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Bratz and Barbies news

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I like the Groovy Girls much better... I don't know what I would do if someone gave a BRATZ doll to my daughter:ack2:


She asked for a Barbie this year (of course, whenever we've seen BRATZ, I'm sure I've been very vocal at my dissapproval... just the name BRATZ offends me. Yeah, I want my children to be a brat, or even think the name is cool... and no, I don't care what it actually "stands" for. I will be very happy to have them gone from the shelves!


I'm a bit nervous about stepping into Barbieland, although I loved my Barbies (of course, I gave my collection away when dd was 2yo... now I'm wishing I hadn't).


The Barbie Movies have been really quite nice for my dd to watch. They aren't sexualized or romantic -- the ones I've watched have been pretty decent story lines -- and my dd loves to pretend she's a princess. I do wish the Barbie clothes were a bit more modest, though.


She's also starting to "get into" American Girl dolls. She hasn't asked for one yet, but we got her the Vision Forum doll a year ago (Beautiful Girlhood?) 1/2 price. I'm planning to get her an AG doll next year... but we've started with the books and movies.


Now that the BRATZ dolls are going the way of the dinosaur... is there anything we can do about the trashy clothes still invading the 7-14 size range? I spend a whole heck of a lot more $$$ on clothes for my girls than I do for my boys... Land's End, Hanna Andersen, Gymboree... even on sale, they aren't cheap!

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I don't like Barbie or Bratz. That said, I had Barbies as a kid. And now my dd has barbies, which started with MIL getting her a Cinderella barbie for Christmas one year, then my grandmother sent her one, and my mother got her one. I decided not to make a big deal out of it and place more importance on a barbie than there needed to be, so said nothing. My dd played with them for about a week and now they sit largely ignored in a basket of dolls. But my dd doesn't seem to play with or notice dolls much in general, she'd rather have a stuffed animal.

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no girls at my house but I just xmas shopped for my niece, who love Bratz,

I just couldn't buy the stuff.


They look trashy to me. I ended up getting a high school musical microphone for both.


Thank goodness I do not have to shop for little girls. I also thought most of the close look trashy. I guess I am a prude.

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I don't know what I would do if someone gave a BRATZ doll to my daughter:ack2:


You do like I did and give it to Goodwill. :D My dd has no interest in them, thankfully. She thinks they look awful. She does play with Barbies, but hates modern Barbie clothes. I kept all of my stuff, including clothes handmade by my grandmother, and gave it to her. They are far more modest and she loves them. :001_smile:

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You do like I did and give it to Goodwill. :D My dd has no interest in them, thankfully. She thinks they look awful. She does play with Barbies, but hates modern Barbie clothes. I kept all of my stuff, including clothes handmade by my grandmother, and gave it to her. They are far more modest and she loves them. :001_smile:


You know, this is one case in which said item simply went in the trash here. (After giver was thanked & had left!) I figure Bratz dolls aren't going to have a positive effect on my dd or on the society at large, who might venture into the GW.


And what was my very conservative grmother *thinking*???? :confused: She also bought me some kind of ear cuff when I was a teen. Not that that's the worst jewelry in the world or anything, but this is a woman who took the time to write a complaint to a store for hiring a kid w/ a nose ring back in the early 90s! :lol:

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We have a lot of Barbies. I don't find her objectionable.


Bratz make my blood boil. But there was a time when my dd was obsessed with them. I mean, obesessed. She was about 4 and going through a very intense control thing. She's the first born daughter of a first born daughter of a first born daughter so I know this could be a theme of our relationship. I finally decided to try a new tactic and I let her have one of the more innocuous Baby Bratz mini-dolls from Grandma (so as not to subvert my own authority by buying it on my own...I only had to put on a show of reluctant agreement). I held my breath and was relieved when it worked. She got over Bratz. Put it down after a few days and rarely revisited it.


Five years later, she agrees that they are gross. It was a gamble that paid off that once.

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I'm so glad to see that they will be going away! Frankly, I'm not too thrilled with Barbie, but my dh has an aunt who collects classic Barbies, sews the clothes, restores the hair.... the whole deal. And it's actually really amazing and she has created a business out of it, so I am glad to have my daughter have a chance to see this sort of thing in a positive light. But I have held firm on the no Bratz doll rule, despite her cousins having them, and she has been very unhappy about it.

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My dd had a Bratz doll that my mom sent. It was dressed in nice pj's so we let her keep it. I was able to eventually throw it away quietly. My dd knows how I feel about Bratz and my mom does too. I had told her before but she still sent it. She now knows just how much I don't like Bratz.


We do have Barbies. My dd and I went through all of our Barbie clothes and picked out what wasn't appropriate and got rid of it. We had a nice lesson in modesty.


Many of the newer Barbies aren't as busty as they used to be. Our older Barbies don't fit in the new Barbie clothes.




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dd11 was into the whole Bratz thing a few years ago - and at the time, I didn't really think much about them. She had lots of them, the girlz and the boyz....yes, we bought some of them for her, others were Christmas presents from family, etc......but there are a lot of things that I do differently now than I did back then. She doesn't have any Bratz these days - sometimes, she mentions how cute a certain one is, but she doesn't really seem interested anymore...luckily. :D

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