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So many house fires


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I was expecting them to go up, but nope.

Our fire department typically responds to fires, auto accidents, assisting EMTs when needed, unknown odors, carbon monoxide, setting up helicopter landings for traumas, search and rescue, and other random stuff.  We’re semi-rural and get over 200, sometimes closer to 300 calls a year. They’ve had 3 or 4 calls since mid or late March. I think one was a fire, and it was a shed. There may have been a small brush fire in there, too.


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No more house fires than usual here. There have been a lot of out of control grass fires, which is typical for this time of year. I don't know why people feel the need to burn their fields and ditches on windy days.🤷‍♀️

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Not here. Son is a volunteer firefighter when not in school, and we can hear 3, sometimes 4 stations' sirens at home, depending on weather, open windows, etc.   (Our suburban area is pretty much all volunteer, so there are lots of stations fairly close together.)   Very few calls lately and most are for gas odor.


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I haven't been hearing fire trucks more than usual... but then, I also haven't been hearing ambulances more than usual, and I'm right by the hospital, so I wonder if they're keeping their sirens off in our neighborhood most of the time.

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No, I think less than normal.  But this morning we watched the 10pm Sunday news (we always record and watch at breakfast the last night's local news) and there was a car crash death of a teen riding with another teen and a 21 year old pulled out of a lake.  Our Stay at Home orders turned into Safer at Home orders as of 5pm Thursday and this weekend- until around 5:15pm was fantastically nice weather- the nicest we have had in months- we have had rain, rain and more rain here.  Anyway, lots of people went out and the 6 week or so dearth of youth car accidents and boating/jet ski/etc accidents will now climb back to normal.

Lots of our local population is still work at home--- so many are either working at government installations or contractors with government and the factory lines are still mostly non operational too.

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