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October Craft Thread!


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3 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

I finished my Amaguri triangle scarf just last night!  10 colors, a bright bright look for my navy sheath dress.  Debating whether to debut it now or not.  It is perfect for spring, but it’s hard to wait!

Would love to see a pic!

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4 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

I finished my Amaguri triangle scarf just last night!  10 colors, a bright bright look for my navy sheath dress.  Debating whether to debut it now or not.  It is perfect for spring, but it’s hard to wait!

Picture please!

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I have basically finished my paint-by-numbers of Venice. I have some finishing work to do on it by going back over some places where the numbers show through or other small details. 

I want to learn to crochet. I have known how to make a chain since childhood, but feel lost on trying to learn more. I loom-knit usually but the biggest drawback to the loom is that bigger projects are not very portable, which is why I want to crochet. I also love that crochet has a truly astounding number of stitch patterns. And I want to learn to make the little stuffed animals before I one day have grandkids. I think I need to watch some YouTubes because I need to see it done. 



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@Carol in Cal. - waiting to see your creation!

@mumto2 - I love hedgehogs!  That is adorable.

@Margaret in CO - I would love to see your sewing creation.  My sewing skills are very basic and I would love to learn to do more.

@Fifiruth - please share a photo of your project!  even if it's part-way done.

@Quill - this is such an inspiration.  I may take it up someday too.


I've finally started weaving.  I've completed 3 of the 4 towels in this project.  It was a kit... which is helpful. It leaves all the planning and color options to someone else.  I'm very happy with the results.


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11 hours ago, Margaret in CO said:

Made two doll dresses and bonnets yesterday, and the pinafores today. And I cut out a dress for me, and it's half done! https://www.fabric.com/buy/0645214/dear-stella-strawberry-fields-scenic-cornsilk

I am looking forward to seeing the completed dress.  I haven’t made clothing since Dd was little.  I love that fabric, it’s very similar to a favorite of mine that I have been saving in my stash for something special.  I parted with a bit of it for the hedgehog mug rug because I think that particular girl will like it.  Just took a picture of the back with the cute hedgehog and fox fabric.


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Nothing impressive to show off. I found some thrift store fabric that weirdly and perfectly matches our plastic outdoor plates so I made some napkins with them. I have more fabric so I may do a hot pad or table runner with the rest. 

I did find this lady on YouTube and watched this tutorial like it was a movie. I may do a skirt next. I’m so rarely in the mood to sew that I should probably just make everything until the inspiration wears off. 


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My 18 yr old and I started remodeling a dollhouse as a haunted house/Addams family house type of thing 6 months ago.  Now that she's away at college, I am trying to keep up with it and work on little pieces.  I made a fireplace for the kitchen and now hope to make or find a cauldron type pot to hang in it with some creepy type of concoction brewing.  I saw an eyeball stew type thing on Etsy that my oldest and I might try to recreate.  Anyway, I thought I'd share.  I am not a crafty type person, but I've always loved miniatures and I can't afford to buy most of the ones I like so I guess I will learn to be crafty.  😉

IMG_20191006_175444 (1).jpg

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CindyH- I love your miniature fireplace! Our youngest Dd had a dollhouse as a little kid and it’s been forgotten for years but recently middle granddaughter developed an interest and we’ve been doing some things to it. We’re having SO much fun. Your post is making me look at it more creatively- I can help her make things and not just buy stuff.  Last time she was here she built this little window box.She’s ten, so using foam core, fake flowers, and a glue gun was her skill level. And she sewed the curtain behind the window.  DB0335E2-47A7-4FF1-9875-9C9145EC0028.thumb.jpeg.a9694d38f5440e630cf8ae12781a412d.jpeg

Edited by Annie G
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I made another mug rug for a University student who loves Candy Corn........it totally reminded me how much I dislike machine appliqué.   The purpose here is to fit them flat in a 9 by 11 envelope so mailing will be cheap,  that’s how the side ended up being so close.  I don’t think she will mind.😉.  I managed to use up some scraps on the back.  Sorry, my photos need work,  😂



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On 10/7/2019 at 8:33 AM, Annie G said:

CindyH- I love your miniature fireplace! Our youngest Dd had a dollhouse as a little kid and it’s been forgotten for years but recently middle granddaughter developed an interest and we’ve been doing some things to it. We’re having SO much fun. Your post is making me look at it more creatively- I can help her make things and not just buy stuff.  Last time she was here she built this little window box.She’s ten, so using foam core, fake flowers, and a glue gun was her skill level. And she sewed the curtain behind the window.  DB0335E2-47A7-4FF1-9875-9C9145EC0028.thumb.jpeg.a9694d38f5440e630cf8ae12781a412d.jpeg

I think her flower box and curtains turned out great!  Glad you two are enjoying it.  Miniatures were something my youngest and I have wanted to do for a while, but just never had time or space.  We are working on a cemetery to go beside our haunted house. 

If your gd would be interested in painting or staining some furniture, our local dollar stores sometimes carry unfinished wooden furniture.  I bought some to practice painting/finishing techniques on and it will be fine as a place holder type thing until we can get what we want later.  

I used half of a cocoa box, an egg carton, paint, mod podge, and spackling for the fireplace.  The spackling was the only thing I had to purchase (the top is just a scrap of wood I stained with walnut stain I already had).  I've made flooring and wallpaper with brown packaging paper, glue, water and some stain or paint.  I am having fun with it, and I wouldn't consider myself crafty at all.  

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Cindy- thanks for the dollar store idea.  I want to encourage her creativity so I’m letting her have free reign right now and she’s having so much fun.  I need to gather some materials so she can have a box of ‘building’ supplies. 

We’ve lived 12-20 hours away from the grands their whole lives but this year we both moved and are now only 3 hours apart. I’m loving this! They came over yesterday and the 12 and 10 year old went to a hand lettering class with me last night.  Alas, they just headed back home...but I’ll take whatever time Dd can spare. 

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I finally fulfilled a dream of the last several years and submitted two pieces for the annual Halloween art exhibit downtown. Both are collage/mixed media pieces inspired by classic Gothic literature. 

The colors in these photos aren't very accurate. Everything that looks blue here is much more in the purple family. But these should give you an idea.




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Dd is getting the American Girl doll Luciana for Christmas. That's the doll who wants to be an astronaut and travel to Mars. Dd is big into space and wants to work for Roscosmos (Russian space agency) since they are the only ones launching people right now. Anyway, I'm trying to avoid buying all the doll's accessories!


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  • 2 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

I'd forgotten about this thread!  Thanks for resurrecting it.

It's church bazaar season and I made and infinity scarf for raffle at our parish's ethnic bazaar.

I've got another one on the loom and I'm hoping to finish it up in the next couple of days.  Bazaar starts Friday! 



This is so beautiful!

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Hey! I was wondering if this thread would pop back up before the month ends. 

@PrincessMommy, I love that scarf! It’s beautiful! 

@mumto2 I love the Halloween Hamsters! 

I have been learning to crochet, as I said I wanted to. A friend showed me some things IRL, I watched some YouTubes, and I practiced making chains and swatches (still practicing). I started my first “real” project - a washcloth - which I will probably finish today or tommorow. Here’s my washcloth so far: 



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I'm sharing my work in progress, as I love the idea exchange here . . . and Christmas Gift deadlines are approaching.  😉

I have a 1946 collection of my Great Aunt's Poems, as well as some of her annual Christmas poems.
I'm scanning from the booklet (see photo), then cropping & inserting a small printout of 20 of the poems into this mini photo album ($1 at Walmart).
The cover will have some hand-lettering, & I hope to make about six of these, to share with parents, uncle, & siblings at Christmas.

It's caused me to actually read her poetry & appreciate that she took the effort to have them printed at the printers back then!
Just a nudge, if you have something similar (esp. vintage photos)--they're easy to compile into a gift like this.


Edited by Beth S
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Last minute decorations to put out by our mailbox to indicate we’re participating in trick or treating. It’s our first Halloween here and I just found out ‘porch light on’ isn’t enough- you’re supposed to decorate near your mailbox. Who knew?? So two pieces of foam core from the dollar store and some paint I had on hand, and I’ll attach them to some wooden stakes we have leftover from a building project and we’re good.  I went with friendly decorations- not really a scary, gory kind of girl. 

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