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There's something rotten in my house....

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I'm pretty sure it isn't me, or Mr. Ellie, or Wrolf.:D


The other day I thought it was something in the laundry room, but I couldn't fine the source. It wasn't the washer, nothing is leaking such that it would cause mildew or anything, KWIM? I cleaned everywhere I could clean. The next day the odor was gone.


The last couple of days I could catch a whiff as I walked down the hall.


Today, we came home and were greeted with The Smell when we walked in the door.


It isn't the kitchen trash can, not the dog's or cats' water bowls, nothing on the floor, under the furniture, nothing.


And yet there's The Smell.



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Nope, all hermies are fine.


No bad potatoes.


Kitty box is way upstairs and around a corner and down a hall. And it doesn't smell.


Our house is on a slab; no water under it.


Could be a dead mouse.


We can't identify the exact location of the odor, KWIM? I have sniffed things until I feel like Wrolf, lol. I have windows open now, but I think it will be too cold to leave them open all night long.:001_unsure:


Isn't this bizarre???

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Could be a dead mouse.


I keep a bucket of homemade liquid laundry detergent in the laundry area. Open, so it doesn't mold. One day, I went to scoop some out and thought, "Oh no, there's a big chunk of mold in it! How did that happen?" Well, I tipped the bucket to scoop the chunk out, and the body of a mouse appeared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed and ran. Dh, who hates mice, HAD to take care of it for me. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Got any open buckets of soap lying around?:lol::lol::lol:

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We had a dead mouse in the attic this summer, and could smell it only in our hallway and the girls' bathroom. The smell came and went over a period of about 3 weeks. I poured gallons of bleach down their bathroom drains during that time, but the smell kept returning.


We didn't realize what it was until a couple of months later when dh was examining something in the attic.

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Hi. Okay, this might gross you all out a bit. We used to live in a house with a small rodent issue. One night out of the blue we heard gnawing sounds in our walls. We thought it might be just a mouse since we saw no evidence of an infestation inside the house. It went on like this for a few days and it absolutely drove us mad since we couldn't really get a good night's sleep. Anyhow, we called the exterminator who decided he would bait them out. We didn't know better (and we just wanted to sleep for goodness sakes) so we agreed. Problem was, it wasn't just 1 mouse, it was a whole slew of them PLUS flying squirrels residing in our attic. We had no idea we were living in a rodent infested house! The bait worked great except they were dying left and right in our attic, leaving the horrible stench of death. Those little critter carcases were so small and hard to find under mounds of fluffy insulation. It took WEEKS for us to get the stench out of there. Holy cow! We will never go that route again. In this case, instant karma really did get us.


We finally had to hire a company staffed with an entymolgist. He was able to pinpoint exactly where the bodies were and the points of entry in our attic.



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1. Dead critter - most often mouse.

2. Dead potato - most often in a dark cupboard

3. Foul food, left in the refrigerator too long - specifically beans

4. Can, jar, or container of something previously edible that has been forgotten beneath a bed, chair, or on a shelf.

5. Squirrel in the septic vent. Very dead. Very stinky.

6. Shoes worn by someone with nasty feet.


Good luck, and let us know!

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I think we found it, and we are puzzled.:confused:


It was the trashcan in the kitchen.


The trashcan that both of us sniffed and couldn't identify as the source of The Smell. The trashcan that is around several corners from the laundry room where I first met The Smell.


Mr. Ellie took out the trashcan liner, and when he did we could smell IT. He put the trashcan outside and the liner in the big trashcan, and The Smell completely dissipated. The trashcan itself now smells just fine.


We cannot explain it. We just know that the house smells *normal* again.:confused:

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We have a bad smell in our house too!


It was in our shower room - we called DynoRod and got them to unblock the drains! He did as we requested but told us it was more likely a dead mouse under the floor boards.


As each day passes, the smell reduces.... Got some gel air freshner, and kept it ventilated. We had to lock our bathroom for a few days.

Edited by jaysdarlin
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