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A bruise turned into a big dent!


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A month and a half ago, I slipped on some icy stairs and landed hard on my left butt cheek. It sounds minor, but I sat there sobbing for several minutes before I could get up, and I had a lot of pain from it for the next three weeks. It was the worst bruise my husband and I have ever seen in real life. 

Now, the bruise has healed (though it’s still tender and lumpy inside the skin when I push on it). But there is a huge dent/scar in my butt cheek, as if someone cut out four inches of tissue in just one spot. Google tells me that the fall caused the fat tissue to die...but whether it will get better is less clear. Some people say it has never healed for them, others say a few months, others a few years. A lot of sites talk about fat grafting to fix the problem, for only $4000. 

I know this is only anecdotal, but has anyone here had experience with this? Did it get better? I’ve been massaging it and using a heating pad. The dent is so deep that you can see it when I wear leggings!

I don’t have insurance, so I’m really reluctant to see a doctor about a cosmetic problem that they probably can’t do much about. It’s definitely a blow to my self esteem, though. 🙁 I can’t bear to even look at it in the mirror. 

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OMG!!!  Samesies! Lol.

I also slipped on the ice and dented my butt (plus bruised arms) on the stairs!  Yes, it hurt like a B for a long time. I was out of the gym for 2-3 weeks. My tush hurt when I'd jog after the kids.

Currently, I'm not in any real pain and have been back to the gym.  I still have a bit of a dent, though all the discoloration is gone. It never occurred to me that it might take major treatment to disappear!!!

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I feel awful for you. Last winter,  I injured my shin at the grocery store parking lot and it hurt so badly I sat in my car crying for a while. I thought I broke my shin bone and I was going to ask someone for help but I hadn't shaved my legs in so long, I was too embarrassed. It hurt so bad I was afraid to look at it at first. 

I had a bruise and dent that took months to go away. The dent was a line, though, and there is no fat on the front of my shin, so not the same as yours.

But with that being said, I would be happy to donate fat ass cells to you in your time of need. Or would it be ass fat cells? Either way, I would do that. 

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Fat cells can 'die', as a result of impact. Though vaccines and surgery can also kill them off in an area.
When they die off, the dead fat cells are removed.  While dead muscle and other cells are removed and rebuilt.
Fat cells aren' t rebuilt after removal.  Causing the 'dent'.
But usually over time, the dent will be refilled with surplus fat cells again.

Though an internal scar can form in the area, leaving a 'lump'.

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I fell down a window well while playing in the dark in high school. I had a horrible bruise that was about 8 inches by, say, 6 inches, on the outside of my thigh. Nothing was done about it. I had a dent and a lump.

Haven't really thought about it for a while, but it seems my body filled it in, as I just checked and don't see it. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 1/11/2019 at 5:16 AM, Epicurean said:

A month and a half ago, I slipped on some icy stairs and landed hard on my left butt cheek. It sounds minor, but I sat there sobbing for several minutes before I could get up, and I had a lot of pain from it for the next three weeks. It was the worst bruise my husband and I have ever seen in real life. 

Now, the bruise has healed (though it’s still tender and lumpy inside the skin when I push on it). But there is a huge dent/scar in my butt cheek, as if someone cut out four inches of tissue in just one spot. Google tells me that the fall caused the fat tissue to die...but whether it will get better is less clear. Some people say it has never healed for them, others say a few months, others a few years. A lot of sites talk about fat grafting to fix the problem, for only $4000. 

I know this is only anecdotal, but has anyone here had experience with this? Did it get better? I’ve been massaging it and using a heating pad. The dent is so deep that you can see it when I wear leggings!

I don’t have insurance, so I’m really reluctant to see a doctor about a cosmetic problem that they probably can’t do much about. It’s definitely a blow to my self esteem, though. 🙁 I can’t bear to even look at it in the mirror. 

I am so sorry to hear this, I can relate to the feeling. I fell down hardwood stairs a several years ago, I had a terrible bruise, afterwards I was left with a ugly indent midway on my left butt cheek, it shows through my clothing and embarrassing. I would love to know how this can be made to go away !! I know exactly how you feel. 

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I have a dent in my thigh that matches perfectly with the footboard on our bed which has given me multiple big nasty bruises over the years.  The odd thing is when I am riding my bike a lot it disappears......so my muscle apparently fills it in.  When I stop biking it reappears.  I consider it a gentle reminder to exercise!

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  • 2 months later...

Oh man, I fell recently down a mountain and my hip landed super hard on a big sharp rock. Now I have a dent in my hip/butt area too. It feels like there’s a hole in my muscle. No one can give me a straight answer as what to do. Heat and ice and massage I guess. 

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