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Spring Semester 2019

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What's everyone registered for? I'm wrapping up my science prerequisites with microbiology. I'm really looking forward to the course content. I'm also taking stats. That will complete my Natural Science AA, the biggest benefit being 10 points added onto my nursing school application. I decided to just take 2 classes in the spring because it's a busier season for my kids and I will have a 2 light semesters before starting the actual nursing program. No need to overload myself.


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I may have lost my mind, but I’m registered for four grad classes and I’m really excited about it! I’m taking Seminar in Children’s Literature which is focusing on classic children’s lit from the 19th and early 20th Centuries; Seminar in Basic Writing which is about teaching remedial writing in the college setting; Teaching Writing Online which is what I most want to do when I finish my degree; and Practicum in Teaching Writing which is required for all graduate assistants their first two semester of teaching (this will be my second). 

I’ll be teaching two sections of Eng110 (College Writing) which I taught last semester, so I’m hoping to have far less prep time this semester! The only major difference is that last semester I taught T/Th and this semester I teach MWF so I have to revise my syllabus a bit for that. 

This will be a very heavy load and I expect to spend the semester buried and in survival mode, but I’m doing it to give myself a lighter load next year. Hopefully in the fall I’ll be teaching different classes, maybe even two different classes and so prep time will go up and maybe way up. Also my degree requires taking comprehensive exams and I plan to do that in the Fall (November), and I’ll need time to study. I’m just planning to take Shakespeare and Limguistics during that semester which should allow me to focus more energy on teaching. 

As I said, I’m excited, but nervous that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. I’m intent on keeping my 4.0! I’m finishing my Blackboard sites and syllabus this week, prepping a paper that Im presenting at a conference and starting on my reading for the semester next week, and I should be ready to hit the ground running when school starts the 14th!

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I have two classes: Instructional Development and Evaluation plus Planned Change in Instructional Technology. They are classes three and four of the five-course graduate certificate. So, assuming all goes well, that leaves one class for summer.

Doing the two classes on top of  working was a lot last semester, but I really liked the challenge once I found my groove. So I'm looking forward to the start of this semester.

I'm also starting to ponder the question of what to take on next. I could, in theory, continue to a master's, but I'm not sure I want to go that way.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I have to apologize. I haven't posted in forever. I was rejected twice for the only nursing program that was going to allow me to continue homeschooling (the August and October cohorts), so I had basically written off nursing school and had been depressed for months. I couldn't bring myself to post about it. But, I received a surprise phone call this month that a new cohort opened up in February, and I was top of the list for California. So, I am in and going, even though I am scared to death! I start my orientation on January 15th. The first six month are all didactic courses (online) with a few labs on the weekends. The clinicals won't start until September, which will be the real test for me -- 12 hour shifts! Like I said, scared to death! But, I've lost 63 lbs since my gastric bypass, which will (hopefully) at least give my body a fighting chance to make it. Anyway, all of that to say: I'm back! 🙂 

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1 hour ago, SeaConquest said:

I have to apologize. I haven't posted in forever. I was rejected twice for the only nursing program that was going to allow me to continue homeschooling (the August and October cohorts), so I had basically written off nursing school and had been depressed for months. I couldn't bring myself to post about it. But, I received a surprise phone call this month that a new cohort opened up in February, and I was top of the list for California. So, I am in and going, even though I am scared to death! I start my orientation on January 15th. The first six month are all didactic courses (online) with a few labs on the weekends. The clinicals won't start until September, which will be the real test for me -- 12 hour shifts! Like I said, scared to death! But, I've lost 63 lbs since my gastric bypass, which will (hopefully) at least give my body a fighting chance to make it. Anyway, all of that to say: I'm back! 🙂 

Is this WGU? 

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11 minutes ago, sassenach said:

Is this WGU? 


Yes! The cohorts in So Cal are ridiculous. I literally had a better chance of getting into Harvard Med School. I applied in February. First, the April cohort was cancelled, so all the people from April got rolled over to August (which is why I was rejected). And then Cedars Sinai decided that they were only going to hire their own people for the October cohort (which is why I was rejected again). I had basically given up, but a cohort opened up in OC and they called me. So, they are only admitting around 10 people per cohort, but getting 350 applications each time. And the applications just roll over, so if you are not at the tippy top of the list, forget about getting in. It's crazy.

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2 hours ago, SeaConquest said:


Yes! The cohorts in So Cal are ridiculous. I literally had a better chance of getting into Harvard Med School. I applied in February. First, the April cohort was cancelled, so all the people from April got rolled over to August (which is why I was rejected). And then Cedars Sinai decided that they were only going to hire their own people for the October cohort (which is why I was rejected again). I had basically given up, but a cohort opened up in OC and they called me. So, they are only admitting around 10 people per cohort, but getting 350 applications each time. And the applications just roll over, so if you are not at the tippy top of the list, forget about getting in. It's crazy.

Amazing!!! I have heard about the competitiveness of their SoCal program. They’re on my shortlist for the RN-BSN bridge if I don’t go to a Cal state. 

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On 12/31/2018 at 7:52 PM, sassenach said:

Amazing!!! I have heard about the competitiveness of their SoCal program. They’re on my shortlist for the RN-BSN bridge if I don’t go to a Cal state. 


SDSU is nearly just as bad. They told me that their "average" admit had a 4.0 in science pre-reqs, a 3.91 overall, and a 99th %tile on the TEAS. The anatomy class I took over the summer at SDSU was the hardest class I've taken in my life. That includes studying for the California Bar. I sat next to a guy from Cornell. He took one look at the first exam and walked out. Said he didn't want to take the hit to his gpa. Cheating was rampant, and half the class didn't pass. It was made way more difficult than it needed to be. Total weeder class. I've never seen anything like it. Suffice to say, I felt fortunate that I got a B+, but that wasn't going to cut it for their nursing school.

Thankfully, WGU uses a more holistic admissions process vs. just straight points. So, while I got a 94.7 on my TEAS, they also took into consideration my essay, letters of rec, resume, grad degree, etc. I got into a solid CC ADN program here, but it just wasn't going to work with homeschooling, so I gave up my seat. I hope you get into your Cal State. They are a fabulous deal. 🙂

Edited by SeaConquest
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I'm taking 3 graduate courses and TAing for two sections of early American history (same as fall). One class is part two of our historiography class, the second is one medieval women and children, and the last is ancient and antiquity colloquium. I'm not so patiently waiting for the professors to post the syllabus so I can get a head start on the reading. I'm working on my section syllabus and adding in some writing review each week. 

My graduate classes are all night classes, not thrilled about that, but I will like that they're 2 1/2 hours all at once. I'll get back in the habit of afternoon naps I guess as my TA job is only MWF. 

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The thread (spring term )title doesn't quite work for my country, as this is the winter term. I can see why this term wouldn't work for southern states, though. 😉 It works perfectly for Canada, though. 

I'm taking one grad course, which is a practical course and a continuation of my last course. I'm really looking forward to it. It's an evening course, which will be perfect for homeschooling my youngest. This term should be a lot smoother for the whole family than last one.

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On 1/4/2019 at 3:36 AM, elegantlion said:

My graduate classes are all night classes, not thrilled about that, but I will like that they're 2 1/2 hours all at once. I'll get back in the habit of afternoon naps I guess as my TA job is only MWF. 

Last semester I had 2 night classes and I was really excited not to have any this semester, then I realized that I have no time to get work/studying done during the day and all my evenings will be filled anyway. I'm not sure which I prefer. It doesn't really matter. I already know 2 of the classes I'll take in the fall are night classes again anyway. I'll just roll with it. It'll be over soon 🙂


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On 1/6/2019 at 11:07 AM, wintermom said:

The thread (spring term )title doesn't quite work for my country, as this is the winter term. I can see why this term wouldn't work for southern states, though. 😉 It works perfectly for Canada, though. 

In the US most schools just call the terms fall and spring. Fall term starts in the fall and ends in the winter. Spring term starts in the winter and ends in the spring. I'm not sure how they got named - it certainly isn't consistent, but there you have it. 

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I am enrolled in two classes that are the last pre-reqs for the DMIS program.  Patient Care skills for Sonography and Pathophysiology for Sonography.  They are only 2 credit hours each, but I want a student job and need a minimum of 6 credit hours to qualify, so I am thinking of adding Ceramics just for fun (and there won't be homework since you can't take a wheel home with you.)  

I have my volunteer training for a respite house for medically fragile children, which will get me the hours I need to apply to the program.  Applications are due May 15 and I should know by the end of May if I get in.  I'm looking at the Physical Therapy Assistant program as a back up in case I don't get in, but I haven't figured out how to get their volunteer requirement done (40 hours with a PT, split between hospital and outpatient clinics.)  That one isn't as selective, but it also doesn't pay as well.  

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21 hours ago, Mom22ns said:

In the US most schools just call the terms fall and spring. Fall term starts in the fall and ends in the winter. Spring term starts in the winter and ends in the spring. I'm not sure how they got named - it certainly isn't consistent, but there you have it. 

We have spring/summer term as well from May to June or August, and our winters in Canada easily extend right into April. So winter term is definitely most appropriate! 😉 

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Had my first class yesterday, and the prof is excellent! I also have people in my actual program taking this course, so I'm really excited. Last course I was with people from an entirely different program. They were great, and the prof was as well, but it will be really nice to get to know people who doing the same thing as me.

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  • 1 month later...

How is everyone's semester going?

I'm taking 2 classes.  One is all day.  It's and art (which I need) and a 200 level class (I need 5 to grad).  Fortunately for me it's weaving.  I'm enjoying getting back behind a loom and trying new things.  Get to play with yarn all day on Fridays.  I do have a write a paper, which shouldn't be an issue.  But, I'm having the hardest time coming up with an idea for a paper.  

I'm also taking another 200 class in Short Stories online.  I'm remembering why I don't like lit classes.  I hate picking things apart and also having to read other people's "discussion" online.  I just don't think that lit classes are well served online.  But, oh well,  I'll keep with it because they don't offer it any other way.    I like that I get to read a lot of different author's in a short period of time.  Lots of interesting reading.   There's another lady in the class older than me and the prof as put us together for the "group" project.  I'm so thankful for that.  

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I am 23 days into my first term (of five 6-month terms), and thus far I have completed Biochem, Nutrition, Org Systems, and am almost finished with Leadership and Med Dosage Calculations. I should have those two done in the next week or so. That will only leave me with my Nursing Fundamentals course. So, I am killing it. I asked my mentor to let me bump up one of the term two non-clinical classes, and she agreed, so that would add one more 3-unit class to finish by August 1st. I will have my first labs for Fundamentals in May, and that will be it for my first term. Term two starts August 1st and my first clinicals (Med-Surg) start right after Labor Day in September. That will be the real test for me.

So, my goal is to get all of my didactic courses done as quickly as possible, so I can relax and work out over the summer while the boys are in camp. I am down 70 lbs since my bypass, but I need to firm up to get ready for the 12-hours shifts of clinicals. I feel like I have lost a lot of muscle mass along with the fat, and my energy levels just seem low.  I am definitely nervous about whether this old body can hang with the young spring chickens! 😉

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My semester is going great.  I have two relatively easy classes, Patient Care Skills for Sonography and Pathophysiology for Sonography.  These are the last two prereqs for applying to the program.  The Patient Care Skills class has a service learning component, so I am volunteering at a transitional care home for children with complex medical needs - a place they go to from the hospital before going home while their families get trained on how to care for them.  This has been so rewarding.  It takes like a second to look past the trach and vent tubes to see their personalities.  I think I have all my letters of recommendation worked out.  I am also taking a gentle yoga class at the college (for credit to make sure I go) and have added an online physical fitness goals class that starts the 2nd 8 weeks.)  

I took the PSB-Health Occupations Aptitude Exam and it was WAY easier than any of the prep materials insinuated.  I am above a the 98th percentile in all the categories that are rated for the application.  This was such a relief.  

I'm still looking for a job that works around my school and volunteer schedule.  Hoping to find something soon.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Micro might be my very favorite class of all time. The professor is excellent. She’s clear, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic about her field. A true joy to learn from. My other class is Stats. That professor seems a bit lost. It’s his first semester teaching stats and it really shows. Overall, my work load is much lighter this semester, which is exactly what I need during baseball season! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

We started registration for Fall semester yesterday and there isn't a single class available that I need or have on my Ph.D. plan. Fall is always lean on offerings for some reason and spring semester always has like ten that I want/need. I can usually find something in the fall but this one...I'm digging for something worthwhile and I don't want it to be a waste of money/student loans.

I still need about 20 credits worth of classes before comps.

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3 hours ago, Peach said:

We started registration for Fall semester yesterday and there isn't a single class available that I need or have on my Ph.D. plan. Fall is always lean on offerings for some reason and spring semester always has like ten that I want/need. I can usually find something in the fall but this one...I'm digging for something worthwhile and I don't want it to be a waste of money/student loans.

I still need about 20 credits worth of classes before comps.


That's very frustrating! 

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9 hours ago, Peach said:

We started registration for Fall semester yesterday and there isn't a single class available that I need or have on my Ph.D. plan.


That's irritating. I'm sorry.

I had planned to take the one class I need to finish off my graduate certificate this summer, but it's not being offered until fall. I think I've decided to use the summer to learn one or two of the software apps I really should have on my resume.

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A summer break is always a good thing! I purposely don't schedule classes in the summer so I can get to books I need to read that relate to my program but aren't part of class. This summer I"m doing an EMT class in June with my middle child.

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@Peach  that is frustrating.  What a waste.  I hope you can find something that is beneficial.


I'm at the point in the semester where I'm tired of the current classes and ready to move on.  Registration has started for summer courses and Fall 2019 is "read only"..  So I'm dreaming and scheming about my next set of classes.  It's hard to stay on the topic of this semester.  I love the Short Stories we've been reading, just hate writing 5-6 page essays on a 2-3page short story.  And the teacher is phoning it in.  Plus!! she told us "I never give out an A for midterm grades"  What??!!   It was so deflating.  I'd been working hard and on top of everything.  Now I feel like phoning it in too.  

We took our youngest to visit Drexel last week.  They are on the quarter system which means classes are 8 or 10 weeks long.  That's looking pretty sweet right now.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
19 hours ago, hornblower said:

I finished semester 2 of 9 of my BSN on April 16, and go back on May 6.  The challenge for next semester is a better school-life-relaxation-health-sleep balance as I feel it's been a bit too hectic for my liking.  


I have 2 1/2 weeks left to the semester. and I have high As that will likely stay that way.  My application to the DMIS (sonography) program is complete ... all the recommendation forms have been received.  And I have an interview slot for next Monday ... the final step before decisions are made.  So far, it is looking pretty good for me to be accepted.  If my recommenders gave me the top rating, I will have a perfect score on their criteria going into the interview.   

We started scanning each other 2 weeks ago.  I was so thrilled to be able to find all of the structures I was supposed to so far.  I felt bad for the student who had to scan me.  I was not able to fast this past week, which meant that I had more bowel gas than usual.  Yes, we call eachother gassy in class.  😄🤣

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22 minutes ago, dirty ethel rackham said:


I have 2 1/2 weeks left to the semester. and I have high As that will likely stay that way.  My application to the DMIS (sonography) program is complete ... all the recommendation forms have been received.  And I have an interview slot for next Monday ... the final step before decisions are made.  So far, it is looking pretty good for me to be accepted.  If my recommenders gave me the top rating, I will have a perfect score on their criteria going into the interview.   

We started scanning each other 2 weeks ago.  I was so thrilled to be able to find all of the structures I was supposed to so far.  I felt bad for the student who had to scan me.  I was not able to fast this past week, which meant that I had more bowel gas than usual.  Yes, we call eachother gassy in class.  😄🤣

yay you!  Fingers crossed for your admissions interview & I hope you get your acceptance asap. 

& I'm super impressed at your ability to see things on ultrasound. I've seen a bunch of human and animal u/s and I never see anything other than grey blobs; people excitedly point out things & I'm all "um, if you say so..." 

How long is the program once you start?

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1 minute ago, hornblower said:

yay you!  Fingers crossed for your admissions interview & I hope you get your acceptance asap. 

& I'm super impressed at your ability to see things on ultrasound. I've seen a bunch of human and animal u/s and I never see anything other than grey blobs; people excitedly point out things & I'm all "um, if you say so..." 

How long is the program once you start?

😄  Well, they train you on what to look for.  You get better at it with time.  Most of the semester in my Pathophysiology class, we looked at images of normal organs and ones that had issues.  I've seen lots of pictures and it helps if you know your markers, like what the spine looks like or the diaphragm, or other brighter objects.  

The progam is 2 years ... which means I'll be approaching my 58th birthday when I graduate.  But I need a life.  I need a challenge.  

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My final paper is submitted and I'm finished the course! I also got a part-time job in research and clinical trials. I'm pretty sure I'll just continue with the job and drop the graduate diploma program. I think I'll learn a lot more relevant and new material at work, and there may still be opportunities to use the information I learned in my 2 grad courses. It wasn't a waste of time or money taking the courses, but I don't think I'll need to finish the rest of the courses. 

I much prefer working to studying. At least when you finish the work day you can relax. A student can never truly relax. There is always more review to do. 😉

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Congrats all and good luck in the interview Ethel! I can relate to the age...I'm debating filling in some accounting classes on the side to sit for the CPA exam and I'll be that age when I get to the exam.. 🙂 I decided I needed something marketable in case we end up somewhere that college teaching jobs are few.

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I'll be 54 when I get my BSN. My cousin who is an RN and <2 years older than me  might be retiring this year.  Actually, several other people in our friends/families are hitting close to early retirement* while I'm just preparing to launch a career.  Different families, different plans, different priorities. I sometimes look longingly at them planning out their retirement but otoh, I woudln't have wanted the choices they made regarding their parenting/kids/schooling. 
*(there are still some good government pensions here for teachers, nurses etc. Heck, it's why I'm going for my RN. 10 years of service will give me a nice pension and I will have the option to keep on working casual or part time later if I want & it's a portable skill set).

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I have 10 days left of school.   One paper is submitted and the other is about 3/4 done.   We're about to start our kitchen remodel next week (finally) so I've also been super busy at shops picking out flooring, countertops, and appliances.  All of it takes up precious time.  Ugh.  

I can't wait until my Short Story class is over.  It was such a dud. 

Next semester I'm taking Human Evo an Anthro.. IN CLASS.  Can't wait.  


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6 days left.  

I turned in my take-home final for Pathophysiology.  Should ace it.  I didn't do as well on the scanning practical, but I felt rushed.  I should finish the class with a 97%.  

All I have left for the Patient Care class (which is more like an Intro to Sonography class) is my final.  I should finish above a 95%.  

I had my interview for the program last Monday.  I think it went pretty well.  I was a little more succinct in my answers than is usual for me, but the interviewers seemed to be satisfied with my answers and they didn't seem to be interested in me elaborating.  Of course, every day, in the shower, I think of all the ways my answers could have been misinterpreted and of all the things I should have said.  Now comes the anxious wait for the letter the first week of June to find out if I've been accepted, rejected, or waitlisted.  It will come in the mail.  Please don't let that be the week that we get Cliff Claven as our mail carrier!  Others tell me that I'm a shoo in since I had a perfect score on their requirements going into the interview (except that I don't know what I got on the recommendation forms ... I do know one gave me the highest rating, but I don't know if the other two did ... the could have given me an "excellent", which is worth 1  point less than an "outstanding.")  

The "what if I don't get in" issue is starting to leak out of the box I had stuffed it into so that I could get through the semester.  I am 56 with no job prospects other than meaningless minimum wage jobs working for people who decide they like you one day and hate you the next.  In two years, I might be a newly minted sonography technollogist.  Or I might just be 2 years older and a whole lot lonelier.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/8/2019 at 10:27 PM, dirty ethel rackham said:

6 days left.  

I turned in my take-home final for Pathophysiology.  Should ace it.  I didn't do as well on the scanning practical, but I felt rushed.  I should finish the class with a 97%.  

All I have left for the Patient Care class (which is more like an Intro to Sonography class) is my final.  I should finish above a 95%.  

I had my interview for the program last Monday.  I think it went pretty well.  I was a little more succinct in my answers than is usual for me, but the interviewers seemed to be satisfied with my answers and they didn't seem to be interested in me elaborating.  Of course, every day, in the shower, I think of all the ways my answers could have been misinterpreted and of all the things I should have said.  Now comes the anxious wait for the letter the first week of June to find out if I've been accepted, rejected, or waitlisted.  It will come in the mail.  Please don't let that be the week that we get Cliff Claven as our mail carrier!  Others tell me that I'm a shoo in since I had a perfect score on their requirements going into the interview (except that I don't know what I got on the recommendation forms ... I do know one gave me the highest rating, but I don't know if the other two did ... the could have given me an "excellent", which is worth 1  point less than an "outstanding.")  

The "what if I don't get in" issue is starting to leak out of the box I had stuffed it into so that I could get through the semester.  I am 56 with no job prospects other than meaningless minimum wage jobs working for people who decide they like you one day and hate you the next.  In two years, I might be a newly minted sonography technollogist.  Or I might just be 2 years older and a whole lot lonelier.  


The wait would drive me crazy, too. 

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Done with stats and micro! Micro was my last prereq for program application, but unfortunately, I have to wait allllllll the way until January for the next application cycle. So now is a year of twidling my thumbs. I will take a few BSN corequisites next semester, then a full semester off. I plan on seeking out volunteer work at our local hospitals. Other than that, a lot more gym time! Next semester I'm only taking one class in person.

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