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Well-Trained Bodies January 2020- Ring in the New Year with Exercise


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I haven't set goals other than getting my black belt and just getting healthier.  Actually I would love to get back to my ideal weight, but I don't have specific plans on how to achieve that.

So far, it's day 2 and I've done yoga, TKD form practice, and a little walking both days.  🙂

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35 minutes ago, wintermom said:

So, I lost 5 lbs last night - in the form of really gross liquid. I'll say no more. 😨

Today I'll be resting and sticking close to a bathroom just in case. 

gah 😞 I hope it has passed.

8 minutes ago, SKL said:

I haven't set goals other than getting my black belt and just getting healthier.  Actually I would love to get back to my ideal weight, but I don't have specific plans on how to achieve that.

So far, it's day 2 and I've done yoga, TKD form practice, and a little walking both days.  🙂

Well, you have one goal so that is a start, congrats on the activity so far.


C25K W1D2 done. I'm not sure how long dd1 will last, she didn't want to get out the door, mind you she picked this goal but that is how it goes. I kind of liked the idea of having that exercise with someone as I am usually solo, it is what it is. I'll see if she can make it, if she quits I'll reevaluate how I want to approach running practice.

I don't know if I ever posted my final decision on Jan. activity, I thought about going ahead and doing a sample month of a OCR (obstacle course race) training program but have decided to stick w/ BB for another month as I have 1 more month on my subscription. I'm going to try Core de Fore and see how I like it but I foresee mixing it with other things and I've not figured that out yet. I need to look at the exercise list again and make a plan.

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2 hours ago, soror said:


C25K W1D2 done. I'm not sure how long dd1 will last, she didn't want to get out the door, mind you she picked this goal but that is how it goes. I kind of liked the idea of having that exercise with someone as I am usually solo, it is what it is. I'll see if she can make it, if she quits I'll reevaluate how I want to approach running practice.



Is she your 7th grader?  That's how old my ds who runs with me is.  Is there a reason she doesn't want to go out?  I made my ds and myself run crazy slow- CRAZY slow, for a long time, so that it was never "hard."  The other thing we enjoy together is putting an audio book on during our run.  We only listen on our run.  We loved Dragon Teeth by Michael Creighton!  A comedy might be a good one, too, but a thriller also makes you want to go out the door!  Just some ideas.  

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3 January. I've started the day by watching the birds on my feeder while I eat breakfast.  In a minute I'll do today's Yoga with Adriene Home practice. Once the tide is low enough, I'll go to the beach to Nordic Walk, then walk the dog, so about four or five miles in all.

Porridge for breakfast; lunch will be smoked mackerel and shredded Chinese leaf with a zero fat yoghurt dressing; supper will be mushrooms bourgignon with baked tofu, and probably celeriac and mashed cauliflower.

ETA my favourite drink at the moment, invented by Hobbes, is a squeeze of fresh lime in a large glass, then a centimetre of fresh apple juice, topped up with around 500ml of fizzy water.

Edited by Laura Corin
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15 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


Is she your 7th grader?  That's how old my ds who runs with me is.  Is there a reason she doesn't want to go out?  I made my ds and myself run crazy slow- CRAZY slow, for a long time, so that it was never "hard."  The other thing we enjoy together is putting an audio book on during our run.  We only listen on our run.  We loved Dragon Teeth by Michael Creighton!  A comedy might be a good one, too, but a thriller also makes you want to go out the door!  Just some ideas.  

Yes, my 7th grader. I think the issues are the weather and not wanting to get up and get going in the morning. We run on the road so no audio books. I'm not sure on the pace, although I'm not very quick. She is still able to talk some with running so it is not an all out pace although I can tell more effort for her than me as she's out of practice with much cardio as she doesn't ride her bike much this time of year. I can check pace and have us slow down and I'm also thinking I'll suggest we try it at lunch instead of breakfast, it will be warmer then and it might be a good break that way. Thanks for the thoughts

1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

3 January. I've started the day by watching the birds on my feeder while I eat breakfast.  In a minute I'll do today's Yoga with Adriene Home practice. Once the tide is low enough, I'll go to the beach to Nordic Walk, then walk the dog, so about four or five miles in all.

Porridge for breakfast; lunch will be smoked mackerel and shredded Chinese leaf with a zero fat yoghurt dressing; supper will be mushrooms bourgignon with baked tofu, and probably celeriac and mashed cauliflower.

ETA my favourite drink at the moment, invented by Hobbes, is a squeeze of fresh lime in a large glass, then a centimetre of fresh apple juice, topped up with around 500ml of fizzy water.

Yummy food and the drink sounds good too!


Last night's lifting went pretty well, started w/ 30 burpees which kicked my butt a bit (I added more jump). Rows with only 35# which felt heavy last night. Deadlifts felt easy, I need to check the weight I did last time. 

I practiced Atlas carry w/ kettlebells (not using the handles to carry just the ball). I used 50# then 60# and those weren't bad at all, the hardest part is getting them up in the first place.

AND they had boxes out for jumps for a class so I tried the 24", it was pretty easy so I did 10 or so, then I thought I'll try the 30" and I nailed it!!! I felt like a total badass, I did about 10 of those too, so I ended with some box jumps instead of incline walking.

Today's plan is just 30 min HIIT and a walk.

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@wintermom I really hope you are feeling better today!

@soror That is so awesome about the box jumps!  Way to go!  And Atlas carry/stones have always seemed like so much fun.  I know it's weird but I always like hearing about folks doing strongman type stuff.  I think it's really cool.  I'm glad you had such a kickbutt workout.

Yesterday was a decent fitness day despite being smack in high hormone territory.  Kettlebell workout went well...it included chin ups as the other movement and I felt good about my performance with those.  I added some extra carbs to my post-workout snack and it was odd not feeling ravenous as I was fixing lunch, lol.  In the afternoon, both my mom and I had lower back issues so I suggested a walk in the woods to loosen things up and that was nice/helped quite a bit.  Bonus: discovered a coyote den on the far edge of their property which is a first for me!  I knew they were out there because I could hear them crying at night in that direction when I used to live there, but usually you never see any sign of them.  Added some extra protein to my afternoon snack and felt too full, BUT my energy level at CKD was definitely better and my body let me sleep longer this morning.  I usually take in about 17k calories and yesterday was approx. 19k.  I'll do the same today since I have 2 sessions planned for today too (lifting and CKD again).  We'll see how it goes!  I don't like feeling full, but I don't like feeling anxious and spent either.

Looking forward to lifting this morning since I'm upping my weight on a couple of moves, woo hoo!

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50 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom I really hope you are feeling better today!

@soror That is so awesome about the box jumps!  Way to go!  And Atlas carry/stones have always seemed like so much fun.  I know it's weird but I always like hearing about folks doing strongman type stuff.  I think it's really cool.  I'm glad you had such a kickbutt workout.

Yesterday was a decent fitness day despite being smack in high hormone territory.  Kettlebell workout went well...it included chin ups as the other movement and I felt good about my performance with those.  I added some extra carbs to my post-workout snack and it was odd not feeling ravenous as I was fixing lunch, lol.  In the afternoon, both my mom and I had lower back issues so I suggested a walk in the woods to loosen things up and that was nice/helped quite a bit.  Bonus: discovered a coyote den on the far edge of their property which is a first for me!  I knew they were out there because I could hear them crying at night in that direction when I used to live there, but usually you never see any sign of them.  Added some extra protein to my afternoon snack and felt too full, BUT my energy level at CKD was definitely better and my body let me sleep longer this morning.  I usually take in about 17k calories and yesterday was approx. 19k.  I'll do the same today since I have 2 sessions planned for today too (lifting and CKD again).  We'll see how it goes!  I don't like feeling full, but I don't like feeling anxious and spent either.

Looking forward to lifting this morning since I'm upping my weight on a couple of moves, woo hoo!

Good luck on the lifts today, adding weight is always exciting. Carbs, FTW! I had an apple and pb after my run since I had breakfast before and then an early lunch and another snack before the gym and felt pretty good and am not overly hungry this am.  I usually try to eat to around 80% full but I think it is good here and there to eat to fullness but you are right feels a bit rough if you do that too close to a workout. I'm following the PN recs for improving performance on my twice a days, they have that at approx. 2300 but I don't count calories, just servings. I mostly hit targets but I think I might have been short a serving of fat. That is cool and scary that you found a coyote den, they kind of scare me. We have a lot around here too but you don't usually see them. I know on the backside of the hill I've seen a spot but that is not super close to the house.

I've only got 1 session planned for today, so I'll not be eating as much today.

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food plans:

pre-workout- whole grain gf toast w/ almond butter

bfast- high protein pancakes (pumpkin, eggs, cottage cheese, oats) w/ a smear of honey and fresh blueberries

lunch- baked chicken w/ gf wrap + mixed salad(cabbage, carrots, and greens)  w/ pepitas, evoo, and balsamic

snacks- homemade miso kale 'chips', fruit + nut, dark chocolate (as wanted)

dinner- pan sauteed salmon, wild rice, roasted green beans w/ garlic

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22 hours ago, wintermom said:

Ok. You didn't bring up those details initially. All these things were available outside the Iron Curtain in the 90s. 

And we did buy decent gear as soon as the wall came down and we afford to get it! 

But now that we are gradually replacing our 1990s equipment, I find that the newer stuff really is better: my inflatable sleeping mat is so much softer than the rubber Ridgerest mats (my hips always hurt on those); the sleeping bag at same temperature rating weighs less, same for the tent; titanium cookware, LED headlamps, backpack itself - everything is lighter. At my age, I do not wish to carry a 60 lb backpack anymore, so we're focusing on lightweight gear (not even ultralight, which gets really expensive). Makes it more enjoyable 🙂

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It’s raining today, so instead of my normal outside walk, I thought I’d do a Leslie Sansone indoor walking video. I only did a 15 min, 1 mile walk because I needed to get to work and I was curious to do know how the walk was measured on my Apple Watch. My watch says I walked 0.83 miles, which is fine. My heart rate didn’t get as high as it does on my normal outdoor walk. None of this really matters, I just enjoy comparing the info. Later today I will try to get outside of the rain stops. If not, I will do a longer walking video. 

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32 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

@soror I'll bet all of the tweaks you mentioned will make a difference!  ds and I were running 14-17 (!) minute miles at first.  Really, REALLY show.  Now he runs just sub 10s and I run 11s for a moderately intense run.  So... progress!  



I hope so, I'll report back. She has a sleepover tonight so no way we'll get in am run tomorrow, I'll ask her today what she wants to do. I had been running 11 min mile on the treadmill at the gym, which doesn't feel super intense but gets my HR up. No clue on outside, I felt like I was going super slow yesterday but perception isn't always accurate.

27 minutes ago, Just Kate said:

It’s raining today, so instead of my normal outside walk, I thought I’d do a Leslie Sansone indoor walking video. I only did a 15 min, 1 mile walk because I needed to get to work and I was curious to do know how the walk was measured on my Apple Watch. My watch says I walked 0.83 miles, which is fine. My heart rate didn’t get as high as it does on my normal outdoor walk. None of this really matters, I just enjoy comparing the info. Later today I will try to get outside of the rain stops. If not, I will do a longer walking video. 

I know I did the walk videos for awhile and it drove me nuts as they never matched up with whatever it was supposed to be. If I remember right she said something about how because her walks have more movement they count more or something like that. As long as your moving, that is good.

HIIT done, did not feel fast today but the hormone tide is changing and dd3 came in my bed at 2:30 w/ a nightmare so I didn't sleep very well after that.

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I went and bought new running shoes yesterday, but didn't end up running at OT, because it was another Strength day which means inclines.  But I'm thinking also I should start phasing it in more.  I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised if I go from never running at all go doing 2 miles multiple times a week with no phase in period and my body complains.  The running store had a gait analysis, and I talked with the guy there too.  He said my gait was good (yay), but he also thought I should slow down a bit.  

We did deadlifts as part of the floor block yesterday, and I ended up with heavier weights than I would have picked - I usually go with 35lb dumbbells, but all the 35s and 40s had already been pinched, so I tried 45s.  Managed 3 rounds of 10 reps - it was hard, but managed it - think I had a harder time with the grip on those things than on the actual deadlift part (in between we did bench low rows x5 each - used a 30lb, and close bench presses x10 - used 20s).

Rest day today.

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3 hours ago, regentrude said:

And we did buy decent gear as soon as the wall came down and we afford to get it! 

But now that we are gradually replacing our 1990s equipment, I find that the newer stuff really is better: my inflatable sleeping mat is so much softer than the rubber Ridgerest mats (my hips always hurt on those); the sleeping bag at same temperature rating weighs less, same for the tent; titanium cookware, LED headlamps, backpack itself - everything is lighter. At my age, I do not wish to carry a 60 lb backpack anymore, so we're focusing on lightweight gear (not even ultralight, which gets really expensive). Makes it more enjoyable 🙂

Well, I imagine that camping gear wasn't top on the list of things you needed to get when the wall came down. 😉   

I haven't backpacked in ages, just doing car campling. So I haven't been slowly replacing heavy-ish gear with lighter stuff. To switch over in one big bang will be too costly. I may just load up ds 13 with the heavy stuff! He is training himself up for the Army, after all. Marching with heavy gear is pretty much a requirement. 😂

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I'm back on my feet and venturing further from the bathroom now!  I walked the dog for about an hour yesterday evening, and will get in a couple walks today. Tomorrow morning dh and I play doubles tennis with our friends. Can't wait!  Otherwise, I'm trying to keep up with my physio exercises and add in some stretching. 

The weather is still really mild, which makes outdoor walking so pleasant. I wish it would stay like this all winter! 😉

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Jan 3:  No running, but between various errands, managed 12k steps.  So I'm allowing myself a checkmark in the Daily Dozen exercise checkbox!  😄  



B- toasted 100% rye with natural PB and J

L- Ikea vegetarian meatballs with... fries.  Ah well

Sn- kale/strawberry/banana/flax smoothie 

D- 5 bean chili, new recipe I'm testing, probably a few corn chips though I'll try to resist going crazy.  Just waiting for DH to get home so I can dig in!  

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I ended up hiking instead of Nordic Walking - I had the time and it was a lovely day. Very muddy underfoot - the path was cut up by cattle and horses - so my buttocks and thighs got a good workout as I tried not to slip. 7.5 miles, five of them muddy. I was pretty tired when I got home, but my yoga energised me again. 

Sea swimming tomorrow morning.


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I haven’t posted in a while but I’ve kept up my exercise routine pretty well over the holidays. 

My yearly goals include running more races and joining a regular group run. 

To that end I have a 15k next Sunday and a half marathon in March. I’m still debating about adding a trail half marathon in Feb. 

I’ve been trying out a group run at a running store on Thursday evenings. The group is generally pretty fast. There’s one lady slower than myself other than that everyone is much faster. The group is nice. I may just use that as my speed day. Today I’m checking out another group for a long trail run. We’ll see. 

Over the holiday season I let my yoga practice slip. I got to class this week and was surprised at how tight I am. I’ve got to be sure to get there twice a week. 

I’m also working my way through the book Strong. 

This week I bought new running shoes and a pair of trail running shoes. I’m excited to try the new trail runners today I’ve just been using my regular running shoes on the trails. 

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4 January. Lovely morning dip. My breathing was easier in the cold this time, and I didn't shiver afterwards, so I'm hoping that I will be able to start turning it into exercise soon. For now, it's ten minutes of treading water, gentle swimming and chat. Picture below. Today I'll walk the dog - just a couple of miles, then do my Adriene Home yoga.

Breakfast - porridge with nuts and yoghurt; snack - oatmilk hot chocolate with blueberries and silken tofu whizzed in; lunch - probably smoked mackerel in soup with Chinese leaf.

This evening we are going out to dinner, so I hope I can find something delicious and not too heavy.


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18 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm back on my feet and venturing further from the bathroom now!  I walked the dog for about an hour yesterday evening, and will get in a couple walks today. Tomorrow morning dh and I play doubles tennis with our friends. Can't wait!  Otherwise, I'm trying to keep up with my physio exercises and add in some stretching. 

The weather is still really mild, which makes outdoor walking so pleasant. I wish it would stay like this all winter! 😉

Glad you are feeling better.

19 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

I went and bought new running shoes yesterday, but didn't end up running at OT, because it was another Strength day which means inclines.  But I'm thinking also I should start phasing it in more.  I mean, I guess I shouldn't be surprised if I go from never running at all go doing 2 miles multiple times a week with no phase in period and my body complains.  The running store had a gait analysis, and I talked with the guy there too.  He said my gait was good (yay), but he also thought I should slow down a bit.  

We did deadlifts as part of the floor block yesterday, and I ended up with heavier weights than I would have picked - I usually go with 35lb dumbbells, but all the 35s and 40s had already been pinched, so I tried 45s.  Managed 3 rounds of 10 reps - it was hard, but managed it - think I had a harder time with the grip on those things than on the actual deadlift part (in between we did bench low rows x5 each - used a 30lb, and close bench presses x10 - used 20s).

Rest day today.

Ya, for new shoes, I really should get gait analysis. Awesome job on the weights, and ITA that holding the dumbbells can be quite the challenge. I did carries w/ 50# db and it was WAY harder than with 45# b/c of the grip and even then some db are easier to hold than others. Some will use straps as their body can handle higher weights but their grip cannot.

45 minutes ago, hshibley said:

I haven’t posted in a while but I’ve kept up my exercise routine pretty well over the holidays. 

My yearly goals include running more races and joining a regular group run. 

To that end I have a 15k next Sunday and a half marathon in March. I’m still debating about adding a trail half marathon in Feb. 

I’ve been trying out a group run at a running store on Thursday evenings. The group is generally pretty fast. There’s one lady slower than myself other than that everyone is much faster. The group is nice. I may just use that as my speed day. Today I’m checking out another group for a long trail run. We’ll see. 

Over the holiday season I let my yoga practice slip. I got to class this week and was surprised at how tight I am. I’ve got to be sure to get there twice a week. 

I’m also working my way through the book Strong. 

This week I bought new running shoes and a pair of trail running shoes. I’m excited to try the new trail runners today I’ve just been using my regular running shoes on the trails. 

Nice to see you, 2 new pairs of shoes, I'm jealous. Good luck on the run.


Yesterday ended up being a rather blah day. Probably largely due to dd3 waking me at 2:30. Other than HIIT in the am I did pretty much nothing else (worked on hs planning but didn't make much progress as my brain was not working well) and ended around 8k steps.

Breakfast and dinner were as planned but lunch, was more leftover cauliflower pizza (I forgot I had it is gone now) with some whole grain (but still) corn tortilla chips and salsa.

I had an afternoon smoothie (nf greek yogurt, banana, thumb of PB) as I knew we would have a late dinner after date night watching Star Wars 🙂

Today I am lifting with my friend which is always a good day 🙂 We'll be working the pull-up program and whatever else we want to do for fun. Dd1 and I are supposed to run later, we'll see, she had a sleepover last night and will probably be pretty grumpy.

highprotein pancakes for breakfast

smoothie after workout

not sure on the rest of the day. We'll have some pho at some point b/c I have leftovers. I'll likely have a salad. And we have a wedding this evening to attend. 

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33 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

4 January. Lovely morning dip. My breathing was easier in the cold this time, and I didn't shiver afterwards, so I'm hoping that I will be able to start turning it into exercise soon. For now, it's ten minutes of treading water, gentle swimming and chat. Picture below. Today I'll walk the dog - just a couple of miles, then do my Adriene Home yoga.

Breakfast - porridge with nuts and yoghurt; snack - oatmilk hot chocolate with blueberries and silken tofu whizzed in; lunch - probably smoked mackerel in soup with Chinese leaf.

This evening we are going out to dinner, so I hope I can find something delicious and not too heavy.


Simply gorgeous photo!! I'd be tempted to take a dip in there. So glad you're enjoying the swimming. I can see the draw, when it's a social event and probably makes you feel very alive. Did you get your footwear in time for this swim?

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I'm up early for my tennis this morning. I hope that I play better than the last couple of sessions. I need to have better focus and consistency as our competitive league starts up very soon. It's always a struggle to keep playing alright when I only play once every 2 weeks through the indoor season. 

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@Laura Corin  Beautiful pics and what a fun time you are having!  So awesome.

@wintermom Glad you are feeling better and enjoy your tennis!


Torrential rain is messing up my plans for a morning run...I may do some bodyweight exercises this morning inside or just throw myself into the usual weekend house chores and get 'em done.  Rain is supposed to quit around lunchtime, so I may still be able to do yardwork at my parents' this afternoon or do my run then on my old trail around their property.  We shall see!  Happy weekend, everybody!

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38 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Simply gorgeous photo!! I'd be tempted to take a dip in there. So glad you're enjoying the swimming. I can see the draw, when it's a social event and probably makes you feel very alive. Did you get your footwear in time for this swim?

No, no footwear yet. It's on its way. I no longer have Prime. The water continues dropping in temperature until the end of February, so I'll be glad of booties soon. My feet warmed up much faster this time though.

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Tennis was brutal! My back hurt so much that I couldn't bend over to pick up the ball, and serving was pretty useless. I finally warmed up enough to get more movement and dh and I ended up winning a set. It was tons of fun, though. I laughed and cried at myself the entire time. Dh was super patient with my horrible play. 😉

We went out for brunch as a trendy restaurant that specializes in brunch. I ordered 2 poached eggs and bacon. Nothing else. The waitress was in shock. It was even funnier when my friend ordered the same thing as he's getting over the flu. Dh had a whole mess of stuff called "Corned beef hash." It looked completely gross. 😨

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30 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Tennis was brutal! My back hurt so much that I couldn't bend over to pick up the ball, and serving was pretty useless. I finally warmed up enough to get more movement and dh and I ended up winning a set. It was tons of fun, though. I laughed and cried at myself the entire time. Dh was super patient with my horrible play. 😉

We went out for brunch as a trendy restaurant that specializes in brunch. I ordered 2 poached eggs and bacon. Nothing else. The waitress was in shock. It was even funnier when my friend ordered the same thing as he's getting over the flu. Dh had a whole mess of stuff called "Corned beef hash." It looked completely gross. 😨

I'm so sorry about the back, but WTG laughing at yourself, sometimes you have to either laugh or cry (or both)

5 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Torrential rain is messing up my plans for a morning run...I may do some bodyweight exercises this morning inside or just throw myself into the usual weekend house chores and get 'em done.  Rain is supposed to quit around lunchtime, so I may still be able to do yardwork at my parents' this afternoon or do my run then on my old trail around their property.  We shall see!  Happy weekend, everybody!

ISorry about the rain, hope it is a good day for you.

5 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

No, no footwear yet. It's on its way. I no longer have Prime. The water continues dropping in temperature until the end of February, so I'll be glad of booties soon. My feet warmed up much faster this time though.

I loved the photo and I'm so impressed how you have just dove (ha) right into the ocean swimming. Kudos to you, truly, wonderful to keep trying new things.


Lovely workout at the gym, didn't feel my best but not bad. Mostly my pull-up work, pull-ups with my little band (when I got it that was impossible now I can crank out 8 a set), landmine deadlifts- I was telling my partner how I must be really dragging b/c they felt so much harder then I see instead of putting another 25# on she put a 35#, which made me feel better. That was a total of 115# for deadlifts, which is the most I've done landmine version. WE also did inverted rows w/ feet on bench, IYT. Oh, and today did atlas carries again, started w/ 50#, then did 60#, and finally 70# (the biggest they had). Using kettlebell but not the handle to simulate the stones. We did sled pushes and pulls as an ass-kicking finisher. Pulls weren't too bad but the pushes were so much harder even without weight, the sled itself is heavy but it is good work.

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1 minute ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


I hope you enjoyed it!  I LOVED 9.  I haven't been a huge fan of the new trilogy, but this one really came full circle and talked me into it.  😄  

We enjoyed it, very good ending IMO, however, I told dh I should have brushed up on everything b/c I have a hard time remembering all the relationships and history of everyone.

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My friend took a video of my pullups today and I tried to share but the file size is too big. She said she can see more muscles in my back 🙂 I can tell I'm leaning out more from the way clothes fit, last night I wore my smallest jeans for the first time in years and they were comfortable.

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19 minutes ago, soror said:

We enjoyed it, very good ending IMO, however, I told dh I should have brushed up on everything b/c I have a hard time remembering all the relationships and history of everyone.

Yes, I can feel a 9 movie marathon in my semi-near future.  And of all the spin-off stuff, I also really enjoyed Rogue One, so I guess a 10 movie marathon...  

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9 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@Laura Corin  Beautiful pics and what a fun time you are having!  So awesome.

@wintermom Glad you are feeling better and enjoy your tennis!


Torrential rain is messing up my plans for a morning run...I may do some bodyweight exercises this morning inside or just throw myself into the usual weekend house chores and get 'em done.  Rain is supposed to quit around lunchtime, so I may still be able to do yardwork at my parents' this afternoon or do my run then on my old trail around their property.  We shall see!  Happy weekend, everybody!

Thanks for the encouragement for my tennis. I'm feeling much better now, after a warm shower, food and some wine! 😉

Hope the rain stopped and you were able to get outdoors. I have to laugh about "yardwork" this time of year. Here it means shovelling snow or chopping ice. You must be in a much warmer location. 

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Walked again at OT today because there were more inclines, but I'm also wanting to wait till my knees are back at baseline and then maybe ramp back up to running 1-2 times a week to start, rather than just every time they don't have inclines (which is obviously variable - I think I just happened to start at a stretch where it was 3-4 times a week, and I suspect that was maybe part of the problem...)

We did one-handed suitcase squats today, and after managing that deadlift with 45s the other day, tried this with one and it went well.  Yay.  Also did goblet squats and sumo squats with it - the former being harder because I had to keep it lifted it the whole time!  Hm, that was a lot of squatting!  There was also weighted step-ups on the bench, did those with 25s in each hand.  Wonder if my legs will be mad at me tomorrow...

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@wintermom yep, here in north central Florida I was pulling thorn vines and swatting skeeters wearing a tank top!  However it is going to drop to 38 tonight and I am preparing for hypothermia, lol.  I have absolutely no cold tolerance anymore and am always freezing.  Even in summer, if my hair is wet from the shower, I am literally shivering!


I ended up having a really active day after all.  There was about an hour long break in the weather in the morning that allowed me to get a great run in, and then I worked hard outside this afternoon.  My Fitbit says I'm almost up to 17k steps today.  No wonder I ate a ton of homemade fried rice for supper, haha.  My energy has definitely been up lately, whether from extra sleep or more calories, I'm not sure, probably both.  Not bad for cycle day 2 (UGH!!).  Tomorrow will probably be a rest day.

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2 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom yep, here in north central Florida I was pulling thorn vines and swatting skeeters wearing a tank top!  However it is going to drop to 38 tonight and I am preparing for hypothermia, lol.  I have absolutely no cold tolerance anymore and am always freezing.  Even in summer, if my hair is wet from the shower, I am literally shivering!

How are you going to survive if you get hot flashes in your perimenopauseal life? I am literally sweating buckets from my front, back and legs when I get hot, and I live in the Great White North!  It's crazy. I wore a tank top and shorts to play tennis and I nearly died of heat stroke in the winter. There is no way I could live in the deep south. 😉

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10 hours ago, wintermom said:

How are you going to survive if you get hot flashes in your perimenopauseal life? I am literally sweating buckets from my front, back and legs when I get hot, and I live in the Great White North!  It's crazy. I wore a tank top and shorts to play tennis and I nearly died of heat stroke in the winter. There is no way I could live in the deep south. 😉


I am NOT looking forward to it!  😆

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I went to the group trail run yesterday and it was fun. It was also pouring so we only did 4 on the trail. The ladies were nice and welcoming and one ran my pace so we chatted some while running. One of my personal goals for the year is to make more irl friends. 

Since I didn’t get my long run in yesterday I’m going to try and get that in today. 

This week I’ll run 5 on Monday and 6 on Tuesday, strength train and yoga Tuesday, barre on Wednesday, yoga Thursday and then nothing until race day Sunday. 

Have a good week ladies 

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12 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I ended up having a really active day after all.  There was about an hour long break in the weather in the morning that allowed me to get a great run in, and then I worked hard outside this afternoon.  My Fitbit says I'm almost up to 17k steps today.  No wonder I ate a ton of homemade fried rice for supper, haha.  My energy has definitely been up lately, whether from extra sleep or more calories, I'm not sure, probably both.  Not bad for cycle day 2 (UGH!!).  Tomorrow will probably be a rest day.

I'm glad you noshed down on that fried rice, sounds like you needed it. Calories and sleep are very good 🙂 I have very fond memories of doing yard work at my parents when younger, are you guys working on taming a yard, or general maintenance? 

13 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Walked again at OT today because there were more inclines, but I'm also wanting to wait till my knees are back at baseline and then maybe ramp back up to running 1-2 times a week to start, rather than just every time they don't have inclines (which is obviously variable - I think I just happened to start at a stretch where it was 3-4 times a week, and I suspect that was maybe part of the problem...)

We did one-handed suitcase squats today, and after managing that deadlift with 45s the other day, tried this with one and it went well.  Yay.  Also did goblet squats and sumo squats with it - the former being harder because I had to keep it lifted it the whole time!  Hm, that was a lot of squatting!  There was also weighted step-ups on the bench, did those with 25s in each hand.  Wonder if my legs will be mad at me tomorrow...

I think that is a great plan, slow and steady. Great job on your lifts, how are the legs today?

12 hours ago, wintermom said:

How are you going to survive if you get hot flashes in your perimenopauseal life? I am literally sweating buckets from my front, back and legs when I get hot, and I live in the Great White North!  It's crazy. I wore a tank top and shorts to play tennis and I nearly died of heat stroke in the winter. There is no way I could live in the deep south. 😉

I'm not very heat tolerant, I am so not looking forward to hot flashes. I had some after my last baby when my hormones readjusted and it was miserable.

8 minutes ago, hshibley said:

I went to the group trail run yesterday and it was fun. It was also pouring so we only did 4 on the trail. The ladies were nice and welcoming and one ran my pace so we chatted some while running. One of my personal goals for the year is to make more irl friends. 

Since I didn’t get my long run in yesterday I’m going to try and get that in today. 

This week I’ll run 5 on Monday and 6 on Tuesday, strength train and yoga Tuesday, barre on Wednesday, yoga Thursday and then nothing until race day Sunday. 

Have a good week ladies 

that sounds like a lovely time, despite the rain. Good luck this week, let us know how the race goes.

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17 minutes ago, soror said:


I'm not very heat tolerant, I am so not looking forward to hot flashes. I had some after my last baby when my hormones readjusted and it was miserable.

I don't like heat either. When we lived in Hong Kong I only exercised on dry land in the winter. I took adult swim classes so that I could improve my strokes (highly recommended, by the way) and exercise in the pool in the summer.

5 January. Back to work tomorrow. I'll do a fair bit of cooking later to set up lunches and make sure that we eat my choice of food some evenings this week.

Husband and I are going to explore a walk we've never done this afternoon. It's across private land and takes in a main road, so we'll leave the dog at home and I'll probably walk her later separately. Predicted five miles total. I'll also do Adriene yoga Home day 4.

Have a great week, everyone!

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My sleep has gotten wonkier again, the melatonin was taking care of it but it is not doing enough right now. And my mood is not good, feeling very bitchy and whiny and just thinking let things burn. Now, when it got really bad before I started taking my progesterone again the second half of my cycle, I did that a bit but then as soon as it got better I stopped. I am a slow learner. I need to just put this on my calendar past ovulation I need progesterone. 

Weekly update:

Food was ok. I did better planning for higher intake on active days and that worked well. I did have 1/2 a day where I was just so hungry but otherwise appetite was fairly stable, adjusting to higher intake on more active days is a must. My veggie intake was not as high as I wanted it to be last week, I need to prep some veggies today.

Weight has been holding at 120 even for a couple of weeks. So, evidently I'm hitting pretty right on maintenance even though my intake can vary a lot day to day.

Exercise-7 days last week; 6 Morning Meltdown Workouts, 3 lifting sessions, 1 hike, 2 C25K days, and I can't remember how many days of walks

81k steps; 480 active minutes

I felt awesome the beginning of the week but energy has went down and down w/ progressive lack of sleep. I planned on walks the last 2 days but didn't manage it. Dd1 and I were supposed to run yesterday but we ran out of time (by the time they got in from the sleepover it was time to get ready for the wedding and then we got back at bed)

Next week I'm planning a slower week, I need to get sleep lined out and it is high hormone time, my period is due in a week. I've read from Sims' that adjusting workouts around your period can help with overall gains and recovery so I'm going to try it out.

aiming for: 

3 Sessions Ultimate Pull-Up Program- back off on weights & reps this week

3 Days of C25K, running at a slow pace (able to talk the entire time), still mostly walking

M-F am workouts- Core de Force- doing first workouts this week, requires some cardio but I'm not doing the HIIT workouts- W&F will be mobility, stretching, active recovery days

Fri pm- 30 min Pound class w/ friend, new at the gym and she wants to try it out, looks like a cardio thing


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I'm so not sure what I'm eating today.

Yesterday the kids didn't get home until after lunch and we ate at the wedding so my menu plan is all screwed up.

I think I'll finish off my protein pancakes this am for an easy breakfast, we'll do leftover pho + cucumbers for lunch, and thai coconut curry veggie soup for dinner.

I'm not much of a baker and when I want a treat usually just eat chocolate but today I'm making blueberry (gf) muffins w/ lime curd and I'm ridiculously excited about it.

I have some pre-cooked beef I'd made up for stir-fry Saturday but since we didn't eat at home I'm hoping I can get it made into a stir fry for dinner Tuesday and move our my planned Tuesday Mexican meal to Thursday. I also need to cook some chicken for salads and wraps this week for lunch. I have some chopped salads(chopped lettuce, cabbage, and veggies) I bought for easy meals.

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1 hour ago, hshibley said:

I went to the group trail run yesterday and it was fun. It was also pouring so we only did 4 on the trail. The ladies were nice and welcoming and one ran my pace so we chatted some while running. One of my personal goals for the year is to make more irl friends. 



This sounds really nice and IRL friends are one of my goals too.  I have been toying around with trying to create a meetup of folks to jog a trail at a nearby state park on the regular, and this makes me want to get it going!

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@soror Over the summer, my parents replaced their almost 40 year old parquet hardwood floor with tile.  They did the whole thing themselves (my mom is 68 and my dad is 70!) so yard maintenance was definitely a lower priority.  They have 8 acres, and while a lot of it is openish woodland, a bunch is also ornamental tropical plants/landscaping.  We didn't really get a freeze last year, so thorn vines and creepers really got out of control, plus spreading plants overspread their bounds, etc.  Lots to do!  My dad has been keeping up with bush-hogging the trail in the woods and my mom has been mowing the lawn areas, and I've been trying to whip everything else back into shape so they don't feel overwhelmed and can just keep up with maintenance.  Plus I like ripping out weeds and dumping wheelbarrows, haha.  I think it's the generations of old-Florida farmers' wives in my ancestry--my great grandmother (widowed early with 11 sons) plowed her land herself with her team of donkeys, smoking a corncob pipe, I kid you not.  My mom earned money for her school clothes by working in the tobacco fields every summer, isn't that so odd to think about?  /end digression

Also, isn't it how it always goes?  You are rocking your workouts and your weight and then sleep goes wonky.  But overall it sounds like you are doing awesome and have a good plan in place. 

@Laura Corin That walk with your husband sounds so nice.  Enjoy!

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22 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


This sounds really nice and IRL friends are one of my goals too.  I have been toying around with trying to create a meetup of folks to jog a trail at a nearby state park on the regular, and this makes me want to get it going!

The group I ran with yesterday basically started that way. Four years ago the woman who founded the group started a Facebook page for runners in the area. Since then it’s grown to over 400 people  


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I'm going snowshoeing this morning with a group of ladies from my tennis club. The ladies don't walk too fast. I went with them once last year, and I was on a time limit because of kid activities. I ended up having to race ahead on my own and leave them in the "dust."  They have pre-warned me that the pace will be SLOW. Did I mention I had LONG legs? It was my best weapon in Taekwon-Do sparring. I'm going to have to remember to relax and enjoy the leisurely pace. 😉


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6 hours ago, soror said:

I think that is a great plan, slow and steady. Great job on your lifts, how are the legs today?

Legs seem fine today, amazingly.  And I didn't even include all the leg stuff we did - there was also 40 each squat jacks and jack-to-overhead presses (both with weighted balls) total between rowing blocks, and on the floor we also did a few rounds each of bench-taps to jump (squat low enough to brush the bench with your butt, then jump up, and repeat) and seated overhead presses to stand (1st round with the 2 20-lb weights, 2nd/3rd round lowered to 15lbs).  Not to mention all the rowing (about 1700m, but with breaks for those jumps) and walking inclines.  It really does seem to help me to go more often to be less sore.  But then some days I don't think I did all that much and I am sore the next day... who knows??

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