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I don't want her to pester. How is this handled?

Night Elf

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Dd interviewed at a teen/young adult shoe shop today. The interview was very short. Only about 6 questions and dd feels she answered them all well. She felt it was a good interview. The lady told her she had other interviews lined up and would call within a week or two if she wanted to hire you. Frankly, the fact that the interview was so short leads me to believe the lady wasn't impressed and dd won't get a job offer. Should she call back at some point and ask how things are going, like as a follow up? It seems pushy as she's already been told it could take 1-2 weeks. The weird thing is that she got the job interview fast. She put in her online application yesterday, got called that afternoon, and had her interview this afternoon. Why would she be told it could take 1-2 weeks? Dd really wants this job. I'm not saying anything negative to her but I'm encouraging her to continue looking as she shouldn't wait 2 weeks of doing nothing when she might not get the offer. 

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I would encourage her to keep looking - and yes 2ds has had an entry level job interview the day he submitted an online application.  he did get that job fairly quickly - but they were getting desperate. (UPS holiday hours driver helper.)

she can send a 'thank you for your time' note.   handwritten if you're sure the person would actually receive it, email if not.  

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Do you think a 'thank you note' is too formal for such a shop? It's geared towards teens and young adults in the fashions of today. We picked out what we felt was an appropriate interview outfit. It wasn't too dressy as we felt that would look too refined for this store. 

I can tell her to call next Tuesday but what does she say exactly? Does she ask if a final decision has been made yet? Is there a polite way to word it so she doesn't come across too strong but just showing she's really interested in the job?

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35 minutes ago, Night Elf said:


I can tell her to call next Tuesday but what does she say exactly? Does she ask if a final decision has been made yet? Is there a polite way to word it so she doesn't come across too strong but just showing she's really interested in the job?


Ask to speak with the person she interviewed with, then say something like: "Hi, my name is ______. I interviewed with you last Tuesday about the (insert position title). I'm following up to see if you have any additional questions for me or to see if the position has been filled." Then be quiet. If it has been filled, thank them for their time and the opportunity to interview. If they are still interviewing, again thank them for their time and let them know you are still available and interested in the position. 

I would not leave a message if that person is not available, don't make the hiring person be responsible for contacting you. I would ask when would be a good time to call back and then do that. 

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OK, all I know is corporate world and hiring within, so my thought process comes from that.

1.  I would NOT call if she was told it might take 1-2 wks.  To me that would say "I don't know how to follow directions".  Calling and saying "hey, do you have more question for me" would irritate me to no end for wasting my time and assuming that I am an idiot who couldn't figure out how to reach a candidate if I needed to

2.  Yes, absolutely send a "thank you" note, preferably so the lady can get it early next week.  1 - it's a nice thing to do and 2 - it will jolt her memory about your DD.

3.  She should keep looking.  Until you have an official offer, nothing else matters, so keep looking.

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Do not call

21 hours ago, SereneHome said:

OK, all I know is corporate world and hiring within, so my thought process comes from that.

1.  I would NOT call if she was told it might take 1-2 wks.  To me that would say "I don't know how to follow directions".  Calling and saying "hey, do you have more question for me" would irritate me to no end for wasting my time and assuming that I am an idiot who couldn't figure out how to reach a candidate if I needed to

2.  Yes, absolutely send a "thank you" note, preferably so the lady can get it early next week.  1 - it's a nice thing to do and 2 - it will jolt her memory about your DD.

3.  She should keep looking.  Until you have an official offer, nothing else matters, so keep looking.


I agree, it would be a red flag for me if someone couldn't wait for an answer  and bothered me, when given a reasonable timeframe. 

I hope she gets it! 


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