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Diploma Suggestions

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My dd will be graduating this spring.  Yikes!  She expressed a desire for a "real" diploma on "fancy paper with fancy font in a folder" like her public schooled friends will get.  She is not, nor ever has been, part of a homeschool group/coop/umbrella/club/etc..... so we are on our own here.  All of her friends were/are public schooled and this is one of the very few times she has insisted on during the "traditional" thing so I am happy to oblige.  I found websites to order just what she wants.  But, we don't have a name for our homeschool.  Never have, aside from the occasional jokes of being the Pajama Academy.  She does not want to make up a name and anything we would to make up at this point would not feel right anyway.  Any suggestions for what we could put in the school name area of a traditional diploma?  "Homeschool" just seems dull and somehow "non-official" sounding to her.  Ideas?

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The most common naming conventions I've seen include...

Lastname Academy
Name of Street/Neighborhood/Local Feature Academy
Idea (Excellence, for example) Academy

Some people say "School" or "Homeschool" instead of "Academy." I've also seen a lot of people add "Classical." As in, Lastname Classical Academy.

Of course, I've also seen a lot of kooky ones. Like, named after the dog or named something silly the kid picked when they were little and they all just stuck with it.

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5 minutes ago, Roadrunner said:

Any link to who can make it professionally? 

We used Homeschool Diploma. I was impressed with their work - it looks very professional. 

As for the name, we used a street name (it was a planned but never created street that was supposed to run through our property) + Academy. 

Maybe something from a favorite book or movie? An inside joke name that isn't too cutesy?


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We have an unofficial name for our homeschool that I used on DD's diploma and am planning to use for DS's this year.

I think just Lastname Homeschool or Academy would work.  Or base it on location, or something particular to the area where you live.

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We used Lastname Academy.  I had always planned to use Location Academy, but oldest dc was adamant that we not do that; dc thought it seemed like we were trying to hide the fact that we homeschooled.  It wasn't worth the conflict, so I changed it.  

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Locally many students register with an umbrella (usually associated with a private school) and many of those award diplomas to students.  They say that the student graduated from 'School Name Independent Study Program', so you could also do Lastname ISP or Location ISP.  And, now that you have me thinking, I'm wondering when we get the diploma...we won't want to go to multiple graduation ceremonies but I"m guessing that my kid would much prefer to attend a ceremony with co-op friends.  I know there's an 'open to all homeschoolers' ceremony that we could do, or maybe we'd just do a backyard group one.  I'm glad I have a few years to figure that one out!   

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I picked a common school name and added “High School”. If my son needed a copy of his high school diploma for anything, I wanted him to just be able to show it and not worry about being questioned about home school. If you need help with ideas, you can query private schools in your state. Many of them have similar names. It will help you get your creative juices flowing. 

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I was really careful with a name for our school. I don’t know what paths my kids may take later on in life and I have heard  some stories of people being rejected for admission because of homeschool especially in other countries so I decided not to have homeschool on our diploma and also no last name. 
I used a street name academy and even made a logo for it to look official. The logo is on their transcripts, school profile and school portfolio. 

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