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Do you have a time limit or schedule for these boards?

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No but I really should. Before I moved I didn't have time for it and never came here. Once I got here, no friends, little family and no $ meant finding a new hobby/addiction.:D Of course, now I have a few friends and some committments oh and hey 3 dc to school.








Repeat after me, "Hi, my name is . . . and I am a board junkie" :tongue_smilie:

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No but I really should. Repeat after me, "Hi, my name is . . . and I am a board junkie" :tongue_smilie:


Me too! I lurk more than I post but I really need to limit my time AGAIN. I did this a few months back but have slooowly found myself at the same starting point. Maybe it's time for a internet break again. (sigh)

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No, but I should, too. I try to get off the computer by 10:45, and I've missed it by an hour. I've heard you can do something with the settings of your computer or wireless remote to make sure you aren't online, but I have no idea what that would be. Off to bed I go!

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Well, I know I am addicted because I am depressed. What's really sad is that I am so nosy about new threads/replies that I am not even following up on what I have learned. Time to take a break and actually use some of this.


Lovedtodeath, we can both do better.


You're so addicted you had to start a thread about how addicted you are instead of just cutting back on your time. I'm so addicted I had to read it three times and post to it twice instead of just cutting back. I am logging out as soon as I post this. I promise. :seeya:

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I was thinking about every other day only.. or something to that effect.


Not really. I have a lot of spare time. My kids are teenagers now. They do a fair bit independently but if I leave the room, not as much gets done. So I sit here and surf the net, pay my bills online, answer questions, come here some more.

I usually check in a few times a day, but the truth is if I am busy or away for a week, I don't miss it so i don't really feel addicted.

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Lovedtodeath, we can both do better.


You're so addicted you had to start a thread about how addicted you are instead of just cutting back on your time. I'm so addicted I had to read it three times and post to it twice instead of just cutting back. I am logging out as soon as I post this. I promise. :seeya:


Goodness. I logged out and was still lurking.. I need to see somone about this.:leaving:



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I try very, very hard to check in the morning and then not again until after 4pm. I don't let the kids be on the computer between 9 and 4 M-F, so I try to follow the same rule.


The thing is, if they are driving me nuts, sometimes I have to sneak in a board break so I know there are other adults out there... somewhere.


I do go through phases when I fall off the wagon and spend too much time here. I'm trying to be better about that. I've given up a lot of things that I used to do. I miss them but our homeschool is better for it. :D

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Well not really a schedule but a routine, of checking in when I first get up before I am fully mobile, around lunch time if the kids are occupied and again at the end of the night while waiting for them to fall asleep (I have to stay upstairs until they do or they play all night long.

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I use it as a break between activities. I go on in the morning before the kids day starts. Then do youngest school work. Then maybe a few minutes. Then some house work. The a few minutes. School work with high schooler. Break. More house work. Break. Dinner and after dinner clean-up. Break. More school with high schooler. Then a little more devoted time on here before bedtime. Some break involve research and reading article on further subjects. Some chatting with hubby. But I use the computer as my break time much like a working person would take a break at work. It works for me but I probably could get more done if I spent less time on here.

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No, but I need to. A lot of the time I spend here is researching things, as I am still trying to piece together our homeschool curriculum/philosophy. Part of my obsessive nature to glean as much information as I possibly can.




Yeah, I'm going with this reason too. Actually that is where it starts, then I start looking at the general forum and checking my social groups.



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