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food: this isn't a problem, right? IOW: would you eat this?


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I put a piece of frozen roast beef (covered in BBQ sauce) in my crockpot an hour ago and I thought I put the crockpot on high...but in reality it was on "warm"...that isn't a big deal, right?  I put it on high right now...and it will cook all day...intended for supper tonight.


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Here's what I would do... I would think, "oh it should be fine," and then I would crockpot it all day, and then I would say, "you know what?  I'm not comfortable with this," and I would throw it out.  I know because I've done that before.

So while I think it's still okay at the moment, if I really was planning on eating it tonight and not throwing it out, I would pop that baby in the oven and roast it done.  Then refrigerate it until dinner and nuke it.

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I usually am in the "it'll be fine" camp, but I have always read/been advised not to cook frozen meat in a crockpot because the inside of the  meat can't get out of the temperature "danger zone" quickly enough.

I suppose it may depend on the size of the piece of meat?  

ETA:  OK, I had to check it; there is conflicting advice out there (shocker!) but here is supposedly the "official" word from Crock Pot (tm) themselves (though I found this on a blog):

Add at least 1 cup of warm liquid to the stoneware before placing meat in the stoneware.
Do not preheat the slow cooker.
Cook recipes containing frozen meats for an additional 4 to 6 hours on Low, or an additional 2 hours on High.


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3 hours ago, marbel said:

 I have always read/been advised not to cook frozen meat in a crockpot because the inside of the  meat can't get out of the temperature "danger zone" quickly enough.



I have read this too and it would be the only reason I'd be hesitant to eat it - it's already been sitting out an hour.

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