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Vacations stress me out


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Why do I have to be this way? I just want to cry because I can feel my anxiety creeping up and this is a vacation I have really looked forward to.

I am stressed about money.  Always.  We have spent so much money and we haven’t  even left town.  Car needed normal stuff.  Oil change, check the tires etc.  $400.  ( all tire sensors were out and that is the majority of that bill). I am getting my hair cut and colored and getting lashes.  And Dh is getting a hair cut. $150-200.  I am skipping the pedicure because of Covid.  So I ran into wal mart to get my own polish and remembered I needed a camp chair and oh wouldn't a dash cam be cool door a 12 hour car ride.  Ugh. So $75 there.  $300 for the house sitter.  

The house/pet sitter is my SIL and she will be staying in our master and both sets of our sheets developed holes this week. So I went and bought a new set of sheets.  $41 at Target thanks to The Hive recommendation. 

Also I want to leave my house clean for my SIL….if I don’t I know she will clean it and I will be embarrassed…..although I shouldn’t be because I had surgery on two fingers 2 weeks ago and I have been very limited….

I am still stressing about Covid…..I considered canceling my hair and lash appointment but I am friends with my stylist and I know she masks and I also know she had Covid about 6 months ago and her husband and in laws had it 2 months ago so I am hopeful they all have some immunity still.  

My friend that we are going with is still recovering from Covid….,her husband managed to avoid getting it from her.  So I am worried about her especially going tomCO where it is difficult to breath anyway.  

Pleas tell me how to turn off my mind. 

Edited by Scarlett
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I have terrible anxiety so I have no idea how you can turn off your mind but I just wanted to say that I hope you can put all this behind you and relax and enjoy this vacation that you've been looking forward to.  Life is so short - the money stuff and the cleaning...it doesn't matter right now.   When you leave, leave all of that other *stuff* behind and focus on the present so you can have a good time.  I'm not expressing this well but I hope you get the point.  Wishing you a wonderful, fun, and relaxing vacation.

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I can't really tell what you are stressed about.  Money?  Getting things done before you leave?  Or just the trip going well.  

I think vacations are always stressful for us adults because there is so much to get done before you go on the "vacation"  and then all the work and stuff you do on vacation.  Get there.  If you stay in another house it is setting up that house and grocery shopping and all that jazz.   Since having kids I have never gone a vacation, I have gone on a lot of trips.  Vacations in my head are these relaxing things, trips are actually traveling with a family and doing all the work that is.  

I think the build up stress is normal.  Even if everything is going right and you start early.  With you having the hand surgery so recent, I am sure that slowed you down.  I hope you can relax, take some things off your plate, and enjoy the trip!

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The last year or so, some things stress me out that I wouldn't have thought about before and I don't why? I feel this need to overplan and if I can't see it going smoothly, I tend to want to retreat and change directions. ugh. 

I'm sorry you're feeling that way right now. You've already spent money this direction so please try to relax the best you can and enjoy it ❤️ 

Edited by Ann.without.an.e
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It IS hard. So much to do and the money, too. We rarely take a vacation. This year we wanted to take a weekend getaway with our sons. We haven’t done that since they were much younger and still at home. It’s two months away, and I’m already organizing and planning ahead. Cat sitters, my food, budget, and tons of other things. It seems all Dh has to do is get in the car and go! (And the same at Christmas, honestly). I’ll have to get up very early that morning and get two cats separated and situated, get myself dressed, get the quick grab and go breakfast ready, and tidy up the house because cat sitters. I’ll be exhausted when we pull out of the driveway! But then, from there on out it will be enjoyable and fun. 

So, try to look forward to the moment when you will be pulling out of the driveway and getting ready to relax and enjoy it! When you get home, make Dh do all the unpacking. Lol. 

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50 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:


I think vacations are always stressful for us adults because there is so much to get done before you go on the "vacation"  and then all the work and stuff you do on vacation.  Get there.  If you stay in another house it is setting up that house and grocery shopping and all that jazz.   Since having kids I have never gone a vacation, I have gone on a lot of trips.  Vacations in my head are these relaxing things, trips are actually traveling with a family and doing all the work that is.  


We used to do beach house vacations every year when the kids were growing up and they were just a ridiculous amount of work for me.  More work than home with just a nicer view (ocean/beach).  

When the kids were older, we did three all-inclusive vacations.  What a difference!  It was so much fun and relaxing.  Everything and everyone was taken care of once we arrived.  Plus the kids were older, which helped.  I'd love to do it again once covid is better and we can find a time when all the kids are available now that they are adults.  



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7 minutes ago, Kassia said:

We used to do beach house vacations every year when the kids were growing up and they were just a ridiculous amount of work for me.  More work than home with just a nicer view (ocean/beach).  

When the kids were older, we did three all-inclusive vacations.  What a difference!  It was so much fun and relaxing.  Everything and everyone was taken care of once we arrived.  Plus the kids were older, which helped.  I'd love to do it again once covid is better and we can find a time when all the kids are available now that they are adults.  



Those are kind of my dream.  But I don't think dh would want to do that type of thing.  Possibly I could force it if the all inclusive had houses not in a hotel.  But even then it just really isn't his cup of tea.  Some of my kids are older and it is a lot better than when we would travel when we had a newborn to a 9  year old.  But I find the whole getting everything ready beforehand the worst part.  Find out where I am going to set up the dogs.  Or are they coming?  I have to clean the house top to bottom before I leave because I don't want to come home to messy house. And then just getting from point A to B and getting all set up.  Once there I can enjoy it.  Or parts of it at least.  🙂

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Mom Spends Beach Vacation Assuming All Household Duties In Closer Proximity To Ocean

Always a classic.

In a general sense, I think you have to weigh the stress of the trip vs. what you get out of it.

In terms of this particular trip, I think it's done. Put the money stress aside and enjoy the trip. Then give yourself a leaner month when you get back. There's not much else to do at this point so you may as well enjoy the trip.

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Thanks y’all. No kids or pets are going with us. Just the 4 of us.  This is my best friend basically a sister of 45 years, so I am not stressed about being with them. I am looking forward to it.  They are paying for the fabulous house that we could never afford….so really it won’t be that expensive. The money worry is just my normal thing.  

We are a casual group….we will have simple breakfast or the guys will cook.  We will have snacks and wine ( well the husbands drink other stuff) and cook a few simple dinners and eat out other times.  

My pets and home will be in excellent hands.  

So when I type it all out it is clearly just my anxiety going to town over stupid stuff. And I don’t want to be a downer to Dh. 

Thanks again.  You always help.  

Anyone have any ideas for snacks on the road trip that are semi healthy.  

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1 hour ago, Farrar said:

Mom Spends Beach Vacation Assuming All Household Duties In Closer Proximity To Ocean

Always a classic.

In a general sense, I think you have to weigh the stress of the trip vs. what you get out of it.

In terms of this particular trip, I think it's done. Put the money stress aside and enjoy the trip. Then give yourself a leaner month when you get back. There's not much else to do at this point so you may as well enjoy the trip.

And this one


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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

Thanks y’all. No kids or pets are going with us. Just the 4 of us.  This is my best friend basically a sister of 45 years, so I am not stressed about being with them. I am looking forward to it.  They are paying for the fabulous house that we could never afford….so really it won’t be that expensive. The money worry is just my normal thing.  

We are a casual group….we will have simple breakfast or the guys will cook.  We will have snacks and wine ( well the husbands drink other stuff) and cook a few simple dinners and eat out other times.  

My pets and home will be in excellent hands.  

So when I type it all out it is clearly just my anxiety going to town over stupid stuff. And I don’t want to be a downer to Dh. 

Thanks again.  You always help.  

Anyone have any ideas for snacks on the road trip that are semi healthy.  





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All of the above plus string cheese if you have a cooler, jerky if you're not vegetarian/vegan, dry cereal, protein bars....  I'll keep thinking.  I really like fruit because I can't drink much or I'll have to stop at the restroom at every exit so the fruit helps with my thirst.  



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2 minutes ago, wintermom said:

When you bring the chocolate on a summer road trip, eat it first before it melts. Follow me for more healthy road trip snack ideas. 😊

I just considered that and thought better.  Lol

I just ordered for pick up




baby carrots


granola bars


pimento cheese

fizzy water

regular water

I will make us a thermos of coffee to take along the morning we Leave.  This should hold us.  I mean we can stop, but we really want to avoid going in a restaurant. 


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34 minutes ago, wintermom said:

When you bring the chocolate on a summer road trip, eat it first before it melts. Follow me for more healthy road trip snack ideas. 😊


28 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

I just considered that and thought better.  Lol

I just ordered for pick up




baby carrots


granola bars


pimento cheese

fizzy water

regular water

I will make us a thermos of coffee to take along the morning we Leave.  This should hold us.  I mean we can stop, but we really want to avoid going in a restaurant. 


Scarlett, your snacks sound ok and all, but I think my next road trip is going to be with wintermom. 😉 

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I haaaaate planning trips/vacations! So Much Work. And to add insult to injury my family acts like I’m being “cute” when I plan things. Like, “Aw. Look at her being ‘The Mom’, planning things! Isn’t she cute!” It’s like college students coming home and looking down on their parents for being stressed with running a household. “I don’t know why they’re so stressed. I was able to run my dorm room just fine!” They have no clue the work that goes into pulling off a nice vacation. They think it just sort of organically happens and don’t realize how smoothly things go because of all the work I put into it to make it happen.  

The next time I might very well just say, “I want to go here,” and let them plan it without my intervention. They’ll probably be low-key about it and it’ll all work out beautifully and we’ll all get to sit back and enjoy things and they’ll say, “See, Mom, you were all stressed for no reason.” 






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I’m getting ready to go in the same vacation I have been taking since 2010—10 days with my in laws to a fishing resort. My favorite day is when we come home, lol.  The biggest thing is that I hope you stay healthy and safe— hopefully you can find something enjoyable while there! 

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Vacations make my husband anxious, so you’re not the only one. 

I totally get the money anxiety. Vacations are like major construction projects. I need to factor in about 30 percent overage before we even hit the road. 😉 

Edited by popmom
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12 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I just considered that and thought better.  Lol

I just ordered for pick up




baby carrots


granola bars


pimento cheese

fizzy water

regular water

I will make us a thermos of coffee to take along the morning we Leave.  This should hold us.  I mean we can stop, but we really want to avoid going in a restaurant. 


For my road trip last week, I thought I was being so smart by mixing watermelon chunks with frozen blueberries to keep things cold. The blueberries thawed with a lot of juice, which turned the watermelon dark purple. It was edible, but looked very weird. 😅

Edited by wintermom
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