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A completely ridiculous topic


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Stupid. Puts thoughts into people's head about this being an option. SNL is rated PG-14. Considering the target audience is recommended for 14 and up, I don't care for the message it sends. But, it is supposed to be a joke and is on a comedy show known for satire. It will ruffle feathers, but that is what the show is known for. I say, if you don't like that type of humor, don't watch SNL.

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I'm fine with teens having the occasional half glass of wine or something once in awhile.  And I'm pretty laid back and usually find SNL very funny, but that just is too far, partly because it used actual children, training them to say things like that.  It's one thing to joke about rubbing whiskey on the gums of a teething toddler; it's another to lay the foundations for alcohol as problem solving with actual children.  If it had just been the adults singing it, I would have been okay with it.  Not thrilled, because I think the idea of drinking to solve problems is an insidious one, and the Mommy wine culture is disturbing.  But it would have been funny as opposed to deeply uncomfortable.  

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17 minutes ago, Dotwithaperiod said:

 Selling? It’s a comedy skit, not a commercial. 

I think they are using this definition of selling:

From Dictionary . com

2. persuade someone of the merits of.

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51 minutes ago, Tap said:

Puts thoughts into people's head about this being an option.

Yeah, that was my concern. It was so well done I wanted to laugh and couldn't quite get there for shaking my head. But the DOGS, let dogs drink, that was hilarious. 

I think we also got a taste of NYC life. They convey this level of depression (because of how badly it's gone in their city obviously) that doesn't really it with the rest of the country feels. I find myself feeling bad for them in their skits. 

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I think it's a joke, and quite a funny one. It's not like they can drive lol 

I don't worry about it giving people ideas. People don't commit horrific murders because they get the idea from a movie, and they don't give their kids liquor because they get the idea from a satirical skit. People who do violent or abusive or idiotic things generally have a bit more going on than that. 

I do wish they hadn't had kids participate with actual lines, they could have had plenty of funny pictures without that, but that's what I always think when I see child actors in an adult-oriented production. I think this is way less harmful to the kids involved than shows that have kids portraying victims of violent or sexual abuse. 


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I thought it was tacky except the part about dogs. For some reason that cracked me up. 

However, I can't be judgy about this, because I've watched Will Ferrell's The Landlord a million times and think it's hilarious. I even like to quote it occasionally: "Can I have four beers?"🍺🍺🍺🍺It's so wrong, I know.

You laugh or you cry sometimes. 

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