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Personalized family TShirts


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Our family will be celebrating Christmas this year with several of DH's siblings. This is rare, we don't live near family and are usually alone. So I'm super pumped and am layering on the cheese! I want to get matching family tshirts for the whole crew that say "surname family Christmas." The dilemma I'm having is that everyone has the same surname except his sister and her husband who are newlyweds. I don't want them to feel intentionally slighted, especially since he is newish to the family by having a tshirt that says "Johnson family christmas" (not our real name...) when their name is not Johnson. I could get "Johnson" for the Johnson's and "Wong" for the Wong's, but then it doesn't seem as unified. I could get "Johnson & Wong family christmas" but that just seems wordy. Any other ways to word this?


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"J and W Family Christmas"--just the initials for last names? I would probably ask them. Or maybe make several suggestions and put it up to the whole family as a vote or hold a family contest for what wording should be on the shirts if you think they would not want to be singled out to make the decision for everyone.

I no longer go by my maiden name, and I don't think either DH or I would be offended by having a shirt that said, "Maiden Name Christmas." We also attend Jones Family Reunions from time to time, but Jones is a stand-in for my mother's maiden name, which she doesn't use either, and there are plenty of other people there with varying last names. But in that case, we're claiming a heritage that a large, diverse group has in common, unlike in your situation.


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I agree with Johnson Family Christmas. Are you close enough to lay it out for your SIL saying you want to surprise people (guessing) and you are excited that their marriage has made him part of the family.  BUT even more important to you not to offend anyone and that you considered J & W if they had any strong opinions...

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Just for fun...

What about getting them Johnson and Wong! Family Christmas. I would stylize the 'and Wong!' in italics.  Over the years, it could be fun to keep adding surnames to the list so you end up with bunch of names. LOL 

In my family.... inclusion is always the best answer. Even when it feels like a mouthful. LOL An trust me when I say, a person's name can be very, very much part of their identify! You can never go wrong extending kindness in this matter.

I would likely make 4 shirts and as the new couples input before anyone else. 


Merry Christmas!


Our family Christmas!


Johnson Family Christmas!


Johnson and Wong!

Family Christmas

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An outlier here -- I hate apparel with names on it. I would just do "2020 Family Christmas" and drop the names entirely.

Side note -- I'm NOT a gift person, and am very pragmatic about gifts, so take the following with a grain of salt: 
This is it's a lovely idea, but try to not be offended if someone doesn't want to wear the shirt. I would be very appreciative of the thought and kindness and including me, but novelty t-shirts (ball caps, etc.) are NOT my thing at ALL, and I doubt I would wear this beyond putting it on for a quick group photo, and immediately taking it off and returning to my usual clothes. And the shirt would live in the bottom of a drawer ever after, until I did a closet cleaning and donation to Good Will or Salvation Army or the local Clothing Pantry. Which is another reason to not put names on shirts -- ability to pass unused clothing items on to those in need. 😉 

Edited by Lori D.
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