a quick but fun card game.

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Blink is an ultra fast game with effectively no learning curve.

My teen and her friends enjoyed Five Crowns; they also liked Loot which sadly is out of print.

4 hours ago, Acorn said:

My kids already own Hanabi, different Fluxx, Fox in Forest and Love Letter. Are those good ideas for other teens who don’t play as many games as mine?

Of those games, I think that Fluxx might have the most appeal and then Love Letter. I am not familiar with Fox in the Forest.



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4 hours ago, Miss Tick said:

We Didn't Play test This At All


4 hours ago, wathe said:

Seconding We Didn't Playtest This At All.  A very silly, fun card game.


1 hour ago, Farrar said:

Another vote for We Didn't Playtest This At All. 

A quick look at this reminds me of Fluxx which I think plays well with three or more. The box says two or more players. What is your opinion of this as a two player game?



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Cubirds -- ETA, ug, looks like it is OOP -- but it's a cute game of making sets of birds, with a few twists
Fill or Bust -- looks like Walmart has it -- the cards tell you how to score your dice rolls
Apples to Apples -- group game; easy to learn
Pit -- fast-paced group game; very easy to learn
Nertz (also called Speed Demon) -- fast-paced; pretty easy to learn
No Thanks -- very fast, easy to learn
Quiddler -- for wordy-spellers, as the cards have letters rather than numbers, and you make words
Five Crowns -- a sort of rummy like game; easy to learn
Mille Bourne
Blink -- a fast, easy to learn game
Set -- a bit like Blink, but critical thinking/logic based in making sets of 3 cards where what aspect(s) match, must match on all 3 cards, and what aspect(s) don't match, must be different on all 3 cards

If everyone understands trick-taking card games with a "trump" suit, you might look at The Crew -- it's actually played cooperatively, where each round you have a different set of conditions you all have to meet -- like, one person can't take any tricks, another person must take the first 4 tricks, etc. 

Edited by Lori D.
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5 hours ago, Acorn said:

... My kids already own Hanabi, different Fluxx, Fox in Forest and Love Letter. Are those good ideas for other teens who don’t play as many games as mine?

Fox in Forest is for 2 players only. And requires a good understanding of trick-taking, trump, and strategy for changing trump. Just in case the other teens are not familiar with those gaming aspects. 😉 

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1 hour ago, Kareni said:

A quick look at this reminds me of Fluxx which I think plays well with three or more. The box says two or more players. What is your opinion of this as a two player game?



It's a million times more weird than Fluxx. The inventor is the same guy though. We've met him!

It's meh as a two player game. It's really most fun with at least 4. But it's not a game with any purpose or rules. It's truly an instrument of chaos.

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1 hour ago, Kareni said:



A quick look at this reminds me of Fluxx which I think plays well with three or more. The box says two or more players. What is your opinion of this as a two player game?



Its an excellent two player game

My husband and I played Fluxx dating a LOT.


Edited by vonfirmath
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