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What can I make to serve over rice?

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We had something really good the other day - try searching on cooks.com for Chicken Stroganoff. You put six chicken breasts in the crock pot with a package of dry italian seasoning. When they are done you add a can of cream of chicken soup and cream cheese. It was really good served over rice.

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OMG....I just made this yesterday, LOL. I made it on the stove.....bought three chicken breasts.....cut them into strips....cooked them for about 10 minutes. Added some peppers, cream of chicken soup and sour cream to the mixture... and cooked it all another 30 minutes...and YUM YUM. My kids loved it too!

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My five-year-old's favorite meal is served on rice.


Slice up tofu into triangles and press them well. While they're pressing, mix olive oil with curry powder and cinnamon. Pour this mixture into your frying pan and get it warmed up. Then place the tofu on the oil, and sprinkle more cinnamon and curry over the tops of the triangles. Fry until crispy on one side, then flip. When the tofu is done, take it out and drain it on paper towels. While it's drying, dump a bag of mixed veggies (the type with peas and cubed carrots) into the frying pan. Cover and let the veggies cook in the leftover oil and spices just until tender. We put the veggies on the rice and the tofu on the veggies. Mmm...

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Take some ground beef and brown it with some onion powder. When it's done add in some brown gravy mix with water (whatever amount the package says). Once the gravy thickens, serve it over the rice.


I do this when I need something quick. I usually serve it with green beans, carrots, or other vegetables and maybe some rolls.

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I often use up leftover rice by making fried rice. I sauté onions in a wok or pot (use a bit of oil). Then add either chicken or pork and sauté until cooked. Stir in an egg or two, depending on how much rice/meat you use. Add the rice (break it up first, and maybe warm it in the microwave), and then add enough soya sauce to make it taste the way you like it.


To jazz it up, you can add some frozen peas (cook them in the microwave first). Sometimes I put a bit of ginger into the pan when I'm cooking the meat and onions.



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We make chow mein, or pepper steak, or a stir fry.


Peppery chicken with rice

Saute 2 green peppers and 1 red pepper, cut in strips, with an onion cut in rings, and 2 cloves of garlic, minced, til soft. Add a lb of boneless chicken breast, cut in strips, til cooked through. Stir in an 8 oz can of tomato sauce and a few drops of red hot seasoning. Cook for 5 minutes and serve over rice.

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Teriyaki beef - cut beef into strips and marinate in mixture of wine, soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, pepper, and garlic. Stir fry in hot oil.


Poor man stroganoff - brown 1 lb ground beef with some onion, drain, add 1 can cream of mushroom soup and 1 can water. I usually serve with noodles, but rice would work too.

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chicken tetrazzini - I usually make this with spaghetti, but you can use rice instead - cooked chicken, sauteed mushrooms, and the rice, mixed with sauce (melt butter, add flour, chicken broth, cream, white wine) then baked




chicken fried rice - cooked chicken, scrambled eggs, shredded carrots, chopped broccoli (and any other veg you want to add), cooked in a skillet with a little pepper and soy sauce to taste

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Just made Pakistani Chickpeas last night and served over rice. Here's the recipe:




Served it w/vegetable salad (you know, red onions, green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, lemon juice, salt/pepper, feta) and pitas. Yum.


(In fact, I'm going to go eat the leftovers right now for lunch!)

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Cut up four chicken breast halves into small pieces. Fry 1 tsp. olive oil over medium heat. In a separate bowl mix 1 tsp each of thyme, garlic pepper, lemon pepper, paprika and salt. When chicken is cooked, but still has juices, add the spices to the pan of chicken. Cook for 5-10 more minutes. Serve over your rice.

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You have already had some great suggestions! Here are a few things I do with left over rice:


Put it in White Chile


Make Chicken and Rice or Turkey and Rice Soup


Add salsa to make Spanish Rice


Recipe for Orange-Ginger Vegetable Stir Fry:


Brown 2 tsp. of grated ginger in (Sesame Oil or Grape Seed Oil are my favorites)


Add 3 cups thinly sliced carrots cook for 1-2 min. Add 2 cups cut up broccoli


I mix 2/3 cup of orange juice with 2 tsp of corn starch, then push vegetable to sides of pan, pour oj mixture in the center, stir until thickened, then mix vegetable back in. If I have precooked (i.e. left over) chicken I will cut it up and add it at this point. I also add sesame seeds and/or sliced almonds if I have some on hand. Cook for 2 more min.


I serve this over rice. I sometimes add soy sauce and honey (I have been reading too much W the P because I almost spelled this hunny) to the oj mixture to give this a different flavor.

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Another option is kedgeree:


- Boil/steam enough rice for your family.

- Poach smoked fish fillets (half a fillet for each family member) for about five minutes with a chopped onion.

- Drain and flake the fish.

- Hard boil eggs (one for every two people) then chop finely.

- Mix the hot rice with a very good dollop of butter, the flaked fish and cooked onions, and the chopped egg.

- Add salt to taste (watch out, as the fish may be salty) and lots of black pepper.

- Serve warm with a green vegetable.



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Is the purpose of pressing the tofu to expell the moisture? Would the seasonings not work properly with the tofu right out of the package?

Could I just press it between cookie sheets?



Yes, the purpose is to expel the moisture. I find that the moisture in the tofu makes it too bland and watery for my taste. Also, it crumbles more easily when wet.


I place a towel on the table, lay the triangles on that, and place another towel on top. Then I place a cookie sheet over it, and put something heavy on top of there... uh... my 3yo, usually, actually. :blushing: I've used milk jugs when he's been unavailable. I press it for about a minute.

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Yes, the purpose is to expel the moisture. I find that the moisture in the tofu makes it too bland and watery for my taste. Also, it crumbles more easily when wet.


I place a towel on the table, lay the triangles on that, and place another towel on top. Then I place a cookie sheet over it, and put something heavy on top of there... uh... my 3yo, usually, actually. :blushing: I've used milk jugs when he's been unavailable. I press it for about a minute.



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Tonight we had rice topped with a Hungarian style stew that I usually either have the ingredients for, or already have in the freezer. Add cooked ground beef/ground pork/ground turkey/crumbled tofu to 2 onions, 1 or 2 green bell peppers, a large can of crushed tomatoes, and a sliced head of cabbage, and cook it all down until tender, and season with plenty of good paprika. I sometimes use the crockpot, but the stovetop works fine, too. This is great over rice, mashed potatoes, egg noodles, or (my favorite) homemade pinched noodles. One pound of ground meat/tofu makes enough for three meals of this for our family of four, so it's quite a good dollar stretcher, and I never get sick of it. I usually add a dollop of sour cream on top, and serve it with a simple salad and homemade bread.

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