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Tell me what I need to know about shingles

East Coast Sue

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I woke with tingling pins and needles pain on the left side around my neck area. Do I need to wait for the blisters/rash to know if it’s shingles? I went to urgent care and received a script for antiviral but was told to wait for a rash/blisters before taking the medicine in case it’s just nerve pain/neuropathy. I don’t have any health issues and I’m in my 40s. I wish I’d pushed for the shingles vaccine but at my check up I was told to wait until I’m 50. 
Tell me what you know or experience you’ve had with shingles.

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I got shingles in that same area 6 years ago.  Initially, it felt like the tag on my shirt was irritating me. I realized 4 days later when I had blisters what it finally was. Even though resources said to get  the shot (I think it was a shot at the time, not a script?) within the first 3 days or it doesn't help, I got it on the 4th day. Then I was treated by my acupuncturist also for an appointment or 2.  This did it for me. I had blisters starting on my right shoulder, but they subsided then. I was lucky and had a mild case compared to what it could have been like.  The only lasting effect was fatigue, for maybe a month(?) or 2 longer, which I had not realized was from the shingles until much later.  Like needing to take a quick 10 minute rest, not quite a nap, here and there. Definitely take care to get lots of rest if you do have shingles. 

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I had shingles on my face for the first time this year. I woke in the morning with what felt like a bad sunburn on one side of my face. When I went to the urgent care they gave me antiviral and told me it was a good thing I came in before I had blisters because the antiviral works best when taken early. I took the antiviral and in one day the pain subsided. I am not sure why they told you to wait. 

Here is a link to the CDC's recommendations which say the same thing that the doctor told me at urgent care. 

I hope it passes quickly! 

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4 minutes ago, Minerva said:

I had shingles on my face for the first time this year. I woke in the morning with what felt like a bad sunburn on one side of my face. When I went to the urgent care they gave me antiviral and told me it was a good thing I came in before I had blisters because the antiviral works best when taken early. I took the antiviral and in one day the pain subsided. I am not sure why they told you to wait. 

Here is a link to the CDC's recommendations which say the same thing that the doctor told me at urgent care. 

I hope it passes quickly! 

Based on what I’ve seen with multiple family members who have had it with and without the antiviral, I would take it before blisters to be on the safe side. I don’t like taking medications, but I wouldn’t want to take the risk of being too late for the antiviral to work. Those that have taken it in time have had a very easy course of it. I hope you feel better soon!

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1 hour ago, East Coast Sue said:

I woke with tingling pins and needles pain on the left side around my neck area. Do I need to wait for the blisters/rash to know if it’s shingles? I went to urgent care and received a script for antiviral but was told to wait for a rash/blisters before taking the medicine in case it’s just nerve pain/neuropathy. I don’t have any health issues and I’m in my 40s. I wish I’d pushed for the shingles vaccine but at my check up I was told to wait until I’m 50. 
Tell me what you know or experience you’ve had with shingles.

I would take it now.

I was in my 40s the first and only time I had shingles. I'm 70 now, and have never gotten the vaccine, and have not had shingles since that one time.

Mine was on my face. I dabbed honey on the blisters, which felt so.good., and there was no scarring. My mother had shingles in the exact same place; she didn't treat hers, and she had scarring.

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I would definitely start taking it before the rash comes if at all possible. I started about 12 hours after my rash appeared and I had pain for a long time. I really wish I had been able to get going with the treatment before the rash.

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I had shingles last summer.  I assumed the first patch was a bug bite so didn't call the doctor until the second patch started.  I had a couple days of intense pain while the meds kicked in.

I don't remember having pain or itching for very long before the rash showed up.  "Hopefully" your rash will start today and your decision will be made!

Did they say why you shouldn't take them just in case it is shingles?

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I had Shingles several years ago. I went to the doctor with what she said was a boil on my forehead, but call right away if it spreads because it might be Shingles. The next day it had spread and I got an antiviral. I had a week of pain, especially when I was stressed. We had a bathroom remodel that had just been finished but was leaking into the basement. 

So, stay calm. Don't do too much. I would feel great, and start cleaning and laundry. I'd be back in bed by lunch.

I had a week when I was mostly healed of not being able to open one of my eyes in sunny weather. I think I must have had it on my eye. And, another week where I could open my eye but it watered a lot.

I won't tell you to start the av early since I'm not qualified. I'm sure starting the av when I did helped. Maybe it would have been even better if I had started the day before.

Is there a problem with neuropathy if you start early?


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Like a PP, when I was diagnosed with shingles, I initially thought it was bug bites (hot, sticky weather, showed along a belt line). So anti-viral came very (very) late in my case.  I *totally* concur to get as much rest as you can.  It took me several months to get beyond lying around most of the day and an entire year to feel like my old self.  

In my case, I believe that back-to-back crises and stresses (6 months straight) led to my shingles episode.  To this day, I need to pace myself with how much I pack into a day/week/month/season and actively destress my body (which, as a fairly easy-going personality surprised me as I never thought of myself as "stressed").

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My doctor told me that the antiviral is most effective if taken in the first 72 hours of onset of symptoms. I thought that I had a rash due to allergies and tried all kinds of OTC allergy medications and went in to see the doctor past the 72 hour limit, but my doctor said to still take the antiviral because it would still help. I tried to avoid pain medication but had to finally take the heavy pain meds that my doctor offered.

I have a friend who avoids prescription medication if at all possible. She had great results by taking elderberry syrup as soon as her symptoms appeared.

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I have gotten shingles outbreaks 4 times (I’m 47 now—got my 1st bout at 43)—ALL after an extremely stressful event. So, have you been under stress lately?  The first episode was the worst—broke out in what I thought were hives.  Next day, they started hurting and that night were so painful I couldn’t sleep. Thankfully I got the antiviral within the 72 hour period and it took care of the REALLY distasteful parts (the pain and itching).  The blisters were unsightly (I looked like I had severe acne on one side of my face).  
I would say, take the antivirals, just in case. Would it hurt anything if you took them and DIDNT have shingles?  

Edited by AngelaR
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