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What do I serve with brisket if I'm sick......

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Well down here, we have bbq beans and potato salad or coleslaw with brisket and bread for sopping with pickles, onions and jalapenos. Yummy!:D


This is exactly what I was going to suggest! LOL! I had to look up to see where you live and I'm just north of you!


This is also what we are having for Christmas dinner!


The other way we eat brisket is with tortillas, grilled onions, cheese and salsa!

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This is exactly what I was going to suggest! LOL! I had to look up to see where you live and I'm just north of you!


This is also what we are having for Christmas dinner!


The other way we eat brisket is with tortillas, grilled onions, cheese and salsa!


Howdy neighbor!

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of potatoes?


We're having guests tomorrow night, and I can't think of anything that sounds good with brisket/salad except mashed pots. Any ideas?


New England boiled dinner stuff:


carrot, onion, cabbage


and maybe some mashed parsnips. Or add the parsnips to the taters in about 1:3 ration and mash. You may find you are less sick of taters.


There is always eggnoodles.

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Big help I am. The only thing that comes to mind ~ aside from mashed pots, which do seem so very right with brisket ~ is a bottle (or two) of a good, bold red wine. Followed after dinner by a hot toddy. Something there is about brisket that just makes me think of cold winter days and warm drinks. Actually, I really want some brisket right now, having read your post. Someone please come up here and make me some brisket. Purty please.:D

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I know you mentioned you were sick of potatoes, but what about baked potatoes?


Dh worked his way through college at Red Lobster, so we bake potatoes their way: slather outside of raw scrubbed, unpeeled potato with butter, sprinkle with kosher or other coarse salt, then bake unwrapped potatoes for 1 hr at 450 degrees, turning over once during the baking. Check with fork to test doneness.


The other thing we do with brisket is to serve it on potato rolls. (I use instant potato if I don't have leftover mashed potatoes to put in the recipe.) The potato starch retains moisture in the recipe, so the rolls alway come out nice and moist.



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