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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Morning all!  Cloudy day here, so it will be a good day to stay inside, do laundry and give a few more subjects final grades. 

  • coffee
  • start laundry
  • morning dishes and tidy
  • grading
  • laundry
  • lunch
  • more dishes and tidying   I have to squeeze a library trip in here, too
  • more grading
  • more laundry
  • supper is homemade pizza this time.
  • evening activities for kids while I do ...
  • more dishes and tidying
  • more grading
  • finish laundry
  • kids come home, put laundry away, young ones go to bed
  • dh and I relax.
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Good morning!

Ds turns 19 today! Dh and I were just reminiscing about our middle-of-the-night dash to the hospital 19 years ago when I was in labor. 🙂As always, I am mindboggled at how fast the years have gone by.

Today will be a much-needed day at home, with no errands or appointments. I need to catch up!

  • school w/dd
  • office work (where to begin, so much to do)
  • send a kid on a post office run
  • laundry - towels & boys' grungy work clothes
  • wrap presents & print out a gift card
  • go through Subscribe & Save list
  • dd has a violin lesson
  • dinner: Italian takeout and birthday cake
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Good morning! Happy birthday to your ds, Selkie! Today is going to be warm and sunny. It really has been a lovely June here. Not too much going here, other than tennis and ds3 finishing up the last things of school. 

  • coffee/paper
  • daily chores
  • garden-weed, hassle squirrel
  • kitchen clean up
  • pick up d3 early from tennis (match later)
  • relax and read- library if a car is available
  • ds3 to tournament match- singles, then doubles with dh
  • dinner? pasta?

Have a great day!

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Happy Birthday to your DS, Selkie! Enjoy the day!

Today is sew, sew, sew. A friend may remind me that we decided to start going to ladies bible study....I will decline, b/c I have GOT to work on this quilt. 

Between sewing, I also need to start some laundry, decide on something for dinner, and finish reading a book I started earlier this week. Mostly, though, sew. I need to make gobs of little houses to applique onto the border; today's plan is "get the houses made" and then spend the remainder of this week and however much more time is needed after to actually put them on the quilt. I do have a plan for some simple, fast to make, but still cute, houses so that helps. 

Grabbing breakfast and then getting to work...

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Good morning!  Happy 19th to your DS, Selkie!  Hope you all enjoy the day.  I am again going to not sit down until I get the following done:

-workout (total body weights)
-batch cook (rice, pizza egg casserole, poached chicken, grilled chicken, Selkie's corn salad, and maybe chicken, artichoke and spinach soup)
-deep clean kitchen (the grates of my stove are disgusting and need a good soak/scrub)
-work on honors paperwork (only two more subjects to go - Ancient Lit and AP Computers)
-laundry DONE: 1
-outdoor weeding

then after that

-putter around
-binge watch 24 with the kids


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Good morning! 

Happy birthday to your Ds, Selkie!
My Ds is 12 today! A banner day! Taking pizza and birthday cake to him and his troop at camp tonight. 

get milk and bagels
swim store for goggles
drop dd at the Y pool with friends
send invitation
sign up for last two swim meets and volunteering
text SIL Happy Birthday

To do:
eat lunch
order pizza
update YNAB
school prep? 
pick up cake
take pizza and cake to Scouts
drive home through traffic - ugh!
read or watch a movie?

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Howdy, happy Wednesday!

I just found out my kids need a summery dress for their "fiesta" performance Friday night.  I had looked at the costume requirements many times ... saw "casual dress" and assumed it meant "dress casually," as in, we will make the costumes for this group (every year they have a costume sewing team working all week on that).  So ... the problem is that my youngest has grown so much in the past year, I don't know if she has any dresses that fit.  And I have no time to go shopping.

They also want the girls to have "high heeled or dressy sandals."  I may have something for my eldest, but my youngest is a size 10.5 and I'm not even sure they make girly sandals that big (or if they do, whether they are stocked in nearby stores).  She thinks we are going shopping, but I was thinking I'd let her go in her crocs which look like this.  We'll see.  This is just not a good time for a sudden shopping request.



  • Up at 5am to work.  Got a good amount of work out this morning.
  • Kids up and off to camp.
  • Took out the garbage and got / processed the mail.
  • Some general housework, filing, etc.
  • A little reading.

To do:

  • Really want a short nap!!  Can I do this?
  • Promised a client an "update" "this morning" i.e. by 1 Eastern time.  Have not started on this.
  • Promised a few other things too ... just not up to it!
  • Lots and lots of work.
  • Exercise?
  • Kids are at a party until late.
  • Wash a load of clothes so the kids can wear their camp t-shirts again.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Well I sent out the update I promised by "this morning" - only 20 minutes late.

I have at least one more thing I believe someone is expecting to see today ... but I don't wanna....

Must keep reminding myself that 10 days from now, this Big Deadline will be over.  Also, I am ahead of where I usually am at this time of year, but as the system is new, I am not sure what glitches and frustrations await me.

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Happy birthday to your sons, Selkie and ScoutTN!

Jean, I'm sorry that person would not listen to you! Why are some people so stubborn? 

I hope everyone is doing well! I wanted to check in and say hello.  I won't be on much the next week or two for sure. I will join several others renting an 8 bedroom cabin for a college reunion this weekend. Ds goes on a mission trip next week, so dh and I are going to Charleston to celebrate our 28th anniversary, which is the 29th this month. 

Enjoy your summer, everyone! 

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Stuck on the road as my transmission is dying and my car won't accelerate and struggles to change gears. 

Dh is coming to rescue the pizza and cake for the scouts. Hopefully, my car will make it home. Thankfully, I am off the interstate and not far from home. And ny A/C works - it's hot here!

We are going to have to replace my van and we so cannot afford it. Sigh. 


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Hi all.  Happy birthday to the two sons, Selkie and ScoutTn.  Hi Amy- that sounds very fun.  Jean--- don't I know it, like the idiots who refuse to listen to me about all sorts of things like my usual Tricare insurance garbage of USE MY DH"S SS# instead of the so-called benefits # on my ID card that does not work because otherwise they are super likely to not get paid and none of us need the extra stress and hassle.  Fortunately, I have only had good medical stuff this week so far- helpful folks and I am so grateful to them.

  • I am doing the urine test so have to keep doing it.  Haven't messed up yet but am concerned about if I need to go at night when asleep about falling or messing it up
  • staying home all day because of the 24 hour urine which needs refrigeration
  • have taken all meds as required and needed and given myself shot, take the rest of the days meds as required
  • put away laundry and maybe do another load
  • make shopping list for dd
  • make prep for trip tomorrow


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Made a fair-sized dent in the pile on my desk. Lots more to do tomorrow.

Washed and hung a few loads of laundry. 

Placed orders with Boxed & Adagio Teas.

Doctored a cut on one of my horses and got covered in bright purple Wound-Kote in the process.

Ds19 opened his presents and liked them all.

Ds20 is in town picking up Italian food now. I'm starving!



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Scout, happy bday to your ds, too! What a good day for birthdays!

Y'all!!!! I finished making the little houses to applique on!!! Whew! I made 27 of them, little reversible house shapes, very simple at the moment but starting tomorrow I can applique them on, and add details with embroidery to make them look more "house"ish. They're pink on one side, aqua on the other, b/c I need some of each color but not sure how many....this way, I can decide as I'm going which side to use. 

Also called the insurance co. finally to get a quote; the rest of it is up to DH, so my part is done. Yay! 

Started a load of laundry and sorted what else is waiting; technically still am caught up, as the other 2 baskets are just barely at full. Will go put that in the dryer in a bit. 

Decided on dinner -- DH texted with news that a nearby city is showing Raiders of the Lost Ark on their movie theater tonight; original plan was to grab something on the way. That morphed into that I would make my meatball cups instead (DH doesn't like them, but is all about free). Then DH realized have to buy the tix online, $10 each, etc, so I suggested we could always rent this movie at home somewhere instead (turns out, Netflix has it), so we're doing that.  Meatball cups, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and DH suggested for a "movie snack" we also go buy several flavors of Pringles to stack and mix up. (why? no idea.....). So that's decided and planned. Easy-peasy. 

And now....resting. 

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Pizza and cake delivered to sweaty, dirty, appreciative Scouts. Got to give my boy a hug! 

Dropped my van at the mechanic.

Dh and I got some dinner out. He's watching a HP movie with dd. 

I cancelled piano lesson and dinner with my mom for tomorrow. 

Next up: read and unwind



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