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Who’s going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Finish all the loose ends of the paperwork for foster licensing - almost done!  
  • Finish some loose ends for work to be ready for Monday----grrr
  • grocery shop (or send son to grocery store with a list)  
  • Clean a bit, not sure what.....there is a lot, but maybe just put away Christmas stuff for today
  • son has a 12 noon hair appointment  
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Plan for the day: escape!

I must get out of the house. The noise of the giant fans and the ultra dry air from the dehumidifier are driving me crazy.


Make french toast for kids.  

Go elsewhere with dd so she can study for a few hours. Dd to/from dance class.  

Not sure after that.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! Made it through the party last night. Saw some people I haven't seen in a while. I thought I was there forever... dh said it was only about an hour. 😂

Today is a regular sort of day- ds2's last day here.

  • coffee/paper
  • ds3 to hit
  • pick up ds3
  • general clean up and some chores
  • work on garden stuff
  • ds3 to tournament ( in mixed doubles final)
  • home to relax and hang out with ds2
  • watch football
  • crochet, etc while watching.

Have a great day!

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Morning, all!

To do:

coffee, devotional

shower, walk puppy

pick up part that was missing from the lights we purchased, schedule install

visit with my mom, groceries, lunch

organize school bag, notebooks

watch some football

find our elusive, missing crockpot...I think we used it for a school fundraiser, never got it back

read for 52 weeks challenge

Have a great day!

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Hi, Math teacher! I have been out of the thread a lot over the last few weeks, so I wanted to say hi! I tutor math to a few other homeschool students, and I'm considering being a math teacher after ds graduates. Where do you teach math? What courses do you teach? 

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27 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

Hi, Math teacher! I have been out of the thread a lot over the last few weeks, so I wanted to say hi! I tutor math to a few other homeschool students, and I'm considering being a math teacher after ds graduates. Where do you teach math? What courses do you teach? 

I teach 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade math and reading, and my degree is in General Studies. I'm certified to teach PreK through 6th grade in Texas, as well as Special Education 1-12.

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I am sitting by a huge picture window looking out over the hills as the sun breaks through the mist and clouds, bringing color to a gray landscape. I can hear a grandfather clock ticking and dd playing piano in the sanctuary. Lovely!

Adding to my list:

Call mom  

Get gas  

Thrift store drop  

Dry cleaners  

Make cranberry orange bread.  

Finish putting away Christmas decorations. Need a couple of boxes from the attic. Not today.

Ds to/from cotillion this evening Dh is doing this.😁

Listen to Close Reads

Dinner is ham, mac n cheese, green beans, and salad.

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Wahoo! I feel so accomplished, LOL! Got up this morning. Had coffee. Watched TV with DH. Did school with DS 14 and it was less than anticipated!! Yay!!!

He's behind on his reading b/c his language arts teacher assigned a crapton of reading over the break, and between dyslexia, life, stress, etc., he didn't keep up. I do not care. But all the written work that needs to be turned in -- DONE. Whew. We'll pick up the reading. 

That off my plate, I have NOTHING ELSE that absolutely has to be done today. Well, laundry probably. And potentially send/take the boys for haircuts, if their girl is there. DH and I are going to a football playoff game this afternoon, and I am blissfully able to go GUILT FREE because everything is done that has to be. I did not expect that. Yay!!!

Also, I had one kid w/draw from my class at the end of the semester.....had an email at bedtime last night from someone wanting to join this semester! Yay! That was an unexpected, very nice little God blessing there. 

AND!! a neighbor started a post in our neighborhood FB group asking everyone to post their "side gigs" etc, so I posted about the classes I teach and tossed in, just for future reference, that I'm also able to tutor reading. Mere *seconds* after I hit post, I had a message asking about it; I have a meeting on Monday with a neighbor needing help with her dyslexic 2nd grader. So that will be awesome if that pans out. (I had been tutoring one of my students, and his family had to drop that b/c of finances, so again...God's provision at work; very cool!). 

So, in my free time, I'm going to:
...start/work on laundry
...work on the applique piece
...maybe take down Christmas
...prep a little for the meeting on Monday, but I have all of that more or less already around just need to gather it up, and can easily do that on Sunday/Monday before the meeting

I never imagined I'd be arriving at Saturday morning with all of the "must be done" stuff actually done already; it feels very good. 


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Good morning!

  • laundry! (My washer went berserk yesterday. After being unplugged all night, it is now back to normal. Hope it stays that way! 🤞)
  • tidy up house (could probably spend the whole day doing this...)
  • vacuum
  • water plants
  • work with horses
  • have a financial discussion with the kids (printed out info on starting salaries of different majors & trades, living expenses for young adults, etc.)
  • read
  • dinner: chili
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Morning coffee

Morning plain yogurt with a couple TBS of turmeric, walnuts and flax seed

Grocery shopping my self. DH is still nursing a cold, after a week🧐

Put groceries away

Have afternoon cup of coffee. I didn’t sleep well last night with DH’s coughing. I’m sure I’ll regret this decision tonight

Catch up on some household paperwork 

Make tacos for dinner



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Holy cow, that game was fun!!! Stressful, but fun. A much needed break for DH & I. We're now watching the other important game of the night - DH set it to record so we're catching up. He's fast-forwarding through all the replays, chatter, commercials, etc. so we've "watched" almost 2 hours of football in roughly....20 minutes?? If that? So much more fun, LOL! We're almost caught up to live TV.....

Dinner will be leftovers; apparently the kids didn't eat while we were gone. Once we catch up to live football, DH is making eggs to go with the leftover brisket. Yum. Maybe a drink to go with it. 

Scout, are you rooting for the Titans? (I'm still holding a grudge for their "used to be the Oilers" but.....) 

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1 minute ago, mom31257 said:

The D&D game was a lot of fun!

We had a power outage awhile tonight, but it's back on now. 

Our middle son is trying to write a "one shot" for us to play; he's had me and DH make characters. I think it will be fun to try; we love hosting them and their friends when they all play. 

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Just now, TheReader said:

Our middle son is trying to write a "one shot" for us to play; he's had me and DH make characters. I think it will be fun to try; we love hosting them and their friends when they all play. 

Our dd is the DM. This is the fifth adventure we've had together. And the last two have included friends of the kids. The actual role play is a bit awkward for me at times, but I like the dice rolling. 

Dh and I go to Disney just the two of us at the end of this month, so the kids are planning a D&D game with friends while we're gone. Ds is going to try his hand at being the DM in that one. I am just thankful they are all good kids and don't mind them coming while we aren't here. 

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4 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

Our dd is the DM. This is the fifth adventure we've had together. And the last two have included friends of the kids. The actual role play is a bit awkward for me at times, but I like the dice rolling. 

Dh and I go to Disney just the two of us at the end of this month, so the kids are planning a D&D game with friends while we're gone. Ds is going to try his hand at being the DM in that one. I am just thankful they are all good kids and don't mind them coming while we aren't here. 

Sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy your time away, and yes, we feel the same about the kids our boys D&D with. 

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31 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Holy cow, that game was fun!!! Stressful, but fun. 

Scout, are you rooting for the Titans? (I'm still holding a grudge for their "used to be the Oilers" but.....) 


Oh, yes, Titans fans here! And definitely NOT Patriots fans!  I don't watch football till the playoffs, when it gets exciting. 

And the first game was exciting though I didn't really care who won when I dirst started watching. The Texans won me over. That Bills first down before the OT was a bad call. 

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Another close one.

Woohoo Titans! I love to see them score on a Brady pick 6. I think they will lose in the next round (vs. Ravens?) but to have bested the Patriots in the playoffs is good enough for a 9-7 season. 

Now I need to go read or listen to a podcast to relax! Can't go right to sleep after a close game.

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1 hour ago, TheReader said:

Our middle son is trying to write a "one shot" for us to play; he's had me and DH make characters. I think it will be fun to try; we love hosting them and their friends when they all play. 

My ds did this for us a week ago. It was really fun. We're going to try to get a more regular thing going. I was a dwarf healer the first game, but I really want to be an elf who shoots a bow now - and rides a horse, of course! 😉

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14 hours ago, ScoutTN said:


Oh, yes, Titans fans here! And definitely NOT Patriots fans!  I don't watch football till the playoffs, when it gets exciting. 

And the first game was exciting though I didn't really care who won when I dirst started watching. The Texans won me over. That Bills first down before the OT was a bad call. 


There were a few bad calls; I'm so glad we pulled it off. Gosh it was amazing; stressful, but so fun. I told DH it's not great having to play a whole game's worth in one half, LOL, but at least we managed the comeback. 

I watch some; dh watches a lot/keeps up with it, and he's added in college football with the boys both at schools that play, and so it's easier to hang out with him and try to watch some than to be neglected all season, LOL! But mostly I only pay attention to the Texans. 

14 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Another close one.

Woohoo Titans! I love to see them score on a Brady pick 6. I think they will lose in the next round (vs. Ravens?) but to have bested the Patriots in the playoffs is good enough for a 9-7 season. 

Now I need to go read or listen to a podcast to relax! Can't go right to sleep after a close game.

Well, we were rooting for the Patriots, but that's okay. It was a good game, which was nice. DH is hoping the Titans can beat the Ravens, because if they win, and the Texans win against KC, then the Titans come back here for the round before the Super Bowl. If the Ravens win (and the Texans win), then the Texans go to Baltimore for the round before the Super Bowl. So I'm setting aside my grudge against them and rooting for the Titans next week. We'll see what happens. 


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16 hours ago, wintermom said:

My ds did this for us a week ago. It was really fun. We're going to try to get a more regular thing going. I was a dwarf healer the first game, but I really want to be an elf who shoots a bow now - and rides a horse, of course! 😉

I'm a half-elf bard. I can shoot a short bow, but playing my flute and singing are my best abilities. 

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