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Well Trained Bodies (Diet & Exercise) - March 2018


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Happy March 1st.


What are your goals this month?


I am working on my sub 30 5K and will be cutting back on sugar as well as being more mindful about portion sizes. I will finish the chai I have on hand and then cut back on it as well. 


I weighed in this morning and found that I am right back to where I was. I am so tired of this cycle of lose a couple, gain it back, lose a couple, gain it back. I do not like being this heavy and I cannot for the life of me figure out how someone as active as I am and who does watch what is eaten cannot lose weight. It is my biggest fear that I will continue to gain weight and be unhealthy as I age.   :(


The women in my office are working out and dieting and they are losing; their average weightloss for Feb was 4 pounds. I am 2X as active, consume fewer calories, and gained back a couple of pounds. I just don't get it.


Yesterday - I played ultimate frisbee with the teams, walked a mile at lunch, and then ran a 30' 19" 5K in the evening. I love watching my 5K times drop and, now that the official sub 30 5K challenge is underway, hope to get it under 30 within the next couple of weeks.



What are your goals for March?

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(hugs) Scoutermom- that just sucks

You are doing awesome with your running!!! You're so close!


I'm keeping on, keeping on here. 

Continuing with my lifting program and walking.

Continuing food journalling. Focusing on eating lots of plants.

I've set a goal as far as size/weight for the end of the month.

I'm approaching a "sticky" point so that may or may not happen, I don't plan to weigh until the end of the month, I'm focusing on the journey- how I feel, my health, and strength. My weight is back in the "ok" category but I'd still prefer to be smaller.


Hoping and praying my mood continues improving, this week has been rough and we've got some situational stuff that I just can't change.


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Ran outside today, 4.3 miles. The snow stayed away and it was fairly mild. Plus, no one locked my keys in the van and Girl Scout cookie season is over for us! It’s like the best way to start March.


All I want for dinner tonight is pizza. I could order a vegan friendly one for carryout except dd still needs to eat a bland diet for a couple of days at least just to be sure. And it would not be nice to leave her out, but boy does that sound good.

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Goals: Maintain fitness: Good enough = 4 days of cardio (min 150 min) , 2 days of weight training, 4 days flexibility 


Food: I've been kind of bingy, mostly with olive oil and a nonsalt seasoning mixture on anything I can put it on: bread, potatoes, popcorn,  salad. It would be best if it went on salad! I  come home hungry and don't have an easy to eat something so that's my go-to.  (It's actually not the olive oil that is the problem--but the starchy stuff I put it on.) So I guess my first goal needs to be to have something fast and healthy in the fridge at all times. 


Sleep: Maintain at least 7 hours sleep per night. 




I got to the gym in time to do 3 sets of two upper body machines and 2 sets of two lower body machines.  I needed to have arrived about 10 min earlier. (Changing and showers between weights and pool took about 12 min and I had allotted only 7 min.)  Since I only had  25 minutes, I didn't quite make my 1/2 mile goal---was 6 lengths short before they closed the pool area. So a little over 4/10 of a mile. 


Tomorrow, it should be nice enough to walk/run outside. 


Sat is a travel day. I am kicking myself for copping out on Monday and not doing strength training because it's really hard to get one in on a travel day but maybe I'll try some stuff at rest stops! 


I will be helping my dad move next week. The weather looks decent for outdoor walks/jogging and there is a strength-training course and a nice playground nearby so I think I can get a strength training workout in there. I've looked at some playground workouts online. (Those of you with kids check out "playground workouts" on youtube!  Two of my ds's will be with me and one has been strength training so I can probably take him. 


I have a wedding coming up and should probably try to knock off a few pounds. See olive oil above!   I tend to have a larger waist compared to hips and it can make a big difference in how a dress fits. 





Edited by Laurie4b
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Can't say February was stellar. I knew the first two weeks wouldn't be good, what with Superbowl, my birthday, and my cycle--no weight loss was going to happen. I get a little stricter with myself during Lent--no sweets, usually even on Sundays, and I'm just trying harder to meet the calorie goal. Not reward myself with food. But I think 146 has become my set point for weight and it's hard to get the scale to budge. I was 146.something all month until Sunday I finally hit 145.9. Then 145.0 for two days. Then 143.8, 144.0--you probably see what's coming--I'm sick. I thought it was just a chest cold, then I had one night of fever and decided it's a vaccine-weakened flu. Definitely affecting the appetite. So it's nice that the weight is down, but it's not cause I'm healthy and it might very well come back up. But 144 instead of 146 is enough to put me in "normal" instead of "overweight" for my height, so I hope to stay here.


Until yesterday I was still hitting the treadmill 6 days a week. Hope to be back to that on Monday. I've taken a sub job through spring break that makes me get to school too early to do my strength training in the morning (I'm already getting up at 5:35 and dh is not happy about that). I told myself that I could do that 10 minutes late in the day "during the Olympics", but it never happened and it's definitely not happening while I'm sick. Next week will just be off, then I'll regroup and try to figure out how to salvage the rest of March.

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We're going on a beachy vacation on March 26th, so my main goal is to be confident in a swim suit.


Hoping to lose 5 - 7lbs.


Continue running with my group 3 times a week.


My big challenge will be working out at home twice a week. I'm at the gym once a week and absolutely love it there, but am not totally happy with my at-home workouts. Today's workout went really well, so that's something. 


I've decided I need more accountability when it comes to diet, so I'm working through the Beck Diet Solution (someone on the board recommended it). It works with any diet - basically it's cognitive behavioural therapy. I think I'm on day 11 or 12 and so far I'm really happy with what I'm learning. I joined a FB group that is working through the book day by day and it's nice to have others to talk to about it. I have also decided to track my food in Lose It before I eat it. 

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I got in a 45 min walk with 20 min of embedded jogging intervals today. 


Our trip was delayed till Sunday, so I'll be able to get in my second strength-training workout of the week.  I'm going to plan some body weight workouts for when we travel. If I have a specific plan in mind I think it will help. 


Too much bread again today. 

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Ali- hugs, get well soon!


Yesterday was a busy morning and lazy afternoon. I didn't sleep the best Thurs night and was a little tired especially after being so busy. I've been tweaking supplements to help with my cortisol and trying to find that just right level where I sleep at night but aren't groggy during the day. 


Food has been ok. I had a small gf cupcake the other day but didn't feel a desire for another and kept it within my goals for the day. I slacked a bit on veggies this week so I'm hoping to get my intake back up this week. Planning to walk today and hope to meet my friend tomorrow to lift. 


We're going on a beachy vacation on March 26th, so my main goal is to be confident in a swim suit.


Hoping to lose 5 - 7lbs.


Continue running with my group 3 times a week.


My big challenge will be working out at home twice a week. I'm at the gym once a week and absolutely love it there, but am not totally happy with my at-home workouts. Today's workout went really well, so that's something. 


I've decided I need more accountability when it comes to diet, so I'm working through the Beck Diet Solution (someone on the board recommended it). It works with any diet - basically it's cognitive behavioural therapy. I think I'm on day 11 or 12 and so far I'm really happy with what I'm learning. I joined a FB group that is working through the book day by day and it's nice to have others to talk to about it. I have also decided to track my food in Lose It before I eat it. 

I have a swim party with our Scouts April 9th I was just thinking about myself. Last year when we went I barely squeezed into my swim shorts (my thyroid got even more out of whack last winter after a bout of pneumonia and I didn't start addressing it until late March). I need some shorts too b/c I carry so much weight in my lower body I feel a little paranoid in them but the new gym is so blooming hot I'm going to stroke out if I don't find some.


Good luck with the Beck Diet.


What is feeling off about your at home workout? Are you not used to the moves you are doing, not enjoying them, or feel they aren't challenging enough??

Edited by soror
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So far no sugar other than what occurs naturally in grapes or what was in the pre-made chai mix. I finished the last of the mix so the real challenge begins.


The last two days have been beyond stressful with work. Weather, athletes, other coaches, recruits, admissions, financial aid - it was a tough week all around and I did eat three single serving bags of Lays over the last two days. I am worried that the stress has caused an increase in cortisol as my body feels a bit off today. Other than the chips, my eating has been really good. I made homemade GF chicken noodle soup for lunch and dinner yesterday. Exercise was decent on Thursday but non-existent yesterday. I play in a USTA match today and will be in the car for 4 hours. If I get back in time this evening and if my body will tolerate it, I may go to the Y for a 5K run.


I have my food planned out for the day and, since most host teams do not provide anything GF other than vegetables, I think I should be without temptation and do well. 


Sub 30 5K: 30' 19"


Edited: I am drinking wild sage tea from New Mexico this morning. I love the aroma as I adore sage and use it as one of my relaxation techniques. I am not real keen on the tea, though, since I am used to the much sweeter chai. My hope is that the soothing aroma will increase my desire to drink it.

Edited by The Accidental Coach
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We got a little snow last night, so I went for a snowshoe hike in the woods this morning. It was nice.  Tonight dh and I are playing 2 hours of doubles tennis with our competitive league. It will be great to smack some tennis balls again. It's been 3 weeks since my last game. 


My goals for this month are to ski or snowshoe on every bit of available snow before it's gone for the season. I'll make it a priority to get out to the areas where the snow is the best.  Other than that, I'm playing some tennis with my league and going to the gym when I can't do anything else.


Food-wise, I'm carefully reintroducing some foods back into my diet that I cut out while doing the low-FODMAP  diet prescribed by the grastro specialist. So far, I've blown it with onions by adding in too much. I need to be more gentle with this process. It seems that a sensitive gut isn't like a light switch, where you can simply turn off food and then turn it back on again.  :laugh: 

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The swimsuit talk has reminded me that my suit is in really bad shape. I accidentally threw it in the dryer too many times last summer and it has stretched out of any kind of recognizable shape. Oops! I need to buy a new one, but I just want a replacement of the one I had. Hopefully I can find the same style and read the size on my suit before tossing it. 

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Swimsuits - agh! I searched high and low for a black swim skirt that looks a tennis skirt. I found one although t's a bit shorter than a tennis skirt. I feel comfortable in it since it resembles my favorite tennis skirt so it will have to do. I rarely wear a suit due to body image issues but at least I have something to wear this year. Which is once step better than last year.

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I have been rowing daily, which has been so good for my mental health. We have had a ton going on this week: some good news, some really bad news, and some really wonderful news that I have been praying about for three years. I’m emotionally exhausted as I try to process the really bad and the really wonderful at the same time.


So the rowing has been great, as I channel my inner Viking to get the emotions out. My food, however, has been abysmal. I admit that my meals on Thursday included two bowls of Fruit Loops, 32 oz. of Coke, and about 1/4 of a 9x12 pan of cookie bars. I’m recommitted to getting back on track starting today!

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Feb. ended with an ugh for me--right after moving up a belt in martial arts, my kids got sick, and then I cut the ball of my foot on an exposed screw head.  Really made for a couple weeks with lower exercise, especially since the type of MA we do is based on a twisting motion on the ball of the foot.  I have been extremely stressed by my upcoming divorce court date, too, which of course resulted in a few more Sam Adam-es and late night quesadillas than was good for me.  But I'm hopeful March will be much better.  Got in a very nice MA workout Thursday, and some strength training and a 1/2 hr run today.  Weather is great. 

Thanks for all the "real" updates, y'all.  If all these posts had been "woo hoo I've run a marathon every day so far and eaten nothing but cauliflower rice!" I might have had a nervous breakdown, hahaha!

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I did my swimsuit shopping last month for our spring break trip. I had the opportunity to go to a Title 9 store and tried on enough to realize that Title 9 suits are not going to work for me--too old, too fat, just not going to work. This is a LandsEnd body, not a Title 9 body. So I got the LandsEnd Grecian style one in black and it's fine.

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I looooove Lands End bathing suits.  I have a square neck tankini in black with the high waisted bottom.  So much more flattering than any bathing suit I've ever had, even when I was cute in high school haha.  And since I'm pear-shaped, I love it that I can get the top and bottom in separate sizes.  Last year I wore my suit with their beach shorts in their longest length, but as they are now too big, I'm going to order the next size down and one length shorter, eek.  My upper body is looking pretty great, I've lost 4 inches off my waist (!!!!), but I'm not sure my upper thighs will ever be bathing-suit-without-shorts worthy.

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I got myself a new swimsuit last year - well...half of one. They don’t make bottoms that make me feel comfortable enough to wear them. I don’t mind so much the tankini tops, but none of the skirts and shorts are long enough for me to feel comfortable in. I did end up finding a pair from Lands End that are long enough, but I’m not paying Lands End prices for a body that continues to change size from season to season. In the end, I discovered my running shorts were solid color enough to work so I wear a tankini top with running shorts on the bottom. Problem solved.


Rode the bike today for 35 minutes for a hill/speed type workout. Still meh on its use for runners, but I can’t run six days a week without getting injured so I’m going with it anyway. Dd is fianlly healthy so no more bland diet! Yay! I’m working on this week’s dinner plans which will involve eating ALL the vegetables and ALL the fiber! I am so excited!

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I am 4 weeks from my first half. I'm bumping my weekly mileage to 30 with some bod core and weight workouts. I ordered a new bathing suit in my new smaller size. Well see how that goes when it comes in. That's about it. In hope everyone is having a great week and those of you in theNE I hope the worse is over and things get back too normal soon.

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I think I finally got over whatever yuck hit me on Monday. I didn't have many symptoms, but was absolutely exhausted with foggy head. Still managed to go to a couple private lessons and one regular fencing. Found out that an hour of private lesson and tennis ball practice takes much more energy :)


My February was fine. I lost about 3 lbs, and found out that it made a difference in my stamina when I fence. I am also glad that I cut my sugar down, although I now understand better my sugar binges. I can't eat a lot of food, volume -wise, and sometimes I just don't eat enough. Like yesterday, at about 10pm, my total daily intake was under 700 Cal. I finished the day with a tall glass of milk and a nice piece of cake for another 500 Cal. Still way below my daily needs, but better. I also got used to cooking, found some acceptable shortcuts, and don't feel overwhelmed by it any more. I did some exercise on 23 days, so I am happy with that, too.


For March, I hope to just continue with everything I am doing. I would love to lose another 3-5 lbs in hope of reducing the load on my legs while fencing (I still can't believe the difference my accidental weight loss made). That and more cardio should help, so I can concentrate on my fencing and not keeping my body moving during those last bouts. Food-wise, I need to find better calorie-dense nutritious snacks without added sugar. I do like nuts, but that is about it. Any ideas?



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Ladies - I have decided my life is a dramatic comedy. I mean, really? Why does this weird stuff happen to me?


During my tennis match yesterday, my tennis shoe stuck to the floor but my body kept moving and I ended up going into a kneeling (think wedding proposal) position on my right knee. My full weight went onto my right toes causing them to bend awkwardly (remember, my shoe was stuck to the court). I attempted to finish the match but was in so much pain I had to withdraw. I am not happy about this because I am competitive by nature and hate giving up. I took off my shoe, iced for 20 min intervals, and took some Advil. My foot looked okay so I figured it was soft tissue damage. By the time I got home, the pain hadn't subsided. DS looked at my foot and asked about the ridge by my big toe. What ridge? Indeed, the bone structure of my foot had changed so off to the ER I went. Evidently, I had a bone spur/secondary bone growth that broke off when I fell. It's now sitting on top of and to the medial side of the big toe. The only way to fix it is surgery.


Dr's orders? No tennis, no activity that requires putting pressure on my foot since there's a possibility of nerve damage. 90% of my current lifestyle involves me being on my feet. I'm happy and stable. I've worked diligently to get to this place.


I haven't cried yet. I want to but I haven't. Until I can speak with the ortho surgeon, I am in limbo. Starting tomorrow I guess I'll begin working on upper body conditioning. Maybe I'll switch my March challenge from the sub 30 5K to the  "complete a pull up". I must persist.

Edited by The Accidental Coach
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What is feeling off about your at home workout? Are you not used to the moves you are doing, not enjoying them, or feel they aren't challenging enough??


I'm not used to it. I was enjoying being at the gym three times a week and have since reduced it to one time a week and two at home. I have a training plan for home and so far the one day is going well. I can't figure out how to make my Bowflex do leg extensions (part of the second day's workout) so that was annoying. I should google it today so I'm ready for tomorrow... Also, side planks are part of the second day and I hate side planks. Also, I wish I was just at the gym working out with my trainer :( 

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I am hoping I’ll be back to regular walking by the end of March after breaking my foot at the beginning of January. It’s hot here by April so I’m sad to have missed most the few cool months we get. But I have been consistently doing some strength exercises for the last two months and it has made a difference. I need to keep doing that every day.


I’m also finishing up an eight week health challenge with some friends that included counting calories. It’s the first time I’ve ever done that and I hated it. I never want to deal with that again. But another part of the challenge was eating more vegetables and that went really well. I’ve always eaten five servings a day which was the official rule for the challenge, but I wanted to eat more vegetables at breakfast and lunch and now I have a nice collection of ideas for those meals. The instant pot helped a lot with that.

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Ladies - I have decided my life is a dramatic comedy. I mean, really? Why does this weird stuff happen to me?


During my tennis match yesterday, my tennis shoe stuck to the floor but my body kept moving and I ended up going into a kneeling (think wedding proposal) position on my right knee. My full weight went onto my right toes causing them to bend awkwardly (remember, my shoe was stuck to the court). I attempted to finish the match but was in so much pain I had to withdraw. I am not happy about this because I am competitive by nature and hate giving up. I took off my shoe, iced for 20 min intervals, and took some Advil. My foot looked okay so I figured it was soft tissue damage. By the time I got home, the pain hadn't subsided. DS looked at my foot and asked about the ridge by my big toe. What ridge? Indeed, the bone structure of my foot had changed so off to the ER I went. Evidently, I had a bone spur/secondary bone growth that broke off when I fell. It's now sitting on top of and to the medial side of the big toe. The only way to fix it is surgery.


Dr's orders? No tennis, no activity that requires putting pressure on my foot since there's a possibility of nerve damage. 90% of my current lifestyle involves me being on my feet. I'm happy and stable. I've worked diligently to get to this place.


I haven't cried yet. I want to but I haven't. Until I can speak with the ortho surgeon, I am in limbo. Starting tomorrow I guess I'll begin working on upper body conditioning. Maybe I'll switch my March challenge from the sub 30 5K to the  "complete a pull up". I must persist.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. ((hugs))  You will recover and get back into tennis again. This is just a temporary set-back. Do what you can from sitting on the side of the tennis court for now. I believe that almost every single olympic/elite athlete goes through this at some point in their career. It can be a blessing in disguise for some of them, as they have the time to work on the mental aspect of their sport. You will grow as an athlete and you'll grow as a coach having gone through this. Stay strong!  :grouphug:

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Coach (hugs) I'm so sorry! I hope the doctor has good news for you and recovery is as quick as possible, that stinks so much.


Amira- I'd love some of your veggie recipes, keeping my veggie intake high is one of my goals too.


Sarah- Oh, new stuff is always a bit uncomfortable. I don't mind side planks so much, now lunges I hate lunges.


Olga- congrats on the loss and improvements in fencing. Coconut products have higher calories. I put a sprinkle of nuts/seeds on my salads and sometimes have a bit of pecans on an apple w/ "milk" in the am. Most salad dressing have a good amount of calories too, salads are an easy way to get in some calories. 


mamaraby- Woohoo! for good food!!!


Ivy- (hugs) here's hoping for a good month for you


PinkTulip- LOL- sounds like a rough day Thursday! Glad to hear the rowing is working as a release.



re: swimsuits- I have a top from Title Nine that I really bought a hair small, it is my favorite but I only wear it when I'm on my smaller side(like my size now or smaller)- then I have another tankini top from after my last baby was born so it is a bit too big. I wear swim shorts, I feel self conscious in regular swim bottoms besides the fact that my hips are bigger I feel terrified I'll forget to shave! I just got my last swim shorts on Amazon, that was way cheaper than I could find them anywhere else. I'd love to get a new full suit but gosh they are so expensive and really I don't swim that much. I've got another pair of Patagonias but they aren't as comfortable and really a hair too long.


My friend couldn't make it to "play" yesterday so I did an easy workout at home. I did push-ups (elevated), shoulder retractions (pull-up prep), and squats with my kb (it is only 26 pounds but whatever I did more reps). 


My energy is feeling better. Off and on last week I had some dizzyness, it occurred to me to measure my bp Saturday after having so much an issue Friday afternoon and I was only at 80s/50s. Now, I usually run low but had got up to 100s/70s. I'm not sure if the magnesium I'd been taking has lowered it or what but I started back drinking salted water and am feeling better and have stopped the magnesium for the time being- we'll see if it continues to improve. I didn't do much walking but stayed really busy around the house this weekend. 


Today I hope to get in a walk or maybe do a walk-in of a TaiChi clas when I'm in town, it is raining hard here so no outside walks today.

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I didn't end up going to the gym all week.  I just wasn't feeling all that well.  I am nearly back to normal now.  My allergies are SO BAD lately though.  It's ruining the quality of my life.  *sigh* 


So I do hope to get to the gym this week.  I want to spend most of today studying for my exam tomorrow. 

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Ladies - I have decided my life is a dramatic comedy. I mean, really? Why does this weird stuff happen to me?


During my tennis match yesterday, my tennis shoe stuck to the floor but my body kept moving and I ended up going into a kneeling (think wedding proposal) position on my right knee. My full weight went onto my right toes causing them to bend awkwardly (remember, my shoe was stuck to the court). I attempted to finish the match but was in so much pain I had to withdraw. I am not happy about this because I am competitive by nature and hate giving up. I took off my shoe, iced for 20 min intervals, and took some Advil. My foot looked okay so I figured it was soft tissue damage. By the time I got home, the pain hadn't subsided. DS looked at my foot and asked about the ridge by my big toe. What ridge? Indeed, the bone structure of my foot had changed so off to the ER I went. Evidently, I had a bone spur/secondary bone growth that broke off when I fell. It's now sitting on top of and to the medial side of the big toe. The only way to fix it is surgery.


Dr's orders? No tennis, no activity that requires putting pressure on my foot since there's a possibility of nerve damage. 90% of my current lifestyle involves me being on my feet. I'm happy and stable. I've worked diligently to get to this place.


I haven't cried yet. I want to but I haven't. Until I can speak with the ortho surgeon, I am in limbo. Starting tomorrow I guess I'll begin working on upper body conditioning. Maybe I'll switch my March challenge from the sub 30 5K to the  "complete a pull up". I must persist.


Oh man...I'm sorry.

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Accidental Coach - Sorry to hear about the injury! Injuries stink!


Ran 7 miles outside yesterday with dh. It flew by so fast which I took to be a sign that I had developed my boredom handling muscle in my brain, but dh pointed out it was probably because everything felt so new since it’s the first time we’ve run the trail in months. He’s probably right, but I like my idea better.


We’re going to go run and do strength training together today.


soror - glad to hear your energy is up some. Dizziness isn’t any fun, though. Hope you get it straightened out.

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You all were busy and I was sedentary and at the ortho's office. I'm not sure how I'm feeling. I know it's a small thing when the big picture is considered but I'm sad about it today. The joint on my big toe is gone(not unexpected). There are two bone spurs that require removal(surprise). Without surgery the doc predicts I have a year before the damage is irreparable. With surgery, I might get 5-10 years of use if there are no other injuries. The issues are degenerative so nothing will be 100%. He was surprised that I am still playing tennis with this amount of damage.


I have to wait for the soft tissue injuries to heal before any other treatment can be done. We're going to postpone surgery so I can play in USTA districts in May. I'll be getting cortisone shots to get me through. I have to rethink my coaching style for now since I cannot be on court and running around. This obviously means no sub 30 5k this month. I'm givingng myself tonight for my pity party then I'm going to create a new goal, a new challenge, and formulate a new plan.


I will persist and I will continue to move forward.

Edited by The Accidental Coach
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Martial arts class tonight--very high energy and full of drill that accomplished a lot in terms of both physical activity and solidifying the new techniques and patterns for me.  My son is dyslexic and therefore is having more than the typical amount of trouble remembering front hand/leg, back hand/leg (since they switch so much) so I need to work with him more at home.  I did some bodyweight exercises this morning and a shortish run after lunch, all with the goal of tiring myself out enough that I sleep through the night.  Stupid stress-induced insomnia.  Yesterday I was able to do a few real pushups, so that's encouraging.  Here's hoping I have the energy to do it all over again tomorrow!

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More hugs Coach, that sucks, please keep us updated.


Ivy- congrats on the push-ups!


Interesting food info I made baked eggplant (gluten free/dairy free) when I added up all the calories it worked out to about 65 calories per slice (21 slices in my eggplant). I would not have guessed that but they are very filling and incredibly delicious and now I've got leftovers for lunches, wooTT!

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It's a new day! I found an exercise regimen that will help me strengthen my back and arms while not putting any pressure on my foot. I found a push up substitute that works the same upper body muscles (not the core though) and I'm hoping that will help. Working on upper body strength will help with my tennis game when I can get back to playing; I'm thinking about the increase in power, esp. in my serves.


Today's plan - cardio and weight training with the teams. Trying my new arms & back weight routine. Back to no sugar. Yesterday was rough and I ate some GF girl scout cookies. I am extending myself some grace and will not feel guilty about it.  :)


While I was sleeping off the pain meds yesterday, the doc called and gave me some home therapy exercises to do for my toe to keep the joint from seizing up. He said it will hurt quite a bit but if I want to keep playing at the rate I have been (working toward that next NTRP level) I will have to do something.


I'm also going to look for the old style tennis shoe with a bit more support in the toe box.



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Coach, your attitude is inspiring - I’m so glad you were able to find some alternatives and keep working.


I rowed for a long time today to make up for not rowing last Friday or Monday. I’m tired now, but at the same time feel so energized that I can row for such a long time.

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I waited for dh to go to the gym yesterday and the when we home, he decided he didn’t want to go. Took it as a rest day instead.


I did treadmill hill intervals today. I’ll go to the gym tomorrow by myself to do the running/strength training I had planned on doing with dh yesterday.

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So I did a short run in the morning (maybe 20 mins) and then had martial arts in the evening, which was quite sweaty and strenuous.  I enjoy hitting the punching bags and the air shields (body-sized pads the instructors hold against their body so you can hit a person-type object), but I do NOT enjoy the soreness after.  Hitting the bags must jar my neck or put strain on those muscles somehow, because the morning after a session my neck and shoulders are so tense and painful.  Also I must have tweaked my wrist while punching, because I've got nerve pain radiating up my forearm.  Bah.  Unfortunately I have so much adrenaline during the workout that I don't notice when I'm overdoing it until waaaay later.

On a positive note, I came home, snarfed down a low-carb supper, and passed out at 9:30.  That was nice!

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It's a new day! I found an exercise regimen that will help me strengthen my back and arms while not putting any pressure on my foot. I found a push up substitute that works the same upper body muscles (not the core though) and I'm hoping that will help. Working on upper body strength will help with my tennis game when I can get back to playing; I'm thinking about the increase in power, esp. in my serves.


Today's plan - cardio and weight training with the teams. Trying my new arms & back weight routine. Back to no sugar. Yesterday was rough and I ate some GF girl scout cookies. I am extending myself some grace and will not feel guilty about it.  :)


While I was sleeping off the pain meds yesterday, the doc called and gave me some home therapy exercises to do for my toe to keep the joint from seizing up. He said it will hurt quite a bit but if I want to keep playing at the rate I have been (working toward that next NTRP level) I will have to do something.


I'm also going to look for the old style tennis shoe with a bit more support in the toe box.




Sounds great! It's nice to have a supportive dr who is ready to help you keep moving. When I broke my big toe at my black belt test, the ER dr said I needed to stop walking for a week. It was stupid and impossible with 4 young kids. I was in so much pain from sitting around with my foot elevated, I stopped after a couple days, and just got on with my life. I had no complications of bone spurs, so I was only dealing with a simple fracture. It healed fine and I have no problems playing tennis.


I like your plan to keep moving, protect the toe in a sensible way, and get on with your life as you'd like to live it.  :hurray:

Edited by wintermom
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It's a new day! I found an exercise regimen that will help me strengthen my back and arms while not putting any pressure on my foot. I found a push up substitute that works the same upper body muscles (not the core though) and I'm hoping that will help. Working on upper body strength will help with my tennis game when I can get back to playing; I'm thinking about the increase in power, esp. in my serves.


Today's plan - cardio and weight training with the teams. Trying my new arms & back weight routine. Back to no sugar. Yesterday was rough and I ate some GF girl scout cookies. I am extending myself some grace and will not feel guilty about it.  :)


While I was sleeping off the pain meds yesterday, the doc called and gave me some home therapy exercises to do for my toe to keep the joint from seizing up. He said it will hurt quite a bit but if I want to keep playing at the rate I have been (working toward that next NTRP level) I will have to do something.


I'm also going to look for the old style tennis shoe with a bit more support in the toe box.




Great! So great that you found an exercise program that works! I'm back to no sugar, too. Nothing like a new day :) 

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Well I made it to the gym.  It almost killed me (motivation wise).  But I did it!


And...AND I very very badly wanted chips at the store, but instead I bought a bag of broccoli and cauliflower. 


Go me.


That's awesome! The gym and vegetables instead of chips. Two big wins in one day!!

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Feeling good again today. We have some major family upheaval going on and I vacillate between being positive and ready to take on the world and feeling like there is no point to getting off the couch. Monday was a bad day. Tuesday I felt awesome, got a ton done, worked out at home and had an excellent run with my group (even though we had 40 km/hr NE winds). Today I got to go to the gym :) The actual gym. Not my home gym. Had a fantastic workout. I'm feeling great.


I'm still working through the Beck Diet Solution, which isn't a diet, but is a CBT program that works with any diet. It has me planning out what I'm going to eat the night before. I am actually liking this method, so far. It was kind of fun last night entering in all my food into Lose It and tweaking my meals until I got my macros right. I have 19 days before we leave for the Dominican. The last time we went on a tropical vacation was two years ago when we went to Cuba. When we got home I stepped on the scale and it said 183.9 lbs - that's what started my whole weight loss and fitness quest. 


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Wintermom - mine isn't a new injury. Years back (when I was in my 30s) my horse spooked and jumped while I was grooming her. She landed on my toe and I ended up with a fracture and a destroyed joint. Since then I have had intermittent issues with the toe associated with degenerative arthritis and dislodged bone fragments. Those fragments are what we think lead to the bone spurs. I knew years ago that my foot health was going to be an issue as I aged. I have taken many precautions with shoes - no heels, wide flat soled boots, men's footwear, etc - for years and have just dealt with the foot pain while hiking and playing tennis. In truth, hiking doesn't hurt much since hiking boots tend to be sturdy.


Moral of this story - wear appropriate shoes when grooming horses

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Just checking in: it's a rough week for me and fitness. I'm out of town to help a loved one and there are sad things afoot and the weather has been cold (and dumping snow right now). I missed some opportunity to walk because I needed to help out, but that seems correct priorities. I have also hurt my back somehow--it's very stiff. My guess is that it was a long drive in the backseat of a pick-up truck (very cramped and rigid back seat) and that my back is now "touchy." To top it off, we get served delicious dinners every night. (I usually go light on dinner at home.) I do well with eating at home because I just don't put stuff in front of myself that I can't eat a lot of. That strategy is not possible at someone else's home, and I feel like my mental bandwidth is already taxed with all that is going on 


I had gained a couple pounds in Jan and am up another pound since being here. 


It should be spring for real by the time I get back home this weekend, so at least beautiful weather will call to me to get me back on track then! 

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