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Are there any other fiction authors here?


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Just curious if anybody in the writing community happens to be here too.

I just got offered a publishing contract for my first book! It's a picture book about establishing physical boundaries with family. So excited to be a "real" writer, assuming the contract and publication goes through with no hiccups.

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Hi Sarah!!

That is seriously awesome! Congratulations!! Sending you 🍾 and 💐!

I wish I could write fiction. I've been a freelance travel writer for the last 14 years, but guess how many editors want travel articles now?

So I started a blog back in Feb. I've long wanted to do.

Do you know about a site called Freelance Success? You don't have to be a freelancer, all types of writers are on there. I haven't been on for a year or more but I think they have a "book" category.

It's $99/ a year and is a fantastic place to "talk" with writers. They're the real deal. I'd name names except this is a public forum. I was able to get onto the Washington Post's Talent Network b/c of friends in this group. People write for the big magazines and websites.

I need your book on setting boundaries! I moved 3,000 miles away to get some breathing room.

Congratulation again -- your news is absolutely awesome!!



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I have published a nonfiction book on nature study and am finishing up an epistolary novel. 

I find it humorous that our historian leader SWB might also be a time-traveller because the Amazon listing of her book The Revolt has it published in 1615. 🙂 The Revolt by Susan Wise Bauer (1996-09-04) Paperback – January 1, 1615

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Thank you everyone!

I'd like to eventually write a fiction picture book about homeschooled children as well, but I haven't thought of the right angle yet that would go over well in the broader market too. I think current experiences with distance learning might open up interest in something like that.

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