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June 2020 - well-trained bodies

Laura Corin

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@Dreamergal, hope your dh feels better soon.  My dh doesn't work out at all, but he is one of those always active people blessed with great genes.  He still wears the same pant size as when we married, just getting the tiniest bit of a belly pooch. He seems to have good strength based on just always doing stuff and moving things about.  My natural state appears to be comatose potato, so I need to make sure I get the workouts in!  The one thing I worry about is his posture, it's not entirely awful but he's a bit hunched in the shoulders and I've seen how that can cause problems as people age.  Just not sure how to encourage him to do something proactive about it...

Hope the elliptical works out!  Those machines do take up a ton of space.  We don't have a garage or basement (well, our 'garage' is detached and unheated and we can't even get a car in there without dh doing some of that 'moving things about', so it's more a glorified shed, and the basement is wet and full of cobwebs and dh can't even stand to his full height there, so for all practical purposes...), so I'm thrilled I figured out how to tuck my rowing machine in an unused hallway!! Good luck figuring out how to squeeze workout equipment in... 🙂

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5 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Interesting. Do you use that feature often? Do you find that your body fat % changes much over time according to this scale? Do you notice any correlation between weight and % body fat to provide more information for yourself?

That version of the Navy method you linked is pretty vague as far as where exactly to measure the hips. My rough calculations came up with 23% body fat. I could probably measure 10 times and come up with 10 different results, though. 

Well, the feature is automatic if you don't have socks on, so I use the feature most times I weigh myself, which is usually daily.  According to the scale, I lost about 6% body fat when I lost the 40 lbs.  I feel like it should have been more! 😭  It does fluctuate and give me (what I think is) a more reasonable number sometimes, but then it goes right back up.  I think it's better than no data, but I'm not convinced it's super-accurate, especially if I'm looking to fine-tune body composition rather than take of stones of weight.

The Navy method says to use 'the widest part of the hips'.

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5 minutes ago, Matryoshka said:

Well, the feature is automatic if you don't have socks on, so I use the feature most times I weigh myself, which is usually daily.  According to the scale, I lost about 6% body fat when I lost the 40 lbs.  I feel like it should have been more! 😭  It does fluctuate and give me (what I think is) a more reasonable number sometimes, but then it goes right back up.  I think it's better than no data, but I'm not convinced it's super-accurate, especially if I'm looking to fine-tune body composition rather than take of stones of weight.

The Navy method says to use 'the widest part of the hips'.

What on earth does 'the widest part of the hips' actually mean, though? Is that from the front view, the side view, the actual hip bones/joint? I have no idea. 

I can see how inaccurate data could be frustrating and diminish one's motivation. That's part of the reason why I like to focus on things I can control and easily measure, like the number of push-ups I do in a work-out. 😉

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3 minutes ago, wintermom said:

What on earth does 'the widest part of the hips' actually mean, though? Is that from the front view, the side view, the actual hip bones/joint? I have no idea. 

Lol, I figure 'widest' is wherever the tape measure says it is...

 I can see how inaccurate data could be frustrating and diminish one's motivation. That's part of the reason why I like to focus on things I can control and easily measure, like the number of push-ups I do in a work-out. 😉 

Yes! One of the things I liked about OT was the HR zones and how that was nice and measurable. 

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5 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

I am now blaming my numbers on Fat Legs. 😆  

I have the inverse problem: thin legs so the scales underestimate my fat stores, but a squidgy belly so the Navy gives me a much higher score.

Yoga outside at lunchtime was good, listening to birdsong. Afterwards I checked online for the best shrubs to plant for birds, so that I can try to attract them to the new garden.

This evening I NW on the beach. The sea mist had come in but I could see well enough to walk fast. @Matryoshka I like data too. I like being able to see that my average heart rate was 143 for the walk.

We had locally hot smoked salmon for supper, with salad and green beans. Hobbes had forgotten that the was meant to be cooking... So Husband cooked.

Edited by Laura Corin
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I finally got in a workout today!  Did a 30 min Nordic Walk (that seems to be about how long the circuit takes around the condo complex near me - safer to walk there than staying on my street, which now has poison ivy growing eagerly over the edges of the pavement...), then came home and did some upper body weights and then some rowing sprints.  About an hour total.  For data, my Fitbit always gives me lower numbers than my OT monitor, but I trust the latter more since more than half the time my Fitbit can't even give me a number when I'm working out if I look at it, and for any kind of workout other than walking or running, it doesn't seem to register at all... so Fitbit says for the walk my average HR was 135, with a max of 157, OT monitor says average 151, max 168.  Then for the rest of the workout it gets hilarious - Fitbit thinks I was taking a nap - average 101, max 132, but OT says average 153, max 181 (which is just about my max HR, and I can believe I hit that on a rowing sprint).  Since I can gauge where I am partly by breathing and such, the OT one is definitely the one that's getting it right.  

I wonder sometimes if the Fitbit is getting my resting HR right - it says it's nice and low (mid 50's), and it does seem to do a better job when I'm not exercising hard, but...?

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22 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Jenny in Florida  Welcome and glad you are joining us!  You've definitely been through a rough journey with your health, and it's wonderful to hear that you are doing so well now. Just a thought with walking, as I'm in agreement that sometimes it just doesn't seem intense enough, have you ever considered Nordic Walking with poles. Seems to be quite popular and effective is increasing the heart rate and overall impact of a work-out. You could then do a shorter walk when you use the poles and get in some good upper-body strength work while you walk.


21 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Yes, @Jenny in Florida, so good to see you here!  Welcome! I've just started trying the Nordic Walking thing - Laura Corin is our resident expert - but I think I'm going to like it!


17 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Not expert, but happy to chat. I went on a NW course and use my poles regularly to increase my heart rate and upper body strength.


I was doing some looking at poles. A lot of my walking happens with my dog, which would limit opportunities to walk with the poles, but I'm interested in learning more.

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18 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

I managed to get back in the pool today!  Warm enough for me, plus, we now have a kids phone at home.  So I was able to leave them here and go swim.  Now, because this is very new, I was only in the water 12 minutes lol.  Start with shorter trips, and then expand.  Still, I was able to get 8 laps in, 200m.  I totally forgot my goggles though, so it was breast stroke the whole time.  Which is fine.  

Yaaa, for getting in your swimming, good idea to start slowly.

18 hours ago, Dreamergal said:


@soror I was told to work on balance, flexibility, strength, muscle mass especially balance because falls are frequent for women as we grow older. The problem with BMI for me is they always throw in the "but we are not sure for your ethnicity" caveat. remember the BMI Serena Williams story where she was "obese". But I would rather work at a ball park figure than have no idea. I cannot believe that woman said that to you. So many women tearing down others. I also look more for health than looks and judge by how I look and feel vs numbers. The only numbers I look more are BP, sugar, heart rate since I have such a terrible family medical history.

Worked out today, boot camp. Felt guilty a bit for yesterday but did not want to injure myself so was careful. DH has been ordered to rest by the doctor, he is not amused. He is going to the Ortho too. He is hoping to be prescribed some exercises there. DS is now devoid of companions to play, so I am by default his. I said the house would fall apart if I injure myself too, so time for him to play solo. So basketball it is. My gym has not explicitly said no to kids swimming but I see no one bring their kids with them. I guess people are a bit selfish like me and want to swim themselves when it is hard to get a slot ?? DS has been asking, but I keep saying no kids yet, I hate lying but don't want to share my slot honestly. 😒. Hopefully next month is better but cases keep going up so chances are they could close the pool. So I jealously guard my pool time. 😞

On a positive note, the elusive elliptical will finally be here soon. So one more thing to work out. I guess I will cave in and order more equipment which DH wants. I just do not want my garage to become a gym. I want to park my car inside. 

It is good to be careful as we are older to avoid injury. Hopefully, ortho gives him better news. Ya, for new equipment!

I understand the deal with Serena to be not ethnicity but that she is an athlete and has greater muscle mass. BMI is not a great tool with anyone with a lot of muscle mass because it just looks at size and weight, if you have a lot of muscle vs fat you are going to weigh more.


re: body fat

I used to have that as a goal but I realized I have so little control over where and how I lose weight I gave up. Since babies my hips have been so stubborn to give up weight. With the rate I lose weight I'd have to get down to 115 to be where I'd prefer by bodyfat. And in the end I have been working on gaining muscle too, getting actually tested would be more accurate but I don't care to mess with that. Navy has me ranging 25.5-26.5%

I did a short bike ride yesterday and thought I was going to die. We have hills all around, my HR went to 189, that is the highest I've recorded it and felt like absolute max. I didn't want to give up but make it up the hill. I did but it was so hard. I just laid down after I got back home. I keep wanting to bike ride and improve my skills but no one wants to ride with me and it is a pain to load the bike b/c first I have to load the trailer on the van which is hard to do on my own, I wonder how much one would cost that only held a couple of bikes, surely that would be easier to wrangle. 

So, yesterday did little yoga, little bike ride, and strength and very short walk. Today's aim is walking and yoga- might see if dh would load bike on for me then I could ride at the park during TKD, hmmm.

Hit the daily dozen yesterday- 1 week straight (only missed exercise on one day but hit the food every day). Weight has trended down but I have been satiated and feeling like I'm eating too much at times.

Trying to figure out food, dd2 and I are having cauliflower crust cheese pizza for dinner (premade bought on super sale).

Might do the pinto bowl and brown rice w/ veggies for lunch and my kale + sweet potato, egg, and homemade bread breakfast.

Snack on chickpeas+ tomato and cucumbers; quinoa w/ toasted pecans; fruit

Trying to hit all the servings on daily dozen and arranging meals on that fruit and nuts always easy to hit but I plan for grains and beans so I hit them all.

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19 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I think I'll go scales!  Navy has me at 33%  I'm very short in the torso.  Even at my narrowest waist I'm 29 inches, and at my navel-waist I'm 34 inches. 

I've got a short torso too, when I was pregnant by belly was so huge. I thought I had a scale that did bf but if it does I can't figure out how, so I don't know how the Navy method compares to t he scale. The issue with the navy method is that it doesn't take into account any size due to muscle, the only way to lose bf on their calculator is just to get smaller. I played with it before and it has limited usefulness. According to it my waist would have to be smaller than humanly possible to hold my organs to reach low 20s in BF. I thought about getting my BF tested by calipers at the gym but never worked up the nerve, what would it change? 

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@Laura Corin  'Has Yoga made you flexible as you age you think ?? What you said about your mother is so true, but I would take living to 90 if I can. '

@Dreamergal Sorry - the quoting was weird.  I am naturally pretty flexible.  Yoga has increased that and worked on the bits that were less so.  For example, I have always been able to bend easily from the waist - I almost never kneel to do the weeding.  From having sedentary jobs, my shoulders were starting to hunch forward a bit, and back bends were getting harder.  That has all eased due to yoga.

My mother..... she did really well until she was 90 but hadn't made any preparations to age in a way that she would wish thereafter.  She expected that she would have died by then, but (ironically) the healthy lifestyle that she had lived, without much thought about it, made that less likely.  Even now, at 95, her only illness is high blood pressure, apart from sore joints from wear and tear.  It's extraordinary.  But she didn't plan how to downsize, move into accommodation that would make her happy, etc.  She just hoped not to get there.  So that's the bit I am going to try to work on.

@Jenny in Florida I'm happy to help.  The key thing is that there are two kinds of poles and two kinds of walking, for different purposes:

Hiking/Trekking poles: these have a simple loop that goes around the wrist.  They are used for extra support whilst hiking but don't necessarily improve fitness or upper body strength.  They are planted with a bent elbow, vertically in front of the walker and lifted whenever seems suitable.

Nordic Walking poles: these have a harness for your hands, so that you can exert force without gripping the poles tightly.  They are used in an action a little like cross-country skiing to drive you forwards, engaging the upper body and core, and raising the heart rate.  I can walk faster using NW poles without it feeling awkward, and my heart rate is consistently in the cardio or peak zones according to Fitbit.  The poles are planted with a straightened arm but angled backwards, so that you can exert force backwards and drive yourself forwards.  This video shows the difference:


Edited by Laura Corin
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I am up, with some cardio done. I am definitely slowly down. I get it...I am 27ish weeks pregnant, I think. (Ha. With our first, I always knew exactly how far along I was. Now, with #5, I have to stop and think and figure it out.) Pre-pregnancy, I was doing well at exercising 6 days a week. Currently, that's down to about 4 or 5. Blah. I don't like it. I get it. It's worth it, but...blah.

Also on the schedule today, a full day of school for the kids (I'd be happy with hitting 2 of the 3Rs). If we manage that, as it's supposed to be hot here today, we will probably head to the local creek for cooling off this afternoon. We also have to take care of our goats. 

Breakfast: fried eggs, 2 prunes
Lunch: planned on salads, but baby doesn't like them anymore, so who knows
Dinner: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, fruit on the side

Question: What are your favorite resources on flexibility, yoga, and stretching? I desperately need to work on flexibility, so point me in the right direction, please.

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1 hour ago, soror said:

Hit the daily dozen yesterday- 1 week straight (only missed exercise on one day but hit the food every day). Weight has trended down but I have been satiated and feeling like I'm eating too much at times.


Great work! Do you feel any different?


I've been overbooked and under-slept for the last week, but my last big extra commitment ends today. I'm really enjoying FIT by Larie's YouTube channel. I think I like her style of "patter" during the workout. I started the day with a 30 minute barre workout on my back porch. 🙂 I much prefer exercising outdoors, and now that the group of 5 chain smokers who always smoked on their attached porch moved away, I am using my porch a lot.

Lunch: peanut noodles with tofu; snack: chocolate cookies ds8 made yesterday 🙂 dinner: sweet potato / cabbage / ground beef hash


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1 hour ago, barnwife said:

I am up, with some cardio done. I am definitely slowly down. I get it...I am 27ish weeks pregnant, I think. (Ha. With our first, I always knew exactly how far along I was. Now, with #5, I have to stop and think and figure it out.) Pre-pregnancy, I was doing well at exercising 6 days a week. Currently, that's down to about 4 or 5. Blah. I don't like it. I get it. It's worth it, but...blah.

Also on the schedule today, a full day of school for the kids (I'd be happy with hitting 2 of the 3Rs). If we manage that, as it's supposed to be hot here today, we will probably head to the local creek for cooling off this afternoon. We also have to take care of our goats. 

Breakfast: fried eggs, 2 prunes
Lunch: planned on salads, but baby doesn't like them anymore, so who knows
Dinner: Pulled Pork Sandwiches, fruit on the side

Question: What are your favorite resources on flexibility, yoga, and stretching? I desperately need to work on flexibility, so point me in the right direction, please.

Pregnancy can really take a lot out of you, especially as we start getting bigger.

I love Yoga with Adrienne for beginners, I find her very approachable. Low squats and cat/dog are so great for pregnancy but with joints being more lose you have to be mindful. I have a subscription to Les Mills on demand and they have pregnancy modification for every workout but I'd not subscribe just for that. I'd just search youtube for pregnancy yoga to make sure it is focused on the right things and takes into account your special needs.

45 minutes ago, EmilyGF said:

Great work! Do you feel any different?


I've been overbooked and under-slept for the last week, but my last big extra commitment ends today. I'm really enjoying FIT by Larie's YouTube channel. I think I like her style of "patter" during the workout. I started the day with a 30 minute barre workout on my back porch. 🙂 I much prefer exercising outdoors, and now that the group of 5 chain smokers who always smoked on their attached porch moved away, I am using my porch a lot.

Lunch: peanut noodles with tofu; snack: chocolate cookies ds8 made yesterday 🙂 dinner: sweet potato / cabbage / ground beef hash


Hmm, I always feel better when I eat more whole foods and fruits and veggies, I don't know how to quantify it. Less sluggish, more clear. I have had some tummy rumbles now and again with the increase in beans and grains as I've not ate that much of either in a while as I was paleo so long but nothing horrible. I've been more satiated than doing veg meals previously as I have upped the beans and grains. It is a marvel to me to feel full eating a veg meal. I have not given up meat though, just made a plan to eat the list, putting in good foods to push out choices that weren't so good and that has worked well. When eating so much otherwise I have less appetite for junk food although I have had some chocolate every day (or just about every day) without guilt

Oh, and I'm picking up the How not to die Cookbook from the library today, no idea how good it is but they had it so I'll check it out🙂

5 chain smokers, mercy, thank goodness they moved away. Good job getting the workout in.


Edited by soror
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1 hour ago, barnwife said:

Question: What are your favorite resources on flexibility, yoga, and stretching? I desperately need to work on flexibility, so point me in the right direction, please.

Do you mean now that you're pregnant, or afterwards? 

40 minutes ago, soror said:

Pregnancy can really take a lot out of you, especially as we start getting bigger.

I love Yoga with Adrienne for beginners, I find her very approachable. Low squats and cat/dog are so great for pregnancy but with joints being more lose you have to be mindful. I have a subscription to Les Mills on demand and they have pregnancy modification for every workout but I'd not subscribe just for that. I'd just search youtube for pregnancy yoga to make sure it is focused on the right things and takes into account your special needs.

I remember taking a yoga class when I was pregnant with my 4th. My joints were extremely mobile especially in the 30 week range, which is the pregnancy hormones getting the hips ready for a big head to pass through. 😉   My yoga instructor had 5 children herself, and she personalized my stretches for me. I remember doing some stretches while sitting on a chair, as getting down on a mat was challenging. 

Post-pregnancy and beyond, I think the most important thing is to try and fit in stretching often - daily, if you can. My physiotherapist is my best source of stretches for specific areas I'm tense, in pain, and need special work. These tend to be modified stretches that isolate specific muscles and joints. For example, for my upper back pain, I do a modified cat/calf yoga movement while resting my bottom on my feet instead of being up on the knees. 

Are there any specific areas you feel your flexibility needs a boost? 

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@barnwife I like Yoga with Adriene too.  I don't know if her routines are suitable for pregnancy though, so go carefully.  She has a prenatal series:


Today - the usual.  Did some yoga at lunchtime.  Will take a brisk walk after work - I'm cooking.  By the end of the day we might have move out/in dates.  Suddenly a bit scary.

Snacks - raw veg, nuts, low fat cheese; Breakfast - porridge, yoghurt, fresh strawberries; lunch - prawns, salad, toast, apple; supper https://www.falklandkitchenfarm.co.uk/recipes2/2020/6/10/slu89r1wfvw3nnvvlslgi05lgf5ppy;





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29 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Do you mean now that you're pregnant, or afterwards? 

I remember taking a yoga class when I was pregnant with my 4th. My joints were extremely mobile especially in the 30 week range, which is the pregnancy hormones getting the hips ready for a big head to pass through. 😉   My yoga instructor had 5 children herself, and she personalized my stretches for me. I remember doing some stretches while sitting on a chair, as getting down on a mat was challenging. 

Are there any specific areas you feel your flexibility needs a boost? 

An excellent question, both...or either. I guess focusing first on things for my lower back and hips. i tend to deal with sciatica toward the end of my pregnancies, so anything that can be done to help with that is good. Realistically, as I progress through 3rd tri., stretching/yoga might be good substitute for some of the strength and cardio that I usually focus on. I especially hate the thought of less cardio. While I don't particularly enjoy doing it, it really does boost my mental and emotional state. 

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Today I repeated Monday--Beginner's Bodyweight Circuit (2 sets) and then Beginner Yoga with Adriene. I'm liking this combo. The bodyweight stuff took 16 minutes, then I think the yoga is about 20 minutes. The backs of my legs are still a little tight. I've ordered The Stick to try to help loosen them up when they're sore and tight (and I think it will be a good investment as my youngest has wanted something like that during track season). I was wishing I had it yesterday, but I don't think it will get here until Monday. The treadmill has been my routine for so many years, but I think this foot injury has been a good way to explore other options and work new muscle groups.

You all are motivating me to work on healthy eating a little more. I do really well during Lent when I give up sugar/sweets, but since Easter I've gained a couple of pounds. This week is a good start just to get back into tracking what I eat and being aware of it. I'm not intending to give up all sweets, but I want to focus on getting the healthy stuff in, and if I'm trying to hit my goals for protein, fiber, saturated fat, fruits/veggies, and a calorie limit, there's not as much desire or room for junky stuff. But I'm still having my mocha three times a week, as that's just good for my mental health right now!

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1 minute ago, Ali in OR said:

 I'm not intending to give up all sweets, but I want to focus on getting the healthy stuff in, and if I'm trying to hit my goals for protein, fiber, saturated fat, fruits/veggies, and a calorie limit, there's not as much desire or room for junky stuff. But I'm still having my mocha three times a week, as that's just good for my mental health right now!

This is what I find.  My calorie needs just aren't very high, so there isn't that much leeway for stuff that doesn't meet nutritional needs.  Luckily I don't have a very sweet tooth.

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5 hours ago, soror said:

Yaaa, for getting in your swimming, good idea to start slowly.

It is good to be careful as we are older to avoid injury. Hopefully, ortho gives him better news. Ya, for new equipment!

I understand the deal with Serena to be not ethnicity but that she is an athlete and has greater muscle mass. BMI is not a great tool with anyone with a lot of muscle mass because it just looks at size and weight, if you have a lot of muscle vs fat you are going to weigh more.


re: body fat

I used to have that as a goal but I realized I have so little control over where and how I lose weight I gave up. Since babies my hips have been so stubborn to give up weight. With the rate I lose weight I'd have to get down to 115 to be where I'd prefer by bodyfat. And in the end I have been working on gaining muscle too, getting actually tested would be more accurate but I don't care to mess with that. Navy has me ranging 25.5-26.5%

I did a short bike ride yesterday and thought I was going to die. We have hills all around, my HR went to 189, that is the highest I've recorded it and felt like absolute max. I didn't want to give up but make it up the hill. I did but it was so hard. I just laid down after I got back home. I keep wanting to bike ride and improve my skills but no one wants to ride with me and it is a pain to load the bike b/c first I have to load the trailer on the van which is hard to do on my own, I wonder how much one would cost that only held a couple of bikes, surely that would be easier to wrangle. 

So, yesterday did little yoga, little bike ride, and strength and very short walk. Today's aim is walking and yoga- might see if dh would load bike on for me then I could ride at the park during TKD, hmmm.

Hit the daily dozen yesterday- 1 week straight (only missed exercise on one day but hit the food every day). Weight has trended down but I have been satiated and feeling like I'm eating too much at times.

Trying to figure out food, dd2 and I are having cauliflower crust cheese pizza for dinner (premade bought on super sale).

Might do the pinto bowl and brown rice w/ veggies for lunch and my kale + sweet potato, egg, and homemade bread breakfast.

Snack on chickpeas+ tomato and cucumbers; quinoa w/ toasted pecans; fruit

Trying to hit all the servings on daily dozen and arranging meals on that fruit and nuts always easy to hit but I plan for grains and beans so I hit them all.

I love the description of your bike ride! Great job! It's exhausting and exhilarating to tackle hills and get one's HR way up there. I don't get to do it too often now, but with mountain biking and skate skiing in my favourite hilly park, I'll experience the heart pounding so hard it feels like it will explode. You've inspired me to get out and tackle a nearby hill. I wish I could join you biking on your local hills. 😉


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3 hours ago, barnwife said:

An excellent question, both...or either. I guess focusing first on things for my lower back and hips. i tend to deal with sciatica toward the end of my pregnancies, so anything that can be done to help with that is good. Realistically, as I progress through 3rd tri., stretching/yoga might be good substitute for some of the strength and cardio that I usually focus on. I especially hate the thought of less cardio. While I don't particularly enjoy doing it, it really does boost my mental and emotional state. 

I think as a pregnant woman's uterus gets bigger, there's often that added stress on the lower back. It's hard to balance the core muscles to support the back, though, as the abdominal muscles are already under strain from the expanding uterus. You could potentially try cardio exercise in the water, where you don't have to weight-bare. That might help relieve strain on the lower back. I enjoyed aquasize classes when I was pregnant as well as swimming laps. Not sure if either of these are an option for you or of interest.

You could try asking your ob/gyn or midwife for stretches for lower back and hips (sciatica). They may have some very specific stretches for pregnant women.

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So, on the Nordic walking, a bunch of good news and a bit of bad news.

- I'm really liking it

- gets my hr up

- I seem to taken to the gait easily and am definitely using my arms to put pressure on the poles... and that last one brings me to the bad news!  I am jealous of Laura's beach, as walking on pavement has already killed my tips, after *two* rather short walks!  Supposedly these tips are designed for pavement.  🙄

So I have already ordered replacement tips in a different style that angle same the way the poles do when they hit, so should hopefully wear more evenly and last longer... below pics showing tips without wear, and then with...



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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I think as a pregnant woman's uterus gets bigger, there's often that added stress on the lower back. It's hard to balance the core muscles to support the back, though, as the abdominal muscles are already under strain from the expanding uterus. You could potentially try cardio exercise in the water, where you don't have to weight-bare. That might help relieve strain on the lower back. I enjoyed aquasize classes when I was pregnant as well as swimming laps. Not sure if either of these are an option for you or of interest.

You could try asking your ob/gyn or midwife for stretches for lower back and hips (sciatica). They may have some very specific stretches for pregnant women.

I would totally swim for exercise if I could find an opportunity! Unfortunately, all pools in my area are closed this year. Asking my MW for stretches is a good idea; I should be meeting with her soon anyway.

Now, off to the local creek for some cooling off for the kids, at least!

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1 hour ago, Matryoshka said:

So, on the Nordic walking, a bunch of good news and a bit of bad news.

- I'm really liking it

- gets my hr up

- I seem to taken to the gait easily and am definitely using my arms to put pressure on the poles... and that last one brings me to the bad news!  I am jealous of Laura's beach, as walking on pavement has already killed my tips, after *two* rather short walks!  Supposedly these tips are designed for pavement.  🙄

So I have already ordered replacement tips in a different style that angle same the way the poles do when they hit, so should hopefully wear more evenly and last longer... below pics showing tips without wear, and then with...



Impressive work!  I have angled tips. I don't use them much, as I use my spikes for the beach, but they seem okay.

Edited by Laura Corin
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1 hour ago, Matryoshka said:

So, on the Nordic walking, a bunch of good news and a bit of bad news.

- I'm really liking it

- gets my hr up

- I seem to taken to the gait easily and am definitely using my arms to put pressure on the poles... and that last one brings me to the bad news!  I am jealous of Laura's beach, as walking on pavement has already killed my tips, after *two* rather short walks!  Supposedly these tips are designed for pavement.  🙄

So I have already ordered replacement tips in a different style that angle same the way the poles do when they hit, so should hopefully wear more evenly and last longer... below pics showing tips without wear, and then with...

So sorry the tips are wearing out so fast. It's great that you enjoy the activity and it's getting your hr up. Hope the new tips last a lot longer.

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Seeing those worn tips makes me nervous for how they would do here with my pavement, hmm..

Good of yesterday:

daily dozen

10k steps

exercise (yoga and walking)


sat around too much and snacked too much (didn't plan well enough and ate too small of meals for breakfast and lunch)

Today's plan is to plan food better and be more active. I kind of feel like I'm trying to catch a summer cold but maybe it is just allergies. 

strength work, a bit of yoga, maybe a walk or bike ride?

I need to mow today and clean out the pantry.

breakfast: high protein pancakes topped w/ honey and ground flax; strawberries and cherries; (2 grain; 2 fruit; 1 flax)

lunch: chicken w/ spinach and romaine salad and veggies, rice, and beans; baked potato; (protein; 2 green leafy; 3 other veggie; 1 grain; 1 bean; herbs and spices)

dinner: black bean burgers; homemade slaw; baked sweet pot (2 bean; 1 cruciferous; 1 veggie; herbs and spices)

snack: fruits and nut(2 fruit; 1 nut); homemade chocolate; smoothie or veggie bowl

Edited by soror
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Just finished 30 minutes of power yoga. I think I can do something on my arms every third day without making my wrists flair up.

Speaking of which, I need to go grocery shopping soon so I'm cooking from my pantry and from the veggies that we use the least or were stuck in the crisper drawer and ignored. But last night's dinner was a hit (sweet potatoes, zucchini, and ground beef with taco seasoning, served with a green salad made by dd13). I finally finished the email chain with Instant Pot about mine breaking and they are sending me a replacement, which means cooking rice and beans are going to be easy and not heat up the whole house again!

For today: lunch will be black beans and salad with salsa. Snack: apples and peanut butter. Dinner: ds8 is making pancakes and I'll make a pear-based topping.


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It's going up to 90F today and through the weekend. I'm supposed to play doubles tennis this morning, but I'd rather walk in the cool woods with a friend. I'm a northerner and not physically or mentally equipped for these crazy high temps. 😂

I couldn't sleep last night, and then I was really hungry at 4:30am. So I got up and had my breakfast eggs, then went back to sleep for a couple hours. Second breakfast and coffee is now consumed and I'm feeling much better. @soror I don't know how you get up at 5am so often! You're amazing.


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Today I found a different barefoot cardio workout by the same person. She calls it Feel Good Fusion Workout and describes it as a gentle recovery kind of day activity. For this beginner, it's a real workout. She does a lot of plies/squats, but this one was a little easier than Tuesday's. I think I'll also be walking a dog today, maybe wheelchair kid. That would be two walks, not both together! We have a gorgeous day here, I think 84° high, which will probably feel very hot since we've been in the 60's so much. I did pretty well food-wise yesterday. Not perfect, but I give myself some grace the first week and just try to get back to tracking and being mindful about what I eat. So I eat some ice cream, but don't finish off the carton!

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

It's going up to 90F today and through the weekend. I'm supposed to play doubles tennis this morning, but I'd rather walk in the cool woods with a friend. I'm a northerner and not physically or mentally equipped for these crazy high temps. 😂

I couldn't sleep last night, and then I was really hungry at 4:30am. So I got up and had my breakfast eggs, then went back to sleep for a couple hours. Second breakfast and coffee is now consumed and I'm feeling much better. @soror I don't know how you get up at 5am so often! You're amazing.


LOL, I am wired to be an early bird anyway (thankfully) but if I didn't have to work I'd enjoy laying in bed a bit longer. We'e been hitting 90 too, that is normal for the summer here but I don't care for it, like I said before that is why we school in the summer 90-100+ is not much fun, I'd rather enjoy the outside when temps are 60-80s.

1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

Today I found a different barefoot cardio workout by the same person. She calls it Feel Good Fusion Workout and describes it as a gentle recovery kind of day activity. For this beginner, it's a real workout. She does a lot of plies/squats, but this one was a little easier than Tuesday's. I think I'll also be walking a dog today, maybe wheelchair kid. That would be two walks, not both together! We have a gorgeous day here, I think 84° high, which will probably feel very hot since we've been in the 60's so much. I did pretty well food-wise yesterday. Not perfect, but I give myself some grace the first week and just try to get back to tracking and being mindful about what I eat. So I eat some ice cream, but don't finish off the carton!

Progress not perfection, WTG!!!


Strength work done. Sluggish today- allergies or cold or long week, IDK. I am thrilled that we have nowhere to go today after a too busy week.

In the How Not to Die Cookbook he mentions a study, it had some participants cut calories 500 and some eat more beanshttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22916807/#:~:text=Regular consumption of pulses for 8 weeks reduces metabolic syndrome,in overweight and obese adults.

Those who increased beans had similar or better effects tan those just told to cut calories. It does work to increase the healthy!

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I'm coming into the end of my first week of weight maintenance, and doing okay so far.  I'm having a kind of tough week, emotionally, and have also been super busy at work, so it hasn't been a banner week for exercise and healthy eating, but I haven't run off the rails yet. In other words, I'm staying within my calorie budget, but I'm not bragging about the nutritional value of what I've been eating.

I have walked every day and met my step goal, although sometimes by the skin of my teeth. Literally, one evening my Fitbit alert buzzed while I walked up the driveway after taking my dog outside for the last time before going to bed. Still, I guess it counts.

I've done light arm/upper body work four days (I think?). My goal is to do something Monday-Wednesday-Friday, so that's a win.

By the way: During this time when my opportunities to get out in the world to walk are still constrained, I've been experimenting with some silly things to keep me a little more motivated. I signed up for a few virtual 5Ks and try to be intentional about designating a specific walking outing for each one (even though I essentially walk that far most mornings). For the WDW summer virtual series of three "races," each theoretically themed after a classic park attraction, I venture out to a nice park with mile markers and leave the dog home so I can walk a bit faster. Last week, the theme was the Mad Tea Party, so I downloaded a recording of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and listened to part of that while I walked. 

The other two themes are Haunted Mansion and Space Mountain. 

I'm also virtually walking the length of Hadrian's Wall (https://www.myvirtualmission.com/missions/18817/hadrian's-wall-virtual-challenge). 

Just in case anyone else is looking for similar inspiration.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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4 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:


I'm also virtually walking the length of Hadrian's Wall (https://www.myvirtualmission.com/missions/18817/hadrian's-wall-virtual-challenge). 

Just in case anyone else is looking for similar inspiration.

Okay, this one sounds really cool to me. Too bad walking is not the exercise that's working for me right now (foot injury--can't wear a closed shoe).

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14 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I'm coming into the end of my first week of weight maintenance, and doing okay so far.  I'm having a kind of tough week, emotionally, and have also been super busy at work, so it hasn't been a banner week for exercise and healthy eating, but I haven't run off the rails yet. In other words, I'm staying within my calorie budget, but I'm not bragging about the nutritional value of what I've been eating.

I have walked every day and met my step goal, although sometimes by the skin of my teeth. Literally, one evening my Fitbit alert buzzed while I walked up the driveway after taking my dog outside for the last time before going to bed. Still, I guess it counts.

I've done light arm/upper body work four days (I think?). My goal is to do something Monday-Wednesday-Friday, so that's a win.

By the way: During this time when my opportunities to get out in the world to walk are still constrained, I've been experimenting with some silly things to keep me a little more motivated. I signed up for a few virtual 5Ks and try to be intentional about designating a specific walking outing for each one (even though I essentially walk that far most mornings). For the WDW summer virtual series of three "races," each theoretically themed after a classic park attraction, I venture out to a nice park with mile markers and leave the dog home so I can walk a bit faster. Last week, the theme was the Mad Tea Party, so I downloaded a recording of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and listened to part of that while I walked. 

The other two themes are Haunted Mansion and Space Mountain. 

I'm also virtually walking the length of Hadrian's Wall (https://www.myvirtualmission.com/missions/18817/hadrian's-wall-virtual-challenge). 

Just in case anyone else is looking for similar inspiration.

Congrats on your first week in maintenance! I have not done well on steps this week, I set a weekly goal and either a get a ton today or I'll not make it, we'll see how the day goes. I looked at some of those challenges justt yesterday but haven't decided if it would be motivating for me or not.

19 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

Swam yesterday and today. One of the highlights of the week for me.

The not so pleasant part is went to the Ortho for DH's injury. Apparently it has to do with "irritating" a nerve and injuring his neck. His range of motion is all good and he does not have to take a break just slow down. But the scary part is for what we thought was a minor injury and it is really that, DH is in pain. So the usual icing, hot compress really does not work. He was given a choice of steroids or shots and he chose shots. He has also been prescribed PT. 

The moral of the story is gym people are not athletic people necessarily and so should not pretend to be so. DH is usually a gym person, but we have been playing rather vigorously with our son and injury happened. The OT clinic said apparently a lot of people are coming to them with minor injuries for the first time like DH. I guess a lot of gym people are now on their own like us, cobbling together something, really not knowing what to do and injuring themselves. DH will be good in a few weeks, but this is a big lesson for both of us. No more recklessly playing. So we are going to slow down a bit and get more equipment. Our elliptical came, next I guess will be a stationary bike, but I'd rather use real bikes and be outside. Just have to figure something out for DD. Meanwhile, I swim and I am encouraging DH to increase his skill too. I have never been good in exercises with posture even with a trainer present because they would always tell me I would injure myself and would always encourage me to swim. I know the practical reason behind the theoretical knowledge of why they said that.

Glad everyone is working out. Stay safe ladies, last thing we need is injuries, even minor. With this pandemic, lots of us have had to reinvent over and over again and not want to lose the momentum or what we have gained, but let's not injure ourselves. 

Have a good weekend !


I'm sorry about your dh 😞  You know accidents happen. I'm glad it is not more serious.

My dh hurt himself too last weekend. I can't remember if I mentioned. We had thought it was getting better but then it kept getting worse. He went to the dr, she thought he may have broken a rib but xray showed clear. He is on steriods and some strong aleve, she gave him a shot too. He is really hobbling around, even tying his shoe is giving him pain. We will not be doing anything this weekend.

Today I hope to walk a lot but we'll see. It is hot. I just put our temp high and humidity into the eat index calculator and it shows 120, ugh.

My black bean burgers were very delicious. I added in carmelized onion chopped finely, garlic, and satueed mushroom, a bit of oat flour (just blitzed oats in the blender), 1 egg and various spices baked in the oven with a bit of oil in the cookie sheet to give a little crisp.

breakfast: steelcut oats(plain) w/ walnuts, cinnamon and chopped apple; spinach, banana, flax, cocoa, plain unsweet almond milk smoothie; scrambled eggs(2 whole grain; 2 fruit; 2 greens; 1 nut, 1 flax)

lunch: leftover black bean burgers w/ sauteed mushrooms; roast sweet garlic sweet pot; slaw (2 bean, 2 veg, 1 cruciferous, herbs and spices)

dinner: cod w/ homemade pesto over zuc and brown rice noodles (herbs; nuts; 1 other veg; 1 whole grain)

afternoon mini meal: gf veggie wrap; roasted spiced chickpeas (1 bean; 2 other veg);

morning snack: fruit salad (1 berry; 1 fruit)

lunch treat: dark chocolate


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3 hours ago, soror said:

My dh hurt himself too last weekend. I can't remember if I mentioned. We had thought it was getting better but then it kept getting worse. He went to the dr, she thought he may have broken a rib but xray showed clear. He is on steriods and some strong aleve, she gave him a shot too. He is really hobbling around, even tying his shoe is giving him pain. We will not be doing anything this weekend.

Today I hope to walk a lot but we'll see. It is hot. I just put our temp high and humidity into the eat index calculator and it shows 120, ugh.

My black bean burgers were very delicious. I added in carmelized onion chopped finely, garlic, and satueed mushroom, a bit of oat flour (just blitzed oats in the blender), 1 egg and various spices baked in the oven with a bit of oil in the cookie sheet to give a little crisp.

breakfast: steelcut oats(plain) w/ walnuts, cinnamon and chopped apple; green fruit smoothie(2 whole grain; 2 fruit; 2 greens; 1 nut)

lunch: leftover black bean burgers; baked potato; slaw (2 bean, 1 veg, 1 cruciferous, herbs and spices)

dinner: cod w/ homemade pesto over zuc and brown rice noodles (herbs; nuts; 1 other veg; 1 whole grain)

snack: gf veggie wrap; roasted spiced chickpeas (1 bean; 2 other veg);

fruit salad (2 berry; 1 fruit)

dark chocolate


Sorry to hear about your dh. Hope he's feeling better soon. The black bean burgers and accompaniment sound yummy! 

You really have it hot there! I'll stop my whining with 90F. 😉

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14 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Sorry to hear about your dh. Hope he's feeling better soon. The black bean burgers and accompaniment sound yummy! 

You really have it hot there! I'll stop my whining with 90F. 😉

The heat index is 120, temp is 90, also have humidity of 90. Heat index is how it feels with that combo of heat and humidity. Bringing up that calculator I saw it popped up staying out with a heat index over 103 can lead to dangerous heat disorders, lol, yep. I need to go out this morning before it gets so hot so I don't melt. At least we're not doing concrete this weekend, it was pushing 90 last weekend but the humidity was lower. We were hot enough as it was.


The burgers were super yummy, I'm going to try and saute a pile of mushrooms to top them for lunch if I remember.

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@Dreamergal  Hope your dh is feeling better soon. 

@Jenny in Florida  Glad your maintenance is going well. It really helps keep up the motivation when there's something fun to look forward to. Glad your virtual walking tours are helping. 

@Ali in OR I didn't know there were so many barefoot exercise programs available. Great job finding these and using them. Hope your foot heals soon so you can wear shoes again.

@EmilyGF Glad you've found a working model to do yoga and exercise without over-taxing your wrists. Hope the wrists improve soon.


I'm really admiring how you ladies are keeping active and modifying your activities to stay strong physically and mentally. For me with past injuries (my neck most recently), it's really helped with my healing as well as bringing my body to a stronger point when the injury recovers, and the transition back to doing my pre-injury activities is smooth. Hope you experience something similar.

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I'm going for a hike in the woods with the beaver pond this morning. Dh and I may play a little tennis later this evening. It's going to be a hot day again, so we'll spend the afternoon inside playing a family D&D game that ds has created for us. Should be fun. My dd like to tend animals (just like she does in Minecraft), and my ds's like to run in and attack. I like to climb trees and heal people. 😄

I had a hunger attack at 1am and decided to have a snack instead of trying to tough it out and get a head-ache like the night before. The snack helped. I guess I need to up the food during the day so I can sleep through the night. 

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Good morning all. I'm enjoying my Saturday morning solitude and mocha. Foot yoga is a thing. I googled it last night and found Adriene's video on youtube, so that's what I did this morning. In my old routine, I took both Saturday and Sunday off completely, but I'm liking a little gentle yoga first thing on Saturdays. I'm not getting my walks in for lots of little reasons--dh and my college kid did a little road trip to finally fetch her things out of her dorm room, but that meant less coverage for watching disabled dd, and she decided to have lots of seizures yesterday (I'm hoping it's just messed up sleep--a familiar pattern at solstice), etc. etc. My extra activity right now is cleaning all the floors. I've cleaned the carpets in the bedrooms and study and just have the big living room area left. Lots of furniture moving--the cleaning itself is not really a workout! Today I want to mop the wood floors well--I don't do this often, usually just vacuum. So I'll move table and chairs and dog crate to living room area (before doing that carpet), then later today move out all the living room furniture and get this carpet clean. Two things off my new summer projects list (last day of "school" was yesterday).

I remembered to soak pinto beans last night, so I'll get a pot of those going today to go with dinner, and then hopefully enough leftovers for some lunches this week. Will try to hit my food goals today--Saturday is usually a good day for healthy eating.

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4 hours ago, soror said:


My dh hurt himself too last weekend. I can't remember if I mentioned. We had thought it was getting better but then it kept getting worse. He went to the dr, she thought he may have broken a rib but xray showed clear. He is on steriods and some strong aleve, she gave him a shot too. He is really hobbling around, even tying his shoe is giving him pain. We will not be doing anything this weekend.

This reminded me of an injury I once had. It hurt to take a deep breath and I thought maybe I had a hernia or something. I think I even went to my doctor for it. I eventually realized that I pulled a muscle somewhere in the rib area when I moved dd's dresser with all the drawers and clothes still in it. Hope your dh is feeling better soon.

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My hike in the woods was lovely. It was so hot that I just walked along slowly enjoying all the birds singing, insects buzzing, pine needle smells, gorgeous sights and squirrels rustling in the ground cover. I guess the current term for this is 'mindfulness' in nature, but what did we call enjoying a walk in nature before that term came into use? 😉

Here's a photo I took. Mankind loves to add their touch to nature. Where there are rocks, we must pile them! 😄



Edited by wintermom
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On 6/18/2020 at 3:56 PM, Matryoshka said:

So, on the Nordic walking, a bunch of good news and a bit of bad news.

- I'm really liking it

- gets my hr up

- I seem to taken to the gait easily and am definitely using my arms to put pressure on the poles... and that last one brings me to the bad news!  I am jealous of Laura's beach, as walking on pavement has already killed my tips, after *two* rather short walks!  Supposedly these tips are designed for pavement.  🙄

So I have already ordered replacement tips in a different style that angle same the way the poles do when they hit, so should hopefully wear more evenly and last longer... below pics showing tips without wear, and then with...




On 6/18/2020 at 5:18 PM, Laura Corin said:

Impressive work!  I have angled tips. I don't use them much, as I use my spikes for the beach, but they seem okay.


So, I'm very intrigued by the Nordic walking thing, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed trying to figure out what to buy and where to purchase? None of the mainstream sporting goods stores I know of seem to sell the NW poles. They all sell "trekking" poles, but I understand those are not the same. Then I found a few outlets that sell things labelled for NW, but they are very expensive and mostly places I've never heard of. 

Anyone want to point me to a reputable, reasonably priced outlet in the US?

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15 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:



So, I'm very intrigued by the Nordic walking thing, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed trying to figure out what to buy and where to purchase? None of the mainstream sporting goods stores I know of seem to sell the NW poles. They all sell "trekking" poles, but I understand those are not the same. Then I found a few outlets that sell things labelled for NW, but they are very expensive and mostly places I've never heard of. 

Anyone want to point me to a reputable, reasonably priced outlet in the US?

I bought mine from Amazon. I would get Leki adjustable length poles.

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15 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@soror Sorry about your DH and him being in pain. Hope he is feeling better soon. Glad you stopped doing work so he can get better. My DH is feeling better now. No pain. What scared me was the pain and how DH usually one to push through could not though he tried because he did not want to go to the doctor during COVID.  But he is so much better now. Our elliptical is getting use now and he feels better. 

@wintermom  Canadian stonehenge in the woods ? One of my favorite poems growing up was by Robert Frost which has the line "The woods are lovely, dark and deep". I don't remember anything else except that line because it was so alien to me and painted a beautiful picture though a bit scary with the dark and deep. You do the same for me every time you walk in the woods. You take it in with all your senses, I am not much of a woods person, you know the dark and deep, but I will live vicariously through you and listen more to nature around me when I walk in suburbia, no more music or podcasts. I just have to leave DD at home when I walk because she is the one constantly chirping in my ear as we walk. . 😀

@Jenny in Florida Glad you are catching up with your goals. Thank you for the themed walks list.

@Ali in OR Foot yoga sounds interesting. You eat healthy on Saturdays ?? Ours is a cheat day. Hope you have a good day with DD.

@Laura Corin Happy house moving ! May the new house be a happy and blessed space for your family through all the next stages of your life. 

Day 3 of swimming for me. My happy place always. I am going to play with DS today. He is also playing a version of basketball with his best friend who lives across the street. Both driveways have hoops, each have their own ball, they sink a basket successful and count. No horsing around and mega social distancing as it is across the street. For the mental health of the mothers involved, this version was acceptable to all and reluctantly accepted by the sons involved. We are trying to see how they can play volleyball/tennis/badminton. We think they need to wear gloves because they will be sharing equipment. A bit overkill, but have not said anything to the boys yet. For now, basketball it is. My brain is a bit fried trying to reinvent routines and exercise and play and keep us injury free. 

Have a good weekend !!

What a brilliant idea for the bb. I'm glad to hear your dh is feeling better and ya for swimming!!

19 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

This reminded me of an injury I once had. It hurt to take a deep breath and I thought maybe I had a hernia or something. I think I even went to my doctor for it. I eventually realized that I pulled a muscle somewhere in the rib area when I moved dd's dresser with all the drawers and clothes still in it. Hope your dh is feeling better soon.

Yes, that is what I told him, I think it is a pulled a muscle.

19 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Hello all. We are deep in decluttering for the move. I might not be around much. I'll be trying to eat fairly healthily, doing a bit of yoga, taking the odd walk. Best to all.

I'm very excited for you, I hope everything goes off without a hitch. 

20 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm going for a hike in the woods with the beaver pond this morning. Dh and I may play a little tennis later this evening. It's going to be a hot day again, so we'll spend the afternoon inside playing a family D&D game that ds has created for us. Should be fun. My dd like to tend animals (just like she does in Minecraft), and my ds's like to run in and attack. I like to climb trees and heal people. 😄

I had a hunger attack at 1am and decided to have a snack instead of trying to tough it out and get a head-ache like the night before. The snack helped. I guess I need to up the food during the day so I can sleep through the night. 

You def. need more food then, waking up needing to eat in the middle of the night is not good! Hope you enjoyed the family game and thanks for the picture.

19 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Good morning all. I'm enjoying my Saturday morning solitude and mocha. Foot yoga is a thing. I googled it last night and found Adriene's video on youtube, so that's what I did this morning. In my old routine, I took both Saturday and Sunday off completely, but I'm liking a little gentle yoga first thing on Saturdays. I'm not getting my walks in for lots of little reasons--dh and my college kid did a little road trip to finally fetch her things out of her dorm room, but that meant less coverage for watching disabled dd, and she decided to have lots of seizures yesterday (I'm hoping it's just messed up sleep--a familiar pattern at solstice), etc. etc. My extra activity right now is cleaning all the floors. I've cleaned the carpets in the bedrooms and study and just have the big living room area left. Lots of furniture moving--the cleaning itself is not really a workout! Today I want to mop the wood floors well--I don't do this often, usually just vacuum. So I'll move table and chairs and dog crate to living room area (before doing that carpet), then later today move out all the living room furniture and get this carpet clean. Two things off my new summer projects list (last day of "school" was yesterday).

I remembered to soak pinto beans last night, so I'll get a pot of those going today to go with dinner, and then hopefully enough leftovers for some lunches this week. Will try to hit my food goals today--Saturday is usually a good day for healthy eating.

I'm sorry to hear your dd is having difficulty right now. Cleaning the carpets, mopping, and moving the furniture is a workout. Anytime we are busy moving and not sitting that is a win.Did you make your goals?

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I worked forever on a big long post and lost it.

Weekly recap:

2 strength workouts (skipped 1 planned due to all the weekend digging); 3 yoga; 2-3 walks: 1 short but intense bike ride; 10 min barre workout

Tried Barre yesterday and my legs are really feeling it, the moves are different than I usually do. My shoulder started in with soreness in the afternoon from my workout Friday morning.

This week's plan, finish outdoor swimming lessons for the kids and hs planning (we start July 1st). 

I'm making ribs today for dh's Father's Day dinner, that will be more meat than I've had all week probably.

This week's goals:

-Keep on hitting Daily Dozen

-3 strength workouts; 3 walks; 3 yoga; 1 bike ride; 1 barre workout

-Daily avg 10k steps

Sunday Food: 

breakfast: green smoothie (unsweet almond milk, spinach, ground flax, banana, cocoa); 2 superhero muffins w/ pumpkin (cut butter and maple syrup); blueberries; (2 grain; 2 fruit; nut; 2 greens; flax)

snack: 2 fruit

lunch: blackbean burgers topped w/ satueed mushrooms and carmelized onions; roasted spiced sweet pot; brown rice; coleslaw (2 beans; 3 veg; 1 whole grain; cruciferous veg; herbs and spices); dark chocolate

snack: veggies and roasted chickpeas (2 veg; 1 bean)

dinner: ribs, corn on the cob, ? (veg)

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23 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Hello all. We are deep in decluttering for the move. I might not be around much. I'll be trying to eat fairly healthily, doing a bit of yoga, taking the odd walk. Best to all.

I missed this. Does this mean you have a move date now? That's exciting!!!

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@soror  What kind of barre work-out did you do? Hope your shoulder is feeling better soon! Enjoy the Father's day ribs!


It's another hot day. I'm playing tennis this evening with friends. Hopefully it'll cool off for then. Otherwise I'll get in my yoga and push-ups and maybe go for a bike ride in the woods. Dh played men's doubles tennis this morning and will have a nap for Father's Day, then be up and ready for tennis this evening - I hope! He'll be my partner. ;)

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8 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@soror  What kind of barre work-out did you do? Hope your shoulder is feeling better soon! Enjoy the Father's day ribs!


It's another hot day. I'm playing tennis this evening with friends. Hopefully it'll cool off for then. Otherwise I'll get in my yoga and push-ups and maybe go for a bike ride in the woods. Dh played men's doubles tennis this morning and will have a nap for Father's Day, then be up and ready for tennis this evening - I hope! He'll be my partner. 😉

I have a Les Mills on Demand subscription and they have Barre workouts. Regular ones are 30 min but they have a few short ones so I tried it out.

It is much cooler her than it was yesterday, we're hitting 88 but only 60-70% humidity, it feels much better than it has. We had some rain last night and it brought the humidity down.

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5 hours ago, soror said:

I'm sorry to hear your dd is having difficulty right now. Cleaning the carpets, mopping, and moving the furniture is a workout. Anytime we are busy moving and not sitting that is a win.Did you make your goals?

You know, I didn't track my eating yesterday, but I think it was a good day. On Saturdays, I have my morning mocha but then don't eat until I feel hungry. Yesterday I made it to 11:30, so then I don't need both a breakfast and a lunch. It was more like breakfast then an afternoon snack. On other days of the week, especially when I'm working, I need to get food in me earlier or I get distracted and cranky. But this works for Saturdays. Got the carpets cleaned and floors mopped. Living room is still slightly damp so I''ll move furniture back in either tonight or tomorrow morning. We have an obstacle course here. Today I would like to clean the front porch and the back patio and make those nice places to sit. No formal workout. Oh, and the big pot of pinto beans I made? Forgot to serve them with the chicken fajitas. So plenty of leftovers!

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