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Work Out help please...

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I'd like to find an exercise video for me that I can do in 10-15 min. a day for a complete body workout. I'm not looking for a meal plan, just a work out. I know results are better and faster with a better diet but I'm doing the best I can now.


Any recommendations? It's hard to shop these online without a solid recommendation-hoping not to waste money...


oh and I'm a terrible dancer, lacking coordination :blush:


I'm asking for a video b/c we have no space for exercise equipment.

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I couldn't stand to do the same thing everyday, so maybe you could do 3 days of core work and 3 days of weights with a video?


I'm happy to see you are taking care of your health. You are a good example of that to me! Oh, and I really liked Kathy Griffith (you know, Regis' old partner?) work out tapes (back when they were tapes!) but I think they were more like 20 mins.

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I'd recommend the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home 5 Mile Walk.


This video is different from her other videos in that it's 5 completely separate 1 mile walks. The shortest mile is around 9 minutes, and the longest is 15 1/2 minutes. You can do as many of the 1 mile walks you want, so you can customize the time spent.


One of the walks uses light hand weights, one uses a fitness band (comes with the video), and one uses a walk-belt (I use the fitness band or weights).


These don't take a lot of coordination (you walk, do knee lifts, side steps, and kicks mostly), and I've done them in hotel bathrooms while on vacation, so they don't take a lot of space.

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:hurray::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::hurray: Y'all are great, I'm feeling good physically b/c of working outside of the home but I want to build strength/stamina and lose weight but losing weight isn't my ultimate goal. I want to be healthy in every way I can. Thank you so much for your recommendations, I'm very grateful.

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If you want a full body workout, you can't beat Ashtanga Yoga or simply 5 A's and 5 B's (sun salutations). Upper body,cardio, lower body, abs, back, you get it all in just 5 a's and 5 B's.


Here is an A

she "cheats" and doesn't jump back or through, but gives you a beginner's view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-kgxlBNink&NR=1


Here is a B by the same lady above http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W4DlglC4ic


this has verbal instructions


looking for videos, I found this one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOYln-ciw9s - the comments are the best part! :)

Edited by jamnkats
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I love some of the recommendations above (Ellen Barrett is my favorite!) but I'm not sure they help with your time constraints.


There is a series of 10-Minute Workouts, usually packaged as 5 ten-minute workouts that you can do separately or together. This one's my favorite:



If you go to that link you can search for other 10 Minute Solution workouts.

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I'd recommend the Leslie Sansone Walk At Home 5 Mile Walk.


This video is different from her other videos in that it's 5 completely separate 1 mile walks. The shortest mile is around 9 minutes, and the longest is 15 1/2 minutes. You can do as many of the 1 mile walks you want, so you can customize the time spent.


One of the walks uses light hand weights, one uses a fitness band (comes with the video), and one uses a walk-belt (I use the fitness band or weights).


These don't take a lot of coordination (you walk, do knee lifts, side steps, and kicks mostly), and I've done them in hotel bathrooms while on vacation, so they don't take a lot of space.


I started this yesterday, I start at the one mile and work my way up. Its great for people to reintro exercise.

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Have you looked at T-Tapp? The TappCore program is designed for kids and their adults, and you can do as little or as much as you want. I think it's a great workout!



I use the T-Tapp Basic Plus workout and I love it! It takes about 15 min. and after the initial bootcamp, it's 3 days a week :)

Edited by jenadina
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